Updated Presidents ranking

The January 6 attack on the capital to help Donny overthrow the election was right wing violence. So was the right wing idiot that attacked the FBI this week. Most people just not intimidated by the asshole fringe.
Really? It looks a lot more like a false flag to cover up the obvious fraud. But hey, that is just me and half of the country.
I see you don't know what a simp is
I speak English, try it sometime. If you and the internet are going to make up words from actual words, try using something that resembles the root. Sympathize. Beside the point, your context sucks as well. You don't stand for anything. You stand against Trump, that is fair. But you try to distance yourself from standing FOR anything as you've done in your reply.
Noted Historians
Seen here no doubt

Yes it is. There is no objective measures here to point out what is better or worse. Those are VALUE judgments. By definition, those are subjective and a matter of opinion.

Really? It looks a lot more like a false flag to cover up the obvious fraud. But hey, that is just me and half of the country.
I heard that is what Donny said, but he is known to repeatedly lie.
They are in an annex of the survey
Republicans don’t trust Historians anyway

Just like they don’t trust Scientists, Healthcare Professionals, Elections, Polls, Weathermen, Educators or anyone else who presents information that doesn’t meet their agenda

We trust WISE historians, scientists, Healthcare Professional, etc. but not the hopelessly indoctrinated ones. Many of these folks fit into this category, intelligent but extremely unwise, conceited and stubborn.
I speak English, try it sometime. If you and the internet are going to make up words from actual words, try using something that resembles the root. Sympathize. Beside the point, your context sucks as well. You don't stand for anything. You stand against Trump, that is fair. But you try to distance yourself from standing FOR anything as you've done in your reply.
You don't know what simp means, and you're probably also cucked
I disagree. I knew halfway through Carter's admin that he was a lousy president. I'll grant you, I believe he was an honest man (probably the last one) and his heart was good, but he was a lousy president. W was a lousy, no good, lying POS, Obama was a lying, racist, globalist, anti-American POS as well. After Biden, W and Obama will go down as the worst. Carter is probably breathing a sigh of relief.
Good thing you're a nobody and no one gives a shit about your opinion. Thuggish trump is lucky he was not ranked the worst ever, although not much better than that. You are just another sore loser, Biden is president and you just have to suck it up....

We trust WISE historians, scientists, Healthcare Professional, etc. but not the hopelessly indoctrinated ones. Many of these folks fit into this category, intelligent but extremely unwise, conceited and stubborn.
conservatives don’t trust any subject matter expert who disagrees with their agenda

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