US COVID Death Rate Surpasses No-Lockdown Sweden’s


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Sweden was the "warning" for the world for not locking down and a "failure." This is pretty big news, do you think we will see it on CNN or MSNBC?

Israel likes it too...

US COVID Death Rate Surpasses No-Lockdown Sweden’s, Indicating Lockdowns Don’t Work



As massive protests erupt around the world over lockdowns and social distancing based on “new cases” announcements, long after the original request of governments for 14 days to “flatten the curve” of COVID spread expired, non-lockdown Sweden, which never clamped down on its economy as the US did, now has a lower death rate than the US. The milestone calls into question whether policies of “lockdowns,” social distancing, and mask-wearing make any difference at all in the impact of the disease in the long-run.

Liberal comedian Bill Maher has dubbed the media emphasis on new cases “panic porn.”

On May 24, 2020, the United States Center for Disease Control revised the estimated survival rate of COVID to a 99.8% survival rate. Normal flu has a 99.9% survival rate.

The numbers show that Sweden has suffered fewer deaths per capita than the US, even after the Swedish government’s decision to use a “herd immunity” approach, which essentially treats the COVID virus as any other normal, albeit severe, flu season. Care was taken to exercise precaution in distancing vulnerable populations, such as nursing homes. But Sweden allowed life to go on much as normal for everyone else. Sports, schools, bars, even movie theaters were never ordered closed. Masks were never mandated.

According to the well-regarded database Worldometers, the COVID death rate in Sweden today stands at 577 COVID deaths per 1 million in population. The US death rate is now 583 per 1 million in population.

Source: Worldometers (click to enlarge)

Coronavirus Update (Live): 27,485,488 Cases and 896,842 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer

Before now, the Swedish model has been widely criticized as a failure by citing its death rate, across the mainstream media in every outlet from Forbes Magazine to CNN.
Sweden is also one of a number of countries which make use of the long-established malaria drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) in treatment protocols. Another is Israel. Studies show that countries which make use of HCQ have markedly lower fatality rates for COVID patients.

In June, a number of Israeli doctors and scientists called on their government to adopt the Swedish model.

FULL ARTICLE... US COVID Death Rate Surpasses No-Lockdown Sweden’s, Indicating Lockdowns Don’t Work
Been watching CNN faithfully with bated breath for this story!
Ironic that the link credits Bill Maher with sarcasm about ‘case number’ reporting being ‘panic porn’ yet he was one who cheered for a recession just to get rid of Trump.
Fuck Maher and his legion of Maher-ons.

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