Updated Presidents ranking

You who hates all things Republican loves our history’s most heinous president, who was a Republican.
Back then, the ideologies were switched.
Lincoln was a liberal. I am aware he found black peoples to be inferior, but his policies clearly did not reflect that opinion.
Back then, the ideologies were switched.
Lincoln was a liberal. I am aware he found black peoples to be inferior, but his policies clearly did not reflect that opinion.
EVERYONE from that era thought blacks were inferior

Lincoln was one of the few prominent political voices of the era that favored abolition
Lincoln was the right man for the time

Look at the Presidents before him, Fillmore, Pierce and Buchanan. Weak men who refused to take strong action to resolve Slavery

Look at the Presidents after him, Johnson, Grant and Hayes
More weak Presidents
you believe the myth of Lincoln perpetrated by... well, frankly, liars.

He suspended habeas corpus, forced at least one person out of Congress (he was exiled to the Confederacy, then went to Canada, but was nominated governor in absentia because not everyone agreed w/ the tyrant in chief.. This was Vallandigham

He instigated a war that did not have to happen... all those lost American lives and he could have freed the slaves in a non-bloody way but didn't..

he was the first liberal... he was the one to start this Big Government roll th US is now on. I have not verified the following but I hear that Karl Marx admired him..

that says it all right there
you believe the myth of Lincoln perpetrated by... well, frankly, liars.

He suspended habeas corpus, forced at least one person out of Congress (he was exiled to the Confederacy, then went to Canada, but was nominated governor in absentia because not everyone agreed w/ the tyrant in chief.. This was Vallandigham

He instigated a war that did not have to happen... all those lost American lives and he could have freed the slaves in a non-bloody way but didn't..

he was the first liberal... he was the one to start this Big Government roll th US is now on
Desperate times called for desperate measures
Lincoln was a strong leader who did what was necessary to save the country

Weaker men would have allowed it to split
not playing
He was a racist. He didn't believe in whites marrying blacks.. He wanted to send blacks back to Africa even though most had only knwn America as their home.. He said that if he could save the union by ending slavery, he would do so and if he could save it by not ending it, he would do that...

He was a tyrant and no a humanitarian.. He could have ended slavery without one person dying on the battlefield but he chose not to.

just like the demonrats of today who do not care about human life, from womb to whenever...
He instigated a war that did not have to happen... all those lost American lives and he could have freed the slaves in a non-bloody way but didn't..

The South instigated a war by overreacting to the election of Lincoln
He was a racist. He didn't believe in whites marrying blacks.. He wanted to send blacks back to Africa even though most had only knwn America as their home.. He said that if he could save the union by ending slavery, he would so so and if he could save it by not ending it, he would do that...

He was a tyrant and not a humanitarian.. He could have ended slavery without one person dying on the battlefield but he chose not to.

just like the demonrats of today who do not care about human life, from womb to whenever...
not playing
Back then, the ideologies were switched.
Lincoln was a liberal. I am aware he found black peoples to be inferior, but his policies clearly did not reflect that opinion.

He could have freed the slaves in states the North controlled, but his wonderful Emancipation Proclamation only applied to states not under the North’s control. So, you’re wrong.
Desperate times called for desperate measures
Lincoln was a strong leader who did what was necessary to save the country

Weaker men would have allowed it to split
right. Strong to dimrats means: Ignores the Constitution

and kill people who get in the way...

How can u look yourself in the mirror belonging to such a VILE party...
Your ignorance of history is expected. Or your lies. Either way, your posts are useless.
Actually he is not far off the truth. Lincoln didn't exactly attack but he sent a supply ship to Fr Sumter knowing it would be fired on. He wanted to start the War..

but again, he could have ended slavery without the war.. and if he had let the South go, they would have eventually come back into the union

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