US Economy adds over 200,000 jobs in October

Wrong. By your numbers ue would have went down not up.
We need approximately 250k per month

This from the genius that said romney had the election locked up.

Negged for flat out making shit up. I never once said anything remotely close to that.

Said the guy who made up the 250k per month bullshit!

Have we turned the corner on unemployment? - CBS News

90,000 to 125,000 jobs per month that are needed to keep up with population growth

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Yup, with 49 million people on foodstamps and a labor force participation rate the lowest its been since the early 1960's, the American economy's really chuggin' along. The American economy is gettin to look more and more like the economy of the former Soviet Union with every passing day, but with Comrade Commissar Barack that's a good thing, along with Siberian Gulags and mass burial pits. "We're going to take the boom and the bust out of the American economy's business cycle" That he did. That he did. Obama made it permanently dead.

Part time workers don't buy houses and this is rapidly becoming a part time economy because of Obamacare, so what's Comrade Barack to do with all thiose Mexican capenters he's seeking to import. Mebbe he'll make them all MD's by executive order.
Speaking of things to do with doctoring, Obamacare has lead to a massive revison of the goals of all the participants in the healthcare economy. Hospitals and doctors will now be reimbursed based on how little treatment they dispense, no longer is their performance to be based on how well the patient is treated, or even whether the patient gets better at all. And when the goal is to eliminate as much treatment as possible, why would an outfit like Merck, Pfizer, or Eli Lilly go out and spend millions on developing new antibiotics to keep people alive? Or new medicaments to treat other diseases? If you want more of something, subsidize it, if you want less of something, tax it. The government is now in essence taxing health care providers for using every tool at their disposal to get people better and subsidizing their deaths, instead. The architect of Obamacare, Rahm Emmanuel's, Obama's former Chief of Staff's brother, Ezekiel Emmanuel, a graduate of the Joseph Mengele School Of Medicine, couldn't be happier. "The sixty five year old has lived his life already. The resources spent keeping him alive would be better spent treating the thirteen year old pregnant female" Rahm Emmanuel was the first person Obama saw in the morning (after O withdrew his d!ck from Reggie's rectum, that is) and Rahm never told Comrade Barack what his brother thought or wanted. Gimme a break. Lieing SOB.
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This from the genius that said romney had the election locked up.

Negged for flat out making shit up. I never once said anything remotely close to that.

Said the guy who made up the 250k per month bullshit!

Have we turned the corner on unemployment? - CBS News

90,000 to 125,000 jobs per month that are needed to keep up with population growth

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Negged for yet another lie.

I didn't make up shit, that number has been widely used since bush. In fact he was beat over the head with it when unemployment was much LOWER.
Right on cue, an idiot conservative who doesn't understand the numbers are seasonally adjusted.

Actually I probably understand the numbers much better than you. :eusa_whistle:

Then explain to us what you believe 'seasonally adjusted' means.

seasonally adjusted attempts to remove the flux. Now, any other questions?

And i would love to know, now that I checked out the report itself, where in the world it shows over 200,00 were added to the payrolls, seeing as both non seasonal and seasonal both show lower numbers than the previous month. Strange how one could report such a thing.
Actually I probably understand the numbers much better than you. :eusa_whistle:

Then explain to us what you believe 'seasonally adjusted' means.

seasonally adjusted attempts to remove the flux. Now, any other questions?

And i would love to know, now that I checked out the report itself, where in the world it shows over 200,00 were added to the payrolls, seeing as both non seasonal and seasonal both show lower numbers than the previous month. Strange how one could report such a thing.

The Establishment Data and the Household Data are two completely different surveys.
Negged for flat out making shit up. I never once said anything remotely close to that.

Said the guy who made up the 250k per month bullshit!

Have we turned the corner on unemployment? - CBS News

90,000 to 125,000 jobs per month that are needed to keep up with population growth

Jobs Calculator - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Negged for yet another lie.

I didn't make up shit, that number has been widely used since bush. In fact he was beat over the head with it when unemployment was much LOWER.

250k is a made up number, exaggerated by the Right and blamed on the Left. There are actually more Boomers retiring than new workers entering the workforce, so the real number is probably less than 50k until all the Boomers have retired or died.
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Then explain to us what you believe 'seasonally adjusted' means.

seasonally adjusted attempts to remove the flux. Now, any other questions?

And i would love to know, now that I checked out the report itself, where in the world it shows over 200,00 were added to the payrolls, seeing as both non seasonal and seasonal both show lower numbers than the previous month. Strange how one could report such a thing.

The Establishment Data and the Household Data are two completely different surveys.

I realize that. And household data includes all those self employed, etc., and thus it is where we take the unemployment rate from. And the unemployed less than 5 weeks has risen by 161,000. (taken from the household data as well)
seasonally adjusted attempts to remove the flux. Now, any other questions?

And i would love to know, now that I checked out the report itself, where in the world it shows over 200,00 were added to the payrolls, seeing as both non seasonal and seasonal both show lower numbers than the previous month. Strange how one could report such a thing.

The Establishment Data and the Household Data are two completely different surveys.

I realize that. And household data includes all those self employed, etc., and thus it is where we take the unemployment rate from. And the unemployed less than 5 weeks has risen by 161,000. (taken from the household data as well)
But it's nit where we take the Employment data from. While narrower, the payroll numbers are far more accurate. Table B-1 in you link shows a seasonally adjusted increase in payroll jobs of 204,000 (unadjusted was +940,000)
The main difference this month is that due to the different reference periods, furloughed workers were counted as employed in the payroll survey but unemployed in the household survey (though many were unclassified due to misunderstanding the question.)
...There are actually more Boomers retiring than new workers entering the workforce...
Right. No boomers retired for years and then suddenly in 2009--

16 million boomers retired all at the same time and nobody's retired since.

Oh, and if you like your doctor....
...There are actually more Boomers retiring than new workers entering the workforce...
Right. No boomers retired for years and then suddenly in 2009--

16 million boomers retired all at the same time and nobody's retired since.

Oh, and if you like your doctor....

The first wave of Boomers were born in 1946. They turned 62 in 2008 and 65 in 2011. 82% of the 3.65 million per year Boomers retire by 65.
...There are actually more Boomers retiring than new workers entering the workforce...
Right. No boomers retired for years and then suddenly in 2009--

16 million boomers retired all at the same time and nobody's retired since.

Oh, and if you like your doctor....

The first wave of Boomers were born in 1946. They turned 62 in 2008 and 65 in 2011. 82% of the 3.65 million per year Boomers retire by 65.
The baby boom covered a span that lasted two decades into the mid 1960's. If the drop in empl%pop was caused by demographics (and not Bush's fault) then we should be seeing the drop continuing for 20 years, just like the continuous 20 year climb we had when the boomers entered the workforce:

Sudden changes in the % has always been from economics and demographics only works with changes over decades.
The Establishment Data and the Household Data are two completely different surveys.

I realize that. And household data includes all those self employed, etc., and thus it is where we take the unemployment rate from. And the unemployed less than 5 weeks has risen by 161,000. (taken from the household data as well)
But it's nit where we take the Employment data from. While narrower, the payroll numbers are far more accurate. Table B-1 in you link shows a seasonally adjusted increase in payroll jobs of 204,000 (unadjusted was +940,000)
The main difference this month is that due to the different reference periods, furloughed workers were counted as employed in the payroll survey but unemployed in the household survey (though many were unclassified due to misunderstanding the question.)

Educate yourself. Yes, it is where the unemployment rate comes from.

The B-1 is used in media when it looks better.
I realize that. And household data includes all those self employed, etc., and thus it is where we take the unemployment rate from. And the unemployed less than 5 weeks has risen by 161,000. (taken from the household data as well)
But it's nit where we take the Employment data from. While narrower, the payroll numbers are far more accurate. Table B-1 in you link shows a seasonally adjusted increase in payroll jobs of 204,000 (unadjusted was +940,000)
The main difference this month is that due to the different reference periods, furloughed workers were counted as employed in the payroll survey but unemployed in the household survey (though many were unclassified due to misunderstanding the question.)

Educate yourself. Yes, it is where the unemployment rate comes from.

The B-1 is used in media when it looks better.
14 years at BLS teaching this stuff? I did educate myself. The unemployment rate comes from the Current Population Survey. Those are the A tables. The official jobs numbers come from the Current Employment Survey. Those are the B tables
Show me any time when CPS employment was cited as gain or loss of jobs instead of the CES. You can't.

The employment data from the CPS is not as accurate and not revised (except for the December recalculation of seasonal adjustment). The CES numbers are benchmarked to tax records.

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