US Economy adds over 200,000 jobs in October

I'm skeptical, however my business was up 30% this season. I think it's an uneven job market right now. Those that possess technical, specialized skills seem to be doing fine. The unskilled worker with low motivation and those unable to adapt are in for a very rocky road.
Others, dependant on entitlements, are in for a very rude awakening in the immediate future.
The number of Americans in retirement age will grow rapidly over the next few decades, to deny that is comically naive. Their age group will increase in both absolute numbers and percentage of population.

How Baby Boomers Will Change the Economy - On Retirement (
In the year 2000, approximately 2.5 million Americans turned 65. This year, more than 3.5 million Americans will pass that milestone. And the number of people joining the ranks of the elderly will keep increasing, at least for the next 20 years, as more and more baby boomers hit their 60s, 70s, and 80s. By 2030, the over-65 crowd will expand to 72 million people, up from 40 million in 2010.
The number of Americans in retirement age will grow rapidly over the next few decades, to deny that is comically naive. Their age group will increase in both absolute numbers and percentage of population.

How Baby Boomers Will Change the Economy - On Retirement (
In the year 2000, approximately 2.5 million Americans turned 65. This year, more than 3.5 million Americans will pass that milestone. And the number of people joining the ranks of the elderly will keep increasing, at least for the next 20 years, as more and more baby boomers hit their 60s, 70s, and 80s. By 2030, the over-65 crowd will expand to 72 million people, up from 40 million in 2010.
Yup. You have it correct, as usual. Cons like Expat spend way to much time trying to prove what they want you to believe, and end up getting caught in their own lies. Typical. Here is another source:
"Roughly 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 today, and about 10,000 more will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years."
Baby Boomers Retire | Pew Research Center
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Yeah I can imagine all of the people who ran out of unemployment suddenly deciding that was their cue to retire
The number of Americans in retirement age will grow rapidly over the next few decades, to deny that is comically naive. Their age group will increase in both absolute numbers and percentage of population.

How Baby Boomers Will Change the Economy - On Retirement (
In the year 2000, approximately 2.5 million Americans turned 65. This year, more than 3.5 million Americans will pass that milestone. And the number of people joining the ranks of the elderly will keep increasing, at least for the next 20 years, as more and more baby boomers hit their 60s, 70s, and 80s. By 2030, the over-65 crowd will expand to 72 million people, up from 40 million in 2010.
Yup. You have it correct, as usual. Cons like Expat spend way to much time trying to prove what they want you to believe, and end up getting caught in their own lies. Typical. Here is another source:
"Roughly 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 today, and about 10,000 more will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years."
Baby Boomers Retire | Pew Research Center

The fact by itself means nothing without context. Give us the rest of the numbers that give it meaning.
The number of Americans in retirement age will grow rapidly over the next few decades, to deny that is comically naive. Their age group will increase in both absolute numbers and percentage of population.

How Baby Boomers Will Change the Economy - On Retirement (
Yup. You have it correct, as usual. Cons like Expat spend way to much time trying to prove what they want you to believe, and end up getting caught in their own lies. Typical. Here is another source:
"Roughly 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 today, and about 10,000 more will cross that threshold every day for the next 19 years."
Baby Boomers Retire | Pew Research Center

The fact by itself means nothing without context. Give us the rest of the numbers that give it meaning.
Simply a correction of the number of people actually retiring. Which explains a good deal about why the number of people in the labor force, as in working or wanting to work, has decreased.
Yeah I can imagine all of the people who ran out of unemployment suddenly deciding that was their cue to retire
Of course, the IMAGINARY world of the Right has nothing to do with reality. In reality, a lower percentage of elderly people are retiring. So a lot more Boomers are retiring because there are a lot more Boomers at retirement age than past generations, but the percentage of Boomers retiring is decreasing. So you have more Boomers retiring and more Boomers working at the same time!

The number of Americans in retirement age will grow rapidly over the next few decades, to deny that is comically naive. Their age group will increase in both absolute numbers and percentage of population.

How Baby Boomers Will Change the Economy - On Retirement (
In the year 2000, approximately 2.5 million Americans turned 65. This year, more than 3.5 million Americans will pass that milestone. And the number of people joining the ranks of the elderly will keep increasing, at least for the next 20 years, as more and more baby boomers hit their 60s, 70s, and 80s. By 2030, the over-65 crowd will expand to 72 million people, up from 40 million in 2010.

Actually social security enrollment spiked in 2009 and has fallen since -

In 2009, 31 percent of eligible people signed up for Social Security, up from 27 percent in 2007. But the take-up rate has since declined to 28.3 percent in 2010 and 26.9 percent in 2011. The Urban Institute found that a smaller proportion of eligible people signed up for Social Security in 2011 than in any other year since 1976.
Social Security Claiming Slows - Planning to Retire (
...means nothing without context...
--and probably means less in context. In a span of less than three years we seen the number of jobless increase by 16 million people. The loopylefties will try and say every one of those 16 million were retiring boomers --none of which retired earlier or since.

Look they've ceased talking economics days ago; this thread needs to be moved to the politics forum where they can rant in peace.
The number of Americans in retirement age will grow rapidly over the next few decades, to deny that is comically naive. Their age group will increase in both absolute numbers and percentage of population.

How Baby Boomers Will Change the Economy - On Retirement (
In the year 2000, approximately 2.5 million Americans turned 65. This year, more than 3.5 million Americans will pass that milestone. And the number of people joining the ranks of the elderly will keep increasing, at least for the next 20 years, as more and more baby boomers hit their 60s, 70s, and 80s. By 2030, the over-65 crowd will expand to 72 million people, up from 40 million in 2010.

Actually social security enrollment spiked in 2009 and has fallen since -

In 2009, 31 percent of eligible people signed up for Social Security, up from 27 percent in 2007. But the take-up rate has since declined to 28.3 percent in 2010 and 26.9 percent in 2011. The Urban Institute found that a smaller proportion of eligible people signed up for Social Security in 2011 than in any other year since 1976.
Social Security Claiming Slows - Planning to Retire (
From your link:

"Social Security sign-ups spiked in 2009, when a record high of 3.2 million Americans age 62 and older began collecting benefits. But the number of people newly claiming Social Security has since declined to 3.1 million in 2010 and 3 million in 2011, according to a recent Urban Institute analysis of Social Security Administration data."

The real numbers are 2,740,917 in 2009, 2,635,330 in 2010, 2,598,067 in 2011 and 2,744,110 in 2012.
...means nothing without context...
--and probably means less in context. In a span of less than three years we seen the number of jobless increase by 16 million people. The loopylefties will try and say every one of those 16 million were retiring boomers --none of which retired earlier or since.

Look they've ceased talking economics days ago; this thread needs to be moved to the politics forum where they can rant in peace.
The only "loopylefty" saying that is YOU!!!

Retiring Boomers belong to the category "not in the work force." That group increased 5 million in the 3 years you picked, not 16 million.

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