US adds 199,000 jobs in November, drop in unemployment rate


After 34 months in office, the LFPR under Biden is UP 2.4%

After 34 months in office, the LFPR under Trump was UP 0.8%

So you know what you can do with your whining about the LFPR, right??
Is this gonna be like all of the other previous reports which were invoked falsely for the purpose of grabbing headlines, for them only to come back later and say, oh, sorry, we over counted, we were way over?


The Biden Admin is absolutely cooking the books....
Between quarterly tax and SS payments...they know exactly what's coming...that's why all the grandstanding about how great the economy is. Because it's going into the toilet. P/E ratios of the S&P are off the chart high. All looking like a huge collapse soon.


Yes, the Biden administration has the economy smoking. Anyone that wants to work can find a job and Americans are enjoying a great holiday season. Bidenomics is working and the country is progressing as never before. The doom and gloom from the far right is just another attempt to depress the public into thinking they know how to govern.
Yes, due to inflation etc.. people are now taking on a second job to live.
Is this gonna be like all of the other previous reports which were invoked falsely for the purpose of grabbing headlines, for them only to come back later and say, oh, sorry, we over counted, we were way over?



How desperate are you??

Despite revisions, over 14 million jobs have been added since Biden became president. Most ever in any 3 year period.
The Biden Admin is absolutely cooking the books....
Between quarterly tax and SS payments...they know exactly what's coming...that's why all the grandstanding about how great the economy is. Because it's going into the toilet. P/E ratios of the S&P are off the chart high. All looking like a huge collapse soon.


Interesting... 8 of those 9 recessions started under Republican presidents.
No jimboliar, the Biden Administration IS smoking...something.
Besides, what do you care about jobs you've never had one.
Plus the real numbers will be adjusted down in a few weeks like always.
And as usual the reprehensible right wants to see the American people suffer for some perceived partisan gain.
How desperate are you??

Despite revisions, over 14 million jobs have been added since Biden became president. Most ever in any 3 year period.
Me? Why, Faun, I've no stake in these no good, dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded shenanigans.

I'm not the one cookin the books to grab headlines, only to come back the following month and say, hey, disregard that, we lied.

Me? Why, Faun, I've no stake in these no good, dirty, rotten, filthy, stinking, underhanded shenanigans.

I'm not the one cookin the books to grab headlines, only to come back the following month and say, hey, disregard that, we lied.


Yeah, you are desperate. Describing it as "cooking the books." When in reality, figures get revised for two months as more data becomes available. They did the same thing when Trump was president. You ever accuse them of "cooking the books" then?
How desperate are you??

Despite revisions, over 14 million jobs have been added since Biden became president. Most ever in any 3 year period.
After Democrat governors shutting down millions more?! How retarded are you?
Yeah, you are desperate. Describing it as "cooking the books." When in reality, figures get revised for two months as more data becomes available. They did the same thing when Trump was president. You ever accuse them of "cooking the books" then?

I think that you're telling fibs, Faun. The desperation is on your side of the conversation, clearly. Not mine.

I'm just telling you like it is. But I get it. The truth sure do sting, don't it?

With regard to your invocation of former President Trump, for whatever reason, I think you'll find that very few hit him as hard as I did around here. Sheeit. I hit him harder than the Backstreet Boys with a new Single out. And I'm not talking about any of that Mickey Mouse stuff that a lot of you cable tv wingers put on the table for discussion/debate.

I don't much post too seriously these days, though. Frankly, I just don't give a damn any more. Ha. You get what you deserve is my view nowadays. Me? I'm good. The time for talking is over. Now you have to live with the consequences your poor choices.
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After Democrat governors shutting down millions more?! How retarded are you?


Cracks me up how you cards never blame Republican governors who also shut down their states.

Regardless, all of those jobs were recovered about a year ago. Everything since is on top of that.
I think that you're telling fibs, Faun. The desperation is on your side of the conversation, clearly. Not mine.

I'm just telling you like it is. But I get it. The truth sure do sting, don't it?

With regard to your invocation of former President Trump, for whatever reason, I think you'll find that very few hit him as hard as I did around here. Sheeit. I hit him harder than the Backstreet Boys with a new Single out. And I'm not talking about any of that Mickey Mouse stuff that a lot of you cable tv wingers put on the table for discussion/debate.

I don't much post too seriously these days, though. Frankly, I just don't give a damn any more. Ha. You get what you deserve is my view nowadays. Me? I'm good. The time for talking is over. Now you have to live with the consequences your poor choices.

No, you're not telling it like it is. You're trying, but failing, to make it sound like revisions are nefarious; when in fact, EVERY month new numbers come out, the previous 2 months get revised as more data comes in. That's how it's always done, no matter who the president is.

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