Upper, middle and lower classes...

Do these seem valid? The limit for "Upper" seems really low.


Based on Pew’s analysis, a household of three needs an income of $156,600 to meet the definition of upper class, which amounts to more than double the national median.


Based on Pew’s calculator, middle class earners are actually those whos income falls between $52,200 and $156,600, or two-thirds to double the national median when adjusted for local cost of living and household size. In 2021, the median income was $70,784, according to Census Bureau data.


Based on Pew’s analysis, a three-person household would be considered low-income if they’re bringing in less than $52,200 a year. This group makes up a significant chunk of the U.S. population, with about 38% of households making less than $50,000 in 2021.
Just proves stupidity and laziness abound.
It depends on where you live.

If you are making $52,000 and spending $50,000, you are richer than a person making $156000 and spending $175000.

It isn't what you make,it is what you keep.
That does not matter, the income level is the same whether one person is brining it in or it is divided between the 3

You lefties tend to chitter on a good deal about “class.” What a fucktarded concept.

In truth, you aren’t discussing “classes.” You’re talking about income strata.
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Really depends on where you live too so you need to index it to a town. $156k in Birmingham is different than $156k Los Angeles.
Yes... these kinds of broad strokes with such a large/varied country as America really doesn't work.
I live in Mid/Southern Indiana... our home is valued at $280,000.
In California... holy hell... no doubt it would be well-well over a $million if not closer to $2 million.
5 bedrooms/3.5 baths... 1/3 acre.. 2 kitchens..... you would have to be making at least $400k to have that kind of house in metro CA.

You lefties tend to chitter on a good deal about “class.” What a fucktarded concept.

In truth, you aren’t discussing “classes.” Your talking about income strata.


You lefties tend to chitter on a good deal about “class.” What a fucktarded concept.

In truth, you aren’t discussing “classes.” Your talking about income strata.

Income class ... yeah ... this tends to dictate social class in the United States, with capitalism entrenched and all ... in other places and at other times, the opposite was true ... born a serf, you'll die a serf ... changes aren't allowed ... we simply extend divine rights of the nobility to the commoners ... hope for the best ...

The Rich will never socialize with The Poor ... they have nothing in common ... that's another 1st Amendment right ...
Meh, upper, middle and lower class are just arbitrary labels. I know some guys who make 200K per year as contract engineers but thanks to divorces, bad investments and basically being dumbshits about money aren't putting much away for retirement.
The rich don't like the middle or lower class. The ways it's always been. Nothing new here. The two are at odds with each other as it has been directed.
Justify your classist beliefs. Dance little monkey! Dance!

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

I know, I should be more like you and just make up meanings for words! How dare anyone go by the actual definition of a word.
How about this: "Rich" is having enough income to...
  • comfortably pay to keep the roof you want over your head, with tangible annual progress at owning it outright,
  • pay for your necessary daily activities, including reliable vehicles,
  • pay for some recreational activities that enhance your life,
  • Take at least one "nice" vacation per year, without going into debt to pay for it,
  • survive an occasional $2,500 "surprise," without too much pain (once every 24-36 months),
  • zero out all credit card balances at least once per year, and
  • put 10% of your gross into investments and/or a retirement account.
This makes you "comfortable," but not wealthy, and I would venture to say that these metrics could be maintained in most of the U.S. with an annual income of $150k. Unless you live in a high COL area, if you are making that much and not meeting them, you are a poor money manager or a spendthrift. That would have to change.

Paying for kids' higher education is a giant factor that MUST be managed. It should not cause the above metrics to be missed. Consider: Community College, trade school, night school, apprenticeships, grants, scholarships, student loans, GI Bill(!), and employers who will help with tuition (WalMart, Starbucks, Amazon, McDonald's, etc.).

Middle Class is missing those metrics, but getting by without major economic catastrophe, and getting no worse off, year after year.

Lower economic class is living in a way that probably misses all of the above metrics, with the situation getting worse as time goes by. Hoping for an inheritance or a lottery win. If that's your situation you have to do whatever is necessary to get to the middle class.
The rich don't like the middle or lower class. The ways it's always been. Nothing new here. The two are at odds with each other as it has been directed.
The poor doesn’t like the rich or middle class, the middle class don’t like the rich or the poor as well. Please be honest and impartial.
Sounds like a marketing survey. lol. Whatever. I'm not rich & don't want to enjoy riches. I seek the truth, peace & prosperity(==> when I have money and everything that is needed for a good life ). :)

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