US election workers get little help from law enforcement as terror threats mount


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Donald Trump should personally apologize to each of them.

Donald Trump should personally apologize to each of them.

Even the Schutzstaffel had to admit there was no crime. For those on the Left who think that eventually, people will just give up on the issue of a stolen election... nah... not gonna happen. The investigations are moving and more states are considering doing them. You know, you people would have to be dumb as a rock to think that the opinions of tens of millions of pissed off, disgusted Americans, can just be ignored or mocked. Wakey, wakey...
Even the Schutzstaffel had to admit there was no crime. For those on the Left who think that eventually, people will just give up on the issue of a stolen election... nah... not gonna happen. The investigations are moving and more states are considering doing them. You know, you people would have to be dumb as a rock to think that the opinions of tens of millions of pissed off, disgusted Americans, can just be ignored or mocked. Wakey, wakey...

Your Q-Kook Fraudits won’t make a hill of beans difference. The election was over almost a year ago. High time you moved on.

So you can’t bring yourself to condemn the violent threats to election officials? That’s very sad.
This matter should concern every American. It is a national security issue. These threats are made anonymously by people who must be presumed to be both mentally ill and dangerous and the number of them out there walking around is frightening. Hopefully, better ways of tracing them are being developed by expert techs. We all have to keep our eyes open.
Even the Schutzstaffel had to admit there was no crime. For those on the Left who think that eventually, people will just give up on the issue of a stolen election... nah... not gonna happen. The investigations are moving and more states are considering doing them. You know, you people would have to be dumb as a rock to think that the opinions of tens of millions of pissed off, disgusted Americans, can just be ignored or mocked. Wakey, wakey...

There is no reason for any further investigation. On Dec. 27, trump stated to the Acting AG that the election was corrupt and the "stop the steal" rally and attack on Congress occurred Jan. 6, so the evidence, if any, would have been in trump's possession by Dec. 27. There is no reason to continue to look for something that you have already found. The "opinions" of however many people don't matter. They are merely opinions. There were over 60 court cases brought and nothing was established. You are just trying to disenfranchise tens of millions of Biden voters. This is both intolerable and ridiculous.
This matter should concern every American. It is a national security issue. These threats are made anonymously by people who must be presumed to be both mentally ill and dangerous and the number of them out there walking around is frightening. Hopefully, better ways of tracing them are being developed by expert techs. We all have to keep our eyes open.

I really don’t get why not a single one of these goons has been arrested.

Both my hone office and my cell phone block any calls that have no caller ID or other identifying sign. They couldn’t have all been using burner phones could they?
I really don’t get why not a single one of these goons has been arrested.

Both my hone office and my cell phone block any calls that have no caller ID or other identifying sign. They couldn’t have all been using burner phones could they?

If they came from phones, and not over the internet. I don't think that most of them use burner phones, but maybe. I know nothing about the processes by which cell phones and the internet work, and anyway they could be traced. I did hear some vague story about there being a way in which calls originating from a certain number can be made to appear as if they come from a completely different number.
Even the Schutzstaffel had to admit there was no crime. For those on the Left who think that eventually, people will just give up on the issue of a stolen election... nah... not gonna happen. The investigations are moving and more states are considering doing them. You know, you people would have to be dumb as a rock to think that the opinions of tens of millions of pissed off, disgusted Americans, can just be ignored or mocked. Wakey, wakey...

Those opinions should be mocked. They are insane conspiracy theory nonsense. Like Flat Earth idiots you deserve every bit of mocking you get.

So yes. You are going to be belittled and mocked. You’ve earned it.
Your Q-Kook Fraudits won’t make a hill of beans difference. The election was over almost a year ago. High time you moved on.

So you can’t bring yourself to condemn the violent threats to election officials? That’s very sad.
IF there were threats of violence then there would be prosecutions. To the extent that threats were made and law enforcement judged that they were real then I do condemn that kind of behavior. At the same time, you folks REALLY need to step back from this rhetoric that the media is spinning about the election and take the view that if this election result had been flipped and you thought the Republicans had cheated and felt you had widespread indications of that and that no court would even review the evidence, how would YOU behave going forward?

Would you continue to try to assemble the evidence so that any unbiased groups could evaluate it and make up their own minds? If you controlled multiple state legislatures, would you not push for legislation that would close any loopholes that you felt were abused in the election? I think the answer is clear. You'd be doing everything the Right is doing and the media would be trumpeting the news ceaselessly.

We are at the edge of an abyss. The trust in elections is the LAST bond between Left and Right. Casually tossing that trust away and assuming that the rest of us will have no choice but to sit down, shut up, and pay up, is a move that you folks will regret when you realize that this nation doesn't continue unless we all agree to be bound by the same laws.
So yes. You are going to be belittled and mocked.
And then? And what? ;) I'm not bothered in the least by the ravings of people who have to tune in MSNBC before they can give an opinion. Mock whatever you like. If you really believe that denial, even in the face of a growing body of evidence, will insulate you and FORCE the other half of the electorate to bend the knee to you, well, let's just say that the times are about to get interesting indeed.
Donald Trump should personally apologize to each of them.

Trump has never apologized in his life.
And then? And what? ;) I'm not bothered in the least by the ravings of people who have to tune in MSNBC before they can give an opinion. Mock whatever you like. If you really believe that denial, even in the face of a growing body of evidence, will insulate you and FORCE the other half of the electorate to bend the knee to you, well, let's just say that the times are about to get interesting indeed.
There never has been any evidence, much less a growing body of it. Let trump explain how he knew on Dec. 27 that the election was "corrupt" and let's see what his lawyers presented to all of those courts.
Donald Trump should personally apologize to each of them.

From the biased link in the OP:

In an investigation that identified hundreds of incidents of intimidation and harassment of election workers and officials nationwide, Reuters found only a handful of arrests.


Almost all of the 102 threats of violence

Someone should teach that commie that "hundreds" means multiple hundreds, not 102. And other commies just eat that illiterate shit up. LMAO

IF there were threats of violence then there would be prosecutions. To the extent that threats were made and law enforcement judged that they were real then I do condemn that kind of behavior. At the same time, you folks REALLY need to step back from this rhetoric that the media is spinning about the election and take the view that if this election result had been flipped and you thought the Republicans had cheated and felt you had widespread indications of that and that no court would even review the evidence, how would YOU behave going forward?

Would you continue to try to assemble the evidence so that any unbiased groups could evaluate it and make up their own minds? If you controlled multiple state legislatures, would you not push for legislation that would close any loopholes that you felt were abused in the election? I think the answer is clear. You'd be doing everything the Right is doing and the media would be trumpeting the news ceaselessly.

We are at the edge of an abyss. The trust in elections is the LAST bond between Left and Right. Casually tossing that trust away and assuming that the rest of us will have no choice but to sit down, shut up, and pay up, is a move that you folks will regret when you realize that this nation doesn't continue unless we all agree to be bound by the same laws.

There’s only one reason that you feel cheated. Trump told you that you were cheated. Close to 70 judges (10 appointed by Donald) told you that you were not cheated. DJT’s own attorney general told you that you were not cheated. His Cyber Security Chief told you that you were not cheated. And Republican Governors and Secretaries of State told you that you were not cheated.

I have tried to put myself in your shoes, but it just doesn’t work for me because I could never believe that many lies coming out of one man with absolutely no evidence. Especially after all the audits, signature matches, and machine/ hand recounts. Literally everything matched up. Virtually zero fraud and zero cheating.

I hope not to live long enough to witness another debacle of this magnitude. It was terrible for this country and terrible for our democratic republic. What Donald and his flying monkeys did was dangerous as hell. It has to stop here and now.
There never has been any evidence, much less a growing body of it. Let trump explain how he knew on Dec. 27 that the election was "corrupt" and let's see what his lawyers presented to all of those courts.

Yeah gotta love that phrase “growing body of evidence”. Straight from the lips of Rudy, Sidney, & Lin Wood along with the spineless politicians who fear him and his cult-like army of MAGA-hatted sheep.
They should apologize to those that signed affidavits about what they saw during the stolen election.

Some were Dem watchers. One said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Donald Trump should personally apologize to each of them.
It's becoming more clear that the damage that has been done over the last five years is broader in scope than we knew. Worse, this is nowhere near being over. Not by a long shot.
And then? And what? ;) I'm not bothered in the least by the ravings of people who have to tune in MSNBC before they can give an opinion. Mock whatever you like. If you really believe that denial, even in the face of a growing body of evidence, will insulate you and FORCE the other half of the electorate to bend the knee to you, well, let's just say that the times are about to get interesting indeed.


The problem is the evidence you idiots continue to shout about is nothing but lies and propaganda. Let’s see shall we?

Oh the 1/6 protestors are being held as political prisoners. They are held without charges. Bullshit. Any lawyer who got his BAR card in the mail ten minutes ago would file a Writ of Habeas Corpus. The Prosecution then has to explain to the Judge why the guy should be held and what charges he is facing. In other words. What crimes he is accused of.

But hey. We get the names of these political prisoners. And because we don’t get our information from the Blaze or whatever nonsense site you guys worship. We take the name and punch it into google. What do we find? We find stories from a dozen sources including local, national, and international, news sites listing the charges filed against the guy.

We are told that is all a lie and only the Blaze is telling the truth.

Oh the Election. It was totally stolen. And if we investigate enough we will find the proof.

The problem is that the proof is always just out of reach. And the theories keep getting sillier.

Let me explain this for you. A theory has to explain all the evidence. Not just one part. Real life isn’t a game of Clue as a kid. You can’t declare it was Colonel Mustard in the Library with a candle stick. At least not if the body was found in the kitchen with a stab wound.

But again we get this claim and a link to this promised evidence. Again we punch it into google. And again the evidence or claim is discredited.

Now the proof should be easy to find. We are talking about millions of votes. We are talking about 45 states that had an increase in votes for Biden over Hillary four years before. So your theory of the stolen election has to explain how Biden got a statistical increase in 45 states. That means your theory has to explain a conspiracy that covers all those states and millions of votes.

Every single claim or theory on every subject is the same. Outright lies. Baseless claims. Or insane theories.

You should be mocked. And rational adults living in the Real World should mock you.

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