US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

lol you morons should alert the world's economists and business leaders for your discovery that wages are the cause of inflation, as that would be an historical first; every other year going back thousands of years show wages lagging inflation, and by a huge amount here since the Oil Crisis of the 1970's. Federal Minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be over $22 an hour. so labor is still dirt cheap, and the huge profit windfalls being reported show just that, so you Jeenyuses have also 'proven' higher wages mean higher profits.

lol please, quit embarrassing yourselves. Quit using Freepers and Town Hall as sources for your idiotic claims.
You're suffering from hurt feelings. I gave you facts and the best you can offer is a lot of stuttering and mumbling about things you don't understand.
Uh, yeah, funny how we only have them when Republicans are in charge, for the most part. Because the Republicans look at the good times we have under Democrats and say, "Wow, the working class is getting too much of that sweet, sweet money, we need to do something about that."
Good times under the party of slavery?

Now that's pretty darn funny. Jimmy Carter. Yeah. Good times.

Currently, we have dementia Joe and the dem party of lies, incompetence and mismanagement.
I think your posts speak volumes about your education and decency... they just don't say anything nice.

The very fact you need to hate on people who have less than you says much.

Actually, Jimmy Carter's economy wasn't that bad, and his getting voted out of office had more to do with Anderson splitting the liberal vote and the Iran Hostage Crisis.

Carter added 10 million jobs to the economy, his recession in 1980 was mild (compared to the one Reagan had in 1981-1983), he kept us out of wars, and yes, inflation was bad because the job market was kind of okay.

I'm guessing you probably aren't old enough to have lived through them.

And again, I see you address this by attacking me.

And you talk about the election, who cares? And no, it was not Anderson splitting the party. Holy hell, talk about false history!

Jack Anderson won 0% of the electoral college, he won 6% of the popular vote, just over 5 million votes with 0 states.

President Carter on the other hand won 41% of the vote. And 49 electoral votes for a total of 35 million votes and 6 states.

Now let's play your stupid game and combine them as if there was no split at all. That gives the Democrats around 41 million votes. As well as 6 states and 49 electoral votes.

President Reagan won a landslide with over 50% of the vote, 489 electors and 44 states.

Wow, I can see that actual facts and history are not your thing, are they?

Oh, and the recession is mild? What, were you born after it ended or something and only believe the kind of fools that tell you that if not for Anderson Carter would have won again? Funny you make a jibe at my age, yet I remember the 70's very clearly. Where his "National Austerity" speech lost him the support of a lot of his backers.

"Adding jobs" means absolutely nothing when the economy is in the crapper and inflation is at double digits. And the Recession that President Reagan had was the exact same recession! That is why most call it the "W shaped recession" or the "Double Dip Recession". Only a fool tries to claim that they are not the same recession with only a period of prosperity after the election then returning.
You Can Put Rouge on a Scrooge, But He's Still a Pig

The Sissies in Suitcoats want to hog the same amount of profits they had before. Not taking a cut, which will still make them rich, is the reason they charge YOU more. Who gave them a divine right to have their pre-union profits set in stone? And there is a lot of collusion here, so the competition won't force them to take the cut, either.
Those Silly Con Valley companies have not only been lying about 'labor shortages' in order to get stacks of green cards, they also collude with each other not to compete and steal each other employees by offering higher pay. They don't like 'free markets' unless it screws their workers. They have their own unions, with which these right wingers are just fine with.
Businesses that struggle with a workforce only need to look in the mirror for the problem.

Yep. Quoted for truth. The businesses that are well managed here are fully staffed and running well. Businesses on the same street that have permanent 'Help wanted' signs have almost customers in the place, on the same corners with the franchises that area packed. Chick Fila has two drive thru lines overflowing out onto the streets every morning and noon and evening meal times while 6 other ff franchises sit nearly empty at the same time. It ain't rocket science to figure out why.
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

No, the problem is something that is never allowed to be attacked and abolished, which shows what clique controls speech in the formerly United States. Too much wealth is inherited (we're going through the greatest transfer of wealth in history; that's what that means). Inherited wealth leads to inherited corporate ownership, inherited media influence, and inherited political positions. It puts inferior people in superior positions; imagine if athletes could pass on their positions to their sons and you'll see why society is collapsing.

This is a good point. When small and medium sized businesses could thrive, before Walmartization, we produced a lot of managerial talent and quality products, and company owners knew their employees' names. Now people slave to pour money into the pockets of institutional shareholders and some billionaire in Singapore's or somewhere's pockets. They will snivel about paying anything at all to workers.
You're suffering from hurt feelings. I gave you facts and the best you can offer is a lot of stuttering and mumbling about things you don't understand.

You're a joke. Quit attempting to be witty and knowledgeable, it's way too late for you now. You've proven you don't know squat and are just some parrot babbling what you're told to.
And you talk about the election, who cares? And no, it was not Anderson splitting the party. Holy hell, talk about false history!

Jack Anderson won 0% of the electoral college, he won 6% of the popular vote, just over 5 million votes with 0 states.

If Anderson hadn't been in the race (his name was John, not Jack) Carter would have won a lot more states. If Reagan hadn't conspired with the Iranians to keep the hostages, Carter would have probably won.

Oh, and the recession is mild? What, were you born after it ended or something and only believe the kind of fools that tell you that if not for Anderson Carter would have won again? Funny you make a jibe at my age, yet I remember the 70's very clearly. Where his "National Austerity" speech lost him the support of a lot of his backers.

You didn't even know what Anderson's first name was... 1980 was the first election I voted in.

And yes, Jimmy Carter was honest with us. Reagan blew sunshine up people's asses and then destroyed the middle class.

"Adding jobs" means absolutely nothing when the economy is in the crapper and inflation is at double digits. And the Recession that President Reagan had was the exact same recession! That is why most call it the "W shaped recession" or the "Double Dip Recession". Only a fool tries to claim that they are not the same recession with only a period of prosperity after the election then returning.

Except it wasn't the exact same recession. Reagan doubled down on the same job-destroying policies to bring inflation under control. Yeah, we beat inflation by destroying the Middle Class!!! Um, I'd rather have the middle class back, thank you.
You're a joke. Quit attempting to be witty and knowledgeable, it's way too late for you now. You've proven you don't know squat and are just some parrot babbling what you're told to.
I see you're angry and emotive. After I refuted your silly bloviating about matters you don't understand, you've been lashing out like a petulant child sent to his room for a timeout.
If Anderson hadn't been in the race (his name was John, not Jack) Carter would have won a lot more states. If Reagan hadn't conspired with the Iranians to keep the hostages, Carter would have probably won.

You didn't even know what Anderson's first name was... 1980 was the first election I voted in.

And yes, Jimmy Carter was honest with us. Reagan blew sunshine up people's asses and then destroyed the middle class.

Except it wasn't the exact same recession. Reagan doubled down on the same job-destroying policies to bring inflation under control. Yeah, we beat inflation by destroying the Middle Class!!! Um, I'd rather have the middle class back, thank you.
I see the entirety of your whining and complaining circles back to, "but... but... but... but if my conspiracy theories were true...."
Those Silly Con Valley companies have not only been lying about 'labor shortages' in order to get stacks of green cards, they also collude with each other not to compete and steal each other employees by offering higher pay. They don't like 'free markets' unless it screws their workers. They have their own unions, with which these right wingers are just fine with.
Any Country That Pays Students to Study Will Lead This Century's World Economy

Any true tech shortages are caused by the fact that college is work without pay, which does not motivate enough talented people. Replace this fraud with highly paid professional training and not only will the American economy get enough skilled employees, they will be a lot better than the ones dredged through unpaid education, which is equivalent to having to pay to be an intern for four years.
I see you're angry and emotive. After I refuted your silly bloviating about matters you don't understand, you've been lashing out like a petulant child sent to his room for a timeout.

lol more lame rubbish. Tell us more all about how you've discovered all economic data has been wrong and your brilliant claims are valid. lol what a hoot. You could never refute anything I said, which is why you're babbling now. Most ideologues are ideologues because they're stupid and need to be told what to post , and you can't answer anything that isn't in your narratives, so why pretend? You just look sillier and sillier.

US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge​

Yes but the GOOD news is that our remaining dwindling forces now are all idiots, simps, candy-asses and babies who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag now in a real war with China, but at least they have all 26 sexes and all 43 hair colors covered! :smoke:
Any Country That Pays Students to Study Will Lead This Century's World Economy

Any true tech shortages are caused by the fact that college is work without pay, which does not motivate enough talented people. Replace this fraud with highly paid professional training and not only will the American economy get enough skilled employees, they will be a lot better than the ones dredged through unpaid education, which is equivalent to having to pay to be an intern for four years.

Well, ther eis no real shortage; what they mean is they can't find enough black or brown seat warmers they can pay to sit around and do nothing but fill a quota to get government contracts.
Yes but the GOOD news is that our remaining dwindling forces now are all idiots, simps, candy-asses and babies who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag now in a real war with China, but at least they have all 26 sexes and all 43 hair colors covered! :smoke:

This year Congress is going to require the military to issue snuggle toys and Spiderman jammies.
Yep. Quoted for truth. The businesses that are well managed here are fully staffed and running well. Businesses on the same street that have permanent 'Help wanted' signs have almost customers in the place, on the same corners with the franchises that area packed. Chick-fil-A has two drive thru lines overflowing out onto the streets every morning and noon and evening meal times while 6 other ff franchises sit nearly empty at the same time. It ain't rocket science to figure out why.
Cheap Is for Chumps

The Pittsburgh Pirates have finished with a winning record only four times in the last 30 years. They have usually had one of baseball's lowest payrolls.
Any Country That Pays Students to Study Will Lead This Century's World Economy

Any true tech shortages are caused by the fact that college is work without pay, which does not motivate enough talented people. Replace this fraud with highly paid professional training and not only will the American economy get enough skilled employees, they will be a lot better than the ones dredged through unpaid education, which is equivalent to having to pay to be an intern for four years.

Anyone who thinks that way should look into apprenticeships in the skilled construction trades.
If Anderson hadn't been in the race (his name was John, not Jack) Carter would have won a lot more states. If Reagan hadn't conspired with the Iranians to keep the hostages, Carter would have probably won.

You didn't even know what Anderson's first name was... 1980 was the first election I voted in.

And yes, Jimmy Carter was honest with us. Reagan blew sunshine up people's asses and then destroyed the middle class.

Except it wasn't the exact same recession. Reagan doubled down on the same job-destroying policies to bring inflation under control. Yeah, we beat inflation by destroying the Middle Class!!! Um, I'd rather have the middle class back, thank you.
A Seed Doesn't Grow in Sand

Long before Reagan and Carter, the middle class was destroyed by the unmanly mandate, 'TO GET A GOOD JOB, GET A GOOD EDUCATION." Notice that it doesn't say, "to do a good job." All workers are dependent on the competence of those put in charge of them.

What gives the plutocratic parasites the right to tell the rest of us what to do? We should tell them, "If you want good employees, pay them while they are being educated. Pay them the same allowance and paid-up tuition that you give your sons."

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