US excluded from new Syrian peace talks. Yay! Another Obama foreign policy success

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.

The dumbest thing I've read in weeks here....and that's saying something. The no-flys kept the Libyans from taking on ISIS when they could have destroyed them and now Libya is an ISIS stronghold. And it wasn't Barry who called was the colostomy-bagged, drunken criminal, Hillary Rodham.

Ok so we should have done in Libya what we are now doing in Syria...right?

that Assad guy will take out ISIS any second soon as he is done buying up all their black market oil. :rolleyes:
Ok so we should have done in Libya what we are now doing in Syria...right?

that Assad guy will take out ISIS any second now :rolleyes:

Yes....neither arena was of any importance to us. Iran on the other hand, tried to revolt against the mullahs and Barry did nothing to help them. 500 shotguns delivered into the slums of Tehran could have toppled that evil regime but no....Barry the muslim would rather give a speech and then hit the golf course instead of doing the job.
We should have instituted no fly zones and ACTUAL SAFE SPACES for the civilians. Then Obama committed the US by issuing threats via his empty red line threat. At that point US credibility was on the line. Russia was holding a back seat up to that point & when Syria called our bluff Russia & Iran saw an opening. An opening that we freely gave them. Obama's inept & ineffective foreign policy in both Iran, Libya & Syria has emboldened the enemies of the United States.
It will now be up to Trump to fix the mess that Obama created. Can he do it? I have no idea but if we don't want to see a coalition of China, Russia, Syria, Iran & Afghanistan vs the US and our allies we better hope he can.

HA! You think Russia gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct role in the conflict.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.

So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
I've already detailed countless times what we should have done. Destroying a government that was not in turmoil, as in Libya, was not the solution.

Not in turmoil? Do you just make up these arguments of convenience as you go along?

Libyan Crisis (2011–present) - Wikipedia
Thank you for making my point for me. We had no business in Libya in 2011
HA! You think Russia gave a shit about our red lines? They stepped in when the rebels had Assad by the throat while America refused to play direct role in the conflict.

Libya was a clean sweep, we declared no-fly zones and achieved our mission goals to let their rebel groups over-run Qaddafi government without any losses or long term commitments. IT WAS EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANTED TO BE DONE IN SYRIA. Did you praise Obama? fuck no, you did the same bitching you do anytime a policy has his nod.
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.

So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
I've already detailed countless times what we should have done. Destroying a government that was not in turmoil, as in Libya, was not the solution.

Not in turmoil? Do you just make up these arguments of convenience as you go along?

Libyan Crisis (2011–present) - Wikipedia
Thank you for making my point for me. We had no business in Libya in 2011

But in Syria we should have had ALL THE BUSINESS?

Consistency - got any?
But why couldent this be a good thing ? When Trump gets in he can just bomb with impunity.

The same problem that we have in Iran....the first time Russians are killed in a US air raid and Putin retaliates...then what?

LMAO! you don't even know what you're reading....Assad might be paying ISIS a ransom to allow his tankers to transport crude through their territory but he certainly isn't buying any oil from're hopeless....adios.

Wow the irony is rich. You actually failed at some basic reading and then you claim me to not be able to read!

"ISIS’s oil minister—known by his name Sayyaf... led the group’s oil ministry....with revenue from the sale of oil to Damascus helping the group to reach a peak of $40 million a month in oil revenue"
They stepped in because WE left the vacuum that allowed them to.

So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
I've already detailed countless times what we should have done. Destroying a government that was not in turmoil, as in Libya, was not the solution.

Not in turmoil? Do you just make up these arguments of convenience as you go along?

Libyan Crisis (2011–present) - Wikipedia
Thank you for making my point for me. We had no business in Libya in 2011

But in Syria we should have had ALL THE BUSINESS?

Consistency - got any?
Different circumstances require different things. Gaddafi had already agreed to and given up his wmds in an agreement with us. He was cooperating. And for that Obama stabbed him in the back and threw his country into total chaos
Wow the irony is rich. You actually failed at some basic reading and then you claim me to not be able to read!

"ISIS’s oil minister—known by his name Sayyaf... led the group’s oil ministry....with revenue from the sale of oil to Damascus helping the group to reach a peak of $40 million a month in oil revenue"

Give it up....Assad isn't buying his own oil from ISIS. Seriously....find a new suck at this.
So we should have done what we've done in Libya, right?
I've already detailed countless times what we should have done. Destroying a government that was not in turmoil, as in Libya, was not the solution.

Not in turmoil? Do you just make up these arguments of convenience as you go along?

Libyan Crisis (2011–present) - Wikipedia
Thank you for making my point for me. We had no business in Libya in 2011

But in Syria we should have had ALL THE BUSINESS?

Consistency - got any?
Different circumstances require different things. Gaddafi had already agreed to and given up his wmds in an agreement with us. He was cooperating. And for that Obama stabbed him in the back and threw his country into total chaos

Destruction of Syria's chemical weapons - Wikipedia
Wow the irony is rich. You actually failed at some basic reading and then you claim me to not be able to read!

"ISIS’s oil minister—known by his name Sayyaf... led the group’s oil ministry....with revenue from the sale of oil to Damascus helping the group to reach a peak of $40 million a month in oil revenue"

Give it up....Assad isn't buying his own oil from ISIS. Seriously....find a new suck at this.

You are right, now that you baselessly contradicted well established intelligence I have no choice but to give up.
But why couldent this be a good thing ? When Trump gets in he can just bomb with impunity.

The same problem that we have in Iran....the first time Russians are killed in a US air raid and Putin retaliates...then what?

It sucks, but due to Bammers neglect, legacy building and arrogance the mess is what it is. Pretty troubling stuff though what with Russia flexing its muscle and China growing balls. Man I wish Bammer would hurry up and go already.
But why couldent this be a good thing ? When Trump gets in he can just bomb with impunity.

The same problem that we have in Iran....the first time Russians are killed in a US air raid and Putin retaliates...then what?

It sucks, but due to Bammers neglect, legacy building and arrogance the mess is what it is. Pretty troubling stuff though what with Russia flexing its muscle and China growing balls. Man I wish Bammer would hurry up and go already.

Question: What do you think Trump is going to do to stop Russian muscle flexing?

Remove sanctions and keep talking nice about Putin? That will teach them, right?
But why couldent this be a good thing ? When Trump gets in he can just bomb with impunity.

The same problem that we have in Iran....the first time Russians are killed in a US air raid and Putin retaliates...then what?

It sucks, but due to Bammers neglect, legacy building and arrogance the mess is what it is. Pretty troubling stuff though what with Russia flexing its muscle and China growing balls. Man I wish Bammer would hurry up and go already.

Just a small question: What do you think Trump is going to do to stop Russian muscle flexing? Remove Obama's sanctions on them? That will tech them, right?

Good old fashioned saber rattling. Anything is better then Bammer. For all we know, Bammer set all this up.

Whatever trump does it wont be that im thinking.
It was all a plot by obama to teach Russia a lesson by getting the US excluded. We are officially a non entity.

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