Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

You're a CAPITALI$T?:eek:

And you're a Commie loser living in a tiny subsidized apartment. You will notice that the Commie has picked the Jews as his scapegoats. All losers need a scapegoat. There is corruption all over the world and corrupt people are pocketing millions and millions of dollars, but Comrade George wants you to think that it is only the Jews who would be involved in something like this. In fact, there are other rich people all over the former Soviet Union who have made tons of money in different ventures, but Comrade George wants you to think only the Jews in the former Soviet Union are the bad ones. Actually the Russians, both Jews and non Jews, working in the Silicon Valley making loads of money would laugh at Comrade George, who was born here, and his sorry life when they had the brains and initiative to push themselves into a great life in their new country.
Do you mean this Silicon Valley?

"In San Jose, the city that used to promote itself as the capitol of Silicon Valley, city budget cuts have either eliminated or dramatically slashed hours for youth sanctuaries like libraries and community centers.

"And for young people, libraries had been the only public spaces left where they could shelter themselves from the fall out of the economy — the escalating violence on the streets, cops, the cold — and as one young poet from a neighborhood in East San Jose that has seen multiple stabbings and shootings in the past few months shared, 'A place where you can read James Baldwin before you die.'"

Occupy Silicon Valley, ?Wall Street of the West? | NationofChange

Believe me, Comrade George, if those intelligent Russians who are making a great living would ever read your posts from their great homes, they would be roaring with laughter at such a loser. As far as neighborhoods are concerned, why not tell the readers that the city gave you a subsidized apoartment in the heart of a neighborhood which is mainly populated with people from Central America, many here illegally? However, both the legal and illegals in your neighborhood probably work so much harder than you ever did as they try to get ahead in America. Why not check the home prices northwest of you, Comrade George, and see what all the Russians are able to pay who are living in the Conejo Valley. They, too, would laugh at you.
I actually laugh at these two nuts. One desperately needs a scapegoat because he is a loser, and the other nut chimes in as his sidekick. You will notice, Sayit, that these two nuts don't really care about what is happening in the other European countries because they can't drag the Jews in. You can be sure if they could find some way to drag the Jews into what is happening in the other European countries, they wouldn't hesitate to do so.

When I have time I will explain how the Ukraine has been cheated out of BILLIONS of $ by ZIONIST JEWISH OLIGARCH'S,but as I am very busy running my multi-million $ business it has to wait,my 300 employees are far more important.
You're a CAPITALI$T?:eek:

Not really George,infact the reverse in so many ways........My Mom was widowed at 28 with six children,as a family "collective" we cared and looked after each other........when I started my company.....I used the same system/technique....it all starts with respect no matter what job someone does.The ability to employ the right people and pay them the money they are worth.

My negotiation skill level is extremely high,and over the years has brought in many lucrative contracts. But it really comes down to all our team and their personal motivation and desire to succeed......over the years the most important thing to me has been continuity and retention of quality people.......our family.

steve...We have never been put into a position where we have had to FIRE anyone
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When I have time I will explain how the Ukraine has been cheated out of BILLIONS of $ by ZIONIST JEWISH OLIGARCH'S,but as I am very busy running my multi-million $ business it has to wait,my 300 employees are far more important.
You're a CAPITALI$T?:eek:

Not really George,infact the reverse in so many ways........My Mom was widowed at 28 with six children,as a family "collective" we cared and looked after each other........when I started my company.....I used the same system/technique....it all starts with respect no matter what job someone does.The ability to employ the right people and pay them the money they are worth.

My negotiation skill level is extremely high,and over the years has brought in many lucrative contracts. But it really comes down to all our team and their personal motivation and desire to succeed......over the years the most important thing to me has been continuity and retention of quality people.......our family.

steve...We have never been put into a position where we have had to FIRE anyone
Thanks, Steve.
It sounds like you are practicing some of the principles of worker directed enterprise:

"Workers’ Self-Directed Enterprises, in form if not in name, have a history extending back to some of the world’s earliest societies.

"From modern mankind’s hunting parties, the origins of work can be traced to its most basic purpose: the enjoyment of the 'fruits of one’s labor.'

"Before work became synonymous with employment, humankind survived in communities through the expenditure of time and energy so that the community could reap what they sowed.

"No less important than the end product, was the process of work and the psychosocial benefits derived by community members from participation in that process.

"While it may have been that way in the beginning, the history of work has shown that time does not always equal progress.

"Economies have integrated and advanced technologically, but over time a greater distance has opened between the worker’s produced surpluses (the excess of their output over what they themselves consume) and the workers who produced them.

"Roots of self-determination..."

Learn about WSDEs | Democracy At Work
You're a CAPITALI$T?:eek:

Not really George,infact the reverse in so many ways........My Mom was widowed at 28 with six children,as a family "collective" we cared and looked after each other........when I started my company.....I used the same system/technique....it all starts with respect no matter what job someone does.The ability to employ the right people and pay them the money they are worth.

My negotiation skill level is extremely high,and over the years has brought in many lucrative contracts. But it really comes down to all our team and their personal motivation and desire to succeed......over the years the most important thing to me has been continuity and retention of quality people.......our family.

steve...We have never been put into a position where we have had to FIRE anyone
Thanks, Steve.
It sounds like you are practicing some of the principles of worker directed enterprise:

"Workers’ Self-Directed Enterprises, in form if not in name, have a history extending back to some of the world’s earliest societies.

"From modern mankind’s hunting parties, the origins of work can be traced to its most basic purpose: the enjoyment of the 'fruits of one’s labor.'

"Before work became synonymous with employment, humankind survived in communities through the expenditure of time and energy so that the community could reap what they sowed.

"No less important than the end product, was the process of work and the psychosocial benefits derived by community members from participation in that process.

"While it may have been that way in the beginning, the history of work has shown that time does not always equal progress.

"Economies have integrated and advanced technologically, but over time a greater distance has opened between the worker’s produced surpluses (the excess of their output over what they themselves consume) and the workers who produced them.

"Roots of self-determination..."

Learn about WSDEs | Democracy At Work

To a major degree you are right.......we started small just my wife and 6 employees.....but whereas our big (now defunked) compeditors,when times were a little tough, cheapened their product and shed staff,we picked up the unemployed staff....their long term outlook was always short sighted and their myopic thinking was quite the reverse to ours.

George in life you meet people who have a positive and profound effect on you for life (well I have anyway) I met a Jewish guy an academic on a boat/ship between Tangier(Morocco) to Algerserias(Spain) when I was 19.......he said that it was people that could make things and money was the vehicle that allowed this to happen in our Capitalist World but if there was no money those products could still be made....we have always involved our staff in most decisions we have made because you can glean so many ideas from so many.......I have never been so arrogant as to think "I know it all" anyhow "No man is an Island as it were"

The trouble with most businesses and their failure.....is excessive competition within the business......in the end the staff often the most productive become totally isolated and resentment between staff is a cancer as far I am concerned.....and in the end it's a killer.

Mind you it's hard work keeping the team on track all the time,what with life's pressure's today but that is where "the family" help each other......I have a lot to thank my late Mom and brothers and sisters for........As I said "NO MAN (or Woman) SHOULD HAVE TO BE AN ISLAND" and therein lies our and my success.steve
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Steve...you seem inclined to provide a workplace where workers are not obliged to leave Democracy behind at the front door.

Richard Wolff has similar ideas:

"Democracy at Work is a project, begun in 2010, that aims to build a social movement. The movement’s goal is transition to a new society whose productive enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) will mostly be WSDE’s, a true economic democracy.

"The WSDEs would partner equally with similarly organized residential communities they interact with at the local, regional, and national levels (and hopefully international as well).

"That partnership would form the basis of genuine participatory democracy."

No doubt it's challenging to keep your team on track; however, the long term rewards may well make the effort worthwhile.

Keep up the good work!

About DAW ? What is DAW? | Democracy At Work
Are things getting HOT for the global rich?

"When the air-conditioning broke down at the reception for the unveiling ceremony of the Red Army monument in Netanya on Monday, it didn’t matter if you were a billionaire, multimillionaire or broke.

"Everyone suffered the same.

"In one corner sat Mikhail Fridman, the seventh-richest man in Russia, whose fortune is estimated at $15 billion by Forbes. He stayed hydrated in the sweltering heat by sipping a glass of water.

"In another stood Moshe Kantor, the chemicals tycoon who Forbes said was worth $2.3b. He repeatedly removed the beads of sweat from his head with a napkin.

"The two men were part of a group of two dozen or so affluent Russian-speaking businessmen who came to the ceremony where President Vladimir Putin was the guest of honor.

"Some, like Fridman, flew in especially from Russia.

"Others, like Kantor, drove from nearby Herzliya, where many businessman from the former Soviet Union including Leonid Nevzlin and Gabriel Mirilashvili, to name a few, have made their homes.

For many members of this class of ultra rich Putin..."

At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires | JPost | Israel News
A Jew who's lived longer than the Jewish state expresses his thoughts on the complicated relationship between his nation and Ukraine:

"In my lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation.

"As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators.

"It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian 'Untermenschen', in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum.

"THE RELATIONSHIP between Ukraine and the Jews is no less complicated.

"Some Jewish writers, like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, believe that the Khazar empire that ruled the Crimea and neighboring territory a thousand years ago, converted to Judaism, and that most Ashkenazi Jews are descended from them.

"This would turn us all into Ukrainians. (Many early Zionist leaders indeed came from Ukraine.)

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there.

"They employed Jews as their managers.

"Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms.

Not unlike the new coalition government in Kiev that relied on Neo-Nazi snipers to drive a corrupt, duly elected president from office, BTW.

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

WTF is it with you Paulbots and your fear of Jews?????
A Jew who's lived longer than the Jewish state expresses his thoughts on the complicated relationship between his nation and Ukraine:

"In my lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation.

"As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators.

"It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian 'Untermenschen', in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum.

"THE RELATIONSHIP between Ukraine and the Jews is no less complicated.

"Some Jewish writers, like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, believe that the Khazar empire that ruled the Crimea and neighboring territory a thousand years ago, converted to Judaism, and that most Ashkenazi Jews are descended from them.

"This would turn us all into Ukrainians. (Many early Zionist leaders indeed came from Ukraine.)

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there.

"They employed Jews as their managers.

"Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms.

Not unlike the new coalition government in Kiev that relied on Neo-Nazi snipers to drive a corrupt, duly elected president from office, BTW.

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

WTF is it with you Paulbots and your fear of Jews?????
Do you remember "General Bibi's" last visit to DC?

"NAPOLEON FAMOUSLY exclaimed: ”Give me generals who are lucky!” He would have loved General Bibi.

"Because, on the way to confront a newly invigorated Obama, there was an explosion that shook the world:


"It was like the shots that rang out in Sarajevo a hundred years ago..."

"The possibility of a major war was in the air.

"Netanyahu’s visit disappeared from the news... "

It's a longshot.
But Ukraine is more likely than Benghazi to kick off the next WW

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
A Jew who's lived longer than the Jewish state expresses his thoughts on the complicated relationship between his nation and Ukraine:

"In my lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation.

"As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators.

"It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian 'Untermenschen', in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum.

"THE RELATIONSHIP between Ukraine and the Jews is no less complicated.

"Some Jewish writers, like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, believe that the Khazar empire that ruled the Crimea and neighboring territory a thousand years ago, converted to Judaism, and that most Ashkenazi Jews are descended from them.

"This would turn us all into Ukrainians. (Many early Zionist leaders indeed came from Ukraine.)

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there.

"They employed Jews as their managers.

"Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms.

Not unlike the new coalition government in Kiev that relied on Neo-Nazi snipers to drive a corrupt, duly elected president from office, BTW.

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

WTF is it with you Paulbots and your fear of Jews?????

People like Comrade George always need a scapegoat in their sorry life. He has chosen the Jews as his scapegoat as you can see. He has no interest in the suffering of the ordinary citizens in the Ukraine unless he can somehow find a way to drag in his favorite scapegoats for their suffering. Meanwhile, the fighting goes on as one group wants to be in a Ukraine free of Russia and wants to be aligned with the West, and the other group wants to be part of Russia. I don't think Comrade George actually follows the news in the Ukraine. He is too busy with his usual sites where mainly people are just giving their own opinion.

Ukraine Clashes: Dozens Dead In Fighting Between Security Forces, Pro-Russian Rebels
A Jew who's lived longer than the Jewish state expresses his thoughts on the complicated relationship between his nation and Ukraine:

"In my lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation.

"As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators.

"It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian 'Untermenschen', in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum.

"THE RELATIONSHIP between Ukraine and the Jews is no less complicated.

"Some Jewish writers, like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, believe that the Khazar empire that ruled the Crimea and neighboring territory a thousand years ago, converted to Judaism, and that most Ashkenazi Jews are descended from them.

"This would turn us all into Ukrainians. (Many early Zionist leaders indeed came from Ukraine.)

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there.

"They employed Jews as their managers.

"Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms.

Not unlike the new coalition government in Kiev that relied on Neo-Nazi snipers to drive a corrupt, duly elected president from office, BTW.

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

WTF is it with you Paulbots and your fear of Jews?????

People like Comrade George always need a scapegoat in their sorry life. He has chosen the Jews as his scapegoat as you can see. He has no interest in the suffering of the ordinary citizens in the Ukraine unless he can somehow find a way to drag in his favorite scapegoats for their suffering. Meanwhile, the fighting goes on as one group wants to be in a Ukraine free of Russia and wants to be aligned with the West, and the other group wants to be part of Russia. I don't think Comrade George actually follows the news in the Ukraine. He is too busy with his usual sites where mainly people are just giving their own opinion.

Ukraine Clashes: Dozens Dead In Fighting Between Security Forces, Pro-Russian Rebels
"Watching the group of mega-wealthy interact, one cannot help but wonder how so many affluent businessmen in the former Soviet Union are Jewish.

"German Zakharyaev, vice president of the Russian Jewish Congress, cited two main reasons for that. First, Jews are few among many.

“'We are a minority and as such we have to be strong [if we are] to preserve our customs,' said the businessman who, as a member of the Mountain Jewish community of the eastern Caucuses, is a minority within a minority.

“'This is something in our commandments that we have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora.'

"Second, he said, Jewish businessmen are hard workers.

“'We think a lot and we sleep a little,' he said. "

Sally should sleep more and "think" less.:lol:

At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires | JPost | Israel News
A Jew who's lived longer than the Jewish state expresses his thoughts on the complicated relationship between his nation and Ukraine:

"In my lifetime, Stalin murdered millions of Ukrainians by deliberate starvation.

"As a result, most Ukrainians welcomed the German Wehrmacht in 1941 as liberators.

"It could have been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but unfortunately Hitler was determined to eradicate the Ukrainian 'Untermenschen', in order to integrate the Ukraine into the German Lebensraum.

"THE RELATIONSHIP between Ukraine and the Jews is no less complicated.

"Some Jewish writers, like Arthur Koestler and Shlomo Sand, believe that the Khazar empire that ruled the Crimea and neighboring territory a thousand years ago, converted to Judaism, and that most Ashkenazi Jews are descended from them.

"This would turn us all into Ukrainians. (Many early Zionist leaders indeed came from Ukraine.)

"When Ukraine was a part of the extensive Polish empire, many Polish noblemen took hold of large estates there.

"They employed Jews as their managers.

"Thus the Ukrainian peasants came to look upon the Jews as the agents of their oppressors, and anti-Semitism became part of the national culture of Ukraine.

"As we learned in school, at every turn of Ukrainian history, the Jews were slaughtered. The names of most Ukrainian folk-heroes, leaders and rebels who are revered in their homeland are, in Jewish consciousness, connected with awful pogroms.

Not unlike the new coalition government in Kiev that relied on Neo-Nazi snipers to drive a corrupt, duly elected president from office, BTW.

Israel and Ukraine » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

WTF is it with you Paulbots and your fear of Jews?????

George despises anyone with lots of money. It reminds him that he has very littl of it.

Now he's going to respond to this post with some copy paste conspiracy bullshit followed by a snarky comment in bold.
WTF is it with you Paulbots and your fear of Jews?????

People like Comrade George always need a scapegoat in their sorry life. He has chosen the Jews as his scapegoat as you can see. He has no interest in the suffering of the ordinary citizens in the Ukraine unless he can somehow find a way to drag in his favorite scapegoats for their suffering. Meanwhile, the fighting goes on as one group wants to be in a Ukraine free of Russia and wants to be aligned with the West, and the other group wants to be part of Russia. I don't think Comrade George actually follows the news in the Ukraine. He is too busy with his usual sites where mainly people are just giving their own opinion.

Ukraine Clashes: Dozens Dead In Fighting Between Security Forces, Pro-Russian Rebels
"Watching the group of mega-wealthy interact, one cannot help but wonder how so many affluent businessmen in the former Soviet Union are Jewish.

"German Zakharyaev, vice president of the Russian Jewish Congress, cited two main reasons for that. First, Jews are few among many.

“'We are a minority and as such we have to be strong [if we are] to preserve our customs,' said the businessman who, as a member of the Mountain Jewish community of the eastern Caucuses, is a minority within a minority.

“'This is something in our commandments that we have to keep our Jewishness and be united in the Diaspora.'

"Second, he said, Jewish businessmen are hard workers.

“'We think a lot and we sleep a little,' he said. "

Sally should sleep more and "think" less.:lol:

At Putin's side, an army of Jewish billionaires | JPost | Israel News

Instead of my lying down, how about you getting a part-time job at WalMart to make a little extra money so that you wouldn't be so obsessed with the Jews or anyone else who happens to have been successful. I think it is realized that losers need scapegoats for their lot in life, but you really do go overboard, Comrade George. Meanwhile, this pathetic potential Dhimmi will never mention how corrupt and how much money his new masters have salted away. With him, it is always THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWS. Meanwhile, the Jewish taxpayers in Los Angeles along with the other taxpayers are helping to pay for the subsidized housing of losers or otherwise they would be homeless.
Steve...you seem inclined to provide a workplace where workers are not obliged to leave Democracy behind at the front door.

Richard Wolff has similar ideas:

"Democracy at Work is a project, begun in 2010, that aims to build a social movement. The movement’s goal is transition to a new society whose productive enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) will mostly be WSDE’s, a true economic democracy.

"The WSDEs would partner equally with similarly organized residential communities they interact with at the local, regional, and national levels (and hopefully international as well).

"That partnership would form the basis of genuine participatory democracy."

No doubt it's challenging to keep your team on track; however, the long term rewards may well make the effort worthwhile.

Keep up the good work!

About DAW ? What is DAW? | Democracy At Work

You know something George....it is a pleasure to go to work and I know"The Team" feel the same.....I have spent over the past 20 years or so,helping other businesses that were floundering,more often than not it comes down to lack of leadership and poor accounting,some businesses still only do a stock-take once a year!!!!!!! we do a stock analysis every 3 days,we both manufacture and retail in Australia,we also have plants in Malaysia and England.

I will elucidate how I got my first overseas contract......over 25 years ago......in Japan. I have studied people in general since I was about 9 (I think it was initially as a protection for people trying to take advantage of my Mom and family),often what they don't say is more important that what they do.

I noticed that Japanese companies were run by elderly men......as I sat in hotel lobbies, I saw that often 3 or 4 of these executives liked the look of Blond haired,Full Busted Caucasian women as their eyes as one would follow le femme across the hotel.........I played soccer at the time with Guys from the WA University and one was in charge of languages, I asked him if he had a student who could do the job for us.

He did a great job and chose a Diamond,we met her and her parents(who incidentally we had done business with) in three days we were in Tokyo and in a very important meeting for us.......The Diamond was to just listen and recall later what had been said,giving the impression she could not speak or understand any Japanese.

The negotations were over two days.....the next day we knew that they liked the product and liked us but it all came down to PRICE(what else)

I told the Diamond to caress her hair when through their interpreter(who went to Sydney Uni to learn English) became below our price....I would do the rest......She did and I did then say to the Interpreter that I felt dishonoured (honour was/is a bid deal in Japan) dealing with the company she was representing,bowed politely and we were off....by the time the lift reached the ground floor their security ushered us back into the lift and back to the meeting.......entering the conference room,these guys were bowing and at such a low angle I thought they might topple over......never knew there were degrees of bowing.

We got the deal against German,French and American companies.And we are still together 25 years later........we were the only people that sent our product prior to the meeting,that helped,that and our guile.

That night we were taken for a meal by the Interpreter and he husband who met at Sydney Uni,an Aussie(in the futures market) we had met the morning before........It was a great shock to the Interpreter.........when the Diamond spoke fluent Japanese......The moral is Know and understand who you are talking to.steve.

As for all the Ukrainian Jewish Oligarchs who have plundered $Billions of the Ukrainian Peoples money and wealth (one doing time in a US prison)when the average school teacher there earns around $200 per month, is a tale I will deal with later,appaulling that it is........George......Sally and all,really are some of the most stupid and ignorant people I have ever had misfortune to ever deal with...steve
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Steve...you seem inclined to provide a workplace where workers are not obliged to leave Democracy behind at the front door.

Richard Wolff has similar ideas:

"Democracy at Work is a project, begun in 2010, that aims to build a social movement. The movement’s goal is transition to a new society whose productive enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) will mostly be WSDE’s, a true economic democracy.

"The WSDEs would partner equally with similarly organized residential communities they interact with at the local, regional, and national levels (and hopefully international as well).

"That partnership would form the basis of genuine participatory democracy."

No doubt it's challenging to keep your team on track; however, the long term rewards may well make the effort worthwhile.

Keep up the good work!

About DAW ? What is DAW? | Democracy At Work

You know something George....it is a pleasure to go to work and I know"The Team" feel the same.....I have spent over the past 20 years or so,helping other businesses that were floundering,more often than not it comes down to lack of leadership and poor accounting,some businesses still only do a stock-take once a year!!!!!!! we do a stock analysis every 3 days,we both manufacture and retail in Australia,we also have plants in Malaysia and England.

I will elucidate how I got my first overseas contract......over 25 years ago......in Japan. I have studied people in general since I was about 9 (I think it was initially as a protection for people trying to take advantage of my Mom and family),often what they don't say is more important that what they do.

I noticed that Japanese companies were run by elderly men......as I sat in hotel lobbies, I saw that often 3 or 4 of these executives liked the look of Blond haired,Full Busted Caucasian women as their eyes as one would follow le femme across the hotel.........I played soccer at the time with Guys from the WA University and one was in charge of languages, I asked him if he had a student who could do the job for us.

He did a great job and chose a Diamond,we met her and her parents(who incidentally we had done business with) in three days we were in Tokyo and in a very important meeting for us.......The Diamond was to just listen and recall later what had been said,giving the impression she could not speak or understand any Japanese.

The negotations were over two days.....the next day we knew that they liked the product and liked us but it all came down to PRICE(what else)

I told the Diamond to caress her hair when through their interpreter(who went to Sydney Uni to learn English) became below our price....I would do the rest......She did and I did then say to the Interpreter that I felt dishonoured (honour was/is a bid deal in Japan) dealing with the company she was representing,bowed politely and we were off....by the time the lift reached the ground floor their security ushered us back into the lift and back to the meeting.......entering the conference room,these guys were bowing and at such a low angle I thought they might topple over......never knew there were degrees of bowing.

We got the deal against German,French and American companies.And we are still together 25 years later........we were the only people that sent our product prior to the meeting,that helped,that and our guile.

That night we were taken for a meal by the Interpreter and he husband who met at Sydney Uni,an Aussie(in the futures market) we had met the morning before........It was a great shock to the Interpreter.........when the Diamond spoke fluent Japanese......The moral is Know and understand who you are talking to.steve.

As for all the Ukrainian Jewish Oligarchs who have plundered $Billions of the Ukrainian Peoples money and wealth (one doing time in a US prison)when the average school teacher there earns around $200 per month, is a tale I will deal with later,appaulling that it is........George......Sally and all,really are some of the most stupid and ignorant people I have ever had misfortune to ever deal with...steve

You seem to call anyone who supports Israel stupid. Shame on you Steve.
Steve...you seem inclined to provide a workplace where workers are not obliged to leave Democracy behind at the front door.

Richard Wolff has similar ideas:

"Democracy at Work is a project, begun in 2010, that aims to build a social movement. The movement’s goal is transition to a new society whose productive enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) will mostly be WSDE’s, a true economic democracy.

"The WSDEs would partner equally with similarly organized residential communities they interact with at the local, regional, and national levels (and hopefully international as well).

"That partnership would form the basis of genuine participatory democracy."

No doubt it's challenging to keep your team on track; however, the long term rewards may well make the effort worthwhile.

Keep up the good work!

About DAW ? What is DAW? | Democracy At Work

You know something George....it is a pleasure to go to work and I know"The Team" feel the same.....I have spent over the past 20 years or so,helping other businesses that were floundering,more often than not it comes down to lack of leadership and poor accounting,some businesses still only do a stock-take once a year!!!!!!! we do a stock analysis every 3 days,we both manufacture and retail in Australia,we also have plants in Malaysia and England.

I will elucidate how I got my first overseas contract......over 25 years ago......in Japan. I have studied people in general since I was about 9 (I think it was initially as a protection for people trying to take advantage of my Mom and family),often what they don't say is more important that what they do.

I noticed that Japanese companies were run by elderly men......as I sat in hotel lobbies, I saw that often 3 or 4 of these executives liked the look of Blond haired,Full Busted Caucasian women as their eyes as one would follow le femme across the hotel.........I played soccer at the time with Guys from the WA University and one was in charge of languages, I asked him if he had a student who could do the job for us.

He did a great job and chose a Diamond,we met her and her parents(who incidentally we had done business with) in three days we were in Tokyo and in a very important meeting for us.......The Diamond was to just listen and recall later what had been said,giving the impression she could not speak or understand any Japanese.

The negotations were over two days.....the next day we knew that they liked the product and liked us but it all came down to PRICE(what else)

I told the Diamond to caress her hair when through their interpreter(who went to Sydney Uni to learn English) became below our price....I would do the rest......She did and I did then say to the Interpreter that I felt dishonoured (honour was/is a bid deal in Japan) dealing with the company she was representing,bowed politely and we were off....by the time the lift reached the ground floor their security ushered us back into the lift and back to the meeting.......entering the conference room,these guys were bowing and at such a low angle I thought they might topple over......never knew there were degrees of bowing.

We got the deal against German,French and American companies.And we are still together 25 years later........we were the only people that sent our product prior to the meeting,that helped,that and our guile.

That night we were taken for a meal by the Interpreter and he husband who met at Sydney Uni,an Aussie(in the futures market) we had met the morning before........It was a great shock to the Interpreter.........when the Diamond spoke fluent Japanese......The moral is Know and understand who you are talking to.steve.

As for all the Ukrainian Jewish Oligarchs who have plundered $Billions of the Ukrainian Peoples money and wealth (one doing time in a US prison)when the average school teacher there earns around $200 per month, is a tale I will deal with later,appaulling that it is........George......Sally and all,really are some of the most stupid and ignorant people I have ever had misfortune to ever deal with...steve

You seem to call anyone who supports Israel stupid. Shame on you Steve.

That is nonsense Toastie,I have always supported an Israel,I may not agree with some of the antics in particular against the Palestinians who have received the brunt of Israels might...nor the Settlers,the blatant Zionist who were and are a Terrorist Organisation...but as for a State of Israel I have no real problem but I have always elucidated I want an Independent Palestine,Israel can look after itself,the Palestinians need the support and that is my endeavour now and always.

To say I say supporters of Israel are Stupid is a lie......I say people are Stupid is because they are Stupid,either Jew or Gentile.Methinks you have a thin skin at times Toastie.

I more than anyone on here believe in a two State solution.steve..have a great day.:D
What about the non-Jewish Ukrainian oligarchs, Steve?

As a % of population Marg :eusa_angel:there are a greater number of Jewish Oligarchs but all of them no matter what ethnicity are a pack of bastards.I trust you and yours are well and Happy.steven.

I know you are Jewish and regrettably a Zionist but it does not mean I cannot admire you and your honesty and devotion.

as a footnote,I cannot understand why you would wish to neg repp me on the vid I posted......I was showing Respect to the Jewish Men,Women,Children and Babies slaughtered by that Beast HITLER and his Henchmen.....C...s all
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Steve...you seem inclined to provide a workplace where workers are not obliged to leave Democracy behind at the front door.

Richard Wolff has similar ideas:

"Democracy at Work is a project, begun in 2010, that aims to build a social movement. The movement’s goal is transition to a new society whose productive enterprises (offices, factories, and stores) will mostly be WSDE’s, a true economic democracy.

"The WSDEs would partner equally with similarly organized residential communities they interact with at the local, regional, and national levels (and hopefully international as well).

"That partnership would form the basis of genuine participatory democracy."

No doubt it's challenging to keep your team on track; however, the long term rewards may well make the effort worthwhile.

Keep up the good work!

About DAW ? What is DAW? | Democracy At Work

You know something George....it is a pleasure to go to work and I know"The Team" feel the same.....I have spent over the past 20 years or so,helping other businesses that were floundering,more often than not it comes down to lack of leadership and poor accounting,some businesses still only do a stock-take once a year!!!!!!! we do a stock analysis every 3 days,we both manufacture and retail in Australia,we also have plants in Malaysia and England.

I will elucidate how I got my first overseas contract......over 25 years ago......in Japan. I have studied people in general since I was about 9 (I think it was initially as a protection for people trying to take advantage of my Mom and family),often what they don't say is more important that what they do.

I noticed that Japanese companies were run by elderly men......as I sat in hotel lobbies, I saw that often 3 or 4 of these executives liked the look of Blond haired,Full Busted Caucasian women as their eyes as one would follow le femme across the hotel.........I played soccer at the time with Guys from the WA University and one was in charge of languages, I asked him if he had a student who could do the job for us.

He did a great job and chose a Diamond,we met her and her parents(who incidentally we had done business with) in three days we were in Tokyo and in a very important meeting for us.......The Diamond was to just listen and recall later what had been said,giving the impression she could not speak or understand any Japanese.

The negotations were over two days.....the next day we knew that they liked the product and liked us but it all came down to PRICE(what else)

I told the Diamond to caress her hair when through their interpreter(who went to Sydney Uni to learn English) became below our price....I would do the rest......She did and I did then say to the Interpreter that I felt dishonoured (honour was/is a bid deal in Japan) dealing with the company she was representing,bowed politely and we were off....by the time the lift reached the ground floor their security ushered us back into the lift and back to the meeting.......entering the conference room,these guys were bowing and at such a low angle I thought they might topple over......never knew there were degrees of bowing.

We got the deal against German,French and American companies.And we are still together 25 years later........we were the only people that sent our product prior to the meeting,that helped,that and our guile.

That night we were taken for a meal by the Interpreter and he husband who met at Sydney Uni,an Aussie(in the futures market) we had met the morning before........It was a great shock to the Interpreter.........when the Diamond spoke fluent Japanese......The moral is Know and understand who you are talking to.steve.

As for all the Ukrainian Jewish Oligarchs who have plundered $Billions of the Ukrainian Peoples money and wealth (one doing time in a US prison)when the average school teacher there earns around $200 per month, is a tale I will deal with later,appaulling that it is........George......Sally and all,really are some of the most stupid and ignorant people I have ever had misfortune to ever deal with...steve

You seem to call anyone who supports Israel stupid. Shame on you Steve.

Stevie is not fooling anyone. All the time that this thread has been up, has anyone seen Stevie posting about what is happening in the Muslim Middle East where his friends are busy murdering so many people, Muslims and Christians alike. If the Jews are not involved, Stevie doesn't bother with anything else. Actually, Toastman, Stevie thinks he is "brilliant," but he is actually one of the most stupid and ignorant people around if he doesn't realize the readers who are smart enough see right through him. I really laugh at Stevie as I picture him bragging to all the other mental patients what a big businessman he is.
You know something George....it is a pleasure to go to work and I know"The Team" feel the same.....I have spent over the past 20 years or so,helping other businesses that were floundering,more often than not it comes down to lack of leadership and poor accounting,some businesses still only do a stock-take once a year!!!!!!! we do a stock analysis every 3 days,we both manufacture and retail in Australia,we also have plants in Malaysia and England.

I will elucidate how I got my first overseas contract......over 25 years ago......in Japan. I have studied people in general since I was about 9 (I think it was initially as a protection for people trying to take advantage of my Mom and family),often what they don't say is more important that what they do.

I noticed that Japanese companies were run by elderly men......as I sat in hotel lobbies, I saw that often 3 or 4 of these executives liked the look of Blond haired,Full Busted Caucasian women as their eyes as one would follow le femme across the hotel.........I played soccer at the time with Guys from the WA University and one was in charge of languages, I asked him if he had a student who could do the job for us.

He did a great job and chose a Diamond,we met her and her parents(who incidentally we had done business with) in three days we were in Tokyo and in a very important meeting for us.......The Diamond was to just listen and recall later what had been said,giving the impression she could not speak or understand any Japanese.

The negotations were over two days.....the next day we knew that they liked the product and liked us but it all came down to PRICE(what else)

I told the Diamond to caress her hair when through their interpreter(who went to Sydney Uni to learn English) became below our price....I would do the rest......She did and I did then say to the Interpreter that I felt dishonoured (honour was/is a bid deal in Japan) dealing with the company she was representing,bowed politely and we were off....by the time the lift reached the ground floor their security ushered us back into the lift and back to the meeting.......entering the conference room,these guys were bowing and at such a low angle I thought they might topple over......never knew there were degrees of bowing.

We got the deal against German,French and American companies.And we are still together 25 years later........we were the only people that sent our product prior to the meeting,that helped,that and our guile.

That night we were taken for a meal by the Interpreter and he husband who met at Sydney Uni,an Aussie(in the futures market) we had met the morning before........It was a great shock to the Interpreter.........when the Diamond spoke fluent Japanese......The moral is Know and understand who you are talking to.steve.

As for all the Ukrainian Jewish Oligarchs who have plundered $Billions of the Ukrainian Peoples money and wealth (one doing time in a US prison)when the average school teacher there earns around $200 per month, is a tale I will deal with later,appaulling that it is........George......Sally and all,really are some of the most stupid and ignorant people I have ever had misfortune to ever deal with...steve

You seem to call anyone who supports Israel stupid. Shame on you Steve.

Stevie is not fooling anyone. All the time that this thread has been up, has anyone seen Stevie posting about what is happening in the Muslim Middle East where his friends are busy murdering so many people, Muslims and Christians alike. If the Jews are not involved, Stevie doesn't bother with anything else. Actually, Toastman, Stevie thinks he is "brilliant," but he is actually one of the most stupid and ignorant people around if he doesn't realize the readers who are smart enough see right through him. I really laugh at Stevie as I picture him bragging to all the other mental patients what a big businessman he is.

Huh...keep spewing,hopefully you may end up where you belong or is that came from..THE GUTTER......I love personal abuse and attacks by Cretin like you..because it's all Shit off a Ducks back to me.you behave like a child...all you have is blabber and say everyone is an Anti-Semite.......funny that, as you are the biggest.

You seem to forget that you have been relegated from this league years ago...You just weren't good enough....not because you were Jewish but because you are Stupid,completely:cuckoo:[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WihobsXYXuo"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WihobsXYXuo[/ame]
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You seem to call anyone who supports Israel stupid. Shame on you Steve.

Stevie is not fooling anyone. All the time that this thread has been up, has anyone seen Stevie posting about what is happening in the Muslim Middle East where his friends are busy murdering so many people, Muslims and Christians alike. If the Jews are not involved, Stevie doesn't bother with anything else. Actually, Toastman, Stevie thinks he is "brilliant," but he is actually one of the most stupid and ignorant people around if he doesn't realize the readers who are smart enough see right through him. I really laugh at Stevie as I picture him bragging to all the other mental patients what a big businessman he is.

Huh...keep spewing,hopefully you may end up where you belong or is that came from..THE GUTTER......I love personal abuse and attacks by Cretin like you..because it's all Shit off a Ducks back to me.you behave like a child...all you have is blabber and say everyone is an Anti-Semite.......funny that, as you are the biggest.

You seem to forget that you have been relegated from this league years ago...You just weren't good enough....not because you were Jewish but because you are Stupid,completely:cuckoo:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WihobsXYXuo]The Paragons & U Roy - Only a Smile / Flashing My Whip - YouTube[/ame]

Poor Stevie, he thinks he makes points by posting a video. Go show the video to the other patients, Stevie. Meanwhile, your friends are still busy murdering innocent others, and you conveniently close your eyes to it because you can't drag the Jews into the mix to blame. I don't know who you think you are fooling, Stevie, but over a 150,000 people have died just in Syria alone in the last three years, God only knows how many are wounded, and there are over 2 million refugees. Meanwhile, all you can think about is continuing a thread because it is one where you and your friend can drag the Jews into.

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