US Carrier Group heads toward Korean Peninsula

The US has a long history of sending carrier groups off the coast of foreign conflict zones as a show of force. It's usually just PR
Or . . . the Americans and South Koreans are setting up an overwhelming aircraft, cruise missile, and artillery attack to destroy the nuclear capabilities of the NK as well as decapitate their leadership.
Probably not mate. They would send a lot more than one carrier group if that were the case. The US isn't ready for a war on the Korean Peninsula, and one carrier group is not going to significantly change that fact.
When the US moves carrier battle groups, someone is going to get thumped.

It is usually a meaningless show of force. They will probably patrol the coast for a month and return home.

With Donald as president though, I wont pretend to know what is going to happen. Egomaniacs are unpredictable.
Years ago there was a book called "The Peter Principle" (of management) and one of the tenets was "left alone, things always go from bad to worse". At least Trump is trying to manage things like Syria and NK better than the last admin. Trump is no warmonger, at least not yet....
Years ago there was a book called "The Peter Principle" (of management) and one of the tenets was "left alone, things always go from bad to worse". At least Trump is trying to manage things like Syria and NK better than the last admin. Trump is no warmonger, at least not yet....

Donald didn't help anyone in Syria. Russia is sending Syria more money and improving their anti-air defenses. The deconfliction line between the United States and Russia is gone. Aircraft from Shayrat are taking off as we speak to punish the citizens of Idlib for this attack.

Do you know what is going to happen the more North Korea gets provoked? First they will crack down on dissidence. There will be a large-scale purge and mass conscription effort. Then they stop communications with the US and ROK. No more diplomatic options. Finally, the Chinese come into the picture. They enter the country, bringing tanks and missiles with them. At that point, military options are also off the table.

Nothing good will come out of this. Not without a long-term strategy. You can't just order half ass shows of force without having an endgame. The current US administration has no strategy, and they have no end game. Tens of millions of lives hang in the balance. There is no room for fucking around!
Well this is interesting. Don't think anything is going to come from it, but still interesting.

UPDATE 1-U.S. Navy strike group to move toward Korean peninsula -U.S. official

Now that Trump has pulled the trigger on Syria - I'm sure he's thirsting for more.

Or . . . the Americans and South Koreans are setting up an overwhelming aircraft, cruise missile, and artillery attack to destroy the nuclear capabilities of the NK as well as decapitate their leadership.
-------------------------------------- makes sense to me , i like that plan . No more wheat or other staples or kissing 'nork' azz Sur .
There is a strategy, Trump has the best military minds in the US working the problems. The thing about strategy is that you never tell the opponent what it is. In poker we would be calling their bluff. Put up or fold. NK is a 4th world country and Assad better take the money and retire to Russia before he ends up like Kadaffi. Stay tuned...
Years ago there was a book called "The Peter Principle" (of management) and one of the tenets was "left alone, things always go from bad to worse". At least Trump is trying to manage things like Syria and NK better than the last admin. Trump is no warmonger, at least not yet....

The Peter Principle contends that, especially in the corporate and business world, we ultimately reach our level of incompetence. Mr. X was perfect in the position of sales. So they promoted him. To management...
Good book and relevant even today.
Years ago there was a book called "The Peter Principle" (of management) and one of the tenets was "left alone, things always go from bad to worse". At least Trump is trying to manage things like Syria and NK better than the last admin. Trump is no warmonger, at least not yet....

The Peter Principle contends that, especially in the corporate and business world, we ultimately reach our level of incompetence. Mr. X was perfect in the position of sales. So they promoted him. To management...
Good book and relevant even today.
I didn't want to mention that one <g>
There is a strategy, Trump has the best military minds in the US working the problems. The thing about strategy is that you never tell the opponent what it is. In poker we would be calling their bluff. Put up or fold. NK is a 4th world country and Assad better take the money and retire to Russia before he ends up like Kadaffi. Stay tuned...

I don't trust Donald. He has no education in military science or realpolitik. The dumbass is making it up as he goes along.

The fact that you blindly trust him shows how much of a brainwashed sycophant you are.
There is a strategy, Trump has the best military minds in the US working the problems. The thing about strategy is that you never tell the opponent what it is. In poker we would be calling their bluff. Put up or fold. NK is a 4th world country and Assad better take the money and retire to Russia before he ends up like Kadaffi. Stay tuned...

I don't trust Donald. He has no education in military science or realpolitik. The dumbass is making it up as he goes along.

The fact that you blindly trust him shows how much of a brainwashed sycophant you are.

The fact that you don't get that there are certain methodologies and talents and pay-for-play at work mystifies me. Maybe you didn't know that the billionaires ALWAYS pull the strings and the pols (mostly lawyers) just follow orders, or no contributions? Donald KNOWS how to manage talent, its how he runs successful businesses. I was no fan of Donald at first, but I was more worried about the fox in the hen house. I'm no sycophant, I still don't trust him, but as Michael Moore said, Trump was the biggest FU we could send to DC to rape the establishment.
It was a sign of strength....Obama was weak and nobody feared him. When I lived near a Turkey farm the Turkeys would gang up and kill the weak birds.

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