US Army’s Recruiting Crisis Worsens As Test Scores Drop, Disqualifications Rates Surge

On the other hand, the leftust / socialist model is to tax the middle class while increasing spending. That couldn't be more obvious than with the current tax and spend orgy of the congressional left.

Final point. The leftist policies of a guaranteed minimum income are intended to keep people poor forever and dependent on government handouts.

I have no wish to subsidize McDonald's cheap labor. Why do you want your fellow burger flippers making a minimum wage that will raise the cost fast food to levels that will kill fast food?

LOL joke post of the day.
On the other hand, the leftust / socialist model is to tax the middle class while increasing spending. That couldn't be more obvious than with the current tax and spend orgy of the congressional left.

Really? When did taxes go up? Did I miss a memo? Spending is up, sure. You have to increase spending when you just got hit by a huge disaster like we did. But where are these taxes you are whining about?

Final point. The leftist policies of a guaranteed minimum income are intended to keep people poor forever and dependent on government handouts.

Not really. Not that we've even tried that.

I have no wish to subsidize McDonald's cheap labor. Why do you want your fellow burger flippers making a minimum wage that will raise the cost fast food to levels that will kill fast food?

I've already explained to you that the cost of a Big Mac will not go up that much if you increase to a living wage. But you are paying for that burger regardless. I'm paying for that burger, and I don't even go to McDonalds.

Oh, I probably make more money than you do.. but I have compassion. Something you clearly lack.
What we are seeing here is the tragic result of public schools not teaching young people even the most basic and obvious principles of economics.

Taxes, cost of living, and many other reasons, most of which are obviously beyond your grasp. 'Runaway inflation' is just a lot of businesses band-waggoning on tgas [sic] prices; if enough companies jack up prices and just blame fuel costs then consumers are overwhelmed and pols can count on the clueless to believe whatever propaganda they spew. The latest bullshit excuse for some companies now is ' uh, we have too much stuff in our warehouses and the truck trailers are being used for storage n stuff, so we have to raise prices cuz of our gross over-supply!!!' You know, the kind of of stuff dimwit posers who pretend to know all about 'business n stuff' will believe. They want you to believe that a huge glut in goods causes inflation.

These are the same companies that have been claiming 'truck driver shortages' since the 1980's, never mind the govt, subsidizes schools cranking out millions of CDLs since then and still do. Want to guess how many CDLS have been issued per truck in the U.S. since the 1980's? But but there 's a 'driver shortage' n stuff'. lol pure bullshit, They run them off faster than the govt. can crank them out, and have for decades.
You call that "in the trenches"?


Uh, I've helped thousands of people get jobs.. What have you done?

The thing is, it was not all that long ago that one could attend college, and pay for it with a job like that. Now, college is so expensive that students put themselves into debt for a decade or more as it is no longer about education, it is about indoctrination and justifying the tuition that far exceeds the actual value of an education. And it is self-perpetuating, as huge parts of the Government are not invested in it also.

I'm sure that any education you got was a waste, which is why you are against it.

While you have all these fantasies about "Gender Studies" Majors, the fact is, most kids going to college get practical

Oh, and have you noticed how few jobs are in fast food anymore? I have, a kitchen that a decade ago would have had 10 employees now operates with 4. And a decade before that there were 15 employees. Wages rose, and RIF set in. One of the biggest problems in our workforce now is lack of positions. And you seem proud of the fact that the college kids are not working their way through, but instead piling on enough debt that they could but a house with it.

Actually, what I've noticed is that every fast food place I go to has "HELP WANTED" signs up. So, no, not really.

I'm not happy that we make these kids go into debt, which is why I support President Biden's debt forgiveness plan.

As far as automation reducing jobs, um, that's every industry. Offices are made more efficient by computers. Factories are made more efficient by robots. Probably why we will need a basic minimum income at some point, because there won't be any actual work to do at some point.

And you write resumes? Wow, that is so important. You know, if those kids had actually been in the workforce when they were attending college, they would have more skills so they would not even need you. Good thing I guess that they do not work, as that would likely eliminate your job.

Meh, not really. Here's the ugly little secret. Most people suck at writing resumes. No one really teaches you how to do it. And no one is terribly impressed that you flipped burgers while in HS or College. (In fact, I tell people to pretty much start their resumes at College).

The worst resumes I see are the ones that the college job advisors prepare.
That would in effect change the Marine Corps into the "Foreign Legion". Rather than destroying our belove Corps maybe we could create a "Foreign Legion".
If they are citizens, they are not foreign
The facts sure smacked you around.

lol you morons should alert the world's economists and business leaders for your discovery that wages are the cause of inflation, as that would be an historical first; every other year going back thousands of years show wages lagging inflation, and by a huge amount here since the Oil Crisis of the 1970's. Federal Minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be over $22 an hour. so labor is still dirt cheap, and the huge profit windfalls being reported show just that, so you Jeenyuses have also 'proven' higher wages mean higher profits.

lol please, quit embarrassing yourselves. Quit using Freepers and Town Hall as sources for your idiotic claims.
I'm sure that any education you got was a waste, which is why you are against it.

Gee, this tells me all I need to know about your beliefs, and how you treat others.

You know nothing about me, my background, or beliefs. Yet you attack them and me because you do not agree, even going as far as making up a platform in your own mind that is about as far from the truth as you can get.

So forgive me if I largely dismiss anything you have to say as irrelevant. Because you can not make a stance and have it stand on its own without attacks and putting words into the mouths of others.
If they are citizens, they are not foreign

They do not even have to be citizens. There are over 35,000 non-citizen Residents in the military.

I have served with a huge number of Residents, who had a goal of becoming Citizens even before joining the military. In fact, on most major bases a big event is a "Citizenship Day", where those who were Residents are sworn in and made brand new US Citizens.
If you wingnuts knew anything about economics, we wouldn't have recessions every time we put you in charge.

Oh, you mean like the worst economic crisis we faced since the end of the Great Depression? When we had double digit inflation as well as double digit unemployment? Are you talking about that recession?

Hate to bust your bubble, sweetie. But that was President Carter, in 1979. You see, that is the problem with those that try to place everything on the shoulders of others. So many really do not know facts, and make such blanket statements, without even considering that others know they are wrong.

And if you actually knew about economics, you would know that recessions are a part of a healthy economic process. As a certain big purple man said, they "are inevitable". In a stock or commodity market, they are known as "adjustments". Because simple common sense is that you can not rise unendingly, without having inflation and occasional corrections. And among the most prosperous times are actually after a period of recession ends.

And you go on about how others do not know anything about economics.

Well, feel free to go see the impact in much of California and Oregon of their high minimum wages. There, the high rate of inflation is largely driven by the minimum wage.

But please, entertain us with your explanation how wages run decades behind inflation.

You Can Put Rouge on a Scrooge, But He's Still a Pig

The Sissies in Suitcoats want to hog the same amount of profits they had before. Not taking a cut, which will still make them rich, is the reason they charge YOU more. Who gave them a divine right to have their pre-union profits set in stone? And there is a lot of collusion here, so the competition won't force them to take the cut, either.
Quite the contrary, America was at her best when the workforce was 33% unionized and the rich paid a high rate of taxes. The problem isn't that there's not enough wealth, it's that too much is concentrated at the top.
Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

No, the problem is something that is never allowed to be attacked and abolished, which shows what clique controls speech in the formerly United States. Too much wealth is inherited (we're going through the greatest transfer of wealth in history; that's what that means). Inherited wealth leads to inherited corporate ownership, inherited media influence, and inherited political positions. It puts inferior people in superior positions; imagine if athletes could pass on their positions to their sons and you'll see why society is collapsing.
. Do you know what I don't see on Resumes I write for new College grads that I saw three years ago? McDonalds, Wendy's and all the other minimum wage crap kids used to do to get a bit of extra money for HS and College.
All a Résumé Really Asks Is, "Who's Your Daddy?"

Why work their way through school when the fatkittens are living off a fat allowance from Fatcat Daddy? College has always been specifically designed for Preppies; "prep school" gets its name from "prepare for college."
So college "education" is a fraud and should not be rewarded. The other students are escapist nerd social rejects and escapist teenagers who are afraid to grow up. In other words, fatkitten litter.

I once met a student advisor who quit when she found out that her students' allowances were higher than her salary.
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You know nothing about me, my background, or beliefs. Yet you attack them and me because you do not agree, even going as far as making up a platform in your own mind that is about as far from the truth as you can get.

So forgive me if I largely dismiss anything you have to say as irrelevant. Because you can not make a stance and have it stand on its own without attacks and putting words into the mouths of others.

I think your posts speak volumes about your education and decency... they just don't say anything nice.

The very fact you need to hate on people who have less than you says much.

Oh, you mean like the worst economic crisis we faced since the end of the Great Depression? When we had double digit inflation as well as double digit unemployment? Are you talking about that recession?

Hate to bust your bubble, sweetie. But that was President Carter, in 1979. You see, that is the problem with those that try to place everything on the shoulders of others. So many really do not know facts, and make such blanket statements, without even considering that others know they are wrong.

Actually, Jimmy Carter's economy wasn't that bad, and his getting voted out of office had more to do with Anderson splitting the liberal vote and the Iran Hostage Crisis.

Carter added 10 million jobs to the economy, his recession in 1980 was mild (compared to the one Reagan had in 1981-1983), he kept us out of wars, and yes, inflation was bad because the job market was kind of okay.

I'm guessing you probably aren't old enough to have lived through them.
And if you actually knew about economics, you would know that recessions are a part of a healthy economic process. As a certain big purple man said, they "are inevitable". In a stock or commodity market, they are known as "adjustments". Because simple common sense is that you can not rise unendingly, without having inflation and occasional corrections. And among the most prosperous times are actually after a period of recession ends.

Uh, yeah, funny how we only have them when Republicans are in charge, for the most part. Because the Republicans look at the good times we have under Democrats and say, "Wow, the working class is getting too much of that sweet, sweet money, we need to do something about that."

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