Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Stevie is not fooling anyone. All the time that this thread has been up, has anyone seen Stevie posting about what is happening in the Muslim Middle East where his friends are busy murdering so many people, Muslims and Christians alike. If the Jews are not involved, Stevie doesn't bother with anything else. Actually, Toastman, Stevie thinks he is "brilliant," but he is actually one of the most stupid and ignorant people around if he doesn't realize the readers who are smart enough see right through him. I really laugh at Stevie as I picture him bragging to all the other mental patients what a big businessman he is.

Huh...keep spewing,hopefully you may end up where you belong or is that came from..THE GUTTER......I love personal abuse and attacks by Cretin like you..because it's all Shit off a Ducks back to me.you behave like a child...all you have is blabber and say everyone is an Anti-Semite.......funny that, as you are the biggest.

You seem to forget that you have been relegated from this league years ago...You just weren't good enough....not because you were Jewish but because you are Stupid,completely:cuckoo:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WihobsXYXuo]The Paragons & U Roy - Only a Smile / Flashing My Whip - YouTube[/ame]

Poor Stevie, he thinks he makes points by posting a video. Go show the video to the other patients, Stevie. Meanwhile, your friends are still busy murdering innocent others, and you conveniently close your eyes to it because you can't drag the Jews into the mix to blame. I don't know who you think you are fooling, Stevie, but over a 150,000 people have died just in Syria alone in the last three years, God only knows how many are wounded, and there are over 2 million refugees. Meanwhile, all you can think about is continuing a thread because it is one where you and your friend can drag the Jews into.

I have come to the conculsion that your "CROCODILE TEARS" about Muslims and others are a bizzare form of self loathing......and Guilt. You care not one Shekel about anyone....You are The Patient:D
Huh...keep spewing,hopefully you may end up where you belong or is that came from..THE GUTTER......I love personal abuse and attacks by Cretin like you..because it's all Shit off a Ducks back to me.you behave like a child...all you have is blabber and say everyone is an Anti-Semite.......funny that, as you are the biggest.

You seem to forget that you have been relegated from this league years ago...You just weren't good enough....not because you were Jewish but because you are Stupid,completely:cuckoo:The Paragons & U Roy - Only a Smile / Flashing My Whip - YouTube

Poor Stevie, he thinks he makes points by posting a video. Go show the video to the other patients, Stevie. Meanwhile, your friends are still busy murdering innocent others, and you conveniently close your eyes to it because you can't drag the Jews into the mix to blame. I don't know who you think you are fooling, Stevie, but over a 150,000 people have died just in Syria alone in the last three years, God only knows how many are wounded, and there are over 2 million refugees. Meanwhile, all you can think about is continuing a thread because it is one where you and your friend can drag the Jews into.

I have come to the conculsion that your "CROCODILE TEARS" about Muslims and others are a bizzare form of self loathing......and Guilt. You care not one Shekel about anyone....You are The Patient:D

Give it a rest, Stevie Boy. Go play checkers with the other patients. Meanwhile, maybe some day the readers will see Stevie post about what is going on in different parts of the world where he can't drag in the Jews. You are so obvious, Stevie.
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

I realize that Comrade George can't keep his mind off of money and those who have money. However, Comrade George's article is just someone's blogs' which is really an Opinion Piece. Since there are many billionaires in Europe and since this is the Europe forum, perhaps Comrade George can give us his opinion as to how the billionaires there can help their fellow citizens with all their money. How about in Spain, Comrade George? Do you have any ideas about how they could help Spain? Give us your ideas on how the billionaires in France can help their citizens. Surely since you are constantly forcusing on rich people, you as a Commie must have some ideas up your sleeves as to how these rich people can help their fellow citizens all over Europe.
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

I realize that Comrade George can't keep his mind off of money and those who have money. However, Comrade George's article is just someone's blogs' which is really an Opinion Piece. Since there are many billionaires in Europe and since this is the Europe forum, perhaps Comrade George can give us his opinion as to how the billionaires there can help their fellow citizens with all their money. How about in Spain, Comrade George? Do you have any ideas about how they could help Spain? Give us your ideas on how the billionaires in France can help their citizens. Surely since you are constantly forcusing on rich people, you as a Commie must have some ideas up your sleeves as to how these rich people can help their fellow citizens all over Europe.
Have you noticed the number of conflicting opinions one can find on USMB?
What reason would you have to post here if you object to conflicting opinions?
You obviously find it hard to remember the title or topic of this particular thread.

Nootropic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

I realize that Comrade George can't keep his mind off of money and those who have money. However, Comrade George's article is just someone's blogs' which is really an Opinion Piece. Since there are many billionaires in Europe and since this is the Europe forum, perhaps Comrade George can give us his opinion as to how the billionaires there can help their fellow citizens with all their money. How about in Spain, Comrade George? Do you have any ideas about how they could help Spain? Give us your ideas on how the billionaires in France can help their citizens. Surely since you are constantly forcusing on rich people, you as a Commie must have some ideas up your sleeves as to how these rich people can help their fellow citizens all over Europe.
Have you noticed the number of conflicting opinions one can find on USMB?
What reason would you have to post here if you object to conflicting opinions?
You obviously find it hard to remember the title or topic of this particular thread.

Nootropic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But, Comrade George, you have parked yourself here on the Europe forum and wringing this thread dry by just concentrating on the Ukraine because you want the readers to believe that all the troubles in the Ukraine are because of the Jews. So much is happening in Europe so I wonder if you can drag yourself away from the Ukraine and your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and tell us in your own words (not someone else's opinion) what you think can help Europe in economic matters. Could you even tell us why you think the Golden Dawn has done so well in Greece?
Mossad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"In February 2011, a Palestinian engineer, Dirar Abu Seesi, was allegedly pulled off a train by Mossad agents en route to the capital Kiev from Kharkiv. He had been planning to apply for Ukrainian citizenship, and reappeared in an Israeli jail only 3 weeks after the incident.[41]

"Middle East[edit]

"A report published on the Israeli military’s official website in February, 2014 said that Middle Eastern countries that cooperate with Israel (Mossad) are the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

"The report claimed that Bahrain has been providing Israel with intelligence on Iranian and Palestinian organizations.

"The report also highlights the growing secret cooperation with Saudi Arabia, claiming that Mossad has been in direct contact with Saudi intelligence about Iran’s nuclear energy program."
Mossad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


"In February 2011, a Palestinian engineer, Dirar Abu Seesi, was allegedly pulled off a train by Mossad agents en route to the capital Kiev from Kharkiv. He had been planning to apply for Ukrainian citizenship, and reappeared in an Israeli jail only 3 weeks after the incident.[41]

"Middle East[edit]

"A report published on the Israeli military’s official website in February, 2014 said that Middle Eastern countries that cooperate with Israel (Mossad) are the United Arab Emirates, Afghanistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.

"The report claimed that Bahrain has been providing Israel with intelligence on Iranian and Palestinian organizations.

"The report also highlights the growing secret cooperation with Saudi Arabia, claiming that Mossad has been in direct contact with Saudi intelligence about Iran’s nuclear energy program."

Still only focusing on the Jews, your favorite scapegoats, Comrade George, when so much else is going on which doesn't even concern the Jews? By the way, a teacher in Los Angeles, when there was an article about Wikipedia in the newspaper, made a comment about how she never lets her students use Wikipedia because people can put on the site whatever they want, and she wants her students to use regular encyclopedias, something that Comrade George seems loathe to do. Meanwhile, Comrade George, has there been anything else going on in Europe that has caught your eye? Lots has been happening, but you appear only to want to talk about the Jews and or Israel in your posts. Say, I know, can you tell us why there was such terrible rioting in Spain recently?
Shoshona does not allow any criticism of Jews. She is the USMB censor. Her most frequently used tactic is to high jack a thread of whatever subject and points to a totally unrelated situation. So, on a Ukraine thread, she brings up a demonstration against the right wing government in Spain. She is precious.
Shoshona does not allow any criticism of Jews. She is the USMB censor. Her most frequently used tactic is to high jack a thread of whatever subject and points to a totally unrelated situation. So, on a Ukraine thread, she brings up a demonstration against the right wing government in Spain. She is precious.

Oh look, it is Haniya, the convert to Islam. When someone looked up her Facebook page and Haniya realized what had happened, she quickly locked her page up very darn quick. How nice that we have a woman who has converted to Islam posting so she can show us how she, herself, hates the Jews and who also spews the Muslim propaganda line. How many innocent people have your new brethren murdered today, Haniya, in the name of their religion? Maybe since someone popped up on Haniya's screen name one time and said his wife comes from Spain, he can be the one to tell us what is happening in Spain these days. Can you get him to come back, Haniya?
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.

Here's Comrade George back with his dollar signs once again. I guess if you don't have the bucks, the next best thing is to show the readers that you can find the dollar sign on your computer. Poor Comrade George, he doesn't realize that Haniya doesn't like people knowing her new name since she converted to Islam so she figured she would call me Shosana. Sorry to bust your bubble, but Sally is on my birth certificate. Actually I did know an Israeli out here years ago named Shoshana. She used to like to feed the cows lettuce at the local agricultural college. You ever get up to Pierce College, Comrade George, to see animals in a big city? See, Comrade George, if you ever got out of your neighborhood that is populated only with those from Central America, you will be surprised at the different groups who actually live in Los Angeles.
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
Not only slapped him but sat on his face.
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

I realize that Comrade George can't keep his mind off of money and those who have money. However, Comrade George's article is just someone's blogs' which is really an Opinion Piece. Since there are many billionaires in Europe and since this is the Europe forum, perhaps Comrade George can give us his opinion as to how the billionaires there can help their fellow citizens with all their money. How about in Spain, Comrade George? Do you have any ideas about how they could help Spain? Give us your ideas on how the billionaires in France can help their citizens. Surely since you are constantly forcusing on rich people, you as a Commie must have some ideas up your sleeves as to how these rich people can help their fellow citizens all over Europe.

Billionaires........Where there is such wealth created in such a short time.....criminal acts have transpired......moreover this thread is about the Ukraine.....not Europe.....Your distasteful attacks towards George are BANAL at best.............Time for your to look in the Mirror and what do you see, Yep BANALITY

I'm theliq and unlike you I stand for truth and rights..........Get a Life
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

George Hi,your expert posts are completely wasted on the likes of Patient Sal,because she probably thinks you are talking about the American State of Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:......I reckon she is an Israeli citizen living in Israel.....Her HYPOCRICY is that she accuses you of talking money,YET that is all SHE talks of when posting to you. She is a Bloody SAD case indeed...steve
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
Not only slapped him but sat on his face.

Silly simplistic comment Hoss,but amusing all the same,I'm sure George saw the funny side......steve..Ever Living,Ever Faithful,Ever Sure,friend.
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
Not only slapped him but sat on his face.

Who could ask for more, Hoss.

Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
I'm obsessed with those who kill children, including Jews, for money, Bloodstool; I can see why punks like you would experience cognitive dissonance when encountering that.:eusa_angel:
I realize that Comrade George can't keep his mind off of money and those who have money. However, Comrade George's article is just someone's blogs' which is really an Opinion Piece. Since there are many billionaires in Europe and since this is the Europe forum, perhaps Comrade George can give us his opinion as to how the billionaires there can help their fellow citizens with all their money. How about in Spain, Comrade George? Do you have any ideas about how they could help Spain? Give us your ideas on how the billionaires in France can help their citizens. Surely since you are constantly forcusing on rich people, you as a Commie must have some ideas up your sleeves as to how these rich people can help their fellow citizens all over Europe.
Have you noticed the number of conflicting opinions one can find on USMB?
What reason would you have to post here if you object to conflicting opinions?
You obviously find it hard to remember the title or topic of this particular thread.

Nootropic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But, Comrade George, you have parked yourself here on the Europe forum and wringing this thread dry by just concentrating on the Ukraine because you want the readers to believe that all the troubles in the Ukraine are because of the Jews. So much is happening in Europe so I wonder if you can drag yourself away from the Ukraine and your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, and tell us in your own words (not someone else's opinion) what you think can help Europe in economic matters. Could you even tell us why you think the Golden Dawn has done so well in Greece?
Why don't you start a thread on Golden Dawn and we'll all find out, Ha$bra $ally, or would that be above your pay grade?

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