US egg factory roasts alive 5.3m chickens in avian flu cull – then fires almost every worker

Nothing stands up to your itinerant stupidity. Caught in a lie, you still deflect. Sign of a pathological liar. Good thing the Trump's ain't in the chicken business otherwise you would think it was a clandestine plan to drive the cost of chickens up so that the Trumps could finance better the Putin regime! :auiqs.jpg:

SAY . . . . were these RUSSIAN chickens??? :lmao:
Doesn't matter how many links or whatever.

I mean all of these reporting these fires are all simple lies or not technically within the last 5 months.

Meanwhile we know there are actual food shortages and the president and everyone else in the msm is blaming Putin.

What a great scapegoat and none of those fires have anything to do with the "avian flu" that somehow got into two major chicken processing facilities and or farms and he refuses to see anything or links or any mystery whatsoever.

It's unreal.
Doesn't matter how many links or whatever.

I mean all of these reporting these fires are all simple lies or not technically within the last 5 months.

Meanwhile we know there are actual food shortages and the president and everyone else in the msm is blaming Putin.

What a great scapegoat and none of those fires have anything to do with the "avian flu" that somehow got into two major chicken processing facilities and or farms and he refuses to see anything or links or any mystery whatsoever.

It's unreal.
Your an odd one for sure. Are you aware that they are unrepentant Soviet-style Communists who believe that all Stalin lacked was a good fascist ideology?:
This is your mindset???

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To make things clear, we DO endorse communism in its original Soviet Union form, we disavow Antifa as not real communists but as a bunch of Satanist schizophrenics who should all be sent to the Siberian gulags. We also support nationalism! We are both socialists and nationalists. Had the Axis and the USSR got along back in the 40s like they should have, the world would have been a totally different place now (for the good).

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It's improbable, but everyone might consider that aliens, who have a taste for human flesh, may someday rule the earth and use as a justification for their brutal slaughter of us how we have treated animals in the past.
Why would they need the workers when all the chickens are gone, dumbass?

Or are you trying to insinuate that communist chickens are somehow immune to the avian flu, comrade?
I`m guessing that the workers who were laid off, are eligible for unemployment benefits.'re always a hoot. The 18 fires..which are not really 18...are not unsolved..are not mysterious--in almost all cases.
Define short period...the current trope is 5 months..shall we expand that out a year..two...three?

Oh yeah..and the grand total of whatever...most are shut down for a minimal period..days rather than weeks--and would have minimal effect on the food supply even if they never reopened at all.

always a play you just accuse someone of lying..without being able to prove a thing...even as you back a ludicrous assertion that only a fool would buy into.

And now "they" are burning down hotels so that people will have to stay at home and not go on vacation

You are clearly confused, and a poor liar. 18 'burned down'. in the last 5 months. Yeah..please, douche-nozzle---post 18 links later than Jan. 1 2022 showing food processing plants or food warehouses, 'Burned down'.

You are either ignorant of what's happening or just a liar. Food production facilities are being destroyed through N America despite your gaslighting.
Lies & ignorance are not going to help you when the SHTF & you wonder how it all went to crap so quickly.
Keep taking your booster though, that should help

I've read this story too...

It does seem strange. But on the other hand, fires happen.

Hard to know if it's an anomaly without a historical baseline of fires at food processing facilities say over the last twenty years.

That said... It would seem that this collection of destructive fires was unusual enough to pique quite a bit of interest.

An honest observer wouldn't dismiss the possibility that there might be something to this.
I've read this story too...

It does seem strange. But on the other hand, fires happen.

Hard to know if it's an anomaly without a historical baseline of fires at food processing facilities say over the last twenty years.

That said... It would seem that this collection of destructive fires was unusual enough to pique quite a bit of interest.

An honest observer wouldn't dismiss the possibility that there might be something to this.

And an honest observer wouldn't claim there are 18 in 5 months when their list goes back years and some one that list did not even close the plants for 24 hours and one was no longer being used as a plant and had not been for years.
where you been buddy? Prison lockdown?
Post the links that 18 burned down in last 5 months..I bet ya can't.

You guys are hysterical fools. I live in rural Idaho and there is plenty of food, chicken included. The prices have a consequence of the inflation due to the Pandemic Stimulus that both parties voted for. Exacerbated by the rising price of oil--of which some of the blame must be attached to the oil companies seizing the opportunity to make a killing.

The food supply remains robust and responsive.
I've read this story too...

It does seem strange. But on the other hand, fires happen.

Hard to know if it's an anomaly without a historical baseline of fires at food processing facilities say over the last twenty years.

That said... It would seem that this collection of destructive fires was unusual enough to pique quite a bit of interest.

An honest observer wouldn't dismiss the possibility that there might be something to this.
What this a concerted attempt to place a story in the public media and give it legs by constant repetition and adoption as fact by the conspiracy-minded. The fact that most of the stories are literally word for word in their format is one clue. The sites that lead with this is another..and the fact...that most of the 'facts' that support this are altered by time or edited by circumstance--like an abandoned building with a defunct meat packing sign being counted..or the many fires that were relativly minor in nature..or the fact that most of the businesses that have had fires or accidents are back up within days, for the most part. There are exceptions..but the number of such incidents has NOT risen by percentage and there has been no observable effect on the supply chain nationally. Price of diesel, broken infrastructure and global unrest all play a role in our current supply chain issues...but burning plants do not.

As for chickens...we killed over 60m 3 years ago..not seeing hike in the bird price or lack of bird to buy then or now~
And an honest observer wouldn't claim there are 18 in 5 months when their list goes back years and some one that list did not even close the plants for 24 hours and one was no longer being used as a plant and had not been for years.

Yeah... the OP was wrong about that... looks more like 18-24 months. is a failure to dismiss the possibility that these are more than just a confluence of unfortunate accidents... based on political ideology.

Like I said... just because something seems strange doesn't mean it is strange...

... but conversely... it may seem strange because it is strange.

This is just the kind of low-security targets a cyber-attacker would be looking for... Especially with food shortages already looming.

There is a reason the idea of bread and circuses constraining the restlessness of the masses exists. Take away the bread from the metropolises and we can make a good guess what would come next.

Last edited:
What this a concerted attempt to place a story in the public media and give it legs by constant repetition and adoption as fact by the conspiracy-minded. The fact that most of the stories are literally word for word in their format is one clue. The sites that lead with this is another..and the fact...that most of the 'facts' that support this are altered by time or edited by circumstance--like an abandoned building with a defunct meat packing sign being counted..or the many fires that were relativly minor in nature..or the fact that most of the businesses that have had fires or accidents are back up within days, for the most part. There are exceptions..but the number of such incidents has NOT risen by percentage and there has been no observable effect on the supply chain nationally. Price of diesel, broken infrastructure and global unrest all play a role in our current supply chain issues...but burning plants do not.

As for chickens...we killed over 60m 3 years ago..not seeing hike in the bird price or lack of bird to buy then or now~
Don't like the printed stories?

How about a video?

Post the links that 18 burned down in last 5 months..I bet ya can't.

You guys are hysterical fools. I live in rural Idaho and there is plenty of food, chicken included. The prices have a consequence of the inflation due to the Pandemic Stimulus that both parties voted for. Exacerbated by the rising price of oil--of which some of the blame must be attached to the oil companies seizing the opportunity to make a killing.

The food supply remains robust and responsive.
Like I said before, you are a fool or just plain ignorant. I already provided a link for you with 18 fires at food production, processing & distribution facilities in the country.
Keep your head up your @$$ cuz your gaslighting & ignorance can't erase the actual facts.
Deal with it

evileye said:
Post the links that 18 burned down in last 5 months..I bet ya can't.
it's already been done. HERE at this SITE!! USMB use the search feature. And it appears someone in this topic posted it too...but you don't want to look at it. Just like some of you had a cow over Naomi Judd's suicide.
it's already been done. HERE at this SITE!! USMB use the search feature. And it appears someone in this topic posted it too...but you don't want to look at it. Just like some of you had a cow over Naomi Judd's suicide.
Naomi who?
Anyway, no where has there been posted 18 incidents in 5 months. Despite the claim..every link posted, upon examination, has incidents from months if not years before Jan. 1, 2022. They have stories that are just untrue, like the abandoned building that had a sign on it saying Meat. That one gets included every time! Most of the plants cited were closed for a very short time.
This allegation is a provable lie..and it's not even that hard. Why do you choose to believe and promulgate lies? Is your cultural and political stance so devoid of reason that you need to seize on any straw, no matter how thin?

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