US Cities May Have To Be Bulldozed In Order To Survive

They should bulldoze Houston.

Just raze it to the ground and start over...

I feel the same way about Washington D.C., and they can bulldoze the people in it too.
You could bulldoze Buffalo. You wouldn't hurt anyone and nothing of value would be destroyed.
There are some buildings in some cities which should be torn down...most definitely.

Possibly there should be entire neighborhoods torn down as well.

What I can't figure out is, why are they recommending bulldozing neighborhoods when America's population is growing? Doesn't that seem fishy?

Just as an example, Detroit once had a population of a bit over 2 million people. Today, Detroit's population is around 950,000. In many neighborhoods, more homes are condemned than livable.
There is a lot being assumed or imagined here. I don't see any deatails, any plans, anything other than an idea being looked at. You kooks are foaming at the mouth for any opening to help fester the obvious hateful infections in your brains.

I don't see any eminent domain plans, I don't see any notices of condemnation. For all you fools knows, and I would be willing to bet, any such property would be bought, fair and square. If it isn't already in tax forclosure from abandonment. We have bought and do buy land for parks, national forest, state forest and parks, etc. The Feds own thousands of acres around here and turn a nice profit on logging contracts.

Fact is, there isn't enough information here to make any of the far fetched conclusions you guys are making. It's a bunch of paranoid rambling.
There are some buildings in some cities which should be torn down...most definitely.

Possibly there should be entire neighborhoods torn down as well.

What I can't figure out is, why are they recommending bulldozing neighborhoods when America's population is growing? Doesn't that seem fishy?

Just as an example, Detroit once had a population of a bit over 2 million people. Today, Detroit's population is around 950,000. In many neighborhoods, more homes are condemned than livable.

That should be city government issue to take care then IMO, not federal, not obama.
There is a lot being assumed or imagined here. I don't see any deatails, any plans, anything other than an idea being looked at. You kooks are foaming at the mouth for any opening to help fester the obvious hateful infections in your brains.

I don't see any eminent domain plans, I don't see any notices of condemnation. For all you fools knows, and I would be willing to bet, any such property would be bought, fair and square. If it isn't already in tax forclosure from abandonment. We have bought and do buy land for parks, national forest, state forest and parks, etc. The Feds own thousands of acres around here and turn a nice profit on logging contracts.

Fact is, there isn't enough information here to make any of the far fetched conclusions you guys are making. It's a bunch of paranoid rambling.

And heeeeeerre ya go slick, here's your picture mister "I never see anything wrong"... kind of obvious why don't...

Dumb ass. Why don't you take a little time to figure out what this is about instead of crying that the sky is falling. It might help if you didn't ingest so much right wing propoganda.

Here is some information about Mr. Kildee and the Flint plan that is being applied. Just as I thought, this is about abandonned properties that the city already owns or is in tax forclosure. There are no eminant domain issues at all. These cities are burdened with the up keep of the properties that have been abandonned. Drug houses, fire hazards, water and sewer nightmares and maintanence.

In any case, you're full of crapola. There is no eminent domain or condemnation. There is only abandonned, tax delinquent property at issue. The property belongs to the cities and if they want to bulldoze the structures, they sure as hell can.

YOu be sure to let me know if a piece of the sky does actually hit you on your little pea head, nut ball.
Youngstown, Ohio to Demolish 1,000 Buildings for Real Estate

Youngstown, Ohio has already been doing this too. Cities simply can't be expected to maintain street, lighting, water and sewer lines in dead neighborhoods. It's driving them broke.

The funny thing is, if this were a Republican administration and this was billed as part of the war on drugs, targeting poor communities and vacant neighborhoods with crack addicts, which is EXACTLY part of the scenario, you'd be shitting your pants to be the first one on a bulldozer.
There is a lot being assumed or imagined here. I don't see any deatails, any plans, anything other than an idea being looked at. You kooks are foaming at the mouth for any opening to help fester the obvious hateful infections in your brains.

I don't see any eminent domain plans, I don't see any notices of condemnation. For all you fools knows, and I would be willing to bet, any such property would be bought, fair and square. If it isn't already in tax forclosure from abandonment. We have bought and do buy land for parks, national forest, state forest and parks, etc. The Feds own thousands of acres around here and turn a nice profit on logging contracts.

Fact is, there isn't enough information here to make any of the far fetched conclusions you guys are making. It's a bunch of paranoid rambling.

No one is assuming or imagining anything. We are discussing policy the Obama administration is proposing. Obviously he hasnt provided detailed descriptions of what he is doing. But there is plenty to discuss on it without all the minutia.

For example, what is the right of the Federal government to do this? Why isnt this a state/municipal issue? Why should Obama even bec considering it?

Id say there is plenty of evidence to conclude that this is nothing but another power grab to dictate how we live based on: The lack of Constitutional authority for this proposal, history of the Obama administration's propensity to seize power it doesnt have, and attitudes such of yours who dont give a damn whether he does seize the power.

There is no hate involved. Simply detailed analysis of what looks like a silly plan by the Obama administration to become involved in matters that dont concern them.
Youngstown, Ohio to Demolish 1,000 Buildings for Real Estate

Youngstown, Ohio has already been doing this too. Cities simply can't be expected to maintain street, lighting, water and sewer lines in dead neighborhoods. It's driving them broke.

The funny thing is, if this were a Republican administration and this was billed as part of the war on drugs, targeting poor communities and vacant neighborhoods with crack addicts, which is EXACTLY part of the scenario, you'd be shitting your pants to be the first one on a bulldozer.

No one is arguing against state and local governments doing this. If you cant tell the difference between the state and federal government, you are in alot of trouble and so its anyone else who has the unfortunate luck of being around you when the government takes your rights.

And your wrong. Even if this was a Republican administration, the Federal government has no reason to be involved. This is like just about every other issue Republicans spoke out against Bush on.
These cities raised the taxes beyond the reasonable realm and now they are stuck with houses in need of repair. I'd call it bad management.
There is a lot being assumed or imagined here. I don't see any deatails, any plans, anything other than an idea being looked at. You kooks are foaming at the mouth for any opening to help fester the obvious hateful infections in your brains.

I don't see any eminent domain plans, I don't see any notices of condemnation. For all you fools knows, and I would be willing to bet, any such property would be bought, fair and square. If it isn't already in tax forclosure from abandonment. We have bought and do buy land for parks, national forest, state forest and parks, etc. The Feds own thousands of acres around here and turn a nice profit on logging contracts.

Fact is, there isn't enough information here to make any of the far fetched conclusions you guys are making. It's a bunch of paranoid rambling.

No one is assuming or imagining anything. We are discussing policy the Obama administration is proposing. Obviously he hasnt provided detailed descriptions of what he is doing. But there is plenty to discuss on it without all the minutia.

For example, what is the right of the Federal government to do this? Why isnt this a state/municipal issue? Why should Obama even bec considering it?

Id say there is plenty of evidence to conclude that this is nothing but another power grab to dictate how we live based on: The lack of Constitutional authority for this proposal, history of the Obama administration's propensity to seize power it doesnt have, and attitudes such of yours who dont give a damn whether he does seize the power.

There is no hate involved. Simply detailed analysis of what looks like a silly plan by the Obama administration to become involved in matters that dont concern them.

This is bullshit. There is no reason to even think the Federal Government is going to do anything of substance here other than get this kildee guy in contact with other cities struggling with the same problems. You don't think these cities are leaning on the Federal Government for help? You actually think the Feds are going to charge into Pittsburg uninvited and start tearing shit down?

You guys are over reacting to a SINGLE sentence that states this man was contacted by someone in the US government and several charities.

As soon as someone can show that the Feds have issued some kind of instruction, some kind of mandate, have pushed a city to do soemthing it didn't want to do, then maybe you have a claim. For now, this is just nit picking bullshit. You hear the name Obama and you start twitching and trembling from fright. Pussies.
These cities raised the taxes beyond the reasonable realm and now they are stuck with houses in need of repair. I'd call it bad management.

There is the whole issue of industrial decline in the rust belt, no? You thnik maybe the loss of industry and jobs just maybe had something to do with it? Or are you sticking with property taxes as the goblin that broke Pittsburg?
These cities raised the taxes beyond the reasonable realm and now they are stuck with houses in need of repair. I'd call it bad management.

There is the whole issue of industrial decline in the rust belt, no? You thnik maybe the loss of industry and jobs just maybe had something to do with it? Or are you sticking with property taxes as the goblin that broke Pittsburg?
Property taxes generally suck the life out of every property owner that would rehabilitate areas such as we are talking about. Tell me this are they taking out all the water and sewer lines in these areas they are dozing?
These cities raised the taxes beyond the reasonable realm and now they are stuck with houses in need of repair. I'd call it bad management.

There is the whole issue of industrial decline in the rust belt, no? You thnik maybe the loss of industry and jobs just maybe had something to do with it? Or are you sticking with property taxes as the goblin that broke Pittsburg?
Property taxes generally suck the life out of every property owner that would rehabilitate areas such as we are talking about. Tell me this are they taking out all the water and sewer lines in these areas they are dozing?

Don't know about what all they are taking out. The houses, for sure. I would think any water and sewer feeds would have to go. If you're going to let trees grow up, the lines would be compromised. And if you clear the whole neighborhood, there is no need for water/sewer. But who knows.

Do you know what the average property tax is in these places? I think it would be helpful to know how much it takes to discourage a respectable home owner from rehabilitating a property in a desertred, crack infested, slum. I know I'd be chomping at the bit if it weren't for the $1,000 in taxes. I'd probably be the first to spend $50,000 if it weren't for that property tax.
There is the whole issue of industrial decline in the rust belt, no? You thnik maybe the loss of industry and jobs just maybe had something to do with it? Or are you sticking with property taxes as the goblin that broke Pittsburg?
Property taxes generally suck the life out of every property owner that would rehabilitate areas such as we are talking about. Tell me this are they taking out all the water and sewer lines in these areas they are dozing?

Don't know about what all they are taking out. The houses, for sure. I would think any water and sewer feeds would have to go. If you're going to let trees grow up, the lines would be compromised. And if you clear the whole neighborhood, there is no need for water/sewer. But who knows.

Do you know what the average property tax is in these places? I think it would be helpful to know how much it takes to discourage a respectable home owner from rehabilitating a property in a desertred, crack infested, slum. I know I'd be chomping at the bit if it weren't for the $1,000 in taxes. I'd probably be the first to spend $50,000 if it weren't for that property tax.
Have at it. Your search can start here.
flint michigan, tax assessor - Google Search
Property taxes generally suck the life out of every property owner that would rehabilitate areas such as we are talking about. Tell me this are they taking out all the water and sewer lines in these areas they are dozing?

Don't know about what all they are taking out. The houses, for sure. I would think any water and sewer feeds would have to go. If you're going to let trees grow up, the lines would be compromised. And if you clear the whole neighborhood, there is no need for water/sewer. But who knows.

Do you know what the average property tax is in these places? I think it would be helpful to know how much it takes to discourage a respectable home owner from rehabilitating a property in a desertred, crack infested, slum. I know I'd be chomping at the bit if it weren't for the $1,000 in taxes. I'd probably be the first to spend $50,000 if it weren't for that property tax.
Have at it. Your search can start here.
flint michigan, tax assessor - Google Search

I don't think tax rates have much to do with the urban decline in these cities. I would wager that very, very few were run out of town by taxes. I'd think they lost their jobs and moved away. Can't sell the house, let it go for taxes.

I haven't made the tax claim. I think I'll skip doing your home work and just call it bullshit on your part until you can support your claim.
so what are the solutions to the problems of the inner cities? how do you deal with blocks of empty rat nest another poster pointed out brings squatters and other troubles....yall got a lot of bitching going on...but this is a damned if you do and damened if you dont..what would you do?
so what are the solutions to the problems of the inner cities? how do you deal with blocks of empty rat nest another poster pointed out brings squatters and other troubles....yall got a lot of bitching going on...but this is a damned if you do and damened if you dont..what would you do?

They would wait until a Republican mentioned that it sounded like a good idea and then jump on bulldozer.
Don't know about what all they are taking out. The houses, for sure. I would think any water and sewer feeds would have to go. If you're going to let trees grow up, the lines would be compromised. And if you clear the whole neighborhood, there is no need for water/sewer. But who knows.

Do you know what the average property tax is in these places? I think it would be helpful to know how much it takes to discourage a respectable home owner from rehabilitating a property in a desertred, crack infested, slum. I know I'd be chomping at the bit if it weren't for the $1,000 in taxes. I'd probably be the first to spend $50,000 if it weren't for that property tax.
Have at it. Your search can start here.
flint michigan, tax assessor - Google Search

I don't think tax rates have much to do with the urban decline in these cities. I would wager that very, very few were run out of town by taxes. I'd think they lost their jobs and moved away. Can't sell the house, let it go for taxes.

I haven't made the tax claim. I think I'll skip doing your home work and just call it bullshit on your part until you can support your claim.
Look, you claim what you want. I'll claim what I want. What do you think it cost to develop that land and bring it to the stage that it is developed now? How long do you suppose the city of Flint set the schedule for payment on the original development for just one of these areas? Let's make it easy for you; lets consider an area of your choice that contains five hundred homes or less. If you don't know what the hell you are talking about it would be a wise choice for you to be still until you learn what was paid for the land from the previous owners who sold the land to the developers so that this development could move forward. The tax base on any of the land currently slated for demolition or razing is not the same as the old land purchased by the developers and speculators. The storm drains, the sewers, the water lines and the electric were addressed before during and after the dirt work on any development. Until you know what the land was prior to development any comment you say concerning the rust belt and employment is conjecture. The land prior to this development has a history of supporting the families that lived on it. Once they sold that land that support sadly passed into history and landed squarely in the arms on conjecturers, speculators and investors. The city of Flint regulates the tax also in a speculative position. These events are planned in what is usually referred to as comprehensive plans based on a ten, twenty and fifty year time frame. Get involved in one you'll learn a lot. Then you can come back on some forum and post a much more knowledgeable and informative post. The speculators, bankers and investors set up a spread sheet based on information that is taken from a snapshot in time. This is merely a slice. Once they spend any money these developments go forward whether they allowed for future jobs or industrialization in the area. Their failure to include the future and any change it can hold even if they be unforeseen is their responsibility. Don't think for a moment they don't watch trends. However, as I said, once they spend any money toward the development whether it's in the planning stage or the construction stage, hell will freeze over before they stop. The decisions made twenty five and thirty years ago concerning these developments was merely speculation. Today that speculation has suddenly and miraculously become a stark reality hasn't it? These habits and practices of the few are being paid for by the masses. And not just the locals who are in these areas either I might add. We all in this nation are being force fed by developers, bankers, wall streeters, investors and speculators who really don't give a damn about their consequences as long as nobody gets in their way. Now they want us to pay them for their lack of vision? You go right ahead if you want but I and millions of others are sick and tired of baling out the few at the expense of the most. Take your peanut butters spreadsheet mentality and find another loaf of bread to spread it on. This loaf was used up a long time ago. Those houses that are already standing can be utilized. The city of Flint now wants to raze these developments? What it this more of their sound judgment? I suppose now you will try to say the City of Flint was not involved in these developments?

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