US carries out the 1st federal execution in nearly 2 decades

Like I said, guy, I have a solution for ending crime.
Ban guns and end poverty.
Problem. Fucking. Solved. The rest of the world has figured this out, even your beloved Singapore.

And the NAZI'S lynched many many white people and likely few if any blacks or even brown people. And they usually lynched them with wire instead of rope which inflicted much more pain.

Johann Reichhart was an executioner for Adolph Hitler as well. He used his own modeled guillotine. I saw where he could execute someone in eight seconds from the time they were brought out to his guillotine. He executed thousands. Then the allies used him to hang war criminals who received a death sentence at the Nuremberg Trials.
Singapore does not have welfare like we do. You don't know what you are talking about.

They don't have it like we do, but they do have it.

I just outlined how I follow the law. If I was in Singapore, I would follow the laws of Singapore. So, you are just stupid and wrong.

YOu are one of these people who whines when you have to wear a mask so you don't get other people sick. It would only be a matter of time before you fell afoul of these fascists.
deadly scheme that aimed to establish a whites-only nation in the Pacific Northwest.
Federal executions are the stuff of spy novels, like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were accused of leaking nuclear bomb plans to the Soviets.

The white supremacists have nukes, and Idaho is big into nuclear power, since they've found uranium while mining for coal.

I was touring the Capitol of Idaho in Boise, and I was shocked to come face to face with a prominent nuclear weapons expert from the Obama administration who had been involved in the "deal" with Iran over various broadly published technical details of centrifuges and the enrichment process to separate U-235 from U-238 — whether it was a weapons-grade 90% enrichment or a much lower power-generation utility grade.
They don't have it like we do, but they do have it.

YOu are one of these people who whines when you have to wear a mask so you don't get other people sick. It would only be a matter of time before you fell afoul of these fascists.

They don't have it like we do, but they do have it.

No they don't. I posted the article proving it. Period. THEY DO NOT. End of story. You are wrong.

YOu are one of these people who whines when you have to wear a mask so you don't get other people sick. It would only be a matter of time before you fell afoul of these fascists.

No. See that's the difference between you and me.

Good people like me, we obey the law, even if we disagree with it.

The reason you are saying that right now, is because that's what left-wingers would do. Left-wingers, if they don't like something, they just riot, and burn the city, and declare themselves autonomous, and pull down statues.

As I said before.... we on the right-wing, we're the good people. We're better than left-wingers. If I lived in Singapore right now, I would follow the law.

I don't know if Singapore still has this rule, but at one point they said if you leave your house, you are required to wear a mask.

If I lived in Singapore, and that's the rule, I would wear a mask. Again, we are flat out better people than you.

The Grocery store that I routinely shop at, for about a week and a half, just this month, had signs saying "masks now required". I have not worn a mask in a store, since about April.

I went back to my car, and put on the mask. We're better than you. We don't riot, and protest, and loot stores, and pull down statues because "wah, I don't like it".

Now Singapore has Speaker's Corner. This is a small free speech zone, that you can use to discussion policies you disagree with. You still can't say so-and-so is a tyrant, but I may well go to such a corner, and suggest the mask policy is unneeded, and present my reasons for believing that.

But as long as that is the law, I follow the law. Again, we on the right-wing are just flat out better than the left-wing in every possible way.

I'm not like you. I wouldn't get into trouble in Singapore.
No they don't. I posted the article proving it. Period. THEY DO NOT. End of story. You are wrong.

Nope, they just have a market based system of social welfare, but they still have social welfare. They've also tripled their expenditures in the last decade.

The reason you are saying that right now, is because that's what left-wingers would do. Left-wingers, if they don't like something, they just riot, and burn the city, and declare themselves autonomous, and pull down statues.

As I said before.... we on the right-wing, we're the good people. We're better than left-wingers. If I lived in Singapore right now, I would follow the law.

No, you aren't good people. You are people who enjoy privileges from being white and entitled, a bunch of fucking Karens who get all upset when people demand change that should have happened years ago.

You guys whine when you have to wear a mask in public.

black folks are complaining because cops are STRAIGHT UP MURDERING THEM. And frankly, for something like a decade, they asked peacefully for change. Then they decided to stop asking nicely.

Sucks to be you, Karen.
Nope, they just have a market based system of social welfare, but they still have social welfare. They've also tripled their expenditures in the last decade.

No, you aren't good people. You are people who enjoy privileges from being white and entitled, a bunch of fucking Karens who get all upset when people demand change that should have happened years ago.

You guys whine when you have to wear a mask in public.

black folks are complaining because cops are STRAIGHT UP MURDERING THEM. And frankly, for something like a decade, they asked peacefully for change. Then they decided to stop asking nicely.

Sucks to be you, Karen.

Nope, they just have a market based system of social welfare, but they still have social welfare. They've also tripled their expenditures in the last decade.

Your retirement, is money you put into your own account, that is invested into private investments you pick.

Your health care, is a Medisave account that is money you put into your own account.

Your education for your children, is determined by you, from an education account, that can be used at either Government schools, or government aided schools, or private schools. Your choice.

When I say that they do not have welfare, I mean in the sense that they have nothing like the US welfare system.

It is hard to get 'welfare' in Singapore. The latest info I found, suggested that barely 3,000 people in a city of 5.3 Million, qualified for welfare. That's less than 1%, compared to 22% of the country that was collecting welfare in the US prior to the current problems.

Additionally, the amount of money, is exceptionally small.

For example, the GST Voucher, is a $215 paid once a year.

The Medisave voucher is $180 to $320, but only over the age of 65.

The housing voucher is $1160, or less (depending on the house you have).

That's for the year.

And I think if I remember right, all of these are tied to your income. So it's means tested.

And lastly, this is the GST Voucher, is of course from the GST. The Goods and Services Tax. Meaning, a sales taxes.

Who pays the majority of sales taxes? The poor. So the people getting the money from the voucher, are the people who are paying the tax for the voucher.

As for direct monthly assistance, the most you can really collect, is about $430 a month. In order to get that, you have to have already gotten a wavier from WorkFare. Workfare is the governments job placement program. Anyone deemed capable of working, must work. If you don't, then you do not get any welfare at all.

Now if you are smart, you are looking at those dollar amounts above, and noticing a slight difference between the $6,000 in cash welfare on average in the US, plus the $6,000 in SNAP food support, plus $12,000 in housing subsidies, and Medicaid, and heating support, and WIC, and TEFAP......

The amount of welfare in Singapore, is barely a fraction of US welfare.

And if you are like most people on the left-wing, you will ask how can anyone possibly survive on Singapore's welfare?

Well they can't. That's the point. The whole point is, get people off welfare, and get people working. No one can live off welfare in Singapore. They would starve to death.

That's why they get back to work, and earn their keep, and are productive members of society.

The system was designed that way from the very start.

That mindset is embodied in Singapore’s philosophy of welfare, which rests on four pillars:

Each generation should pay its own way.
Each family should pay its own way.
Each individual should pay his own way.
Only after passing through these three filters should anyone turn to the government for help. But it will be there when needed.

When I say they don't have welfare like the US, they don't. You can't live on welfare in Singapore, and that's by design. Welfare is just barely enough money to get your butt back to work.

So when you claim that crime is lower in Singapore, because they have welfare.... you are ridiculous. We have many times as much welfare here, than they do.

If being poor, and lacking social welfare, is what caused crime, then Singapore should be the most crime ridden city on the planet.

And by the way, as I said several times before, if you want to talk about how great the Singapore social safety net is..... by all means propose any of their social policies, and I will have a standing ovation for you. Let's cancel the US welfare system and replace it with WorkFare. I would campaign for your proposal, for free. Let's cut SNAP and US Welfare, down to $400 a month. Let me know when you want me to start making campaign posters.
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When I say that they do not have welfare, I mean in the sense that they have nothing like the US welfare system.

But they do have a social welfare system, that's the important thing. They do not have, "Fuck you, starve once you are no longer useful".

As for direct monthly assistance, the most you can really collect, is about $430 a month. In order to get that, you have to have already gotten a wavier from WorkFare. Workfare is the governments job placement program. Anyone deemed capable of working, must work. If you don't, then you do not get any welfare at all.

Now if you are smart, you are looking at those dollar amounts above, and noticing a slight difference between the $6,000 in cash welfare on average in the US, plus the $6,000 in SNAP food support, plus $12,000 in housing subsidies, and Medicaid, and heating support, and WIC, and TEFAP......

Okay, you are kind of mixing up numbers here. 6000 in SNAP is an annual, it works out to 500 a month. Point is, they have a social welfare system, just like we do. And they've tripled spending on it in the last decade.
But they do have a social welfare system, that's the important thing. They do not have, "Fuck you, starve once you are no longer useful".

Okay, you are kind of mixing up numbers here. 6000 in SNAP is an annual, it works out to 500 a month. Point is, they have a social welfare system, just like we do. And they've tripled spending on it in the last decade.

But they do have a social welfare system, that's the important thing. They do not have, "Fuck you, starve once you are no longer useful".

Dude, if you don't work in Singapore... you will starve. If you think people can live on the equivalent of $400 a month in Singapore, you are crazy.

Okay, you are kind of mixing up numbers here. 6000 in SNAP is an annual, it works out to 500 a month. Point is, they have a social welfare system, just like we do. And they've tripled spending on it in the last decade.

All of those numbers I gave for the US system, were annual.

Yes, SNAP, by itself alone, without any others... is more money than people in Singapore get for ALL of the benefits.

SNAP by itself, is more money, than all the welfare benefits Singapore gives out combined.

Now include the $6,000 from welfare. Now we're more than double the welfare benefits of Singapore, and we haven't included subsidized housing, and WIC, and all the other benefits, like Obama Phones, and so on.

A rough estimate, is that people in the US, have about 3 times as much welfare, as Singapore.

Again, if your claim that poverty and lack of social welfare programs is the cause of crime, Singapore should be the most crime ridden city on the planet.

Your claim is just wrong. Period.
Dude, if you don't work in Singapore... you will starve. If you think people can live on the equivalent of $400 a month in Singapore, you are crazy.

Yet, some people do.


A rough estimate, is that people in the US, have about 3 times as much welfare, as Singapore.

Again, if your claim that poverty and lack of social welfare programs is the cause of crime, Singapore should be the most crime ridden city on the planet.

Well, they have social welfare, and they have gun control.... So that's why they don't have as much crime as we do. It's not because they execute two hapless drug dealers a year.
Yet, some people do.


Well, they have social welfare, and they have gun control.... So that's why they don't have as much crime as we do. It's not because they execute two hapless drug dealers a year.

No, they don't. The only way they could live on $400 a month, is if they are getting help.

Now there are some that are getting help. The government promotes charities that give out free food to people who are poor. Unlike our country, where ridiculous people complain if the poor need charities, their government supports charities helping the poor.

But, no, you would starve to death if you exclusively lived off Singapore's welfare system.

Very much unlike the US welfare system which has much more generous benefits.

Well, they have social welfare, and they have gun control.... So that's why they don't have as much crime as we do. It's not because they execute two hapless drug dealers a year.

Again you claimed that if only we had more welfare, people would not commit crime. Singapore has a fraction of the welfare we do, and a tiny fraction of the crime.

Moreover, as I pointed out they have a fraction of the murder rate that many other countries with strong gun laws have.

So obviously the gun laws are not the key factor. The key factor is that they enforce the law, and kill the criminals.

You have right to be wrong, but I've posted facts, and you have posted opinion.

I've posted in this thread dozens of examples were people who were convicted criminals and even murderers, were not put to death, and they all killed again. Hundreds of murders, because people like you didn't want to punish crime, with your lame "they'll never murder again in jail", when the fact is hundreds have.

So... yet again, facts disprove opinion. And you are responsible for those murders, you refused to prevent.
In a third world country? Seriously?

No, I said if we had more complete programs that kept people out of poverty... I know big concepts confuse you.

Singapore is not a 3rd world country.
They are between Denmark and Finland.

No, I said if we had more complete programs that kept people out of poverty... I know big concepts confuse you.

Impossible. By the way, we have a more complete system than Singapore, and many other 1st world countries.

You do realize that Denmark doesn't even have Welfare, right? Denmark has unemployment compensation. But no welfare. What that means is that if you don't work, you don't get anything. And even if you do work, you 60% of your average wage over the last 5 years, and it only lasts 12 months, and then you are cut off. You starve.

We have more welfare than Denmark.

So this idea that you people have we have no social welfare system, is ignorant BS. You can't force people to work hard, and be successful.

If people refuse to work, they stay poor. There is no way to "keep people out of poverty" as you put it. Impossible. And no country does that.

If anything, one of the reasons that fewer people are in poverty in nordic countries, is specifically because they don't try and keep people out of poverty. As result, those people go get a job, and thus are not impoverished anymore.

So, no you are full of it. Again, facts over opinion. I bet you didn't even know that Denmark and most of those countries, don't have welfare. Facts over opinion.
Actually, it is.

That it nominally qualifies as first world in economics, it's still very much third world in most other aspects, such as form of government.

The form of government, has nothing to do with the economic and wealth conditions of the people or economy.

“Third World” remains the most common of the original designations, but its meaning has changed from “non-aligned” and become more of a blanket term for the developing world. Since it’s partially a relic of the Cold War, many modern academics consider the “Third World” label to be outdated. Terms such as “developing countries” and “low and lower-middle-income countries” are now often used in its place.​

Singapore is not a low, or lower-middle income country (or city-state). No one anywhere, considers Singapore 3rd world.

Again, I don't see many people trying to immigrate to 3rd world countries. And I certainly don't see Americans, like 26,000 Americans moving to live in 3rd world countries.

Once again, facts over opinion. Sorry, but facts win over your lame attempts at saving face on an thread of arguments you have lost for the last 30 posts in a row.

Learn something man.
The form of government, has nothing to do with the economic and wealth conditions of the people or economy.

Um,yeah, it totally does. The First World was meant to describe industrialized DEMOCRACIES. Second World was meant to describe Communist States, Third World was meant to describe poor dictatorships in the former colonial world. Maybe you should understand where terms come from...
The form of government, has nothing to do with the economic and wealth conditions of the people or economy.

Um,yeah, it totally does. The First World was meant to describe industrialized DEMOCRACIES. Second World was meant to describe Communist States, Third World was meant to describe poor dictatorships in the former colonial world. Maybe you should understand where terms come from...

Yeah I do.

Singapore is set to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its independence on August 9. Once known as a backward fishing village, Singapore now has one of the highest per capita GDP (about US$56,000) in the world. It is ranked as the third most competitive economy, behind the United States and Hong Kong. The city state is one of the best governed countries, thanks to low crime rates and virtually no public sector corruption.​

Singapore: From third world to first​
Singapore's first and longest serving Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew has died at the age of 91.
He was towering figure in the city-state's history, and is widely seen as a pivotal figure in its transformation from a sleepy fishing port to a major economic center.​

Do you need more facts to contradict your opinion? You need more links that everyone else knows Singapore is a 1st world country?

Facts over opinion. Thanks.
Yeah I do.
Well, still not a first world country, because it isn't a democracy.

Yeah, so the random forum poster, is contradicting the entire planet. Full of crap. Show me one person of any decent reputation or education, that says Singapore is a 3rd world country. I've posted several supports for my claim. Show me ONE that says Singapore is considered a 3rd world country.

Facts over opinion. Prove it, or can it.
Yeah, so the random forum poster, is contradicting the entire planet. Full of crap. Show me one person of any decent reputation or education, that says Singapore is a 3rd world country. I've posted several supports for my claim. Show me ONE that says Singapore is considered a 3rd world country.

Facts over opinion. Prove it, or can it.

How about Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International?


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