Upon My Stars!!

the founders did NOT plan a system in which the minority of the minority party gets to set policy.

Why do you hate the founders and democracy?
They didn't plan a society in which the Demmies get to vote 30 times apiece and practice omerta or get union gooned to death, either, TM.
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You can bet the world is topsy turvy when a party who claims to support small government is advocating passing laws which require citizens to own firearms. They used to believe in balanced budgets but that disappeared when Reagan and the Bushes ran up a ten trillion dollar debt. Now they're very simply the party of "NO"

Next thing you know the Republicans will all be in the nuthouse.
The colonists were required by law to grow hemp to make ropes for ships, too. But they were too busy surviving to enjoy it. :lmao:
And they've finally been found out. They've lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. What's really amazing is if you watch Fox and their guests you would think they won five of the last six. 'Course when they predicted a landslide for Romney that pretty well revealed the hermetically sealed bubble they live in.

Kind of hard to win the popular vote, with the record numbers of people we are seeing on Welfare, and Food Stamps. Imagine what's going to happen to those votes when other people's money finally runs out.

Shucks......you ain't seen nothing yet. The only two demographics Romulus won was White men and folks over 65. Folks over 65 are dying at a rate 100 times faster than college students and Hispanics are coming in every day. Get used to it. Your bullshit has run it's course.

And what bullshit would that be? :confused:

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