US denies attacks on Syria

Anybody with half a brain cell can see this was a nother false flag in Syria.

The Syrian air defense is on high alert.

"The Syrian Air Defense forces have been placed on high alert across the country amid reports of an imminent U.S. attack on Syria.

According to the latest military report from the coastal province of Latakia, the Syrian Air Force and their air defense teams have been ordered by their central command to stay on high alert until further notice.

The Russian military has also encouraged the Syrian military to remain on red alert, while also sharing intel reports on potential targets for the U.S. military.

However, despite reports of an ‘imminent’ attack, the Syrian military reports no unusual air activity around the eastern Mediterranean, adding that it has been quiet night.

A source from the Syrian military told Al-Masdar this week that they believe the U.S. will likely target one of their imperative airbases near the Damascus Governorate."

Syrian Air Defense placed on high alert across Syria

Look at the wall in the middle,

Any point here?

First real looking pictures of the aftermath that I see, thought it was worth sharing,
instead of those Mission to Mars nonsense published by Russia.

Now seriously Blei, do You recognize the emblem:
Two warehouses were struck, nobody denied that.

Most of the officers who take pictures with Soleimani end up in coffins on short notice,
that's how he received his nickname in the Arab world.
You see, it is game over for Phrump and co.

In the meantime it's not the US that is confused and panicking at the moment.
All US has done is bring a ship and whole of Syrian and Russian forces are up, so why all the chest beating...

What do You think is going to happen?
Unpredictable. Phrump is eager. But he has been warned about the consequences. He just delayed his decision.

Breaking: Trump to announce decision on Syria strike 'soon' - Fox News

Or was it already made and You guys are clueless?
If all it takes is one ship in eyesight for the Iranians to begin evacuation to Iraq, and on top of that engaging the whole joint- military in Syria to full extent, then it's already an equation change.

I think Trump is pulling them by the nose.
Anybody with half a brain cell can see this was a nother false flag in Syria.

I don't understand how people excuse the responsibility of the ruling powers with this logic.

Looks like - if someone steals a donut from a police car while the cop is watching, it just equits the thief from any responsibility by the mere ridiculousness of the act?

If a daughter of a criminal was murdered in the house - it's just too ridiculous to suspect the father?
[If I wanted to prove I was uninvolved I'd take British, French, Malasiyan, Indian, Swiss and Slovak scientists immediately as I reach the place, and made sure to make the investigation as open as possible - and make them report on an hourly basis on the mass media so that no one can claim I'm involved.

Assad in such cases constantly invites experts to conduct an investigation. But the West for some reason is not interested in the investigation.

«Syria ready to provide OPCW investigators access to Shayrat airbase — UN envoy»

Syria ready to provide OPCW investigators access to Shayrat airbase — UN envoy

«Syria Invites OPCW to Probe Alleged Chemical Attack in E Ghouta»

Syria Invites OPCW to Probe Alleged Chemical Attack in E Ghouta - Reports

And more...
[If I wanted to prove I was uninvolved I'd take British, French, Malasiyan, Indian, Swiss and Slovak scientists immediately as I reach the place, and made sure to make the investigation as open as possible - and make them report on an hourly basis on the mass media so that no one can claim I'm involved.

Assad in such cases constantly invites experts to conduct an investigation. But the West for some reason is not interested in the investigation.

«Syria ready to provide OPCW investigators access to Shayrat airbase — UN envoy»

Syria ready to provide OPCW investigators access to Shayrat airbase — UN envoy

«Syria Invites OPCW to Probe Alleged Chemical Attack in E Ghouta»

Syria Invites OPCW to Probe Alleged Chemical Attack in E Ghouta - Reports

And more...

1st link is from a year ago.
2nd link sites a call for scientists by Russia 3 days after the incident, and one can argue was a result of pressure from Trump.

So don't tell me You don't understand the suspicion.
Meanwhile, Assad and his army have killed over 600,000 of their own people and counting.

That's why Assad is so loved in Syria. Therefore, he is not afraid to come to the front line, to military units, to combat areas.

Or are you in the West in the media do not show such infos? :)

Look, with what monstrous protection the bloody tyrant moves in East Gut. At once it is visible - he killed 600 thousand inhabitants of his country!

You think this is worthy comment for an investigation?
They might be buying time to clean up.

And it was their responsibility to allow the area be open for immediate investigation, yesterday.

Syria almost immediately invited the OPCW to investigate. However, as in 2017. Then the OPCW did not respond to the invitation at all. This time they plan to arrive there within a week.

According to SANA, Syria will provide all the necessary assistance to the OPCW specialists if they go to Douma.

The state news agency has also stated that the foreign ministry had "sent a formal invitation to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to send a team from its fact-finding mission to visit Douma and investigate claims linked to the alleged use of chemical weapons there."

Syria Invites OPCW to Probe Alleged Chemical Attack in E Ghouta - Reports
do you have links on the defense systems?--not the attacking missiles

What exactly are you interested in? Air defense means, which today is likely armed with Syria? Russia supplied there several tactical air defense systems. 36 Pantsir-S1 and several Buk-M2E. Maybe there is something else that the media did not recognize.

Pantsir-S1 - Wikipedia

Buk missile system - Wikipedia
very hard to believe, with Israel's great experience, that over half of their missiles/etc were destroyed......
This doesn't look like Russia really knows what'a going on in Syria in the real time as well as everybody thought.

Features of the local relief, which Israel used more than once in past wars. The mountains do not allow Syria to see the air situation towards Israel. Even when using AWACS. On the contrary, Israel, having lifted the E-2C from its side, sees all of Syria as in the palm of your hand. Therefore, attacks from Israel will always be sudden.
Of all You posted only S-300 has anti-missile system capabilities. Those are long range, not the ones filmed. The left parts would simply destroy residential areas. Don't think it was that.

You have some strange idea of missiles. Usually cruise missiles are just automatic unmanned airplanes-kamikaze. In them there is nothing supernatural, these are light non-perishing supersonic goals that can be knocked down by anything.

Interception of cruise missiles in exercises is a common exercise.

very hard to believe, with Israel's great experience, that over half of their missiles/etc were destroyed......

On the contrary. If it were not for the experience of Israel, then all the missiles would have been destroyed. But this time, they say, air defense assets were partially suppressed by means of electronic countermeasures. Therefore, part of the missiles and broke through to the targets.
Of all You posted only S-300 has anti-missile system capabilities. Those are long range, not the ones filmed. The left parts would simply destroy residential areas. Don't think it was that.

You have some strange idea of missiles. Usually cruise missiles are just automatic unmanned airplanes-kamikaze. In them there is nothing supernatural, these are light non-perishing supersonic goals that can be knocked down by anything.

Interception of cruise missiles in exercises is a common exercise.

...''in exercises'' !! the Israeli's/etc are not doing exercises but the real thing.....
..I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying this is rare for half or more than half of attack planes/missiles to be shot down
..the Israeli's were ''surprised and ''a lot'' of their planes were shot down in the beginning of the Yom Kippur War because of new AA defenses....
..but Israel should know about these Iranian defenses...I would think they would've countered them
Time to Ramble.

Sometime in the next few days the U.S. is going to do a military strike on Syria. What level no one knows, last time we struck one airfield.

The Brits and the French are steering commercial aircraft from the area. The Saudis, The Jordanians, and the Jews are on full alert. The Russians have pulled back assets from possible targets in Syria while we have an additional missile cruiser enroute which in reality is both prescheduled and only adds overkill.

There are already 7 ships sitting in range that have 100s of cruise missiles capable of hitting anywhere in the ME. Who knows maybe Trump will do nothing… There is that possibility. As the Russians moved their forces away from the Syrian Forces they did threaten that if they were hit it would be considered an act of War…. maybe that will scare Trump into not acting.

Is this all bark and no bite? I guess we shall see. The clock is ticking all we can do is watch.

Posted in ATW
When the little mad rocket man attacks, I hope his presence will be removed from Syria by force. Stand up to the mass murderers!
You think this is worthy comment for an investigation?
They might be buying time to clean up.

And it was their responsibility to allow the area be open for immediate investigation, yesterday.

Syria almost immediately invited the OPCW to investigate. However, as in 2017. Then the OPCW did not respond to the invitation at all. This time they plan to arrive there within a week.

According to SANA, Syria will provide all the necessary assistance to the OPCW specialists if they go to Douma.

The state news agency has also stated that the foreign ministry had "sent a formal invitation to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to send a team from its fact-finding mission to visit Douma and investigate claims linked to the alleged use of chemical weapons there."

Syria Invites OPCW to Probe Alleged Chemical Attack in E Ghouta - Reports
That was 3 days later.
Believe me I wish I could be certain that Assad didn't use gas, at the end of the day what happened - happened in an hour drive away from my town.

Syria/Russia/Iran- delayed it for 3 day by blowing air in the UN halls, and now the OPCW needs to prepare another 2 days... and this is supposed to be modern age fast Internet era?.
I think we can both agree that neither the OPCW nor the powers on the ground conduct themselves in a manner that relieves the stress. I want the investigations ended yesterday and televised reports on an hourly basis.

I wonder how much time Russia would wait if 200km from Moscow there was a suspected chemical attack?

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