US excluded from new Syrian peace talks. Yay! Another Obama foreign policy success

Russia, Iran and Turkey Meet for Syria Talks, Excluding U.S.

The sad part is it likely is a success in his eyes, the further erosion of American might.

It's because Obama throws a ball like a girl, this would never happen under Trump, he will huff and puff and....blow Putin along the way to ensure countries would never bruise our ego by not including us in something.
Trump would never have supported isis in this civil war.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)

All Obozo needed to do early on was flatten Assad's air force in their hangars to prevent the barrel bombing. Surgical strike, in and out, and the rebels could have held their own until they could invade Damascus and hang the dictator by his tits.
Trump should include more Libertarians in his Administration. I'm afraid he's already listening too much to the Neocon Warmonger-types. Get us out of all foreign quagmires and focus on taking care of Americans. He needs to be very careful listening too much to the Warmongers. I think adding some Libertarians to the mix, could provide alternatives.
Trump should include more Libertarians in his Administration. I'm afraid he's already listening too much to the Neocon Warmonger-types. Get us out of all foreign quagmires and focus on taking care of Americans. He needs to be very careful listening too much to the Warmongers. I think adding some Libertarians to the mix, could provide alternatives.

Generals are the LEAST likely to advocate for war.
Trump should include more Libertarians in his Administration. I'm afraid he's already listening too much to the Neocon Warmonger-types. Get us out of all foreign quagmires and focus on taking care of Americans. He needs to be very careful listening too much to the Warmongers. I think adding some Libertarians to the mix, could provide alternatives.

Generals are the LEAST likely to advocate for war.

Yeah, but they aren't likely to consider exiting current quagmires either. They'll support continuing them. Once the Military is in, it's all-in. That's why i think Trump needs to add some Libertarians to the mix. You can't only listen to Warmongers. Trump will end up with Bush-like disasters if he does.

I'd like to see him just focus on helping Americans. All these quagmires only take away from that effort. I truly hope he gets different perspectives from his advisors. His Presidency could be a real mess if he goes solely with the Warmongers.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)
I have been consistent for years on Syria so try again toots

And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)
I have been consistent for years on Syria so try again toots

And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

I would advise Trump to remove us from all foreign quagmires. Let's focus on helping Americans. These quagmires only take away from that effort. Let Russia and Iran have it. If they wanna stay stuck in that quagmire for several years, so be it.

We should move on. I truly hope Trump doesn't just listen to the Warmongers. I hope he receives alternative advice. If he goes along solely with the Warmongers, he'll end up with Bush-like disasters. His Presidency will fail miserably.
Trump should include more Libertarians in his Administration. I'm afraid he's already listening too much to the Neocon Warmonger-types. Get us out of all foreign quagmires and focus on taking care of Americans. He needs to be very careful listening too much to the Warmongers. I think adding some Libertarians to the mix, could provide alternatives.

Generals are the LEAST likely to advocate for war.

Yeah, but they aren't likely to consider exiting current quagmires either. They'll support continuing them. Once the Military is in, it's all-in. That's why i think Trump needs to add some Libertarians to the mix. You can't only listen to Warmongers. Trump will end up with Bush-like disasters if he does.

I'd like to see him just focus on helping Americans. All these quagmires only take away from that effort. I truly hope he gets different perspectives from his advisors. His Presidency could be a real mess if he goes solely with the Warmongers.

We're not in any quagmires other than our 76 year occupation of Okinawa and Germany. Iraq will soon be over with and Afghanistan isn't winnable.....the Taliban will eventually overrun Kabul and that will be that. Trump has no fantasies about world domination...he'd rather build beautiful new bridges and airports. The "warmongers" you're mistakenly referring to are outside of government...munitions and aircraft companies and Trump has already shown he has no affection for either Boeing or Lockheed Martin. Libertarians don't really believe in anything so who needs them around? Trump's government will be highly ideological and task-oriented which is why he's choosing ex-Military and proven financial tycoons.
Trump should include more Libertarians in his Administration. I'm afraid he's already listening too much to the Neocon Warmonger-types. Get us out of all foreign quagmires and focus on taking care of Americans. He needs to be very careful listening too much to the Warmongers. I think adding some Libertarians to the mix, could provide alternatives.

Generals are the LEAST likely to advocate for war.

Yeah, but they aren't likely to consider exiting current quagmires either. They'll support continuing them. Once the Military is in, it's all-in. That's why i think Trump needs to add some Libertarians to the mix. You can't only listen to Warmongers. Trump will end up with Bush-like disasters if he does.

I'd like to see him just focus on helping Americans. All these quagmires only take away from that effort. I truly hope he gets different perspectives from his advisors. His Presidency could be a real mess if he goes solely with the Warmongers.

We're not in any quagmires other than our 76 year occupation of Okinawa and Germany. Iraq will soon be over with and Afghanistan isn't winnable.....the Taliban will eventually overrun Kabul and that will be that. Trump has no fantasies about world domination...he'd rather build beautiful new bridges and airports. The "warmongers" you're mistakenly referring to are outside of government...munitions and aircraft companies and Trump has already shown he has no affection for either Boeing or Lockheed Martin. Libertarians don't really believe in anything so who needs them around? Trump's government will be highly ideological and task-oriented which is why he's choosing ex-Military and proven financial tycoons.

I would advise Trump not to commit the same bloody blunders Bush did. He should be very careful going along solely with the Warmongers. He really should be open to other options. I think Libertarians could provide some balance. Because right now, i am a bit concerned he's stacked his Administration with Neocon Warmonger-types. They could kill his Presidency. He better be very careful.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)

All Obozo needed to do early on was flatten Assad's air force in their hangars to prevent the barrel bombing. Surgical strike, in and out, and the rebels could have held their own until they could invade Damascus and hang the dictator by his tits.
The plan was to have the terrorists seize the planes and have the air force.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)
I have been consistent for years on Syria so try again toots

And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

HA! You think Russia ever gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct active role in the conflict throughout.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)
I have been consistent for years on Syria so try again toots

And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

HA! You think Russia gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct role in the conflict.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.
Would you ODS crybabies make up your mind?

First you blubber Obama shouldn't be in Syria.

Now you blubber he's not in Syria enough.

The only thing consistent is your constant weeping.

Being consistent, we liberals tend to agree Obama never should have entered into that mess. But then, unlike the Trump-thugs, we're allowed to criticize the things someone in our own party does.

(That's why it's so good to be a liberal. We're not required to lick boots. Not that the Trump-thugs mind licking boots; they seem to rather enjoy it.)
I have been consistent for years on Syria so try again toots

And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

HA! You think Russia gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct role in the conflict.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.

So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
Trump should include more Libertarians in his Administration. I'm afraid he's already listening too much to the Neocon Warmonger-types. Get us out of all foreign quagmires and focus on taking care of Americans. He needs to be very careful listening too much to the Warmongers. I think adding some Libertarians to the mix, could provide alternatives.
Trump will have no libertarians at all unless they happen to be the best in a necessary field.

Academics, idealogues and politicians are unwelcome. Only the best and most brilliant.
I have been consistent for years on Syria so try again toots

And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

HA! You think Russia gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct role in the conflict.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.

So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
I've already detailed countless times what we should have done. Destroying a government that was not in turmoil, as in Libya, was not the solution.
And what did you think needed to be done in Syria?
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

HA! You think Russia gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct role in the conflict.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.

So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
I've already detailed countless times what we should have done. Destroying a government that was not in turmoil, as in Libya, was not the solution.

Not in turmoil? Do you just make up these arguments of convenience as you go along?

Libyan Crisis (2011–present) - Wikipedia
Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.

The dumbest thing I've read in weeks here....and that's saying something. The no-flys kept the Libyans from taking on ISIS when they could have destroyed them and now Libya is an ISIS stronghold. And it wasn't Barry who called was the colostomy-bagged, drunken criminal, Hillary Rodham pretending she understood military maneuvering.

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