US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants
Undocumented workers do the jobs Americans don't want. ... oContainer

This article is miss-leading. It send the false message that 12 million Illegal Aliens are working on farms. But less than 2% of the 8 million Illegal Aliens in the workforce are working in farm work. Americans are also working on farms. Owning and running a farm is also hard back breaking work often in the hot sun.

Family Farms
There are almost two million farms in the USA. About 80% of those are small farms, and a large percentage are family owned.
Family Farms - LocalHarvest
And yet with such (relatively) cheap labor, we still pay record prices for groceries while agriculture exports millions of metric tons of grains each year all the while reaping the benefits of a multi-billion dollar Farm Bill.

I don't care if it's a small farm or a big farm, they're all "Big Ag" thieves.
We still import our produce from other countries that use mechanized field labor and can keep prices even lower than ours.
"US Farmers Depend on Illegal Immigrants"

And illegal immigrants depend upon the United States for all their healthcare. Nice trade-off. Any taxes illegals pay are nominal.

"Illegal aliens are largely poor and uneducated and drain the welfare and public education systems, according to a survey from the Center for Immigration Studies. The study, “Immigrants in the United States: A Profile of America’s Foreign-Born Population,” paints a startling picture of the nearly 11 million illegals and their children."

Illegal Aliens a Drain on U.S. Taxpayers, Report Says

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