URGENT: The Saga Of The Saudi National Who Was Once A "Person of Interest" In Bombing


College Conservative
Jun 1, 2012
If you haven't heard this story yet, then it is definitely time that you do. A small excerpt is below:

A few hours after the Boston Marathon bombings on April 15, tweets from news organizations present in Boston began reporting that Boston authorities had found a suspect. The New York Post reported that the suspect was "a Saudi national who suffered shrapnel wounds" in the bombing and that he was being guarded in a Boston hospital. Fox News also reported that this "person of interest" was in custody. Meanwhile, Boston police were saying that they had not yet arrested anyone.

Okay, so the police identified someone that they felt may have been involved with the bombings, but they did not specifically place him under arrest. No big deal, right? Well, the story continues.

On Wednesday, April 17, two days after the bombings, terror expert Steve Emerson appeared on "Hannity" and reported that this Saudi national, whose name is Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, is being deported on April 23 "on national security grounds." Hannity also referenced a Reuters report which revealed that Barack Obama met with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal at the White House on Wednesday. The meeting was not on Obama's public schedule.

Glenn Beck's company, TheBlaze, began to investigate this Saudi national and the case surrounding him.

This is what Beck reported after initial investigation:

A source at the FBI and another at the Saudi Embassy referred to the man as connected to an important Saudi family
An "event" was created on this guy. An event is like a file, and this file contained his deportation record. According to ICE, the reason for his deportation is under section 212 3B and is categorized as "Terrorist activities"
His visa had also been revoked around the same time he was ordered to be deported

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of the two part story chronicling this Saudi national and the information that Beck believes he has uncovered on him

Part 1: The Saga Of The Saudi National Once Reported As 'Person of Interest' in Boston Bombings LINK ---> Cameron Harris: The Saga Of The Saudi National Once Reported As 'Person of Interest' in Boston Bombings

Part 2: Glenn Beck: "The Government Has Until Monday"...Well Its Monday LINK---->Cameron Harris: Beck: "The Government Has Until Monday"...Well Monday Is Here
What, exactly, is your point?

its really pretty simple:

who is this guy?

why did the obama admin rush to deport him?

why did obama have an unscheduled meeting with the saudi ambassador just before the deportation order was issued?

another cover up to protect the flow of saudi oil? while we let our oil sit in the ground?
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Wake up people. This is the biggest story of the day.

Bush kissed saudi ass after 9/11 and now obama is doing it.
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.
So the Saudi was linked to the Boston bombing but Obama whisked him out of the country in order to conceal any foreign involvement? (Serious question.)
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

how will we know is he is connected if he is already back in saudi arabia? why the rush to deport him? why the unscheduled meeting with the saudi ambassador?
So the Saudi was linked to the Boston bombing but Obama whisked him out of the country in order to conceal any foreign involvement? (Serious question.)

your question is valid. Why isn't the media asking it?
(1) There are no legitimate sources that lend any credibility to this story.
(2) "The Blaze" is a website by the entertainer and talk radio huffer Glenn Beck.
(3) "The Blaze" is not a news site. It is an entertainment and right wing propaganda site, geared toward making money for Glenn Beck.
(4) Glenn Beck makes money by selling gold, paranoia, conspiracy, and outrage. Thus, this story . . .
O sympathizes and bows to them. Bush was kissing their asses. Clinton bowed to them. This will continue as long as we import x percentage of crude from them. I would like to know why he was in school in Boston.
O sympathizes and bows to them. Bush was kissing their asses. Clinton bowed to them. This will continue as long as we import x percentage of crude from them. I would like to know why he was in school in Boston.

It's not just about oil, though--it is business and wealth in general. Workers are more helpless than ever when it comes to controlling the American government.
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

I call BS. They were flown out of the country before FBI could interrogate them and when no other airplanes were allowed to fly. What in heck makes you think they had nothing to do with 9/11?

I too am curious about this suspect but I don't for one minute think that our government is somehow worse now than when Bush was president. Face it, we lost control of our government a long time ago and we didn't get it back just because a democrat was elected.
This will either flop or it will become a huge nightmare for the people involved. Regardless of what happens, it's got my attention. I'll wait and see before judging anything. To toss it away because Beck is involved would be a huge misstep in my opinion.....
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(1) There are no legitimate sources that lend any credibility to this story.
(2) "The Blaze" is a website by the entertainer and talk radio huffer Glenn Beck.
(3) "The Blaze" is not a news site. It is an entertainment and right wing propaganda site, geared toward making money for Glenn Beck.
(4) Glenn Beck makes money by selling gold, paranoia, conspiracy, and outrage. Thus, this story . . .

You do realize the above is a ridiculous ad hominem attack and has nothing to do with the veracity of Beck's statements, don't you?

Please say you do.

I hate to think you're serious.
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

You do know that Al-harabi is not a family name and only signifies his clan or tribe right? (Saddam Hussein...al-Tikriti, with Hussein being Saddam's father's name.) This is kind of like a child from Iceland being named Helga Ragnarsdottir or Ragnar Bjarnison. It would be like saying everyone from certain counties are terrorists because they come from that county.
If you look back at the OKC bombing it seems that the Feds never looked for "John Doe" #2. McVeigh could not have carried out the bombing alone and the other conspirators arrested and sentenced were not connected with the actual bombing. An educated guess is that JD#2 was an informant and they let him go. Could the same ATF cowboys who gave us the Ruby Ridge siege, Waco, Possibly the OKC bombing and Fast/Furious be involved in the Boston bombing and that's why they hustled this JD#3 out of town? Food for thought anyway.
(1) There are no legitimate sources that lend any credibility to this story.
(2) "The Blaze" is a website by the entertainer and talk radio huffer Glenn Beck.
(3) "The Blaze" is not a news site. It is an entertainment and right wing propaganda site, geared toward making money for Glenn Beck.
(4) Glenn Beck makes money by selling gold, paranoia, conspiracy, and outrage. Thus, this story . . .

You do realize the above is a ridiculous ad hominem attack and has nothing to do with the veracity of Beck's statements, don't you?

Please say you do.

I hate to think you're serious.

The point is that Glenn Beck has no credibility, and he offers no verifiable evidence that anything in his tale is true.
(1) There are no legitimate sources that lend any credibility to this story.
(2) "The Blaze" is a website by the entertainer and talk radio huffer Glenn Beck.
(3) "The Blaze" is not a news site. It is an entertainment and right wing propaganda site, geared toward making money for Glenn Beck.
(4) Glenn Beck makes money by selling gold, paranoia, conspiracy, and outrage. Thus, this story . . .

You do realize the above is a ridiculous ad hominem attack and has nothing to do with the veracity of Beck's statements, don't you?

Please say you do.

I hate to think you're serious.

The point is that Glenn Beck has no credibility, and he offers no verifiable evidence that anything in his tale is true.

You're a lying sack of SHIT... the ACTUAL LETTER FROM CONGRESS is posted... LIE THAT AWAY you ignorant puss drip...

Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Saudi National Once Considered a Person of Interest in Boston Bombings | Video | TheBlaze.com


Congressional sources confirm Saudi national was to be deported for security related grounds

You have ZERO room to speak of CREDIBILITY, idiot.
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