Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine


Here's Comrade George back with his dollar signs once again. I guess if you don't have the bucks, the next best thing is to show the readers that you can find the dollar sign on your computer. Poor Comrade George, he doesn't realize that Haniya doesn't like people knowing her new name since she converted to Islam so she figured she would call me Shosana. Sorry to bust your bubble, but Sally is on my birth certificate. Actually I did know an Israeli out here years ago named Shoshana. She used to like to feed the cows lettuce at the local agricultural college. You ever get up to Pierce College, Comrade George, to see animals in a big city? See, Comrade George, if you ever got out of your neighborhood that is populated only with those from Central America, you will be surprised at the different groups who actually live in Los Angeles.
What's even more pathetic than Ha$bara $ally and the deflections she posts is that she's apparently gullible enough to think anyone believes anything she says. How are the medical benefits at Ha$bara, $al?
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

George Hi,your expert posts are completely wasted on the likes of Patient Sal,because she probably thinks you are talking about the American State of Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:......I reckon she is an Israeli citizen living in Israel.....Her HYPOCRICY is that she accuses you of talking money,YET that is all SHE talks of when posting to you. She is a Bloody SAD case indeed...steve
Compared to some hasbara I've seen at USMB, Patient Sal is a chocolate covered snowflake.

Maybe she's Ukrainian?

"When billionaires gain public office, they almost always are criticized for using their abundant financial resources to win elections, and once they are in office, observers worry whether they are abusing their positions to further their own social and economic interests.

"Given the wide-ranging business interests of most politicians who are very wealthy, conflicts of interest are inevitable.

"It is not likely that Poroshenko will be an exception to this rule. He has a chocolate factory in Russia and has had business dealings with many people in Europe, the Ukraine, and Russia.

"The biggest challenge facing him is the fusion of economic and political influence in Ukraine.

"That connection invariably creates political resentments and clear conflicts of interest.

"The large number of billionaire leaders around the world who have been accused of vote buying, influence peddling, or outright corruption suggests Poroshenko will not have an easy path to success.

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

FWIW, I think Poroshenko will rule over the next IMF looting of Ukraine for a single term before the voters realize they've been fucked again.

At that point, the Champ may get his turn in power.
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

George Hi,your expert posts are completely wasted on the likes of Patient Sal,because she probably thinks you are talking about the American State of Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:......I reckon she is an Israeli citizen living in Israel.....Her HYPOCRICY is that she accuses you of talking money,YET that is all SHE talks of when posting to you. She is a Bloody SAD case indeed...steve
Compared to some hasbara I've seen at USMB, Patient Sal is a chocolate covered snowflake.

Maybe she's Ukrainian?

"When billionaires gain public office, they almost always are criticized for using their abundant financial resources to win elections, and once they are in office, observers worry whether they are abusing their positions to further their own social and economic interests.

"Given the wide-ranging business interests of most politicians who are very wealthy, conflicts of interest are inevitable.

"It is not likely that Poroshenko will be an exception to this rule. He has a chocolate factory in Russia and has had business dealings with many people in Europe, the Ukraine, and Russia.

"The biggest challenge facing him is the fusion of economic and political influence in Ukraine.

"That connection invariably creates political resentments and clear conflicts of interest.

"The large number of billionaire leaders around the world who have been accused of vote buying, influence peddling, or outright corruption suggests Poroshenko will not have an easy path to success.

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

FWIW, I think Poroshenko will rule over the next IMF looting of Ukraine for a single term before the voters realize they've been fucked again.

At that point, the Champ may get his turn in power.

It really is fun seeing ther Loser in Life and the Mental Patient from Australia team up. What free entertainment reading these silly guys. By the way, Comrade George, how about you get away from your computer today and hitch hike to the Kenneth Hahn Park on La Cienga. When you get to the top, the view will be magnificent. Meanwhile, Comrade George, it is very obvious that your are ignoring Bloodrock's posts about your obsession with the Jews. He is right you know. Your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, appears to be evident to any intelligent readers who happens to catch your posts. Hmm, if Comrade George does happen to pull himself away from his computer and go to the park, he can brag to the other people he comes across there that he knows how to find the dollar sign on his computer.
"Outsiders have greeted the election of Petro Poroshenko as Ukraine's new president with tremendous hope. The billionaire chocolatier has vowed strong steps to bring peace to his troubled country and leadership that bridges differences with Ukrainian separatists and his Russian neighbors. Optimistic observers predict that he is too rich to be bought and therefore likely to overcome the bad government performance and rampant citizen cynicism that has plagued that country.

Yet the experiences of other nations with billionaire executives do not bode well for Ukraine. Billionaires have run for elective office in 13 nations around the world and in most cases, the tycoon has won. But many of these campaign winners have overseen administrations beset by corruption, poor performance, and blatant conflicts of interest."

How did the billionaire solution turn out in Georgia?

"In the former Soviet republic of Georgia, billionaire Bidzina 'Boris' Ivanishvili has a net worth equal to one-third of his country's $15.8 billion gross domestic product, according to Forbes magazine.

"He came into politics following major policy disagreements with Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili.

"Saakashvili, who was elected in 2008 on an anticorruption platform, pursued pro-Western and pro-NATO policies and sought membership in NATO and the European Union.

"Russian leaders were upset with those moves, and after talks failed, they sent military troops into Georgia in 2008 to support separatists in the region of South Ossetia."

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

Billionaires would seem to be the problem here, regardless of religion or ethnicity.

George Hi,your expert posts are completely wasted on the likes of Patient Sal,because she probably thinks you are talking about the American State of Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:......I reckon she is an Israeli citizen living in Israel.....Her HYPOCRICY is that she accuses you of talking money,YET that is all SHE talks of when posting to you. She is a Bloody SAD case indeed...steve

Poor Stevie, looks like he missed his appointment with the psychiatrist. Meanwhile, perhaps Stevie can explain to us why this thread is still going on from the beginning of March? Is he that mentally deficient that he doesn't realize that his sidekick Georgie has an obsession with the Jews? Lots of hard news coming out of the Ukraine which could be reported here, but Stevie doesn't seems to catch on that his sidekick only wants to drag his scapegoats into what is happening there. By the way, Stevie, are you by chance posting anything about your own country? I don't have the time to read all these forums so I wondered if you are giving the readers any news from Australia, or are you like Georgie obsessed with the Jews also.
"Jewish immigration from Ukraine has more than doubled since the start of the year over 2013 figures, the agency said. Israel has seen 762 immigrants arrive from Ukraine between January and April, compared to 315 over the same period a year ago.

"The agency is preparing to help facilitate the departure of more families from Donetsk should the hostilities there continue.

"Agency chairman Natan Sharansky, a former Soviet dissident who was born in Donetsk, said in a statement: 'Due to the current situation in the country we have significantly expanded our activities, assisting those who wish to immigrate to Israel.'"

Israel rescues Ukrainian Jews stranded by fighting | JPost | Israel News
George Hi,your expert posts are completely wasted on the likes of Patient Sal,because she probably thinks you are talking about the American State of Georgia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:badgrin:......I reckon she is an Israeli citizen living in Israel.....Her HYPOCRICY is that she accuses you of talking money,YET that is all SHE talks of when posting to you. She is a Bloody SAD case indeed...steve
Compared to some hasbara I've seen at USMB, Patient Sal is a chocolate covered snowflake.

Maybe she's Ukrainian?

"When billionaires gain public office, they almost always are criticized for using their abundant financial resources to win elections, and once they are in office, observers worry whether they are abusing their positions to further their own social and economic interests.

"Given the wide-ranging business interests of most politicians who are very wealthy, conflicts of interest are inevitable.

"It is not likely that Poroshenko will be an exception to this rule. He has a chocolate factory in Russia and has had business dealings with many people in Europe, the Ukraine, and Russia.

"The biggest challenge facing him is the fusion of economic and political influence in Ukraine.

"That connection invariably creates political resentments and clear conflicts of interest.

"The large number of billionaire leaders around the world who have been accused of vote buying, influence peddling, or outright corruption suggests Poroshenko will not have an easy path to success.

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

FWIW, I think Poroshenko will rule over the next IMF looting of Ukraine for a single term before the voters realize they've been fucked again.

At that point, the Champ may get his turn in power.

It really is fun seeing ther Loser in Life and the Mental Patient from Australia team up. What free entertainment reading these silly guys. By the way, Comrade George, how about you get away from your computer today and hitch hike to the Kenneth Hahn Park on La Cienga. When you get to the top, the view will be magnificent. Meanwhile, Comrade George, it is very obvious that your are ignoring Bloodrock's posts about your obsession with the Jews. He is right you know. Your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, appears to be evident to any intelligent readers who happens to catch your posts. Hmm, if Comrade George does happen to pull himself away from his computer and go to the park, he can brag to the other people he comes across there that he knows how to find the dollar sign on his computer.
Compared to some hasbara I've seen at USMB, Patient Sal is a chocolate covered snowflake.

Maybe she's Ukrainian?

"When billionaires gain public office, they almost always are criticized for using their abundant financial resources to win elections, and once they are in office, observers worry whether they are abusing their positions to further their own social and economic interests.

"Given the wide-ranging business interests of most politicians who are very wealthy, conflicts of interest are inevitable.

"It is not likely that Poroshenko will be an exception to this rule. He has a chocolate factory in Russia and has had business dealings with many people in Europe, the Ukraine, and Russia.

"The biggest challenge facing him is the fusion of economic and political influence in Ukraine.

"That connection invariably creates political resentments and clear conflicts of interest.

"The large number of billionaire leaders around the world who have been accused of vote buying, influence peddling, or outright corruption suggests Poroshenko will not have an easy path to success.

Can a Billionaire Save Ukraine?*|*Darrell West

FWIW, I think Poroshenko will rule over the next IMF looting of Ukraine for a single term before the voters realize they've been fucked again.

At that point, the Champ may get his turn in power.

It really is fun seeing ther Loser in Life and the Mental Patient from Australia team up. What free entertainment reading these silly guys. By the way, Comrade George, how about you get away from your computer today and hitch hike to the Kenneth Hahn Park on La Cienga. When you get to the top, the view will be magnificent. Meanwhile, Comrade George, it is very obvious that your are ignoring Bloodrock's posts about your obsession with the Jews. He is right you know. Your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, appears to be evident to any intelligent readers who happens to catch your posts. Hmm, if Comrade George does happen to pull himself away from his computer and go to the park, he can brag to the other people he comes across there that he knows how to find the dollar sign on his computer.
Attempting to dig your way out, Commie?
"Jewish immigration from Ukraine has more than doubled since the start of the year over 2013 figures, the agency said. Israel has seen 762 immigrants arrive from Ukraine between January and April, compared to 315 over the same period a year ago.

"The agency is preparing to help facilitate the departure of more families from Donetsk should the hostilities there continue.

"Agency chairman Natan Sharansky, a former Soviet dissident who was born in Donetsk, said in a statement: 'Due to the current situation in the country we have significantly expanded our activities, assisting those who wish to immigrate to Israel.'"

Israel rescues Ukrainian Jews stranded by fighting | JPost | Israel News

The NeoNazis are rising all over Europe, Comrade Georgie, and that includes the Ukraine. Do you really think these Jews are safe from the Neo Nazis. I think it is great if Jewish Ukrainians are flown out of the area into Israel. Perhaps it is time for you to hitch hike up to Plummer's Park in West Hollywood and ask all those who are from Russia and the former states of the USSR why they left their native lands.
It really is fun seeing ther Loser in Life and the Mental Patient from Australia team up. What free entertainment reading these silly guys. By the way, Comrade George, how about you get away from your computer today and hitch hike to the Kenneth Hahn Park on La Cienga. When you get to the top, the view will be magnificent. Meanwhile, Comrade George, it is very obvious that your are ignoring Bloodrock's posts about your obsession with the Jews. He is right you know. Your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, appears to be evident to any intelligent readers who happens to catch your posts. Hmm, if Comrade George does happen to pull himself away from his computer and go to the park, he can brag to the other people he comes across there that he knows how to find the dollar sign on his computer.

Attempting to dig your way out, Commie?

Maybe he is dim enough to believe that the readers can't see how obsessed he is with the Jews.
It really is fun seeing ther Loser in Life and the Mental Patient from Australia team up. What free entertainment reading these silly guys. By the way, Comrade George, how about you get away from your computer today and hitch hike to the Kenneth Hahn Park on La Cienga. When you get to the top, the view will be magnificent. Meanwhile, Comrade George, it is very obvious that your are ignoring Bloodrock's posts about your obsession with the Jews. He is right you know. Your obsession with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, appears to be evident to any intelligent readers who happens to catch your posts. Hmm, if Comrade George does happen to pull himself away from his computer and go to the park, he can brag to the other people he comes across there that he knows how to find the dollar sign on his computer.
Attempting to dig your way out, Commie?
Trying to find all those dead gooks, BK.
Attempting to dig your way out, Commie?

Trying to find all those dead gooks, BK.

Now, Georgie, fess up. You don't care about the Vietnamese just as you don't care about the Arabs. They are just your pawns to use against the U.S. and the Jews. Perhaps you try to use the Vietnamese as your pawns as a way to cover up your own shortcomings. After all, I doubt that there are many American men who would have faked a bad back after only ten days of basic training because, as you yourself stated, you were homesick.
"Jewish immigration from Ukraine has more than doubled since the start of the year over 2013 figures, the agency said. Israel has seen 762 immigrants arrive from Ukraine between January and April, compared to 315 over the same period a year ago.

"The agency is preparing to help facilitate the departure of more families from Donetsk should the hostilities there continue.

"Agency chairman Natan Sharansky, a former Soviet dissident who was born in Donetsk, said in a statement: 'Due to the current situation in the country we have significantly expanded our activities, assisting those who wish to immigrate to Israel.'"

Israel rescues Ukrainian Jews stranded by fighting | JPost | Israel News

The NeoNazis are rising all over Europe, Comrade Georgie, and that includes the Ukraine. Do you really think these Jews are safe from the Neo Nazis. I think it is great if Jewish Ukrainians are flown out of the area into Israel. Perhaps it is time for you to hitch hike up to Plummer's Park in West Hollywood and ask all those who are from Russia and the former states of the USSR why they left their native lands.

The thing you forgot to mention Patient Sal, is the Growth of Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel !!!!!I will repeat....NEO-NAZIS IN ISRAEL....which has normal Israelis and the Government extremely concerned.....Why did you not mention this Patient Sal......O that's right you have a selective memory.

So this is for YOU........Sal.................................FOLKS JUST TYPE IN.....NEO NAZIS IN ISRAEL.......and read about the abomination of Jewish Neo-Nazis. Sally loves NAZIS
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"Police in Israel have uncovered a neo-Nazi ring which was responsible for vandalising synagogues and carrying out attacks on Jews and foreign workers in Israel, a court was told yesterday.

"The group of eight Russian immigrants aged between 18 and 21 appeared in court following an 18-month investigation into attacks on two synagogues in which swastikas were painted on the walls of the buildings.

"The men covered their heads with their shirts during the hearing, revealing arms tattooed with Nazi imagery.

"More than a million people from the former Soviet Union have emigrated to Israel, which has a population of seven million, since 1990, taking advantage of Israel's Law of Return which allows anyone to claim citizenship if they have a Jewish grandparent.

"Many of the new immigrants have little connection to Judaism and emigrated for economic reasons."

Israeli neo-Nazi ring caught after attacks on synagogues | World news | The Guardian
"Jewish immigration from Ukraine has more than doubled since the start of the year over 2013 figures, the agency said. Israel has seen 762 immigrants arrive from Ukraine between January and April, compared to 315 over the same period a year ago.

"The agency is preparing to help facilitate the departure of more families from Donetsk should the hostilities there continue.

"Agency chairman Natan Sharansky, a former Soviet dissident who was born in Donetsk, said in a statement: 'Due to the current situation in the country we have significantly expanded our activities, assisting those who wish to immigrate to Israel.'"

Israel rescues Ukrainian Jews stranded by fighting | JPost | Israel News

The NeoNazis are rising all over Europe, Comrade Georgie, and that includes the Ukraine. Do you really think these Jews are safe from the Neo Nazis. I think it is great if Jewish Ukrainians are flown out of the area into Israel. Perhaps it is time for you to hitch hike up to Plummer's Park in West Hollywood and ask all those who are from Russia and the former states of the USSR why they left their native lands.

The thing you forgot to mention Patient Sal, is the Growth of Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel !!!!!I will repeat....NEO-NAZIS IN ISRAEL....which has normal Israelis and the Government extremely concerned.....Why did you not mention this Patient Sal......O that's right you have a selective memory.

So this is for YOU........Sal.................................FOLKS JUST TYPE IN.....NEO NAZIS IN ISRAEL.......and read about the abomination of Jewish Neo-Nazis. Sally loves NAZIS

Sorry, Stevie, but you forgot to mention how you actually know these NeoNazis are Jewish and not those Ukrainians who came to Israel with relatives who are Jewish. Do you actually think that everyone in the world has relatives of the same religion they are? Can your little mind process the thought that people in the same family have different religions? Meanwhile, Stevie, why are you so interested in Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews, no matter where they live? Are you trying to tell us that everything in your own country is honky dory and things never change?
"Police in Israel have uncovered a neo-Nazi ring which was responsible for vandalising synagogues and carrying out attacks on Jews and foreign workers in Israel, a court was told yesterday.

"The group of eight Russian immigrants aged between 18 and 21 appeared in court following an 18-month investigation into attacks on two synagogues in which swastikas were painted on the walls of the buildings.

"The men covered their heads with their shirts during the hearing, revealing arms tattooed with Nazi imagery.

"More than a million people from the former Soviet Union have emigrated to Israel, which has a population of seven million, since 1990, taking advantage of Israel's Law of Return which allows anyone to claim citizenship if they have a Jewish grandparent.

"Many of the new immigrants have little connection to Judaism and emigrated for economic reasons."

Israeli neo-Nazi ring caught after attacks on synagogues | World news | The Guardian

While Comrade Georgie is still obsessing over his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, he is no doubt salivating over the rise of the NeoNazis in Europe because they will be causing more damage to the Jews in Europe. How about, Comrade Georgie, since this is the Europe forum, you mention something about the Neo Nazi rise in Greece.

Greek Jews anxious over neo-Nazis' electoral gains | The Times of Israel

When I read the following article the other day, my mind went back to a woman I once knew who came from this area in Greece. When the Nazis came, they required one member of her family to go to the Nazi headquarters in town to register the family. Her father had a bad cold at the time, so her eldest sister went in his stead. The sister never came back; and the father was so stressed out about this, they he had a heart attack and died. Comrade Georgie is very lucky that he wasn't alive and living in Europe at that time or he, too, might have never returned to his home but sent to a concentration camp as an undesirable or shot on the spot and thrown into a mass grave.

Jewish cemetery desecrated in Thessaloniki, Greece | The Times of Israel
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
I'm obsessed with those who kill children, including Jews, for money, Bloodstool; I can see why punks like you would experience cognitive dissonance when encountering that.:eusa_angel:

Bullshit ya commie piece of shit. The families of jailed Palestinians who kill Jewish babies get a monthly stipend. Don't see you starting any threads about them or any other group of people.
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
I'm obsessed with those who kill children, including Jews, for money, Bloodstool; I can see why punks like you would experience cognitive dissonance when encountering that.:eusa_angel:

Bullshit ya commie piece of shit. The families of jailed Palestinians who kill Jewish babies get a monthly stipend. Don't see you starting any threads about them or any other group of people.
I haven't taken money to kill, maim, and displace children; have you, Sissy?
I'm obsessed with those who kill children, including Jews, for money, Bloodstool; I can see why punks like you would experience cognitive dissonance when encountering that.:eusa_angel:

Bullshit ya commie piece of shit. The families of jailed Palestinians who kill Jewish babies get a monthly stipend. Don't see you starting any threads about them or any other group of people.
I haven't taken money to kill, maim, and displace children; have you, Sissy?

Comrade Georgie, the sissy is you. Any man who fakes a bad back after only ten days of basic training because he felt homesick is a sissy. Don't you realize that many of the posters and also readers of these forums are veterans, and by calling posters who served killers as you usually do, you are putting these posters and readers down. It is quite obvious that you close your eyes to what is going on in the world and the amount of killing going on in many different locations. All you want to do is obsess over your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, or put down the country in which you live, a country which was not responsible for the position you find yourself in life. It was your own lack of initiative. In fact, you probably just yawn when you hear of a suicide or car bombing taking out unfortunate people who happened to be in the area. You really don't care about people, but you certainly try to fake it out that you do.
Still obsessed with Jews I see. Is there a thought that doesn't pass through your tiny mind that isn't about Jews? I asked you to explain your obsession a couple months ago and you gave a non answer. You'll feel much better if you come clean and tell us. Even if it was that a little Jewish girl bitch slapped you in Kindergarten.
I'm obsessed with those who kill children, including Jews, for money, Bloodstool; I can see why punks like you would experience cognitive dissonance when encountering that.:eusa_angel:

Bullshit ya commie piece of shit. The families of jailed Palestinians who kill Jewish babies get a monthly stipend. Don't see you starting any threads about them or any other group of people.

I will,Blood, because what you say is done much MORE to the Palestinians than Jewish folk......all killing on either side is really an abomination,but a few facts for you to comprehend.

Jews killed in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict....24,845....Wounded...35,356

Palestinians killed.................................90,785....Wounded...67,602

Over 14,000 Palestinian Children and BABIES have been killed/murdered...compared to 3212 Israeli Children and BABIES killed/murdered

You Blood should know better than to use inflammatory rhetoric on this very long standing schism between these two Semitic peoples..steve
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wow this is very useful for me thank you very much, I was able to gain insight and knowledge which means, of course, historical knowledge

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