US Companies Bear a HUGE Amount of Responsibility for China Robbing Them and Conservatives Want the

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Its a cost of doing business, like having to pay off a building inspector to go away or sending a union boss on a vacation at St. Kitts.

well, bribing the building inspector is an interesting concept.
So, bribery is your gig & that is the way US business should operate?
I take it you are a conservative too.
Is bribery a conservative value?
Wrong as usual.

so, you bring up bribery as if's normal & then you deny bribery. LOFL
Pretending to be a dullard doesn’t do you much good. Or is it not a pretense?
Its a cost of doing business, like having to pay off a building inspector to go away or sending a union boss on a vacation at St. Kitts.

well, bribing the building inspector is an interesting concept.
So, bribery is your gig & that is the way US business should operate?
I take it you are a conservative too.
Is bribery a conservative value?
Wrong as usual.

so, you bring up bribery as if's normal & then you deny bribery. LOFL
Pretending to be a dullard doesn’t do you much good. Or is it not a pretense?

your back peddling on the bribery issue is duly noted
As someone who has quit the global rat race
THe consumer market forget it
companies are not entirely to blame for the chink manufacturing miracle
ATTENTION wal mart shoppers..

I have a whole schtick on why NYC was the last small town left in America BUT ill spare yas... in many different ways it was... not anymore
even with it still being the only town in the country without a walmart

Attention wal mart shoppers
and thats no poke at "rubes "
IM LOOKING at wanna be elitist suburbanites to....ESPECIALLY THEM

cost to end user while still having UNBELEAVABLE profit margins is important ...big driver
ive done it with chinks, American, Italian ,French makers of "widgets" .to name a few

I get it moms thiers a yuge sale on cheap shit down at the target , you got that budget you have to stretch that dollar and you want the biggest bang for you buck
Cause after all lill tommy will be grown out of those jeans by next Thursday
everyone look in the mirror
youre all partially GUILTY
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.
China is stealing from us, so of course, It's America's fault.

And they get mad when their American hating is pointed out to them.

Did you bother to read the article?

The companies that are getting screwed by China are allowing it to continue by NOT taking action against it.

I guess you missed that.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.
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US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........
Last edited:
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

I read this yesterday and had to think about it. But today it became quite clear.

You are basically saying that a woman who wears a skirt bears "a huge amount of responsibility" for being raped.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

I read this yesterday and had to think about it. But today it became quite clear.

You are basically saying that a woman who wears a skirt bears "a huge amount of responsibility" for being raped.

years ago I resided in Dallas; North Dallas. I lived in a condo & a DPD officer visited our complex one evening to talk with the home owners about keeping your home & your auto safe from theft. One of the concepts the officer brought up was do NOT leave items in your auto where others can see potentially items of interest/valuable items in your vehicle. The very next damn day after I came home form work another owner approached me to tell me their vehicle had been broken into & items were taken. I mentioned what the DPD officer has stated just the evening before. The lady was like, "I just got home form work, I was tired, and I left some things in my car, and my purse too."

I guess the moral of the story is maybe try NOT inviting unwanted attention but you go ahead and make the call on the rape.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

I read this yesterday and had to think about it. But today it became quite clear.

You are basically saying that a woman who wears a skirt bears "a huge amount of responsibility" for being raped.

years ago I resided in Dallas; North Dallas. I lived in a condo & a DPD officer visited our complex one evening to talk with the home owners about keeping your home & your auto safe from theft. One of the concepts the officer brought up was do NOT leave items in your auto where others can see potentially items of interest/valuable items in your vehicle. The very next damn day after I came home form work another owner approached me to tell me their vehicle had been broken into & items were taken. I mentioned what the DPD officer has stated just the evening before. The lady was like, "I just got home form work, I was tired, and I left some things in my car, and my purse too."

I guess the moral of the story is maybe try NOT inviting unwanted attention but you go ahead and make the call on the rape.

Would you fault the police for taking action to investigate that crime, and to catch and punish the criminal even though the woman was stupid?
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

You missed the post mentioning the CFR and globalist politicians, huh? The globalist concept was promoted by the powers that were; Mainly Bush, Clinton, and Bush as far as presidents go. I know you find it difficult to think outside of the partisan box, but you should give it a try. :04:
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

You're so far behind on how these things work, it would hopeless explaining them to you.. I'm basically a free-trade person and don't mind at all that things go the way of multi-national companies.

But where you start THINKING and stop WHINING about "home security and burglars" is that the PLAN for using off-shore labor was to let them build the easy stuff.. At the same time, WE and YOUR GOVT was supposed to promote the growth of 21st century manufacturing techniques HERE in the USA.. Robotics, AI, nano-tech and materials. So that WE would eventually have the most MODERN manufacturing technologies in the world with NO NEED for "cheap labor"..

But Americans got lazy and their kids got stupid and didn't want to enroll in College STEM classes.. And the GOVT? It's has basically failed to anything and is now more of a franchise of Rep/Dem party power struggle and NOTHING ELSE.. It's inept and corrupt and needs complete demolition and renovation itself..

So none of the IMPORTANT stuff got done in 30 years here in the US. While in ASIA -- they've taken the lead on robotics and AI and THEY will have those 21st century manufacturing facilities -- not us...

Stop blaming the companies, the Repub and making up fantastic soundbites and start learning. You're a big part of the problem yourself. Because uninformed voters who think this is a game solely for political power and dominance are gonna KILL this country...

The Chinese have virtually signaled that the "era of cheap labor" is over. They started 10 or 12 years ago to focus on automation and AI for manufacturing.. And all those manufacturing centers will STILL GO THERE, even without the "labor cost differential"..
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Hold on a minute...I thought you LefTarded folks hated accountability?
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

You missed the post mentioning the CFR and globalist politicians, huh? The globalist concept was promoted by the powers that were; Mainly Bush, Clinton, and Bush as far as presidents go. I know you find it difficult to think outside of the partisan box, but you should give it a try. :04:

No, I didn't miss anything, thus my below reply & I will quote for all here to see again:
"Who put a gun to corporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait ........."

Corporate AmeriKKKa is free to do what it desires. Obviously corporate AmeriKKKa wanted to have larger profits, all while they screwed the very labor pool that put them where they were. I missed not a thing.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

What kind of fucktard would put KKK inside of America?
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

What kind of fucktard would put KKK inside of America?

A double-digit IQ leftist shill.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

You missed the post mentioning the CFR and globalist politicians, huh? The globalist concept was promoted by the powers that were; Mainly Bush, Clinton, and Bush as far as presidents go. I know you find it difficult to think outside of the partisan box, but you should give it a try. :04:

No, I didn't miss anything, thus my below reply & I will quote for all here to see again:
"Who put a gun to corporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait ........."

Corporate AmeriKKKa is free to do what it desires. Obviously corporate AmeriKKKa wanted to have larger profits, all while they screwed the very labor pool that put them where they were. I missed not a thing.
We as blue collar people bear some responsibility also. Decades ago the corporate way was in our nation. They globalized as we got a bit lazy.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

What kind of fucktard would put KKK inside of America?

A double-digit IQ leftist shill.

Agreed. He should be ashamed of what he wrote.

What an asshole.
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

What kind of fucktard would put KKK inside of America?

A double-digit IQ leftist shill.

Agreed. He should be ashamed of what he wrote.

What an asshole.

I put WAAY too much work into trying to discuss with this guy.. I thought MAYBE he was interested in learning WHY American companies weren't screaming for help earlier.. But no.. These left-tards have NO F'ing idea how anything including trade and capitalism work.. And they have ZERO interest in learning or discussing..
US Government via Trump's tariffs to even the playing field

As China Hacked, U.S. Businesses Turned A Blind Eye

Technology theft and other unfair business practices originating from China are costing the American economy more than $57 billion a year, White House officials believe, and they expect that figure to grow.

Yet an investigation by NPR and the PBS television show Frontline into why three successive administrations failed to stop cyberhacking from China found an unlikely obstacle for the government — the victims themselves.

In dozens of interviews with U.S. government and business representatives, officials involved in commerce with China said hacking and theft were an open secret for almost two decades, allowed to quietly continue because U.S. companies had too much money at stake to make waves.

Wendy Cutler, who was a veteran negotiator at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, says it wasn't just that U.S. businesses were hesitant to come forward in specific cases. She says businesses didn't want the trade office to take "any strong action."


So, it seems American businesses are as much to blame for their losses to China, as China is.

Now that Trump is POTUS conservatives are cheering on Trump's efforts to impose tariffs on China to level the playing field in the world of trade.

The irony of that FACT is pretty incredible as conservatives typically always complain when government gets involved in anything.

Now conservatives want Trump & the government to 'fix' the trade issues between the US & China.

You can't make this crap up. What a crazy nation we reside in.

Of course US companies were stupid as hell to move their critical assets to a Commy labor camp.. But this was PROMOTED by the Globalists at Davos, and in our CFRelations, And by KEY political leadership in the Swamp since the late 90s.. THere's responsibility all around..

What was NOT KNOWN, was the stealing and the spying and the "strings attached" to manufacturing in China ONCE COMPANIES WERE STUCK there. And because you never think FOR YOURSELF -- the REASON corporations remained silent about the abuse is because

A) they didn't want their competition to know the extent of the damage. AND

B) If the publicly whined about it -- The Chi-Coms would make their lives a living hell over in the plants.

I know this because several of my clients got mired over there.. Extortion is more like it.. First their manufacturing went there -- then the Chi-Coms started making noises about how difficult it was to do purchasing and accounting on materials, -- so THOSE moved there. And FINALLY -- once they have your manufacturing and intellectual property and purchasing and accounting, YOU end up in the dark and pretty damn up shit creek without a paddle.. So eventually, you rely MORE on their engineers and logistics to get the job done..

Seems pretty anti-American to whine about fixing the evils that the Chi-Coms have perpetrated on US biz and get them to play fair... Only partisan tribal warriors would just let the sucking sound continue so they can get revenge for the lost election in 2016.

Who put a gun to coporate AmeriKKKa's head & told them they have to move off-shore, compromise their operations, fuck over the very people that built their companies, ......... among other concepts? That's a great way to fuck up a nation; oh wait .........

So, if I fail to protect my home by keeping it properly secured & I get burglarized then I bear no blame. Got cha ............

Your way of thinking is ........................ I actually haven't figured out that concept ................ it isn't 'thinking' ........

What kind of fucktard would put KKK inside of America?

A double-digit IQ leftist shill.

Agreed. He should be ashamed of what he wrote.

What an asshole.

He's not the sharpest marble in the bag. ;)
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