US carries out the 1st federal execution in nearly 2 decades

Yeah, so the random forum poster, is contradicting the entire planet. Full of crap. Show me one person of any decent reputation or education, that says Singapore is a 3rd world country. I've posted several supports for my claim. Show me ONE that says Singapore is considered a 3rd world country.

Facts over opinion. Prove it, or can it.

How about Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International?

Right, and where did it say "Singapore is a third world country"?

Oh right, it does not say that, because they don't say that, because I am right, and you are wrong on this.

Facts over opinion. Try again, or admit you fail?
Right, and where did it say "Singapore is a third world country"?

Did you need someone to explain the big words to you?

Did you? You claimed that your link said Singapore was a 3rd world country. It didn't.

Facts over opinion. Either proved direct clear proof that the organization you listed claims Singapore is a 3rd world country... you lose the debate, and I am right.
Did you? You claimed that your link said Singapore was a 3rd world country. It didn't.

It most certainly did... sorry you didn't understand the concept of what a first world country is. Not to worry, at the Rate Trump is going, we are probably going to be a third world country by the time he is done.
Did you? You claimed that your link said Singapore was a 3rd world country. It didn't.

It most certainly did... sorry you didn't understand the concept of what a first world country is. Not to worry, at the Rate Trump is going, we are probably going to be a third world country by the time he is done.

I'm sorry that you didn't understand the concept of "Show me someone who says Singapore is a 3rd world country".

It did not seem like a difficult concept that facts trump over opinion, but maybe my request is simply beyond your mental abilities.
I'm sorry that you didn't understand the concept of "Show me someone who says Singapore is a 3rd world country".

Which I did. I showed you that HRW and Amnesty consider them to be such in terms of human rights abuses.
I'm sorry that you didn't understand the concept of "Show me someone who says Singapore is a 3rd world country".

Which I did. I showed you that HRW and Amnesty consider them to be such in terms of human rights abuses.

No, that's not how this works. How much you want to bet that if I sent a note to Amnesty, and said "Is Singapore a 3rd world country?" they would say "No".

You are just making up what you think they would say, based on your own opinion.

That's not the same as showing me someone in authority that says Singapore is a 3rd world country.

Not even close. That's like me saying you are a tyrannical bigoted socialist ideologue, based on my opinion of your statements here.

Either you prove facts... literal statements of Amnesties opinion of Singapore being 3rd world, or 1st world... or you are just cramming their statements into your opinion. Facts over opinion.

Either provide facts, or you admit you are wrong. Try again? Or can we just leave it at you are wrong, once again?
No, that's not how this works. How much you want to bet that if I sent a note to Amnesty, and said "Is Singapore a 3rd world country?" they would say "No".

they'd probably say yes. It's really kind of a third world shithole.
No one who has spent time in Singapore would call it a third-world country. The idea is ridiculous. And as for it being "Authoritarian," it is wonderfully authoritarian. They have the mythical and much desired "Benevolent Dictatorship." The trains run on time. Everything is clean and beautiful (and expensive). Chewing gum is illegal. Very close to capitalist heaven on earth.
No, that's not how this works. How much you want to bet that if I sent a note to Amnesty, and said "Is Singapore a 3rd world country?" they would say "No".

they'd probably say yes. It's really kind of a third world shithole.

There you go. You just made my point. "They'd probably say yes".

That's opinion, not fact. That is you cramming unrelated comments, into your personal opinion of what you think they would say.

I posted direct statements that Singapore is a first world country, by several sources, and I can give several more.

You have posted "they'd probably say...." You don't know what they would say. You want to believe you do, because that's what you think.

Well, facts over opinion. I have facts. You have opinion. You lost. Sorry, but that was game, set and match.

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