Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

The NeoNazis are rising all over Europe, Comrade Georgie, and that includes the Ukraine. Do you really think these Jews are safe from the Neo Nazis. I think it is great if Jewish Ukrainians are flown out of the area into Israel. Perhaps it is time for you to hitch hike up to Plummer's Park in West Hollywood and ask all those who are from Russia and the former states of the USSR why they left their native lands.

The thing you forgot to mention Patient Sal, is the Growth of Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel !!!!!I will repeat....NEO-NAZIS IN ISRAEL....which has normal Israelis and the Government extremely concerned.....Why did you not mention this Patient Sal......O that's right you have a selective memory.

So this is for YOU........Sal.................................FOLKS JUST TYPE IN.....NEO NAZIS IN ISRAEL.......and read about the abomination of Jewish Neo-Nazis. Sally loves NAZIS

Sorry, Stevie, but you forgot to mention how you actually know these NeoNazis are Jewish and not those Ukrainians who came to Israel with relatives who are Jewish. Do you actually think that everyone in the world has relatives of the same religion they are? Can your little mind process the thought that people in the same family have different religions? Meanwhile, Stevie, why are you so interested in Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews, no matter where they live? Are you trying to tell us that everything in your own country is honky dory and things never change?

Stop being an Idiot........Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel....what the Fcuks going on !!!!!!??????Sal.......and we protect Jewish folk here in Paradise and all other minorities as it should be.SAY NO TO NEO-NAZIS EVERYWHERE.........The Jews are not scapegoats.....most are great people,most I said.........so stop accusing George and myself with your ridiculous posts.....Jews are like every race....most Great,a few SHITS.

George just reminds you mob, who wear ROSE TINTED GLASSES the reality of the truth.......Reality and Truth are not two words that could ever be spoken in your slanted posts Sal. Remember if you live in a glass house.......don't throw stones...just sayin.
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The thing you forgot to mention Patient Sal, is the Growth of Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel !!!!!I will repeat....NEO-NAZIS IN ISRAEL....which has normal Israelis and the Government extremely concerned.....Why did you not mention this Patient Sal......O that's right you have a selective memory.

So this is for YOU........Sal.................................FOLKS JUST TYPE IN.....NEO NAZIS IN ISRAEL.......and read about the abomination of Jewish Neo-Nazis. Sally loves NAZIS

Sorry, Stevie, but you forgot to mention how you actually know these NeoNazis are Jewish and not those Ukrainians who came to Israel with relatives who are Jewish. Do you actually think that everyone in the world has relatives of the same religion they are? Can your little mind process the thought that people in the same family have different religions? Meanwhile, Stevie, why are you so interested in Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews, no matter where they live? Are you trying to tell us that everything in your own country is honky dory and things never change?

Stop being an Idiot........Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel....what the Fcuks going on !!!!!!??????Sal.......and we protect Jewish folk here in Paradise and all other minorities as it should be.SAY NO TO NEO-NAZIS EVERYWHERE.........The Jews are not scapegoats.....most are great people,most I said.........so stop accusing George and myself with your ridiculous posts.....Jews are like every race....most Great,a few SHITS.

George just reminds you mob, who wear ROSE TINTED GLASSES the reality of the truth.......Reality and Truth are not two words that could ever be spoken in your slanted posts Sal. Remember if you live in a glass house.......don't throw stones...just sayin.

Stevie is such a hoot if he thinks he is convincing all the readers here that his new sidekick, Comrade Georgie, is not using the Jews as his favorite scapegoat. Tell you what Stevie, since you are the "big successful businessman," why not scrounge together a little money for Comrade Georgie to fly over to France where he can march with the NeoNazis and yell in Englist "Jews out of France" the way the NeoNazis are yelling this in French. Meanwhile, it looks like Stevie is loathe to even give the readers the news about what is happening in his own country. Is it more important for him to stick up for his new anti-Semitic sidekick who uses the Jews as his scapegoats for his own failures in life?
I'm obsessed with those who kill children, including Jews, for money, Bloodstool; I can see why punks like you would experience cognitive dissonance when encountering that.:eusa_angel:

Bullshit ya commie piece of shit. The families of jailed Palestinians who kill Jewish babies get a monthly stipend. Don't see you starting any threads about them or any other group of people.

I will,Blood, because what you say is done much MORE to the Palestinians than Jewish folk......all killing on either side is really an abomination,but a few facts for you to comprehend.

Jews killed in the Palestinian/Israeli conflict....24,845....Wounded...35,356

Palestinians killed.................................90,785....Wounded...67,602

Over 14,000 Palestinian Children and BABIES have been killed/murdered...compared to 3212 Israeli Children and BABIES killed/murdered

You Blood should know better than to use inflammatory rhetoric on this very long standing schism between these two Semitic peoples..steve

How about, Stevie, you give us the statistics of all the innocent people murdered by the Muslims in the Middle East countries. Here are the Muslims murdering Christians and other Muslims by the carload, and Stevie only goes to the hate sites to find out about what is happening in the Israeli area. Amazinb how there are posters like Stevie who keep on dragging up the same statistics, but never once mention all the murders of others in the Muslim Middle East. I would suggest that Stevie take time out from reading the NeoNazi/Islamofascist hate sites and start reading Raymond Ibrahim's tally of what is happening to the Christians by Muslims.
Ukraine: Zionist America?s new Jewish colony | Veterans Today
Ukraine: Zionist America’s new Jewish colony

Both the new president and prime minister of Ukraine have now been “outed” as Jews — and this in a country where most people, including the Right Sector fascists, happen to nourish a deep-seated hatred of Jews. This is surely a recipe for disaster…
These four politicians (pictured) have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots”; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko, Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.


While it is interesting to note that both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk have done their best, understandably, to hide their Jewish roots in Jew-hating Ukraine, it is even more interesting to see how their “secret” Jewish roots have been exposed by reputable Jewish sources including The Daily Forward and Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.

In a country that has suffered a genocidal man-made famine at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks, where the word “Zhyd” (Jew) is the dirtiest word in the Ukrainian language, it comes as no surprise to learn that both Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk should try their best to hide their Jewish roots.

According to the Jewish Daily Forward article, Poroshenko’s spokeswoman asked Forbes Israel to remove her boss’s name from a list of the world’s richest Jews. (See here)

The same skullduggery applies to Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yetsenuk, affectionately known as “Yats” to his Jewish American patron and puppet mistress Victoria Nuland.

Apparently Yatsenyuk, who tries to pretend he is pure Ukrainian, was “born in Chernivtsi in 1974 to Jewish-Ukraininan parents”, according to Oxford Analytica, an independent strategic consulting firm based at Oxford University that draws on a network of 1000 scholarly experts from around the world.

In October 2009, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper published an article urging Yatsenuk to come clean and proudly declare his Jewish heritage, instead of shamefully passing himself off as a gentile. It describes efforts by Ukrainian Jewish leaders to get Yatsenyuk to out himself as a Jew:

It almost beggars belief to learn that Ukraine, a land of inveterate Jew haters fresh with their memories of the Holodomor genocide, should find itself saddled with a Jewish president as well as a Jewish prime minister. To rub salt into the wound, it is a Jew, Victoria Nuland, who helped to shoehorn Poroshenko and Yatsenuk into power with the help of $5 billion belonging to the American taxpayer.

The corporate vultures, many from America and the Nato countries, now gather round the corpse of Ukraine, ready to pick it dry. Privatization is again the name of the game. The Jewish oligarchs are limbering up to do a repeat performance of what their co-ethnics did to the Soviet Union in the time of Boris Yeltzin: to raid the till, to steal the family silver.

Both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk are only too eager to hand Ukraine over to the tender mercies of the IMF — to austerity, unemployment, and grinding poverty. The many will suffer, the few will thrive. And those who will do best out of this newest exercise in the plunder of a nation will be the Jews.[/QUOTE]
Ukraine: Zionist America?s new Jewish colony | Veterans Today
Ukraine: Zionist America’s new Jewish colony

Both the new president and prime minister of Ukraine have now been “outed” as Jews — and this in a country where most people, including the Right Sector fascists, happen to nourish a deep-seated hatred of Jews. This is surely a recipe for disaster…
These four politicians (pictured) have two things in Common: (1) They all wield tremendous influence in the new Jew-controlled Ukraine. (2) They are ALL Jews. Far right, Ukraine’s new Prime Minister, Arsiniy Yatsenuk, a Jew (see below); next to him, American Secretary of State John Kerry, who recently discovered his “Jewish roots”; left of Kerry, Ukraine’s recently elected President, Petro Poroshenko, another Jew (see below); far left, Vitali Klitschko, Jewish boxer politician whose father served in the Bolshevik “Red” army.


While it is interesting to note that both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk have done their best, understandably, to hide their Jewish roots in Jew-hating Ukraine, it is even more interesting to see how their “secret” Jewish roots have been exposed by reputable Jewish sources including The Daily Forward and Israel’s Haaretz newspaper.

In a country that has suffered a genocidal man-made famine at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks, where the word “Zhyd” (Jew) is the dirtiest word in the Ukrainian language, it comes as no surprise to learn that both Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk should try their best to hide their Jewish roots.

According to the Jewish Daily Forward article, Poroshenko’s spokeswoman asked Forbes Israel to remove her boss’s name from a list of the world’s richest Jews. (See here)

The same skullduggery applies to Ukraine’s Prime Minister, Arseniy Yetsenuk, affectionately known as “Yats” to his Jewish American patron and puppet mistress Victoria Nuland.

Apparently Yatsenyuk, who tries to pretend he is pure Ukrainian, was “born in Chernivtsi in 1974 to Jewish-Ukraininan parents”, according to Oxford Analytica, an independent strategic consulting firm based at Oxford University that draws on a network of 1000 scholarly experts from around the world.

In October 2009, Israel’s Haaretz newspaper published an article urging Yatsenuk to come clean and proudly declare his Jewish heritage, instead of shamefully passing himself off as a gentile. It describes efforts by Ukrainian Jewish leaders to get Yatsenyuk to out himself as a Jew:

It almost beggars belief to learn that Ukraine, a land of inveterate Jew haters fresh with their memories of the Holodomor genocide, should find itself saddled with a Jewish president as well as a Jewish prime minister. To rub salt into the wound, it is a Jew, Victoria Nuland, who helped to shoehorn Poroshenko and Yatsenuk into power with the help of $5 billion belonging to the American taxpayer.

The corporate vultures, many from America and the Nato countries, now gather round the corpse of Ukraine, ready to pick it dry. Privatization is again the name of the game. The Jewish oligarchs are limbering up to do a repeat performance of what their co-ethnics did to the Soviet Union in the time of Boris Yeltzin: to raid the till, to steal the family silver.

Both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk are only too eager to hand Ukraine over to the tender mercies of the IMF — to austerity, unemployment, and grinding poverty. The many will suffer, the few will thrive. And those who will do best out of this newest exercise in the plunder of a nation will be the Jews.[/QUOTE]

John Kerry is Jewish?? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Ya, real credible source Nazi Boy :rolleyes:
John Kerry's Jewish Roots

"Fooled you! And you, and you, and you.

"Even the best friends of Senator John Forbes Kerry, a practicing Catholic from Massachusetts (the state which contains America’s largest Irish Catholic population), thought of him as an American Irish Catholic through and through.

"The discovery of Kerry’s European Jewish roots has surprised many people, including the senator himself.

"Benedikt Kohn (Great-Grandfather)

"Benedikt Kohn, the great-grandfather of Senator John Kerry, was born about 1824 in southern Moravia. Benedikt was successful as a master brewer of beer.

"In 1868, after the death of his first wife, he moved to Bennisch (today called Horni Benesov) and married Mathilde Frankel Kohn. Benedikt and Mathilde Kohn were two of the only 27 Jews living in Bennisch, which is listed as having a total population of 4,200, in 1880."
John Kerry's Jewish Roots

"Fooled you! And you, and you, and you.

"Even the best friends of Senator John Forbes Kerry, a practicing Catholic from Massachusetts (the state which contains America’s largest Irish Catholic population), thought of him as an American Irish Catholic through and through.

"The discovery of Kerry’s European Jewish roots has surprised many people, including the senator himself.

"Benedikt Kohn (Great-Grandfather)

"Benedikt Kohn, the great-grandfather of Senator John Kerry, was born about 1824 in southern Moravia. Benedikt was successful as a master brewer of beer.

"In 1868, after the death of his first wife, he moved to Bennisch (today called Horni Benesov) and married Mathilde Frankel Kohn. Benedikt and Mathilde Kohn were two of the only 27 Jews living in Bennisch, which is listed as having a total population of 4,200, in 1880."

Why, Georgie, many people in the U.S. have had both Jewish grandparents and Christian grandparents. Is this so unusual that Kerry should have had the same as many Americans do? How do you know that even you don't have some Jewish roots? As one Black man living here in Los Angeles said that when he sent in a sample of his DNA, he found out that he wasn't from the part of Africa that he thought he was from, and that his roots mainly were from some Ashkenazi woman. Perhaps if you can do so, you could visit some towns in Arizona and New Mexico where many of the Catholics have sent in samples of their DNA and are discovering they have Jewish roots.
John Kerry's Jewish Roots

"Fooled you! And you, and you, and you.

"Even the best friends of Senator John Forbes Kerry, a practicing Catholic from Massachusetts (the state which contains America’s largest Irish Catholic population), thought of him as an American Irish Catholic through and through.

"The discovery of Kerry’s European Jewish roots has surprised many people, including the senator himself.

"Benedikt Kohn (Great-Grandfather)

"Benedikt Kohn, the great-grandfather of Senator John Kerry, was born about 1824 in southern Moravia. Benedikt was successful as a master brewer of beer.

"In 1868, after the death of his first wife, he moved to Bennisch (today called Horni Benesov) and married Mathilde Frankel Kohn. Benedikt and Mathilde Kohn were two of the only 27 Jews living in Bennisch, which is listed as having a total population of 4,200, in 1880."

Why, Georgie, many people in the U.S. have had both Jewish grandparents and Christian grandparents. Is this so unusual that Kerry should have had the same as many Americans do? How do you know that even you don't have some Jewish roots? As one Black man living here in Los Angeles said that when he sent in a sample of his DNA, he found out that he wasn't from the part of Africa that he thought he was from, and that his roots mainly were from some Ashkenazi woman. Perhaps if you can do so, you could visit some towns in Arizona and New Mexico where many of the Catholics have sent in samples of their DNA and are discovering they have Jewish roots.
Where did I say it was unusual for Kerry to have Jewish roots?
John Kerry's Jewish Roots

"Fooled you! And you, and you, and you.

"Even the best friends of Senator John Forbes Kerry, a practicing Catholic from Massachusetts (the state which contains America’s largest Irish Catholic population), thought of him as an American Irish Catholic through and through.

"The discovery of Kerry’s European Jewish roots has surprised many people, including the senator himself.

"Benedikt Kohn (Great-Grandfather)

"Benedikt Kohn, the great-grandfather of Senator John Kerry, was born about 1824 in southern Moravia. Benedikt was successful as a master brewer of beer.

"In 1868, after the death of his first wife, he moved to Bennisch (today called Horni Benesov) and married Mathilde Frankel Kohn. Benedikt and Mathilde Kohn were two of the only 27 Jews living in Bennisch, which is listed as having a total population of 4,200, in 1880."

Why, Georgie, many people in the U.S. have had both Jewish grandparents and Christian grandparents. Is this so unusual that Kerry should have had the same as many Americans do? How do you know that even you don't have some Jewish roots? As one Black man living here in Los Angeles said that when he sent in a sample of his DNA, he found out that he wasn't from the part of Africa that he thought he was from, and that his roots mainly were from some Ashkenazi woman. Perhaps if you can do so, you could visit some towns in Arizona and New Mexico where many of the Catholics have sent in samples of their DNA and are discovering they have Jewish roots.

Where did I say it was unusual for Kerry to have Jewish roots?

Why did you even bother to bring this up? A person would have had to be like Rip Van Winkle not to have read about this before.

I don't think that Kerry's badkground has anything to do with what is happening in Europe. Have you anything to report on what is happening in Europe other than the Ukraine. Many countries in Europe. Surely something must have caught your eye (that of course doesn't involve your favorite scapegoats, the Jews) that you feel is worthwhile to be posted for the viewers to read..
Why, Georgie, many people in the U.S. have had both Jewish grandparents and Christian grandparents. Is this so unusual that Kerry should have had the same as many Americans do? How do you know that even you don't have some Jewish roots? As one Black man living here in Los Angeles said that when he sent in a sample of his DNA, he found out that he wasn't from the part of Africa that he thought he was from, and that his roots mainly were from some Ashkenazi woman. Perhaps if you can do so, you could visit some towns in Arizona and New Mexico where many of the Catholics have sent in samples of their DNA and are discovering they have Jewish roots.

Where did I say it was unusual for Kerry to have Jewish roots?

Why did you even bother to bring this up? A person would have had to be like Rip Van Winkle not to have read about this before.

I don't think that Kerry's badkground has anything to do with what is happening in Europe. Have you anything to report on what is happening in Europe other than the Ukraine. Many countries in Europe. Surely something must have caught your eye (that of course doesn't involve your favorite scapegoats, the Jews) that you feel is worthwhile to be posted for the viewers to read..
I didn't bring it up.
I responded to another post.
Why don't you try it sometime?
Where did I say it was unusual for Kerry to have Jewish roots?

Why did you even bother to bring this up? A person would have had to be like Rip Van Winkle not to have read about this before.

I don't think that Kerry's badkground has anything to do with what is happening in Europe. Have you anything to report on what is happening in Europe other than the Ukraine. Many countries in Europe. Surely something must have caught your eye (that of course doesn't involve your favorite scapegoats, the Jews) that you feel is worthwhile to be posted for the viewers to read..
I didn't bring it up.
I responded to another post.

Why don't you try it sometime?

But, Comrade George, I don't sit in front of my computer all day long like you do so I don't real all the posts. If you are referring to that two-bit anti-Semite Holston who posted today, I don't read his nonsense at all and just pass by all his posts, but evidently you and he feel the same about the Jews so you lap up everything he says. Say, there is an anonymous person leaving money at different places in Los Angeles these days. Why not get away from your computer and see if you will b e lucky to find some? I believe he is giving out clues so a "sharp" fellow like you should be able to put your favorite scapegoats on hold for a while and pick out the spot where the next free money will be dropped.
Sorry, Stevie, but you forgot to mention how you actually know these NeoNazis are Jewish and not those Ukrainians who came to Israel with relatives who are Jewish. Do you actually think that everyone in the world has relatives of the same religion they are? Can your little mind process the thought that people in the same family have different religions? Meanwhile, Stevie, why are you so interested in Comrade George's favorite scapegoats, the Jews, no matter where they live? Are you trying to tell us that everything in your own country is honky dory and things never change?

Stop being an Idiot........Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel....what the Fcuks going on !!!!!!??????Sal.......and we protect Jewish folk here in Paradise and all other minorities as it should be.SAY NO TO NEO-NAZIS EVERYWHERE.........The Jews are not scapegoats.....most are great people,most I said.........so stop accusing George and myself with your ridiculous posts.....Jews are like every race....most Great,a few SHITS.

George just reminds you mob, who wear ROSE TINTED GLASSES the reality of the truth.......Reality and Truth are not two words that could ever be spoken in your slanted posts Sal. Remember if you live in a glass house.......don't throw stones...just sayin.

Stevie is such a hoot if he thinks he is convincing all the readers here that his new sidekick, Comrade Georgie, is not using the Jews as his favorite scapegoat. Tell you what Stevie, since you are the "big successful businessman," why not scrounge together a little money for Comrade Georgie to fly over to France where he can march with the NeoNazis and yell in Englist "Jews out of France" the way the NeoNazis are yelling this in French. Meanwhile, it looks like Stevie is loathe to even give the readers the news about what is happening in his own country. Is it more important for him to stick up for his new anti-Semitic sidekick who uses the Jews as his scapegoats for his own failures in life?

Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D
Stop being an Idiot........Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel....what the Fcuks going on !!!!!!??????Sal.......and we protect Jewish folk here in Paradise and all other minorities as it should be.SAY NO TO NEO-NAZIS EVERYWHERE.........The Jews are not scapegoats.....most are great people,most I said.........so stop accusing George and myself with your ridiculous posts.....Jews are like every race....most Great,a few SHITS.

George just reminds you mob, who wear ROSE TINTED GLASSES the reality of the truth.......Reality and Truth are not two words that could ever be spoken in your slanted posts Sal. Remember if you live in a glass house.......don't throw stones...just sayin.

Stevie is such a hoot if he thinks he is convincing all the readers here that his new sidekick, Comrade Georgie, is not using the Jews as his favorite scapegoat. Tell you what Stevie, since you are the "big successful businessman," why not scrounge together a little money for Comrade Georgie to fly over to France where he can march with the NeoNazis and yell in Englist "Jews out of France" the way the NeoNazis are yelling this in French. Meanwhile, it looks like Stevie is loathe to even give the readers the news about what is happening in his own country. Is it more important for him to stick up for his new anti-Semitic sidekick who uses the Jews as his scapegoats for his own failures in life?

Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.
Ukraine: Zionist America?s new Jewish colony | Veterans Today
Ukraine: Zionist America’s new Jewish colony

Both the new president and prime minister of Ukraine have now been “outed” as Jews — and this in a country where most people, including the Right Sector fascists, happen to nourish a deep-seated hatred of Jews. This is surely a recipe for disaster…


It almost beggars belief to learn that Ukraine, a land of inveterate Jew haters fresh with their memories of the Holodomor genocide, should find itself saddled with a Jewish president as well as a Jewish prime minister. To rub salt into the wound, it is a Jew, Victoria Nuland, who helped to shoehorn Poroshenko and Yatsenuk into power with the help of $5 billion belonging to the American taxpayer.

The corporate vultures, many from America and the Nato countries, now gather round the corpse of Ukraine, ready to pick it dry. Privatization is again the name of the game. The Jewish oligarchs are limbering up to do a repeat performance of what their co-ethnics did to the Soviet Union in the time of Boris Yeltzin: to raid the till, to steal the family silver.

Both Poroshenko and Yatsenuk are only too eager to hand Ukraine over to the tender mercies of the IMF — to austerity, unemployment, and grinding poverty. The many will suffer, the few will thrive. And those who will do best out of this newest exercise in the plunder of a nation will be the Jews.[/QUOTE]

John Kerry is Jewish?? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Ya, real credible source Nazi Boy :rolleyes:

Toastie,you are showing yourself up here...Kerry does have Jewish bloodlines...WHY WOULD THAT BE SO FUNNY......it is you my friend who has erred:D

I'm theliq....like others..RIGHT AGAIN:badgrin::badgrin::D
Stevie is such a hoot if he thinks he is convincing all the readers here that his new sidekick, Comrade Georgie, is not using the Jews as his favorite scapegoat. Tell you what Stevie, since you are the "big successful businessman," why not scrounge together a little money for Comrade Georgie to fly over to France where he can march with the NeoNazis and yell in Englist "Jews out of France" the way the NeoNazis are yelling this in French. Meanwhile, it looks like Stevie is loathe to even give the readers the news about what is happening in his own country. Is it more important for him to stick up for his new anti-Semitic sidekick who uses the Jews as his scapegoats for his own failures in life?

Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.

You talk a lot :cuckoo: SHIT
Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.

You talk a lot :cuckoo: SHIT

You're just a silly little man, Stevie. I think most of the readers are sharp enough to see right through you. As for cuckoo, make sure you don't miss your next therapy session.
Stop being an Idiot........Jewish Neo-Nazis in Israel....what the Fcuks going on !!!!!!??????Sal.......and we protect Jewish folk here in Paradise and all other minorities as it should be.SAY NO TO NEO-NAZIS EVERYWHERE.........The Jews are not scapegoats.....most are great people,most I said.........so stop accusing George and myself with your ridiculous posts.....Jews are like every race....most Great,a few SHITS.

George just reminds you mob, who wear ROSE TINTED GLASSES the reality of the truth.......Reality and Truth are not two words that could ever be spoken in your slanted posts Sal. Remember if you live in a glass house.......don't throw stones...just sayin.

Stevie is such a hoot if he thinks he is convincing all the readers here that his new sidekick, Comrade Georgie, is not using the Jews as his favorite scapegoat. Tell you what Stevie, since you are the "big successful businessman," why not scrounge together a little money for Comrade Georgie to fly over to France where he can march with the NeoNazis and yell in Englist "Jews out of France" the way the NeoNazis are yelling this in French. Meanwhile, it looks like Stevie is loathe to even give the readers the news about what is happening in his own country. Is it more important for him to stick up for his new anti-Semitic sidekick who uses the Jews as his scapegoats for his own failures in life?

Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D
You're wasting keystrokes with Ha$bara $al.
Maybe she would be happier in Gaza?
Stevie is such a hoot if he thinks he is convincing all the readers here that his new sidekick, Comrade Georgie, is not using the Jews as his favorite scapegoat. Tell you what Stevie, since you are the "big successful businessman," why not scrounge together a little money for Comrade Georgie to fly over to France where he can march with the NeoNazis and yell in Englist "Jews out of France" the way the NeoNazis are yelling this in French. Meanwhile, it looks like Stevie is loathe to even give the readers the news about what is happening in his own country. Is it more important for him to stick up for his new anti-Semitic sidekick who uses the Jews as his scapegoats for his own failures in life?

Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Spoken like a true enemy-within Muslim America hater. Do they feed you these lines at the mosque?

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Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.

It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?

Oh look, Comrade George is once again showing us that he can find the dollar sign on his computer. I guess when you are short of bucks, finding the dollar sign is very important to ou. Meanwhile, Comrade George, get away from your computer for a while and try ti find some of that money an anonymous donar is leaving around the city. I was just reading in my newspaper that one guy found over $200 in a tree at the Huntington Library. Here is your big chance to hit the jackpot so that perhaps the dollar sign on your computer wouldn't be so important in your posts. Isn't it strange that Comrade George keeps on bringing uo "capitalistic government" when there are many countries he can move to who are under the rule of Communists, his bosom buddies. Perhaps he should first ask all the Russians in town how they liked living under Communist Rule and how they now like living under Capitalism.

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