US “evacuates forward operating bases in Syria” as Iranian-backed attacks grow


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

US “evacuates forward operating bases in Syria” as Iranian-backed attacks grow​

28 Oct 2023 ~~ By Jess Winch & Will Brown

US forces are facing a wave of attacks across the Middle East as Iranian forces and their proxies test defences in response to Israel’s bombing of the Gaza Strip.
On Tuesday, officials said that at least two dozen US troops had been hurt in a wave of attacks on their bases in Iraq and Syria over the past week.
Tortoise understands that the attacks are more extensive than has been reported.
One Western intelligence source said: “The US is being very quiet about it for some reason, but from what we’re seeing, the attacks against them have gone through the roof around the region.”
The source added: “In north-east Syria, we’re hearing that the Americans have already had to evacuate around a dozen forward operating bases because they can’t protect them anymore.”
Tortoise understands the attacks are relatively sophisticated, with US forces coming under similar style drone and mortar attacks to those that the Russian forces have faced in Ukraine.
A Pentagon spokesman said that between the 17th and 18th of October, some 21 US personnel received minor injuries because of drone attacks at Al Assad Airbase, Iraq, and Al-Tanf Garrison, Syria
However, statements from an Iraqi “resistance” group linked to Iran, obtained by this publication, state that there was also a missile barrage against a US military contingent at Abu Hajar air base in northeastern Syria base.
Iran has well-armed and battle-hardened proxies across Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon, including Hezbollah. It uses this network to project its influence.
“Most of the rockets from Gaza are shit,” said the source. “But the missiles Iran and its proxies have in Syria, Lebanon, and Iran could seriously overwhelm Israel’s defences. That would instantaneously trigger an American and wider Israeli response… and then you’re looking at full-scale war.”
Last week, Saudi Arabia intercepted one of the cruise missiles fired towards Israel by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen, according to The Wall Street Journal. The US shot down at least four other missiles from its USS Carney Missile cruiser. It is estimated they had a range of at least 2,000 kilometres, putting Israel well within its sights.
The US has called on allies including the UK to designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which runs much of the country’s sprawling business and intelligence operations abroad, as a terrorist group.
The US Department of Defense declined to comment.

The call of the Democrat Socialists pf America Commies is:
Cut And Run
We need to get them out. I don’t see any purpose our troops now deployed in Iraq and Syria serve other than being tripwires.
Remember, when one US base in Syria was threatened, Trump greased 300+ Wagner mercenaries.
The "Biden" regime keeps running away, so the Iranians will keep attacking. After all, why not? They don't suffer any penalty for attacking us.
Earlier attacks actually killed some Americans. The regime's response was to send more cash to Iran.
And whether putting US forces in there was good idea or bad idea is irrelevant: you can't bugger out with appearing to bugger out.
As I previously stated, whether it's F117's, B-2's or F-35;s dropping ordinance on the Ayatollahs residence in Iran will be their wake up call. The U.S. has to send a direct message. Joe Biden saying "Don't -Don't" doesn't hold water.
Personally, I don't think Austin nor anyone in the Biden administration has the brass balls to do it.
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Anyone miss Trump? :doubt:
You will soon enough.
Well we have two carrier groups in theatre. We should be bombing the shit out of Iranian targets. Doing nothing is weak and will encourage more. This sucks.
Just a sly Sunday £20 fun bet on the US to be turfed out of Syria at 4/1.
A very popular bet .
In war, truth is the first casualty. The starting point should be why do we have bases scattered all over the world to defend in the first place? How would we react to Russian bases in Tijuana, the cartels seem to be condoned for some reason to be revealed at a later date.
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I guess it's because "Pepperidge Farms Remembers" the payback the US owes Iran but if we hit their oil export terminals (at a minimum) I'd consider it a very good day.....Let them tote their oil by camel to China.

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