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Actually he is not far off the truth. Lincoln didn't exactly attack but he sent a supply ship to Fr Sumter knowing it would be fired on. He wanted to start the War..
Let’s no quibble. The President had every right to supply one of our Forts. Regardless of how the South took it. They are the ones who opened fire. Not the North. I doubt he wanted a war. No evidence supports that claim.
but again, he could have ended slavery without the war..

No. He couldn’t have.
and if he had let the South go, they would have eventually come back into the union
Says who? What’s the basis for that fantasy?
The South overreacted to the election of Lincoln and rushed to create a Nation of Slavery

Lincoln wasn’t going to end slavery. He couldn’t even if he wanted to

Secession ended slavery in four years
of course he wasnt. He supported making slavery a constitutional right forever lolz
of course he wasnt. He supported making slavery a constitutional right forever lolz

Lincolns primary goal was to preserve the Union
He wanted us to move gradually away from slavery, which would of happened if the South had not forced the issue
Lincolns primary goal was to preserve the Union
He wanted us to move gradually away from slavery, which would of happened if the South had not forced the issue
Yes, he was worried about the economy. He didnt give 2 shits about the blacks.
Lincolns primary goal was to preserve the Union
He wanted us to move gradually away from slavery, which would of happened if the South had not forced the issue
No. Lincoln’s primary goal was enriching his wealthy donors in the Northeast and the federal government, by imposing a harmful tax on the southern states.
He was a racist. He didn't believe in whites marrying blacks.. He wanted to send blacks back to Africa even though most had only knwn America as their home.. He said that if he could save the union by ending slavery, he would do so and if he could save it by not ending it, he would do that...

He was a tyrant and no a humanitarian.. He could have ended slavery without one person dying on the battlefield but he chose not to.

just like the demonrats of today who do not care about human life, from womb to whenever...

And he saved the United States.

Actually he is not far off the truth. Lincoln didn't exactly attack but he sent a supply ship to Fr Sumter knowing it would be fired on. He wanted to start the War..

but again, he could have ended slavery without the war.. and if he had let the South go, they would have eventually come back into the union

The fort was, and still is, U.S. property.

By being fired upon? :cuckoo:
Lol. Such a dumb retort, yet it’s always presented by the Lincoln Cult. You’re stuck in 3rd grade government school.

Fort Sumter was not in the USA. It was occupied by an enemy force. That force agreed to leave, as Union forces had peacefully done in all federal installations in the seceding states. Then Lincoln stepped in and pulled a false flag of sorts.

Do you think a war that destroyed half the nation and killed close to a million Americans was warranted because SC fired on a fort and no one was injured or killed?

Learn real history don’t be dumb forever.
Lol. Such a dumb retort, yet it’s always presented by the Lincoln Cult. You’re stuck in 3rd grade government school.

Fort Sumter was not in the USA. It was occupied by an enemy force. That force agreed to leave, as Union forces had peacefully done in all federal installations in the seceding states. Then Lincoln stepped in and pulled a false flag of sorts.

Do you think a war that destroyed half the nation and killed close to a million Americans was warranted because SC fired on a fort and no one was injured or killed?

Learn real history don’t be dumb forever.


Cracks me up when idiots call my posts dumb while exposing themselves as morons.

Imbecile, it was legally owned by the U.S.. South Carolina ceded that property to the U.S. in 1836...

Resolved That this State do cede to the United States all the right title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory

United States Military Reservations, National Cemeteries, and Military Parks

Cracks me up when idiots call my posts dumb while exposing themselves as morons.

Imbecile, it was legally owned by the U.S.. South Carolina ceded that property to the U.S. in 1836...

Resolved That this State do cede to the United States all the right title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory
Wow! Just amazing.

Cracks me up when idiots call my posts dumb while exposing themselves as morons.

Imbecile, it was legally owned by the U.S.. South Carolina ceded that property to the U.S. in 1836...

Resolved That this State do cede to the United States all the right title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory
Do you deny Ft Sumter resides in the state of South Carolina?
No. It's in their harbor.
Do you deny SC seceded from the Union, prior to firing on the fort?

Do you deny the federal troops had previously agreed to evacuate the fort, just as all other federal installations had done all over the South?

Do you deny there were no injuries from the shelling of the fort?

Do you deny Lincoln inserted himself requesting the commander not surrender, and accept resupply from an approaching Union ship?
Do you deny SC seceded from the Union, prior to firing on the fort?

Do you deny the federal troops had previously agreed to evacuate the fort, just as all other federal installations had done all over the South?

Do you deny there were no injuries from the shelling of the fort?

Do you deny Lincoln inserted himself requesting the commander not surrender, and accept resupply from an approaching Union ship?


Yes. The U.S. did not voluntarily evacuate all other federal installations all over the south. In many, they were forced out by the south. Which is what happened at Fort Sumter where troops there were being forced to leave. Anderson agreed but not immediately. The south rejected that.


They are in an annex of the survey
Republicans don’t trust Historians anyway

Just like they don’t trust Scientists, Healthcare Professionals, Elections, Polls, Weathermen, Educators or anyone else who presents information that doesn’t meet their agenda
Science that tells us life begins at conception, that you are born either male or female and surgery doesn't change that fact? That science that you ignore?

Yes. The U.S. did not voluntarily evacuate all other federal installations all over the south. In many, they were forced out by the south. Which is what happened at Fort Sumter where troops there were being forced to leave. Anderson agreed but not immediately. The south rejected that.


SC rejected it only after learning Lincoln had a resupply ship heading for the fort. They then realized the deception and shelled the fort. Unfortunately their actions allowed the tyrant to make war on Americans (and you approve), which is an act of treason for which he should have been hung by the neck until dead in 1861.
SC rejected it only after learning Lincoln had a resupply ship heading for the fort. They then realized the deception and shelled the fort. Unfortunately their actions allowed the tyrant to make war on Americans (and you approve), which is an act of treason for which he should have been hung by the neck until dead in 1861.

False. That ship was not the first ship that South Carolina fired upon.They had been trying to seize Fort Sumter for months. And again, it was U.S. property. South Carolina had no legal claims to it. If another country tried seizing an embassy of ours inside their own country, that too would be an act of war. Same with Fort Sumter. Lincoln had every right to defend that fort.

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