US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull – then fires almost every worker


your link is a lie..just another RWNJ site that quotes inaccuracies, lumps in incidents from years ago..and is long on ***gasp*** and very short on facts.
Much like yourself, come to think about it.
Every time I make a post, one of them moves it or shuts it down. Like when I originally posted the 18 fires along with the others around the world including in the UK and Rio among other places.
Well..I imagine it's because you are promoting a provable lie, and some of the Mods have a sense of ethic and probity.
your link is a lie..just another RWNJ site that quotes inaccuracies, lumps in incidents from years ago..and is long on ***gasp*** and very short on facts.
Much like yourself, come to think about it.
Pure crap. I linked the article and there have been a large number of fires. Linked to food warehouses and food processing plants and you probably haven't noticed that there is a well reported food shortage going on. That's a fact. You want to dismiss them as some technicality that the reported fires didn't fall under the 5 months I stated fine. You feel justified in your myopic analysis. Meanwhile there have been mass fires, calls for food shortages and food shortages are indeed happening. On top of so called BIRD FLUS in chicken factories after the reports of the fires on various warehouses which result in millions of chickens in Iowa and Pennsylvania being eliminated and you still claim nothing to it.

There are food shortages everywhere right now around the globe.

You are clearly confused, and a poor liar. 18 'burned down'. in the last 5 months. Yeah..please, douche-nozzle---

Hey idiot, why don't you SHUT your big yap for once and do a little research so we don't have to put up with your stupidity so often?

Pure crap. I linked the article and there have been a large number of fires. Linked to food warehouses and food processing plants and you probably haven't noticed that there is a well reported food shortage going on. That's a fact. You want to dismiss them as some technicality that the reported fires didn't fall under the 5 months I stated fine. You feel justified in your myopic analysis. Meanwhile there have been mass fires, calls for food shortages and food shortages are indeed happening. On top of so called BIRD FLUS in chicken factories after the reports of the fires on various warehouses which result in millions of chickens in Iowa and Pennsylvania being eliminated and you still claim nothing to it.

There are food shortages everywhere right now around the globe.

LOL@some technicality". Yeah, I guess you would see it that way. Because it forms the crux of your narrative..and keep promoting it even though you have acknowledged that it is incorrect. You say shit like 'so called' even though you have not a scintilla of fact to support your allegation that there is any effect at all on the nation's overall food supply.
More links

LOL@some technicality". Yeah, I guess you would see it that way. Because it forms the crux of your narrative..and keep promoting it even though you have acknowledged that it is incorrect. You say shit like 'so called' even though you have not a scintilla of fact to support your allegation that there is any effect at all on the nation's overall food supply.
I haven't acknowledged anything you set. You think all of these fires are either a coincidence or didn't happen or whatever. Meanwhile the widely reported food shortages are happening. Period. Loser.

Don't worry, it's the bird flu that they are destroying the chickens.
Hey idiot, why don't you SHUT your big yap for once and do a little research so we don't have to put up with your stupidity so often?

1) the article says 'mysterious fires' and nothing more in an attempt to link the righteous call for better cyber-security and the fear of ransomware attacks. the is no causal linkage established or even alleged.
Perhaps you aren't smart enough to unpack a simple article that any 8th grader could parse--or just so commited to your narrative that facts just bounce off of you?
1) the article says 'mysterious fires' and nothing more in an attempt to link the righteous call for better cyber-security and the fear of ransomware attacks. the is no causal linkage established or even alleged.
Perhaps you aren't smart enough to unpack a simple article that any 8th grader could parse--or just so commited to your narrative that facts just bounce off of you?
Yeah mysterious. Got it. Idiot.
More links

I especially like number 3..since it is an opinion piece that absolutely nothing to do with the topic...and since it is so obvious that you just grabbed the link and clicked without reading it at all.
I haven't acknowledged anything you set. You think all of these fires are either a coincidence or didn't happen or whatever. Meanwhile the widely reported food shortages are happening. Period. Loser.

Don't worry, it's the bird flu that they are destroying the chickens.
Yes, it is the bird flu..and killing of the infected birds is long-standing practice. But you are just too dumb to know that, right?

All the fires have a plethora of reasons--and the supply chain crisis and shortages are well-documented as to cause and solutions.
No conspiracy\no end times/no SHTF. Just idiots jerking their knees on command.
1) the article says 'mysterious fires'

That's right, bonehead, 18 unsolved fires (which you denied) which all just happened to hit food plants over a short period of time (which you denied) just when we need them, and of course, you see nothing wrong with that because you are a moron. Such a moron that even after caught in a lie, you are still deflecting from the possibility that this is a deliberate attack.

Gee, I wonder if our resident Cuban in charge of DHS is on top of this yet?
That's right, bonehead, 18 unsolved fires (which you denied) which all just happened to hit food plants over a short period of time (which you denied) just when we need them, and of course, you see nothing wrong with that because you are a moron. Such a moron that even after caught in a lie, you are still deflecting from the possibility that this is a deliberate attack.

Gee, I wonder if our resident Cuban in charge of DHS is on top of this yet?'re always a hoot. The 18 fires..which are not really 18...are not unsolved..are not mysterious--in almost all cases.
Define short period...the current trope is 5 months..shall we expand that out a year..two...three?

Oh yeah..and the grand total of whatever...most are shut down for a minimal period..days rather than weeks--and would have minimal effect on the food supply even if they never reopened at all.

always a play you just accuse someone of lying..without being able to prove a thing...even as you back a ludicrous assertion that only a fool would buy into.'re always a hoot.
Nothing stands up to your itinerant stupidity. Caught in a lie, you still deflect. Sign of a pathological liar. Good thing the Trump's ain't in the chicken business otherwise you would think it was a clandestine plan to drive the cost of chickens up so that the Trumps could finance better the Putin regime! :auiqs.jpg:

SAY . . . . were these RUSSIAN chickens??? :lmao:

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