US fights ISIS…while aiding ISIS


Nov 14, 2012
Playing a double game...

"As the war against the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) rages on, the US has stepped up its air campaign, combining destructive bombs with anti-ISIS leaflets.

But while US propaganda efforts are ostensibly aimed at disrupting ISIS recruitment, overall US involvement has yielded mixed results at best.

On the one hand, Washington is engaging in a psychological campaign designed to dissuade potential ISIS fighters from joining up, with leaflets depicting grisly images of young men being sent into a meat grinder. On the other hand however, the US continues to exacerbate the situation in both Iraq and Syria by providing material support, both directly and indirectly, to the very groups whom they claim to be fighting.

While the US seems to be engaged in a psychological war against ISIS, it is equally involved in a systematic campaign of sabotage against those forces that are actually fighting ISIS on the ground. And so, as it often does, Washington is playing both sides of the conflict in order to achieve an outcome to its own political advantage, and to the detriment of Syria, Iran, and other interested parties.

The US psychological war against ISIS
Since the emergence of ISIS on the world stage, much has been made of the organization’s ability to recruit fighters, produce propaganda, and effectively get its message across to the young Muslims around the world. There have been countless news stories of Muslim youths from the West eagerly joining up to fight in far flung war zones like Syria and Iraq, seemingly translating their disaffection with their own lives into an ideological identification with ISIS extremism.

But beneath the surface of such ideological explanations is the fact, publicly acknowledged by many counter-terrorism experts, that ISIS propaganda, coupled with the financial benefits the organization offers, is responsible for some of the allure of joining the fight. And so, the US has launched a full scale psychological war for the “hearts and minds” of these naïve youths and poverty-stricken potential fighters.

The Pentagon confirmed that they had dropped tens of thousands of leaflets on the Syrian city of Raqqa in an attempt to dissuade potential recruits from joining ISIS. While this may seem a relatively harmless exercise in counter-propaganda, the reality is that it is at best a poorly conceived, and at worst utterly disingenuous, attempt to counteract ISIS recruitment. Were the US serious about eradicating the cancer of ISIS in Syria, US military officials would be coordinating with their Syrian counterparts in a comprehensive attempt to destroy the organization. For while the US Air Force drops leaflets, the Syrian Arab Army has been fighting ISIS on the ground for nearly three years, paying a very high price in blood to protect its country from the internationally constituted terror organization.

US military planners understand perfectly that it is the Syrian military, not slick propaganda leaflets, which will carry the day in the war against ISIS in Syria. While perhaps useful for the public relations campaign back home, such leaflets will do little to change the tactical or strategic situation on the ground. The same goes for the recently announced expansion of the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications, the State Department’s attempt at “counter-messaging” ISIS propaganda on social media and in cyberspace generally.

But, while the US presents itself as pursuing a comprehensive psychological war against ISIS, its military and covert actions tell a far different story.

Fighting ISIS by arming them?
The media has been abuzz in recent months with numerous accounts of US weapons and other supplies falling directly into the hands of ISIS, providing the terror group with invaluable material support at a time when it had suffered heavy losses in both Syria and Iraq. As Naeem al-Uboudi, the spokesman for one of the main groups fighting ISIS in Tikrit told the NY Times, “We don’t trust the American-led coalition in combating ISIS… In the past, they have targeted our security forces and dropped aid to ISIS by mistake.”

Indeed, these allegations are supported dozens of accounts of airdropped US weapons being seized by ISIS. As Iraqi MP Majid al-Ghraoui noted in January, “The information that has reached us in the security and defense committee indicates that an American aircraft dropped a load of weapons and equipment to the ISIS group militants at the area of al-Dour in the province of Salahuddin… This incident is continuously happening and has also occurred in some other regions.”

Whether these incidents are simply honest mistakes by the vaunted US military with all its precision bombing capabilities, or they are indications of a more callous attempt to inflict casualties on all sides and prolong the regional war, either way they represent an abject failure of the US strategy against ISIS. But of course, the US policy failure goes much further than just mistakes on the battlefield. Rather, the entire policy of arming so-called “moderates” in Syria has led directly to the growth of ISIS into a regional power.

Since 2012, the US, primarily through the CIA, has been providing weapons and training to terrorists in Syria under the guise of arming “moderates.” Many of these allegedly moderate groups have in recent months been documented as having either disbanded or defected to ISIS, including the little publicized mass defections of former Free Syrian Army fighters. However it has happened, a vast arsenal of US-supplied weapons and other military hardware are now counted among the ISIS arsenal. So much for the US policy of ensuring the weapons don’t “fall into the wrong hands.”

So, while the US has proclaimed to be fighting ISIS and the al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra Front, they have been simultaneously arming and supporting many of the same forces which now make up much of the rank-and-file of these terror groups. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

Washington: Peace broker or arms dealer?
Those who follow US foreign policy are likely unsurprised by these revelations of Washington providing arms and intensifying an already dangerous conflict. In Syria, the US has consistently argued that the Syrian government cannot be seen as a partner for peace, and so they must provide weapons to “moderates.” In Ukraine, where the US has a compliant and servile government that executes its diktats, Washington still supplies the arms, talking of peace and stability while exacerbating the war and human tragedy in East Ukraine.

Last week, the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed (348-48) a resolution to provide military support in the form of weapons to Ukraine. As Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY), the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee stated, “The people of Ukraine are not looking for American troops. They are just looking for the weapons to defend themselves. They don’t have those weapons. We do.”

Indeed, it seems that US policy is to pursue “peace” at the barrel of a US-made, US-supplied gun. As Secretary of State John Kerry explained in his usual self-contradictory manner “To get peace, you have to defend your country,” a devilishly cynical statement from the man who, entirely without irony, explained in 2014 that “you don’t just invade another country on a phony pretext in order to assert your interests.” Perhaps, rather than invading countries, the Obama administration has decided to simply provide the weapons, training, and logistical and material support in order to assert its own interests.

While Syria and Iraq face an existential struggle against the wildfire that is the Islamic State, the United States arrives, gas can in hand, to make peace. As Ukraine slides deeper into civil war, the US provides all the ingredients for a witches’ brew of violence and bloodshed.

For all its talk of psychological war against ISIS, Washington has embraced an aggressive, multi-pronged approach that leaves little doubt as to the thinking of its strategic planners: the enemy of my enemy is both friend and enemy. As Tacitus famously said of the Romans, “They make a desert and call it peace.” So too do the Americans in the blood-soaked deserts of Syria and Iraq."

US fights ISIS while aiding ISIS SYRIA 360
Our strategy is to tell them they are on the wrong side of history.

Captain blei informs us that the only GOOD terrorist is a BAATHIST terrorist. Baathist pigs have murdered hundreds of thousands. For captain Blei-----all others----as ""OTHERS""
Stalemate in fight against ISIS...

America's Proxy War Against Islamic State Has Stalled
Sep. 22, 2015 - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told his nation Tuesday that Iran and Iran alone has the military might in the Middle East to keep the Islamic State at bay.
The remarks came during a military parade commemorating the start of the 35-year-old Iraq-Iran War. “[If] terrorists begin to expand in the region, the only hope will be Iran’s army and the Revolutionary Guards,” Rouhani said. He continued, saying the West had little influence in the struggle: “Today, our armed forces are the biggest regional power against terrorism.” Seeing how the United States' proxy fighters are doing against the Islamic State, the Iranian president might just be correct.


A Syrian rebel sniper fighting the forces of the Syrian government in 2013

The fight against the Islamic State has ground to a standstill in Iraq, as an offensive to retake Ramadi from the Islamic State has been delayed. So the U.S. turns to Syria, where only four or five American-trained Syrian rebels are still in the fight. Many of the fighters were delayed in Turkey, but when they returned, they handed over their weapons to the al-Qaida affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra. This was exactly the worry many people had in giving arms and training to proxy fighters.

As Marco Rubio said: Our military “was not build to conduct pinprick attacks.” If we want to take a simplistic route to foreign policy and focus our whole attention to the short term — dealing with the Islamic State — then maybe we should just give Iran $150 billion.

Oh, wait…[/quote]

See also:

Petraeus: US Military Should Play Bigger Role Against Assad in Syria
Sep 22, 2015 | Retired Army Gen. David Petraeus on Tuesday called for the U.S. military to take on a bigger role against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
He recommended grounding the Syrian air force, creating safe zones in Syria, and embedding U.S. advisors and close air support troops in Iraq to revive a faltering campaign to defeat militants affiliated with the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. The U.S. should also directly arm the Kurds, loosen restrictions on U.S. airstrikes in the region, stop Assad's use of barrel bombing in Syria, and shift the U.S. military's operational headquarters from Kuwait to Baghdad, Petraeus said in more than two-and-one-half hours of testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee. All of the proposals in Petraeus' wide-ranging critique of the Obama administration's current tactics and strategy in Iraq and Syria have thus far been rejected by President Obama and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey.

However, Petraeus said that without drastic changes, Russian influence in the region would grow and the spillover from unchecked violence would threaten Europe and the U.S. The region does not play "by Las Vegas rules. What happens in the Middle East is not going to stay in the Middle East," he said. "Some elements of the right strategy are in place," Petraeus said, referring to partnering with local forces on the ground and pressing political unity in Baghdad, but the overall effort has yet to produce sustained progress. "In my judgment, increased support for the Iraqi security forces, Sunni tribal forces and Kurdish Peshmerga is needed, including embedding U.S. adviser elements down to the brigade headquarters level of those Iraqi forces fighting ISIS," he said. "I also believe that we should explore use of joint tactical air controllers with select Iraqi units to coordinate coalition airstrikes for those units," Petraeus said.

The most forceful statements from Petraeus came in addressing the more than four-year-old civil war in Syria, which he described as a "geopolitical Chernobyl, spewing instability and extremism over the region and the rest of the world." He said that the use of barrel bombs -- gasoline drums packed with high explosives and mostly dropped from helicopters -- by the air forces of al-Assad were one of the main reasons for Syrian refugees fleeing to Europe. "We could, for example, tell Assad that the use of barrel bombs must end. And that if they continue, we will stop the Syrian air force from flying," Petraeus said. "We have that capability."

The grounding of Syria's air force could be accomplished by destroying air bases with cruise missiles fired from Navy submarines and surface ships in the Mediterranean, Petraeus said. "You don't even have to fly in the airspace necessarily," he said. "We don't have to put 165,000 troops on the ground to do that," he said. "We have the capability to stop that and we should."

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rouhani's speeches remind me of the islamo Nazi propaganda I read as a child
(circa 1960) and then heard recapitulated (and enthusiastically) regurgitated
by young trainees in the USA------who were graduates from professional schools in
muslim countries----mostly Iran and Pakistan (circa 1970) The islamo Nazi propaganda to which I refer was written mostly in the 1930s and 1940s and some
in the 1950s------some things never change-------content slightly updated to seem
captain blei does islamo nazi sophistry with the skill of JOSEF GOEBBELS.
Baathism as the SAVIOR OF THE WORLD-------just like der fuhrer

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