Uri Avnery: The Jews and Ukraine

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Spoken like a true enemy-within Muslim America hater. Do they feed you these lines at the mosque?

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=b6hJ5v6LdI4]Jihad in America - a musical parody - YouTube[/ame]
"Friendships have fallen apart, families have split up and workers have lost their jobs for saying the wrong thing. Recently, the rhetoric has become so charged that personal safety has become a concern.

“'Nazis,' 'Fascists,' “KGB agents,' 'Putin puppets' – they lash out, each side accusing the other of pocketing money from shady foreign operators bent on fomenting local dissent.

"Unbeknownst to most Israelis (certainly most non-Russian-speaking Israelis), as Ukraine teeters on the brink of civil war, a smaller version of the conflict is playing out in Israel among the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the region.

"Many have spent more than half their lives here, but that does not make them feel any less involved in the bloody clashes overseas."

Ukraine conflict hits home among Russian-speaking Israelis - National Israel News | Haaretz
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Spoken like a true enemy-within Muslim America hater. Do they feed you these lines at the mosque?

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=b6hJ5v6LdI4]Jihad in America - a musical parody - YouTube[/ame]
"Friendships have fallen apart, families have split up and workers have lost their jobs for saying the wrong thing. Recently, the rhetoric has become so charged that personal safety has become a concern.

“'Nazis,' 'Fascists,' “KGB agents,' 'Putin puppets' – they lash out, each side accusing the other of pocketing money from shady foreign operators bent on fomenting local dissent.

"Unbeknownst to most Israelis (certainly most non-Russian-speaking Israelis), as Ukraine teeters on the brink of civil war, a smaller version of the conflict is playing out in Israel among the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the region.

"Many have spent more than half their lives here, but that does not make them feel any less involved in the bloody clashes overseas."

Ukraine conflict hits home among Russian-speaking Israelis - National Israel News | Haaretz

Comrade George, why not get away from your computer and actually question all the different groups here in America and ask the people from Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, etc. etc. if they are concerned with what is happening in their own countries. Ask some young people who were born here but whose parents come from these various countries if they too are not concerned. Comrade George is so obsessed with his scapegoats, the Jews, that it appears he is not interested in what other groups think about what is going on elsewhere. By the way, Comrade George, a short distance from you, Koreatown, some former North Koreans are residing there alongside the South Koreans. Why not start your questioning with them?
Spoken like a true enemy-within Muslim America hater. Do they feed you these lines at the mosque?

Jihad in America - a musical parody - YouTube
"Friendships have fallen apart, families have split up and workers have lost their jobs for saying the wrong thing. Recently, the rhetoric has become so charged that personal safety has become a concern.

“'Nazis,' 'Fascists,' “KGB agents,' 'Putin puppets' – they lash out, each side accusing the other of pocketing money from shady foreign operators bent on fomenting local dissent.

"Unbeknownst to most Israelis (certainly most non-Russian-speaking Israelis), as Ukraine teeters on the brink of civil war, a smaller version of the conflict is playing out in Israel among the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the region.

"Many have spent more than half their lives here, but that does not make them feel any less involved in the bloody clashes overseas."

Ukraine conflict hits home among Russian-speaking Israelis - National Israel News | Haaretz

Comrade George, why not get away from your computer and actually question all the different groups here in America and ask the people from Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, etc. etc. if they are concerned with what is happening in their own countries. Ask some young people who were born here but whose parents come from these various countries if they too are not concerned. Comrade George is so obsessed with his scapegoats, the Jews, that it appears he is not interested in what other groups think about what is going on elsewhere. By the way, Comrade George, a short distance from you, Koreatown, some former North Koreans are residing there alongside the South Koreans. Why not start your questioning with them?
Still having trouble remembering the name of the thread you're posting on?
Could be Alzheimer's:eek:
Thre is NO "HOOT" in the Israeli - Palestinian CONFLICT.....MORONS:D

Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!
"Friendships have fallen apart, families have split up and workers have lost their jobs for saying the wrong thing. Recently, the rhetoric has become so charged that personal safety has become a concern.

“'Nazis,' 'Fascists,' “KGB agents,' 'Putin puppets' – they lash out, each side accusing the other of pocketing money from shady foreign operators bent on fomenting local dissent.

"Unbeknownst to most Israelis (certainly most non-Russian-speaking Israelis), as Ukraine teeters on the brink of civil war, a smaller version of the conflict is playing out in Israel among the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the region.

"Many have spent more than half their lives here, but that does not make them feel any less involved in the bloody clashes overseas."

Ukraine conflict hits home among Russian-speaking Israelis - National Israel News | Haaretz

Comrade George, why not get away from your computer and actually question all the different groups here in America and ask the people from Mexico, Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East, etc. etc. if they are concerned with what is happening in their own countries. Ask some young people who were born here but whose parents come from these various countries if they too are not concerned. Comrade George is so obsessed with his scapegoats, the Jews, that it appears he is not interested in what other groups think about what is going on elsewhere. By the way, Comrade George, a short distance from you, Koreatown, some former North Koreans are residing there alongside the South Koreans. Why not start your questioning with them?

Still having trouble remembering the name of the thread you're posting on?
Could be Alzheimer's:eek:

Of course I do. You are obsessed with the Jews so you want all the trouble in the Ukraine to be blamed on the Jews who just happen to be your favorite scapegoats for some sick reasons of your own. However, it is quite obvious to any person with even two brain cells that there is hard news coming out of Ukraine which seemingly is of no interest to you because it doesn't involve any Jews. How about you tell the readers some of the current news coming out of the Ukraine regarding what the rebels have done and what the Ukrainians are doing. Here's your chance, Comrade George, to give us some new without dragging in your favorite scapegoats, the Jews. After all, there have been headlines in the papers, such as the following, and you can't be that dim to think that the only things that happen in the area involve the Jews.

Russian rebel attack on Ukraine border guard base kills 5

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists

Russian troops pulling back from Ukrainian border, U.S. officials say
Only morons overlook what is happening in the rest of the Middle East. I guess you don't care that so many people are being killed in the name of a religion. How about you arrange for some of the over 2 million refugees from Syria to gain entrance into Australia? No doubt a "big businessman" like you must have some pull to arrange this. Tell the immigration authorities that you will arrange to give them jobs.
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!
Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?
It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!

Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?

Isn't this "your country" too, Comrade George? Meanwhile, regardless of Comrade George always putting down this country, millions and millions of people around the world would jump at the chance of being able to be a citizen of this country. Perhaps the next time there is a swearing in ceremony of new citizens, he should attend and ask these people why they are so happy to be here.
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!

Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?

Isn't this "your country" too, Comrade George? Meanwhile, regardless of Comrade George always putting down this country, millions and millions of people around the world would jump at the chance of being able to be a citizen of this country. Perhaps the next time there is a swearing in ceremony of new citizens, he should attend and ask these people why they are so happy to be here.
What do you think Huntington meant?
Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?

Isn't this "your country" too, Comrade George? Meanwhile, regardless of Comrade George always putting down this country, millions and millions of people around the world would jump at the chance of being able to be a citizen of this country. Perhaps the next time there is a swearing in ceremony of new citizens, he should attend and ask these people why they are so happy to be here.

What do you think Huntington meant?

There are so many quotes that come from different people, and I always say "to each his own," and I don't bother analyzing what they are saying. By the way, since you have parked yourself on the Europe forum blabbering about the Jews and the Ukraine, aren't you interested in what is happening in the rest of Europe? My goodness, I read things like the following which evidently you have no interest in because it doesn't involve your favorite scapeoats. Or perhaps, by becoming a Dhimmi, you want to take the attention away from your new masters. I would imagine that as long as you are safe in your tiny apartment and these Jihadists come to America and hit some place like downtown Los Angeles, you haven't a care in the world.

Danish Muslim who had leading role in 2006 riots reveals conspiracy between imams and terrorist groups at heart of violence

Action needed to thwart Syria-hardened jihadis, European officials say

France arrests four in Jihadist recruiting network
"The US has pledged additional military help to Ukraine as well as potential training of its law enforcement and military personnel.

"President Obama’s vows comes as Kiev continues air strikes as a part of its military operation in southeastern Ukraine.

"Obama pledges $1bn for more troops, military drills in E. Europe

"Since March, the White House has approved more than $23 million in security assistance to Ukraine. Now the US is providing additional $5 million aid for "the provision of body armor, night vision goggles and additional communications equipment."

"The White House said other aid for Ukraine has included 300,000 ready-to-eat meals and financing for medical supplies, helmets, hand-held radios and other equipment."

It's obvious you don't care for the millions who are being murdered, maimed, displaced, and incarcerated by your capitalistic government. Why is that, $al? Are you paid to provide apologies for terrorism?
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!
Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?
I trust the 2d Amendment, George and people who do too.
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!
Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?
I trust the 2d Amendment, George and people who do too.

It looks like Comrade George is still stuck on the Ukraine. Sad how things have gone where Ukrainians are killing other Ukrainians.

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists*-*Los Angeles Times

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

However, since this is the Europe forum, there are other things going on in Europe that should be reported.

European Commission: Lithuania ready to join Eurozone in 2015

Europe - Los Angeles Times

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain

Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!

Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?

Isn't this "your country" too, Comrade George? Meanwhile, regardless of Comrade George always putting down this country, millions and millions of people around the world would jump at the chance of being able to be a citizen of this country. Perhaps the next time there is a swearing in ceremony of new citizens, he should attend and ask these people why they are so happy to be here.

I have a "Green Card" and enjoy America and Americans but there are too many like Sally,spreading their Crock of Shit over everyone..........so I love to visit and thankfully have never been "Muck-Spread" so far,but I'm a big fan of the "Law of Averages" and my average diminishes each time I walk through JFK.............Mind you I am spoilt here in Paradise I know.

Australia,Great One Day,Brilliant The Next........as so many Americans know,who visit,live and have settled here.

SAY NO to muck spreaders,just sayin..steve:D
Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?
I trust the 2d Amendment, George and people who do too.

It looks like Comrade George is still stuck on the Ukraine. Sad how things have gone where Ukrainians are killing other Ukrainians.

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists*-*Los Angeles Times

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

However, since this is the Europe forum, there are other things going on in Europe that should be reported.

European Commission: Lithuania ready to join Eurozone in 2015

Europe - Los Angeles Times

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain*-*Los Angeles Times

You MAKE A JOKE OUT OF WAR,VIOLENCE And DEATH....You need a Kick up the ASS..............Bigtime.
I trust the 2d Amendment, George and people who do too.

It looks like Comrade George is still stuck on the Ukraine. Sad how things have gone where Ukrainians are killing other Ukrainians.

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists*-*Los Angeles Times

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

However, since this is the Europe forum, there are other things going on in Europe that should be reported.

European Commission: Lithuania ready to join Eurozone in 2015

Europe - Los Angeles Times

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain*-*Los Angeles Times

You MAKE A JOKE OUT OF WAR,VIOLENCE And DEATH....You need a Kick up the ASS..............Bigtime.
Ha$bara $al can't wait for martial law to come to her 'hood:lol:

"Pro-Russia gunmen overran three eastern Ukrainian military bases on Wednesday, making off with weapons and armored vehicles after ill-equipped government forces ran out of ammunition and fled, Kiev officials and media reported.

"The setbacks in the Ukrainian government's campaign to retake key facilities seized by the militants two months ago prompted acting President Oleksandr Turchynov to appeal to the nation's security agencies to consider imposing martial law."

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times
It looks like Comrade George is still stuck on the Ukraine. Sad how things have gone where Ukrainians are killing other Ukrainians.

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists

Ukraine fighting kills 12 pro-Russia separatists*-*Los Angeles Times

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

However, since this is the Europe forum, there are other things going on in Europe that should be reported.

European Commission: Lithuania ready to join Eurozone in 2015

Europe - Los Angeles Times

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain

King's abdication announcement sparks monarchy debate in Spain*-*Los Angeles Times

You MAKE A JOKE OUT OF WAR,VIOLENCE And DEATH....You need a Kick up the ASS..............Bigtime.

Ha$bara $al can't wait for martial law to come to her 'hood:lol:

"Pro-Russia gunmen overran three eastern Ukrainian military bases on Wednesday, making off with weapons and armored vehicles after ill-equipped government forces ran out of ammunition and fled, Kiev officials and media reported.

"The setbacks in the Ukrainian government's campaign to retake key facilities seized by the militants two months ago prompted acting President Oleksandr Turchynov to appeal to the nation's security agencies to consider imposing martial law."

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Pathetic Comrade George and his new anti-Semitic sidekick are not interested at all in what is happening in the rest of Europe. If they can't drag in the Jews for something, whatever else is happening in Europe is of no interest to them even though they are parking themselves on the Europe forum. As the viewers can see, Comrade George (having so few bucks of his own and needs help from the taxpayers of Los Angeles to have a roof over his head) is still showing us that he is so proud that he can at least find the dollar sign on his computer. Meanwhile, there is other news coming out of Europe other than what is happening in the Ukraine, such as:

ETECB imposes negative interest rate

BBC News - Europe

As Africans Surge to Europe’s Door, Spain Locks Down


Scientists discover how to date fingerprints

Breakthrough by Dutch experts could one day help police determine which fingerprints are relevant to investigation.

Scientists discover how to date fingerprints - Europe - Al Jazeera English
Great Turnspeak, George! You have it down pat. You win a seegar!
Hoss, what do you think Samuel P. Huntington meant when he wrote: "Power remains strong when it remains in the dark; exposed to the sunlight it begins to evaporate." Is your country as free as it was when you were born? If you leave descendants behind, what are you leaving, eternal war and debt?
I trust the 2d Amendment, George and people who do too.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, Hoss.
What does the Second Amendment affect eternal war and endless debt?
You MAKE A JOKE OUT OF WAR,VIOLENCE And DEATH....You need a Kick up the ASS..............Bigtime.

Ha$bara $al can't wait for martial law to come to her 'hood:lol:

"Pro-Russia gunmen overran three eastern Ukrainian military bases on Wednesday, making off with weapons and armored vehicles after ill-equipped government forces ran out of ammunition and fled, Kiev officials and media reported.

"The setbacks in the Ukrainian government's campaign to retake key facilities seized by the militants two months ago prompted acting President Oleksandr Turchynov to appeal to the nation's security agencies to consider imposing martial law."

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Pathetic Comrade George and his new anti-Semitic sidekick are not interested at all in what is happening in the rest of Europe. If they can't drag in the Jews for something, whatever else is happening in Europe is of no interest to them even though they are parking themselves on the Europe forum. As the viewers can see, Comrade George (having so few bucks of his own and needs help from the taxpayers of Los Angeles to have a roof over his head) is still showing us that he is so proud that he can at least find the dollar sign on his computer. Meanwhile, there is other news coming out of Europe other than what is happening in the Ukraine, such as:

ETECB imposes negative interest rate

BBC News - Europe

As Africans Surge to Europe’s Door, Spain Locks Down


Scientists discover how to date fingerprints

Breakthrough by Dutch experts could one day help police determine which fingerprints are relevant to investigation.

Scientists discover how to date fingerprints - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Be careful Sal,it appears that all your muck(shit) spreading has resulted in most of it blowing back into your MOUTH.

Never mind,I always thought you were a bit of a SHITHEAD and as usual I was right.

Poor Sal,she tries but yet again FAILS.

Now give us an insight of ALL the Oligarchs instant Billion $ wealth and how they achieved it........and created the Jewish Oligarchy...in the Ukraine.....this is not Anti-Semitic but a question of how a Russian Jewess can accumulate over 20 Billion $ within 18 years,yet could not speak Ukrainian when she arrived ?????????? and Denied she was Jewish!!!!
Last edited:
Ha$bara $al can't wait for martial law to come to her 'hood:lol:

"Pro-Russia gunmen overran three eastern Ukrainian military bases on Wednesday, making off with weapons and armored vehicles after ill-equipped government forces ran out of ammunition and fled, Kiev officials and media reported.

"The setbacks in the Ukrainian government's campaign to retake key facilities seized by the militants two months ago prompted acting President Oleksandr Turchynov to appeal to the nation's security agencies to consider imposing martial law."

Kiev calls for martial law in east Ukraine as fighting intensifies*-*Los Angeles Times

Pathetic Comrade George and his new anti-Semitic sidekick are not interested at all in what is happening in the rest of Europe. If they can't drag in the Jews for something, whatever else is happening in Europe is of no interest to them even though they are parking themselves on the Europe forum. As the viewers can see, Comrade George (having so few bucks of his own and needs help from the taxpayers of Los Angeles to have a roof over his head) is still showing us that he is so proud that he can at least find the dollar sign on his computer. Meanwhile, there is other news coming out of Europe other than what is happening in the Ukraine, such as:

ETECB imposes negative interest rate

BBC News - Europe

As Africans Surge to Europe’s Door, Spain Locks Down


Scientists discover how to date fingerprints

Breakthrough by Dutch experts could one day help police determine which fingerprints are relevant to investigation.

Scientists discover how to date fingerprints - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Be careful Sal,it appears that all your muck(shit) spreading has resulted in most of it blowing back into your MOUTH.

Never mind,I always thought you were a bit of a SHITHEAD and as usual I was right.

Poor Sal,she tries but yet again FAILS.

Now give us an insight of ALL the Oligarchs instant Billion $ wealth and how they achieved it........and created the Jewish Oligarchy...in the Ukraine.....this is not Anti-Semitic but a question of how a Russian Jewess can accumulate over 20 Billion $ within 18 years,yet could not speak Ukrainian when she arrived ?????????? and Denied she was Jewish!!!!

Here is Stevie, who attaches himself to one who needs the Jews as a scapegoat, and he think we believe that he actually cares about the Ukrainians. In fact, if Stevie cared about people, he certainly would be posting about others who are being murdered by the thousands these days. By the way, Stevie, since you have attached yourself to Comrade George like his Siamese Twin, how about you giving us some news items from the other European countries. After all, you have parked yourself on the Europe forum.

If you are interested in someone who has a lot of money, Stevie, check up on Arafat's wife in Paris. I hear she has lots of dough, and she might be looking for an Australian boyfriend.
Pathetic Comrade George and his new anti-Semitic sidekick are not interested at all in what is happening in the rest of Europe. If they can't drag in the Jews for something, whatever else is happening in Europe is of no interest to them even though they are parking themselves on the Europe forum. As the viewers can see, Comrade George (having so few bucks of his own and needs help from the taxpayers of Los Angeles to have a roof over his head) is still showing us that he is so proud that he can at least find the dollar sign on his computer. Meanwhile, there is other news coming out of Europe other than what is happening in the Ukraine, such as:

ETECB imposes negative interest rate

BBC News - Europe

As Africans Surge to Europe’s Door, Spain Locks Down


Scientists discover how to date fingerprints

Breakthrough by Dutch experts could one day help police determine which fingerprints are relevant to investigation.

Scientists discover how to date fingerprints - Europe - Al Jazeera English

Be careful Sal,it appears that all your muck(shit) spreading has resulted in most of it blowing back into your MOUTH.

Never mind,I always thought you were a bit of a SHITHEAD and as usual I was right.

Poor Sal,she tries but yet again FAILS.

Now give us an insight of ALL the Oligarchs instant Billion $ wealth and how they achieved it........and created the Jewish Oligarchy...in the Ukraine.....this is not Anti-Semitic but a question of how a Russian Jewess can accumulate over 20 Billion $ within 18 years,yet could not speak Ukrainian when she arrived ?????????? and Denied she was Jewish!!!!

Here is Stevie, who attaches himself to one who needs the Jews as a scapegoat, and he think we believe that he actually cares about the Ukrainians. In fact, if Stevie cared about people, he certainly would be posting about others who are being murdered by the thousands these days. By the way, Stevie, since you have attached yourself to Comrade George like his Siamese Twin, how about you giving us some news items from the other European countries. After all, you have parked yourself on the Europe forum.

If you are interested in someone who has a lot of money, Stevie, check up on Arafat's wife in Paris. I hear she has lots of dough, and she might be looking for an Australian boyfriend.

Unlike you I have never been really motivated by money.....it just came my way throughout my life because I worked hard,produced things and people like me,so love me.

If you do the right thing in general good things happen to you....I have always given,my first child sponsorship was to a Guatamalan sic, boy in 1978....I got him his brother and sister all through school and University,as children I had a home built for them as they lived in a small hut with a dirt floor.....when they ALL graduated as Doctors I built a Health Centre in their small town......in a way a small gesture from my family has helped this community greatly.......it's called a commitment.Remember a month of eating crap like KFC or Maccas can really help less fortunate folk.

You don't have to hurt others when in business....those that have ever tried it on me...always failed.....but I made sure I gave them a Blood Nose(speaking figuratively sic that is)can't be bothered to spell check......when I'm jaded,my spelling and grammar is a little sus,. So forgive me tonight.

Sal learn to Love all.........I reckon you ain't so bad....I understand folk...you don't have to carry on as you do on here....posting inflammatory bombshells,George and I are not joined at the hip as you imagine but we do enjoy good dialogue...so stop baiting me for example because in the end we both end up in the gutter and that AIN't ME or YOU,just be gentle Sal.

People say to me Steve you make a wonderful friend but you are a Bastard Enemy...that would be right..steven
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