US denies attacks on Syria

Stand up to the mass murderers!

Exactly what's being accomplished here, while You evacuate and move all Your forces on the ground - You're clueless about what's going on around.
I heard Phrump sends the Truman carrier group with the German air defense frigate "Hessen" attached to it. Phrump also sent carriers to North Korea and nothing happened.
I hope Putin wakes up. How will he look like If Phrump knuckles under to Kim Jong Un but attacks Russian forces in Syria? Time to deploy advanced aircraft in Syria.
Whether the carrier group will attack Syria is unclear. The first thing that should happen is to disable "Hessen", the most advanced ship there. Then make some holes in the carrier´s runway and the show is over. Syria moves jets to Latakia where the Russians are. Easy for Phrump to be big boy and attack them when they are all together. Russians might react with a complaint at the UN, who knows.
This doesn't look like Russia really knows what'a going on in Syria in the real time as well as everybody thought.

Features of the local relief, which Israel used more than once in past wars. The mountains do not allow Syria to see the air situation towards Israel. Even when using AWACS. On the contrary, Israel, having lifted the E-2C from its side, sees all of Syria as in the palm of your hand. Therefore, attacks from Israel will always be sudden.
Russian-Syrian airborne radar covers all of Israel - DEBKAfile
Stand up to the mass murderers!

Exactly what's being accomplished here, while You evacuate and move all Your forces on the ground - You're clueless about what's going on around.
I heard Phrump sends the Truman carrier group with the German air defense frigate "Hessen" attached to it. Phrump also sent carriers to North Korea and nothing happened.
I hope Putin wakes up. How will he look like If Phrump knuckles under to Kim Jong Un but attacks Russian forces in Syria? Time to deploy advanced aircraft in Syria.
Whether the carrier group will attack Syria is unclear. The first thing that should happen is to disable "Hessen", the most advanced ship there. Then make some holes in the carrier´s runway and the show is over. Syria moves jets to Latakia where the Russians are. Easy for Phrump to be big boy and attack them when they are all together. Russians might react with a complaint at the UN, who knows.

Wait a sec, You're talking about a couple of ships one can see from a civilian airline...specifically the Iranian plane that exited 2 days ago, unlike any other plane straight forward towards Crete where there was no flight zone. Not to mention that their formal destination was Tehran - 180 degrees in the opposite direction.

All this while almost every significant Iranian, Russian and Syrian forces were exposed in panic?
Yeah You'r finger is on the pulse... look at the ships...
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How is the Sultan positioning himself in all this?
All I'm saying, everyone is focused on military, but no one sees that with this pressure everyone's positions have become more clear in the mess that is Syria, it also motivated a lot of players in the region to move quicker into further stages of cooperation.

All it took was a couple of ships in eyesight, and the picture suddenly becomes much clearer, Putin starts talking about cooperation, Assad immediately runs begging for investigations, Erdogan is all of a sudden silent as a mouse compared to last months declarations and takes a pro US turn, only slightly on the surface, but the effect is working.
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- US says has no evidence, committed to end Syria crisis through Geneva talks
- Macron claims to have evidence
- British warplanes arrive in Cyprus
- Germany will not take part in possible military action
- Russia moves three long range bombers, accompanied by Su 35 planes, into the region, probably Iran. The bombers could carry cruise missiles, making Trump´s day
- Trump not so sure about attack anymore
- Assad warns West of destabilization, explains possible attack is response to victory, not alleged chemical attack

The US has no evidence, since they have nobody on the ground there, they say. Macron has nobody there as well, how could he have evidence, even if the attack happened (it didn´t).
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I did two years of "german" -----The classes were difficult but semi-
required for "science majors" (French was ok too) -----of the two classes------ie 50 students that started----by the end there were only
8 left <<<< that's my credential in german. I did the finals ---ACED THEM ALL--------and then went home and german fell out of my head-- COMPLETELY

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.
The reaction could be that Russia and Syria throw Phrump out of al-Tanf. Also, terrorist training camps in Hasakah could be targeted in response. A Russian General also spoke about torpedos as possible weapons against cruise missile destroyers.
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What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.

the ass-lickers are back into chest thumping
Donald is a really loud chest thumper but after all he´s a washout boasting of threatening a weakened country. A total flop. The aggressions will end, no matter how severe they are and nothing is accomplished. Maybe, some people will die, they will be added to his criminal record.
But the strikes will weaken the US position in Syria, further lowering its reputation in the world and show that the West is ruled by a bunch of madmen from a time prior to civilization.
President Assad will be - like Gadaffi - Amnesty´s hero of human rights - but unlike Gadaffi he will be in office when his enemies ain´t.

roflmao @ gadaffi-duck "hero of human rights"

What do the Russians expect? They think that Phrump is going to fire his old rockets at first. Tomahawks Block I or II maybe. When the Syrian and Russian air defenses are engaged in intercepting these old missiles, Phrump wants to fart the smart rockets that then can freely hit the actual targets. The Russians think that 30 % of the missiles intercepted is a good result (includes Syrian air defense). But maybe the source underestimates the Syrian air defense.
Since the Syrian airbases are largely vacated and now consist of little more than concrete bows and runways, Phrump´s list of targets is short. But we know, they are big criminals and any building could be declared a chemical weapons factory.
The reaction could be that Russia and Syria throw Phrump out of al-Tanf. Also, terrorist training camps in Hasakah could be targeted in response. A Russian General also spoke about torpedos as possible weapons against cruise missile destroyers.

Update...more like frantic speculations.
All has left is a mirroring tactic, and waiting.

Tell me how much is a Ruble worth in the last couple of days ?
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