URGENT: The Saga Of The Saudi National Who Was Once A "Person of Interest" In Bombing

(1) There are no legitimate sources that lend any credibility to this story.
(2) "The Blaze" is a website by the entertainer and talk radio huffer Glenn Beck.
(3) "The Blaze" is not a news site. It is an entertainment and right wing propaganda site, geared toward making money for Glenn Beck.
(4) Glenn Beck makes money by selling gold, paranoia, conspiracy, and outrage. Thus, this story . . .

You do realize the above is a ridiculous ad hominem attack and has nothing to do with the veracity of Beck's statements, don't you?

Please say you do.

I hate to think you're serious.

The point is that Glenn Beck has no credibility, and he offers no verifiable evidence that anything in his tale is true.
Does the actual letter from the congressmen of the Committee on Homeland Security carry any weight?
I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis, so it's hardly surprising that people wouldn't put much stock in what he has to say. If it was so earth-shattering and important to the security of the country, why wait until after the weekend to "reveal" the info? It just seems like a brazen teaser for his own show and will come to about as much as Trump's "big announcement".
(1) There are no legitimate sources that lend any credibility to this story.
(2) "The Blaze" is a website by the entertainer and talk radio huffer Glenn Beck.
(3) "The Blaze" is not a news site. It is an entertainment and right wing propaganda site, geared toward making money for Glenn Beck.
(4) Glenn Beck makes money by selling gold, paranoia, conspiracy, and outrage. Thus, this story . . .

You do realize the above is a ridiculous ad hominem attack and has nothing to do with the veracity of Beck's statements, don't you?

Please say you do.

I hate to think you're serious.

The point is that Glenn Beck has no credibility, and he offers no verifiable evidence that anything in his tale is true.

What would you consider verifiable evidence?
I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis, so it's hardly surprising that people wouldn't put much stock in what he has to say. If it was so earth-shattering and important to the security of the country, why wait until after the weekend to "reveal" the info? It just seems like a brazen teaser for his own show and will come to about as much as Trump's "big announcement".

Note the attempt here to deflect the message by attacking the messenger.

Doesn't the "Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis" comment remind you of the orchestrated attack on Sarah Palin?
What, exactly, is your point?

its really pretty simple:

who is this guy?

why did the obama admin rush to deport him?

why did obama have an unscheduled meeting with the saudi ambassador just before the deportation order was issued?

another cover up to protect the flow of saudi oil? while we let our oil sit in the ground?
There is NO deportation order!!!!
You suckers have been made fools again!!!

ICE official: No way we are deporting that Saudi national » The Right Scoop -

A senior law enforcement official with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) told TheBlaze Thursday that reports claiming the department was deporting Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi under section 212 3B (“security and related grounds”) and had opened an “event” (or file) on the Saudi Arabian national following the Boston attacks is “categorically false.”

The official also told TheBlaze that Alharbi was never in custody nor ever considered for deportation by ICE, but that the department does have a different Saudi national in custody being held on grounds unrelated to the Boston bombings.

Reports have indicated that both Alharbi and another Saudi student were wounded in Monday’s blasts. While in the hospital for treatment following the attack, Alharbi was considered a “person of interest” and was guarded by law enforcement officials. He is now, according to law enforcement officials, no longer considered a person of interest.

The senior ICE official confirmed to TheBlaze that the department does currently have a different Saudi Arabian national in custody, but that that person is in “no way affiliated” with the Boston attacks, nor is the detainee one of the two Saudi nationals who were wounded on Monday.

The ICE official add that the man currently in ICE’s custody is from the Boston area and is being detained on visa violation issues only.

“The person we have in custody is not Alharabi, is not being deported, and is not connected at all to the Boston attack,” the senior law enforcement official told TheBlaze.
What I want to know is why Michele Obama visited him and assured him it was going to be ok but ignored the injured in the blast Saudi News Site: Michelle Obama Visited Saudi National in Hospital on Thursday | TheBlaze.com
Maybe you should want to know why Belch knows he can lie to you and you will swallow it whole? There was no media there so how could Belch know what was said???

Obamas Visit Boston Marathon Bombing Victims At Hospitals « CBS Boston

BOSTON (CBS) - President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visited victims of the Boston Marathon bombings at several hospitals Thursday afternoon.

After attending an interfaith service at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, the president rode to Massachusetts General Hospital where he met privately with patients, their families and hospital staff.

The First Lady went to Boston Children’s Hospital, where she visited the medical and surgical intensive care unit.

Afterwards, she went next door to Brigham and Women’s Hospital to meet more victims and their families for more than an hour.

The visits were off limits to the media and came on short notice for security reasons.
A. They found something else when they were investigating him
B. it's nothing and beck had a bad source.
I am leaning towards B but we will see.
I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis, so it's hardly surprising that people wouldn't put much stock in what he has to say. If it was so earth-shattering and important to the security of the country, why wait until after the weekend to "reveal" the info? It just seems like a brazen teaser for his own show and will come to about as much as Trump's "big announcement".

Note the attempt here to deflect the message by attacking the messenger.

Doesn't the "Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis" comment remind you of the orchestrated attack on Sarah Palin?

It's obvious he's only doing it for the publicity. If he really had info vital to the nation, he'd be honor-bound to say so immediately, right? So either what he's got to say isn't really important or he has no honor. Take your pick.
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Apparently there is money to be made by generating conspiracy theories now.....:eusa_whistle:
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

How can anyone discredit Glenn Becks' reputation? Hasn't he done enough to it himself?
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

I call BS. They were flown out of the country before FBI could interrogate them and when no other airplanes were allowed to fly. What in heck makes you think they had nothing to do with 9/11?

I too am curious about this suspect but I don't for one minute think that our government is somehow worse now than when Bush was president. Face it, we lost control of our government a long time ago and we didn't get it back just because a democrat was elected.

They didn't. We don't know Alharabi was either. We'll have to wait and hear what Glenn Becks announcement is all about. I have no idea.
I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis, so it's hardly surprising that people wouldn't put much stock in what he has to say. If it was so earth-shattering and important to the security of the country, why wait until after the weekend to "reveal" the info? It just seems like a brazen teaser for his own show and will come to about as much as Trump's "big announcement".

Oh please this comes from a guy who thinks Rachel Maddow is credible.....what a joke
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Easily the dumbest thing any rw on this board has ever written.
I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Beck discredits his own reputation in a daily basis, so it's hardly surprising that people wouldn't put much stock in what he has to say. If it was so earth-shattering and important to the security of the country, why wait until after the weekend to "reveal" the info? It just seems like a brazen teaser for his own show and will come to about as much as Trump's "big announcement".

Oh please this comes from a guy who thinks Rachel Maddow is credible.....what a joke

You're the joke. Got a cite to a post where I even discussed her? Didn't think so. You're a real loser, buddy.
Bush let Bin laden family go because they weren't connected to 9/11. If Obama let Alharabi go knowing he was part of the actual terror plot in Boston then that would be a different matter. Alharabi family members are known al qaeda members but that would not in and of itself mean the guy was connected to the Marathon bombing. I am curious as to what Glenn Beck has to say and why people are rushing to discredit his reputation before hearing what he has to say. What are they trying to get out in front of? That is what I'm wondering.

Easily the dumbest thing any rw on this board has ever written.

Please tell me how Bin Ladens family was related to the attack on 9/11. If you cannot then you'll have to admit that you are the only dumb one on this board because the rest of us here already know that his family members didn't participate.

I looked at Glenn Becks breaking news link and it doesn't prove that Ali Alharbi was connected in anyway to the story. If he shouldn't have been approved for a visa - that is a separate story.
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Listened to the Beck "evidence". Seemed like nothing but innuendo to me. He claims to have evidence, but doesn't really provide anyway, just a litany of "why did this happen, why did that happen?" I thought he was supposed to tell us something! He really didn't, IMO.

Beck Breaks Exclusive Information on Saudi National Once Considered a Person of Interest in Boston Bombings | Video | TheBlaze.com

All that build up for nothing more than a great big "why?"

There's a bunch of explanations as to why (all of them viable), pick your poison.

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