US Democrat controlled media only covers the SMALL NUMBER of Iranians mourning their President's death?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Most of Iran and all of the Iranian ex-pats are lighting off fireworks and celebrating the death of this vicious tyrant. Why is it that PBS, CNN and the rest of Democrat controlled media only cover the handful of Iranian insiders mourning his death? Hmmm makes you wonder. Note that my link is to "IndiaToday".

That is interesting. I was aware many were celebrating in Iran, as soon as I turned on my computer today, as I always start with Drudge, AP News, and then Memorandom. Often, like today, I have not had the TV on any of the "News" network stations, until I see something, needing a live report or somebody like yourself, brings a lack of reporting to my attention.

Before I responded to you, I did internet search on "Many Iranians celebrate at the death of their president". The only US based return on that search was an article in the New York Post, while everthing else was from international sources based in Great Britain, Europe or the Middle East. MSNBC's report is on now, in the background, and did mention as a minor note, some Iranians opposed to that president celebrate, but the opening focus was on mourners, main focus being what instability may be seen as a result. It certainly did not mention fireworks and other celebratory activities that occurred on the day it became official.
Start with Drudge ? ( Up until 5 Years ago that is what I did ) But now I start with the Liberty Daily followed by Breitbart News

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