Urgent Help needed for fellow human beings in a dire situation.

Confederate Soldier

Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2021
Here me out - I don't care what your political creed is, and neither should you - there are people in Afghanistan who are in dire trouble. As of right now, there are upwards of 4,000+ men, women, and children that are to be killed by the Taliban. In years past, the government had their ID cards to include their religion, stating that they were Christian. Even if you are an atheist, view these folks as fellow human beings. The Taliban is actively searching for Christians to murder, RIGHT NOW at this very moment. The punishments under Taliban rule planned for these people are nightmarish. Death is planned for most, by beheading, shooting, or even Crucifixion.

There are planes lined up and flying in and out of Afghanistan, but the cost to fly thee people out, is at $4,000 per person. It is an insane price that was put on peoples heads by greedy charter companies, but this organization is desperately trying to raise the money quickly. This forum will not raise all the money, but even if people just gave a few dollars, it adds up. It helps. Please just consider your fellow man, and help these poor folks out. It's getting desperate over there.

I agree . And don't forget the people in Haiti. We all need to have a conversation to decide what we as a country stand for and who we support. And how far we are to go with our support.
Here me out - I don't care what your political creed is, and neither should you - there are people in Afghanistan who are in dire trouble. As of right now, there are upwards of 4,000+ men, women, and children that are to be killed by the Taliban. In years past, the government had their ID cards to include their religion, stating that they were Christian. Even if you are an atheist, view these folks as fellow human beings. The Taliban is actively searching for Christians to murder, RIGHT NOW at this very moment. The punishments under Taliban rule planned for these people are nightmarish. Death is planned for most, by beheading, shooting, or even Crucifixion.

There are planes lined up and flying in and out of Afghanistan, but the cost to fly thee people out, is at $4,000 per person. It is an insane price that was put on peoples heads by greedy charter companies, but this organization is desperately trying to raise the money quickly. This forum will not raise all the money, but even if people just gave a few dollars, it adds up. It helps. Please just consider your fellow man, and help these poor folks out. It's getting desperate over there.

Glenn Beck eh? They seem to do some good...all in the name of influencing narrative and agenda, of course..but a rescued kid is a rescued kid~
Here me out - I don't care what your political creed is, and neither should you - there are people in Afghanistan who are in dire trouble. As of right now, there are upwards of 4,000+ men, women, and children that are to be killed by the Taliban. In years past, the government had their ID cards to include their religion, stating that they were Christian. Even if you are an atheist, view these folks as fellow human beings. The Taliban is actively searching for Christians to murder, RIGHT NOW at this very moment. The punishments under Taliban rule planned for these people are nightmarish. Death is planned for most, by beheading, shooting, or even Crucifixion.

There are planes lined up and flying in and out of Afghanistan, but the cost to fly thee people out, is at $4,000 per person. It is an insane price that was put on peoples heads by greedy charter companies, but this organization is desperately trying to raise the money quickly. This forum will not raise all the money, but even if people just gave a few dollars, it adds up. It helps. Please just consider your fellow man, and help these poor folks out. It's getting desperate over there.

There isn't anything at your link that I could find that links this fund, to helping the Afghani people or Christians in Afghanistan? Did I just miss it? I even listened to the guy on the video talking about the fund and its mission...????
Here me out - I don't care what your political creed is, and neither should you - there are people in Afghanistan who are in dire trouble. As of right now, there are upwards of 4,000+ men, women, and children that are to be killed by the Taliban. In years past, the government had their ID cards to include their religion, stating that they were Christian. Even if you are an atheist, view these folks as fellow human beings. The Taliban is actively searching for Christians to murder, RIGHT NOW at this very moment. The punishments under Taliban rule planned for these people are nightmarish. Death is planned for most, by beheading, shooting, or even Crucifixion.

There are planes lined up and flying in and out of Afghanistan, but the cost to fly thee people out, is at $4,000 per person. It is an insane price that was put on peoples heads by greedy charter companies, but this organization is desperately trying to raise the money quickly. This forum will not raise all the money, but even if people just gave a few dollars, it adds up. It helps. Please just consider your fellow man, and help these poor folks out. It's getting desperate over there.

Thanks Biden. Thanks democrats. Hope your happy that you stole the election and got your brain dead basement dweller elected. Fine job indeed.. blood is on your hands and it won't wash off easily.
President Cheney and his sidekick W should cough up the money for this operation. Afterall, they’re the ones that got us into this mess in the first place.
There isn't anything at your link that I could find that links this fund, to helping the Afghani people or Christians in Afghanistan? Did I just miss it? I even listened to the guy on the video talking about the fund and its mission...????
He was on the radio today talking about it. Like all charities money is fungible so do your homework.
I believe it to be good faith effort but until we deal with our border and the mass influx of illegals who are already gonna put a strain on our services I'm opting out.
Those trapped should have known what would happen as soon as Biden stole the election, and left before shit hit the fan. I feel for them. I do. But....American Citizens over there knew better.
I agree . And don't forget the people in Haiti. We all need to have a conversation to decide what we as a country stand for and who we support. And how far we are to go with our support.
Lets not forget the folks in Chicago. They need bullet proof vests and shooting lessons.
The speed at which Biden and his band of anti-Americans has thrown America and the world into chaos has stunned even me. This is so bad, it is beyond partisan bickering. He hasn't even finished his first year, where are we going to be with three more years of this insanity? And all pathetic Biden supporters can do is offer up YABUT TRUMP!!

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