US Fish & Wildlife Service Investigating Killing Of Cecil The Lion

The dentist that killed the lion has closed his practice down because his customers are outraged.

Ahhhhh, don't you love it when the free market works its magic.
A perfect example of why businesses don't need dems crawling up their asses with regulations or stupid laws.
Yeah, DWI's are stupid laws....This is about the dumbass dentist breaking laws, he is probably on the run now, knowing he is now a fugitive from the international law on hunting protected animals....
What the fuck do DWI laws have to do with ANYTHING in this thread, much less my post?


You sure project a lot. Twice now just on this page. Have you read Post #33 yet?
The dentist that killed the lion has closed his practice down because his customers are outraged.

Ahhhhh, don't you love it when the free market works its magic.
A perfect example of why businesses don't need dems crawling up their asses with regulations or stupid laws.
Yeah, DWI's are stupid laws....This is about the dumbass dentist breaking laws, he is probably on the run now, knowing he is now a fugitive from the international law on hunting protected animals....
What the fuck do DWI laws have to do with ANYTHING in this thread, much less my post?


You sure project a lot. Twice now just on this page. Have you read Post #33 yet?
Go take your meds old man
The dentist that killed the lion has closed his practice down because his customers are outraged.

Ahhhhh, don't you love it when the free market works its magic.
A perfect example of why businesses don't need dems crawling up their asses with regulations or stupid laws.
Yeah, DWI's are stupid laws....This is about the dumbass dentist breaking laws, he is probably on the run now, knowing he is now a fugitive from the international law on hunting protected animals....
What the fuck do DWI laws have to do with ANYTHING in this thread, much less my post?


You sure project a lot. Twice now just on this page. Have you read Post #33 yet?
Go take your meds old man

Do you always get drunk before posting here?
The dentist that killed the lion has closed his practice down because his customers are outraged.

Ahhhhh, don't you love it when the free market works its magic.
Really? Do you have a link to that? Because I think a lot of guys would become new clients just to hear him regale his best safari hunts. I would.

I've grown tired of people who can't take 5 seconds to type a search into google, jesus h Christ. Its on the news.
Ok, that's a righteous gripe, but you're still mischaracterizing it. It's a bunch of BSC Lefty loons storming his clinic, not his customers. And my point still stands, he'll have plenty of clients.
There is a long line of upset folks also, to include children...
Children don't know anything except what they're taught by ideologically bent adults. They are taught to memorize and parrot a script.
The U.S. "fish/wildlife service" ain't had a headline case in a freaking century. Since the primary mission of a federal bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding and the "justice department would rather investigate a safari hunt instead of the freaking IRS, it's a done deal that fish/wild would get involved. Hell, this case makes Benghazi look like child's play don't it?
A "selfie" does nothing to enhance your argument. Hey, did anybody tell you you look like a young Jack Nicholson on a bad day?
i figured since you are a jerk off I could join you for mutual jerking, since you are not saying anything of value...
You want to pursue this idiotic stuff? OK you posted a selfie (with a remarkable likeness of Jack Nicholson) because? You weren't articulate or educated enough to respond to an argument? I rest my case.
Maybe next time you could tie in time travel into your response for a better example of your inability to stay on topic...??
The dentist that killed the lion has closed his practice down because his customers are outraged.

Ahhhhh, don't you love it when the free market works its magic.
Really? Do you have a link to that? Because I think a lot of guys would become new clients just to hear him regale his best safari hunts. I would.

I've grown tired of people who can't take 5 seconds to type a search into google, jesus h Christ. Its on the news.
Ok, that's a righteous gripe, but you're still mischaracterizing it. It's a bunch of BSC Lefty loons storming his clinic, not his customers. And my point still stands, he'll have plenty of clients.
There is a long line of upset folks also, to include children...
Children don't know anything except what they're taught by ideologically bent adults. They are taught to memorize and parrot a script.
And bend knees...
A perfect example of why businesses don't need dems crawling up their asses with regulations or stupid laws.
Yeah, DWI's are stupid laws....This is about the dumbass dentist breaking laws, he is probably on the run now, knowing he is now a fugitive from the international law on hunting protected animals....
What the fuck do DWI laws have to do with ANYTHING in this thread, much less my post?


You sure project a lot. Twice now just on this page. Have you read Post #33 yet?
Go take your meds old man

Do you always get drunk before posting here?
It's more fun. You should try it.
Palmer has more than Cecil's head to answer for.

There is a black rhino, for just one other.

And more beyond that.

If he brought them back to the US he is in huge trouble.

If African nations want extradition, the Judge from Palmer's black bear conviction can do that, too.

I hear Zimbabwe prison is not the Radisson.

Regards from Rosie
Really? Do you have a link to that? Because I think a lot of guys would become new clients just to hear him regale his best safari hunts. I would.

I've grown tired of people who can't take 5 seconds to type a search into google, jesus h Christ. Its on the news.
Ok, that's a righteous gripe, but you're still mischaracterizing it. It's a bunch of BSC Lefty loons storming his clinic, not his customers. And my point still stands, he'll have plenty of clients.
There is a long line of upset folks also, to include children...
Children don't know anything except what they're taught by ideologically bent adults. They are taught to memorize and parrot a script.
And bend knees...
Before the almighty state.
Must be a REALLY slow news day when all the self chosen, self deputized, PC thought cops can do is push an exposed media hoax.
Maybe its time to have coliseum in this country and bring back the lions!!!:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
The way this is being handled, you'd think "Cecil" was a beloved Disney character. It was A lion. that's all, A Lion.

He was not just your ordinary lion.
Why Cecil the Lion Was So Popular With People
For more than a decade, visitors to Zimbabwe'sHwange National Park would notice that one lion stood out from the rest—an enormous male with a long, shaggy black mane. The lion so endeared himself to tourists that he was given a name: Cecil.

Cecil was the ultimate lion," says Brent Stapelkamp, a field researcher with Oxford University'sWildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU), who knew Cecil perhaps better than anyone else."He was everything that a lion represents to us as humans," Stapelkamp says. "He was large, powerful, but regal at the same time."
And Cecil was close to humans, too. Stapelkamp has been studying the lion since 2008, and Cecil and his pride had been part of an ongoing research project with Oxford since 1999.
A perfect example of why businesses don't need dems crawling up their asses with regulations or stupid laws.
Yeah, DWI's are stupid laws....This is about the dumbass dentist breaking laws, he is probably on the run now, knowing he is now a fugitive from the international law on hunting protected animals....
What the fuck do DWI laws have to do with ANYTHING in this thread, much less my post?


You sure project a lot. Twice now just on this page. Have you read Post #33 yet?
Go take your meds old man

Do you always get drunk before posting here?
Don't mix alcohol with your meds old man. You're crazy enough as it is
Yeah, DWI's are stupid laws....This is about the dumbass dentist breaking laws, he is probably on the run now, knowing he is now a fugitive from the international law on hunting protected animals....
What the fuck do DWI laws have to do with ANYTHING in this thread, much less my post?


You sure project a lot. Twice now just on this page. Have you read Post #33 yet?
Go take your meds old man

Do you always get drunk before posting here?
Don't mix alcohol with your meds old man. You're crazy enough as it is

Why are you obsessed with making off topic, argumentum ad hominem (attack the messenger) posts?
All distraction to take the news cycle away from Trump's commanding lead in presidential polling.

But it's not working nearly as well as they hoped.
And to add to the crime this dentist was a bad bow hunter and the lion ran round for almost two days with an arrow sticking out of it.

I'm guessing the people that are defending this dope will start claiming anyone that says anything against him is an 'anti-dentite'.

So he had the misfortune of killing The Lion King. Otherwise this wouldn't be news.
He killed him in an area that was not allowed to, and tried to take off the radio collar to hide the location of the kill...

Guess what? That's not illegal for Palmer to do.

Regardless of what the media claims.

And, regardless of what the self chosen, self deputized, PC thought cops claim either.

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