US denies attacks on Syria

Excuses? I have no information that the UN asked for access. And before they can enter, the place must be declared save. That doesn´t take too long.

This is a valid concern but as well could be simply a way to gain time.
Again the UN and every country has forces who themselves have field investigators and laborataries to deal with such situations - they're forces themselves.
All Assad and Russia had to do was to open up and ask for assistance, instead of blowing air for hours in the halls of the UN.

This is not a conduct of someone who's certain he was not involved in the alleged crime.
When dealing with the UN you don´t know if they are doing their job or just acting on the behalf of Washington. The UN will be granted access as soon as they ask for. Cooperation of Damascus and UN was always fruitful and welcome, particularly when it is about IDPs. But parts of the UN always tune in in Washington´s songs.

That's not serious, of course the UN is not doing their job.
Then again I don't understand how You don't see that it was in Assad's interests, and responsibility to make sure the UN was present with him on the ground the minute he reached the place.

He could later say the UN lied and fabricated stuff but at least would gain some legitimacy on the issue.
What was in Assad interest?

Look he already was telling everyone there would be a gas attack weeks ago, so that he has a cover- You posted it.

Did he bring any French, British or even Indonesian witnesses with him? If not strange, this is the opportunity he could use, that I'm talking about.
That´s idiotic. The Syrian military has never used chemical weapons.

Do green bushes usually survive explosions in a radius of 5 meters?
Not seeing that in the pics

1st and last pictures.
I ask because I really don't know, but seems strange.
I'm not seeing a crater......but to me the blast would be up and out..........don't think everything ground level would be wasted......What seems strange is the last pic to the right..............seems the wall.....ground there is shaped like it had been groomed.

Right, I thought it was a dump of materials or an unfinished wall.
These are not the pictures I'm used to see from such operations. On the satellites they usually show much more clear destruction, such that cannot be mistaken on the ground.
The whole site looks almost like it was abandoned decades ago.

In addition when AA missiles are shot they show huge parts of the rockets lying in some field, of which we see none here.

The stick in the 5th photo is claimed to be what remained from the intercepted rocket, which looks like a joke to me. What do You think?
According to official information of the Russian Defense Ministry...

Beware of the Op..........trying to fan the flames with false data

Caught the op before on this..............not to be trusted.
BEWARE! FFF! Fucking Fake Footage!

T-4 base after Zionist attack, three missiles hit the base.

Beware of the Op..........trying to fan the flames with false data

Caught the op before on this..............not to be trusted.
BEWARE! FFF! Fucking Fake Footage!

T-4 base after Zionist attack, three missiles hit the base.

That fake footage we discussed was produced by Russian officials.

The Syrians have nice stuff capable of intercepting missiles. If Phrump and his French dachshund attack they will suffer more disappointments. Not only will only minor damage be done but the retaliation will be severe.
Beware of the Op..........trying to fan the flames with false data

Caught the op before on this..............not to be trusted.
BEWARE! FFF! Fucking Fake Footage!

T-4 base after Zionist attack, three missiles hit the base.

That fake footage we discussed was produced by Russian officials.

The Syrians have nice stuff capable of intercepting missiles. If Phrump and his French dachshund attack they will suffer more disappointments. Not only will only minor damage be done but the retaliation will be severe.

Well You called it fake, the pictures were released by Russia as far as I know.
What does Assad have to intercept missiles?
Beware of the Op..........trying to fan the flames with false data

Caught the op before on this..............not to be trusted.
BEWARE! FFF! Fucking Fake Footage!

T-4 base after Zionist attack, three missiles hit the base.

That fake footage we discussed was produced by Russian officials.

The Syrians have nice stuff capable of intercepting missiles. If Phrump and his French dachshund attack they will suffer more disappointments. Not only will only minor damage be done but the retaliation will be severe.

Well You called it fake, the pictures were released by Russia as far as I know.
What does Assad have to intercept missiles?

I didn´t call it fake, it was just irony.

Syria´s most advanced systems are the Pantsir S1 and S-300.
90 Pantsir S1 systems are in service in the Syrian military - you see, there is no important military installation that is not protected by the Pantsir system.
The Pantsir is very likely the world´s best system of its kind.

But Syria has also other systems in service that are able to intercept cruise missiles. Buk for example, S-200 should also be capable to intercept missiles. Maybe, others as well, like Kub.

Also deployed in Syria but operated by Russia is the Krasukha electronic warfare system that probably helped to intercept Tomahawks in Trump´s last year´s annual aggression.
Beware of the Op..........trying to fan the flames with false data

Caught the op before on this..............not to be trusted.
BEWARE! FFF! Fucking Fake Footage!

T-4 base after Zionist attack, three missiles hit the base.

That fake footage we discussed was produced by Russian officials.

The Syrians have nice stuff capable of intercepting missiles. If Phrump and his French dachshund attack they will suffer more disappointments. Not only will only minor damage be done but the retaliation will be severe.

Well You called it fake, the pictures were released by Russia as far as I know.
What does Assad have to intercept missiles?

I didn´t call it fake, it was just irony.

Syria´s most advanced systems are the Pantsir S1 and S-300.
90 Pantsir S1 systems are in service in the Syrian military - you see, there is no important military installation that is not protected by the Pantsir system.
The Pantsir is very likely the world´s best system of its kind.

But Syria has also other systems in service that are able to intercept cruise missiles. Buk for example, S-200 should also be capable to intercept missiles. Maybe, others as well, like Kub.

Also deployed in Syria but operated by Russia is the Krasukha electronic warfare system that probably helped to intercept Tomahawks in Trump´s last year´s annual aggression.

Of all You posted only S-300 has anti-missile system capabilities. Those are long range, not the ones filmed. The left parts would simply destroy residential areas. Don't think it was that.
BEWARE! FFF! Fucking Fake Footage!

T-4 base after Zionist attack, three missiles hit the base.

That fake footage we discussed was produced by Russian officials.

The Syrians have nice stuff capable of intercepting missiles. If Phrump and his French dachshund attack they will suffer more disappointments. Not only will only minor damage be done but the retaliation will be severe.

Well You called it fake, the pictures were released by Russia as far as I know.
What does Assad have to intercept missiles?

I didn´t call it fake, it was just irony.

Syria´s most advanced systems are the Pantsir S1 and S-300.
90 Pantsir S1 systems are in service in the Syrian military - you see, there is no important military installation that is not protected by the Pantsir system.
The Pantsir is very likely the world´s best system of its kind.

But Syria has also other systems in service that are able to intercept cruise missiles. Buk for example, S-200 should also be capable to intercept missiles. Maybe, others as well, like Kub.

Also deployed in Syria but operated by Russia is the Krasukha electronic warfare system that probably helped to intercept Tomahawks in Trump´s last year´s annual aggression.

Of all You posted only S-300 has anti-missile system capabilities. Those are long range, not the ones filmed. The left parts would simply destroy residential areas. Don't think it was that.

You are really clueless.

"The Pantsir-S1 was designed to provide point air defence of military/industrial/administrative installations against aircraft, helicopters, precision munitions, cruise missiles and UAVs and to provide additional protection to air defence units from enemy air attacks employing precision munitions especially at the low to extremely low ranges."

Pantsir-S1 - Wikipedia

"The Buk missile system (Russian: "Бук"; “beech” (tree), /bʊk/) is a family of self-propelled, medium-range surface-to-air missile systems developed by the Soviet Union and its successor state, the Russian Federation, and designed to counter cruise missiles, smart bombs, fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Buk missile system - Wikipedia

You see, it is game over for Phrump and co.
You see, it is game over for Phrump and co.

In the meantime it's not the US that is confused and panicking at the moment.
All US has done is bring a ship and whole of Syrian and Russian forces are up, so why all the chest beating...

What do You think is going to happen?
Gas attack! Why does no-one ask, "Why gas people when you are wining?"


We hear and see the ‘world-wide’ response to the ‘Alleged’ chemical weapons attack on the town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, Syria; but no-one asks the obvious question: Why gas?Why use a banned chemical weapon when you are winning? Why use the one thing which ‘some’ Western governments react to like Pavlov’s dogs? Why use chemical weaponry when America’s President Trump unleashed fifty-odd cruise missiles on a Syria/Russian air base the last time it was RUMOURED that there had been a gas attack by the Syrians?

It just doesn’t make strategic sense. President Assad is no fool, and he knows he mustn’t upset his Russian and Iranian backers and ‘friends’, mainly because his Army and his Air Force are totally dependent upon both for major war supplies. But the reports of ‘children suffering’ flood onto the news website pages of the Western world, and everyone commences talking about how soon it will be before Trump unleashes his cruise missiles once again.

So let us look at the ‘Sources’ who are bleating so loudly of the devastation. Firstly, lets check out the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.Let’s check out the the so-called ‘White Helmets’ who are supposed to be involved in ‘rescuing’ the survivors.

One would give, maybe, some credibility if it; or rather him (because it is one man) was based in Beirut, or Damascus itself, or even in Turkey; but definitely in the Middle East. So where is SOHR, this formidable One Man Intelligence organisation based? Coventry! He reckons he runs the entire operation with the help and support of 200 ‘activists’ on the ground in Syria. He’s never actually met any of them, but ‘trusts them implicitly’. Well, that’s all right then! So why do the world’s media record and recount his epistles as just short of the Gospels? Because there’s no-one stupid enough to go in and film what happens, in reality!

The White Helmets are stated as being a outfit run by volunteers; but no-one has actually seen them anywhere near an actual fight, rescuing ‘survivors’. They are supposed to have documented the gas attack on Douma, but there seem to be a few photos of small kids with tears in their eyes; but very little else. I am reminded of only one episode, documented by a blogger which was entitled The “Wounded Boy In Orange Seat” – Another Staged “White Helmets” Stunt, where a truly epic, but unfortunately totally-staged, photograph of a small dusty, presumably traumatised, small boy went around the world.

independent Canadian journo Eva Bartlett stated:-

“So they [the White Helmets] are not credible. The SOHR are not credible. ‘Unnamed activists’ are not credible. Once or twice maybe, but every time? Not credible. So your sources on the ground – you don’t have them. You ask why we aren’t seeing this. This relates to the other gentleman’s question about why most of the corporate media are telling lies about Syria. It’s because this is the agenda; if they had told the truth about Syria from the beginning, we wouldn’t be here now. We wouldn’t have seen so many people killed.”

I am no military man, my world’s endeavours were devoted to building things, and making them work. But military logic dictates that if you are winning, if you are beating the living shit out of an enemy who just stubbornly resists because his Sky Fairy (a.k.a. Allah) tells him to; you don’t shit on your own doorstep by dosing a couple of hundred civilians with sarin gas. There is no logic to that deadly scenario, which begs the question: who gains? Assad and the Syrian Government? Its the last thing they want! Any one of the dozen Muslim splinter groups which are supported by Qatar and the Saudis? More than likely! But is anyone pointing fingers at them? Nope, its the easy target for the New York Times, the Guardian and all the hangers-on. Excepting one. Its a strange day when I stand alongside Jeremy Corbyn, but this time, I reckon he is right!

Posted in ATW
Gas attack! Why does no-one ask, "Why gas people when you are wining?"


We hear and see the ‘world-wide’ response to the ‘Alleged’ chemical weapons attack on the town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta, Syria; but no-one asks the obvious question: Why gas?Why use a banned chemical weapon when you are winning? Why use the one thing which ‘some’ Western governments react to like Pavlov’s dogs? Why use chemical weaponry when America’s President Trump unleashed fifty-odd cruise missiles on a Syria/Russian air base the last time it was RUMOURED that there had been a gas attack by the Syrians?

It just doesn’t make strategic sense. President Assad is no fool, and he knows he mustn’t upset his Russian and Iranian backers and ‘friends’, mainly because his Army and his Air Force are totally dependent upon both for major war supplies. But the reports of ‘children suffering’ flood onto the news website pages of the Western world, and everyone commences talking about how soon it will be before Trump unleashes his cruise missiles once again.

So let us look at the ‘Sources’ who are bleating so loudly of the devastation. Firstly, lets check out the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.Let’s check out the the so-called ‘White Helmets’ who are supposed to be involved in ‘rescuing’ the survivors.

One would give, maybe, some credibility if it; or rather him (because it is one man) was based in Beirut, or Damascus itself, or even in Turkey; but definitely in the Middle East. So where is SOHR, this formidable One Man Intelligence organisation based? Coventry! He reckons he runs the entire operation with the help and support of 200 ‘activists’ on the ground in Syria. He’s never actually met any of them, but ‘trusts them implicitly’. Well, that’s all right then! So why do the world’s media record and recount his epistles as just short of the Gospels? Because there’s no-one stupid enough to go in and film what happens, in reality!

The White Helmets are stated as being a outfit run by volunteers; but no-one has actually seen them anywhere near an actual fight, rescuing ‘survivors’. They are supposed to have documented the gas attack on Douma, but there seem to be a few photos of small kids with tears in their eyes; but very little else. I am reminded of only one episode, documented by a blogger which was entitled The “Wounded Boy In Orange Seat” – Another Staged “White Helmets” Stunt, where a truly epic, but unfortunately totally-staged, photograph of a small dusty, presumably traumatised, small boy went around the world.

independent Canadian journo Eva Bartlett stated:-

“So they [the White Helmets] are not credible. The SOHR are not credible. ‘Unnamed activists’ are not credible. Once or twice maybe, but every time? Not credible. So your sources on the ground – you don’t have them. You ask why we aren’t seeing this. This relates to the other gentleman’s question about why most of the corporate media are telling lies about Syria. It’s because this is the agenda; if they had told the truth about Syria from the beginning, we wouldn’t be here now. We wouldn’t have seen so many people killed.”

I am no military man, my world’s endeavours were devoted to building things, and making them work. But military logic dictates that if you are winning, if you are beating the living shit out of an enemy who just stubbornly resists because his Sky Fairy (a.k.a. Allah) tells him to; you don’t shit on your own doorstep by dosing a couple of hundred civilians with sarin gas. There is no logic to that deadly scenario, which begs the question: who gains? Assad and the Syrian Government? Its the last thing they want! Any one of the dozen Muslim splinter groups which are supported by Qatar and the Saudis? More than likely! But is anyone pointing fingers at them? Nope, its the easy target for the New York Times, the Guardian and all the hangers-on. Excepting one. Its a strange day when I stand alongside Jeremy Corbyn, but this time, I reckon he is right!

Posted in ATW

I still don't get one thing -

he's winning, Russian and Iranian forces are present. He captures the city, and all they do is blow air in the UN halls for hours?
If I wanted to prove I was uninvolved I'd take British, French, Malasiyan, Indian, Swiss and Slovak scientists immediately as I reach the place, and made sure to make the investigation as open as possible - and make them report on an hourly basis on the mass media so that no one can claim I'm involved.

Too fishy, too messy, too long and too dangerous to sweep under the rug.
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You see, it is game over for Phrump and co.

In the meantime it's not the US that is confused and panicking at the moment.
All US has done is bring a ship and whole of Syrian and Russian forces are up, so why all the chest beating...

What do You think is going to happen?
Unpredictable. Phrump is eager. But he has been warned about the consequences. He just delayed his decision.

Breaking: Trump to announce decision on Syria strike 'soon' - Fox News

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