US forces rape victims to have their babies

What does "reproductive health care" have to do with rape?

Zero because rape is rape and a man can STILL rape if he uses a condom, so Reproductive Health Care ie. access to contraception has ZERO to do with rape.
What rapist is going to use a condom when they rape?
Not that I’m an expert. But using a condom just doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Scuse me while I put this on?
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion. And for you Republicans who think there is, well the great legal mind Anthony Scalia agrees with me.

For those with short attention spans, fast forward to 2:30 mark on the video.

other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

So you disagree with Justice Scalia? You shouldn’t be expecting a nomination to SCOTUS anytime soon.

that same body once thought slavery was legal,,,

Actually the constitution left the issue of slavery up to the individual states until 1864. ROE v Wade has made it illegal for any state to outlaw abortion. I am in favor of throwing out RvW and letting states outlaw abortion if they choose.

only if you lift one leg and squint really hard,,,

the constitution makes all men equal and in no way allows slavery,,,

and based on science abortion is murder so it should be illegal nation wide
What does "reproductive health care" have to do with rape?

Zero because rape is rape and a man can STILL rape if he uses a condom, so Reproductive Health Care ie. access to contraception has ZERO to do with rape.
What rapist is going to use a condom when they rape?
Not that I’m an expert. But using a condom just doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Scuse me while I put this on?

What does "reproductive health" have to do with rape?
There is no force in the known universe more rapey than the blue helmets. Third world villages tremble when they approach.

The UN Blue Helmets have been doing the raping and sexually abusing in Third World nations for MANY decades. During those MANY decades WHERE has the Leftist Pro-Abortion Crowd been? Oh that's right SUPPORTING the UN as it's the ULTIMATE symbol of the filthy Globalism that ALL Leftists worship at the altar of.

Instead on September 11 the Twin Towers being DESTROYED it would have been excellent if it was the UN Building that was DESTROYED the DESTRUCTION of the UN Building would be ONE of the GREATEST moments in WORLD History, I PRAY every DAY that the UN Building is taken out, it IS the Seat of Evil.

The UN has ALWAYS been EVIL, it was designed and constructed by Communists and Communist Sympathisers with the specific End Game aim of being The World Government to eventually replace ALL Sovereign Nations and it is with THIS why they ALL are pushing for Open Borders and DEMANDING that Western Nations take in UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers and why they say No Nationality that EVERYONE is instead a Global Citizen etc

And the above is NOT a Conspiracy Theory they have actually been VERY open about ALL of this. Unlike Leftists who ARE pushing an ACTUAL Conspiracy Theory ie. Trump is a Kremlin Agent.

The United Nations Parliamentary Assembly = The World Government. NOTE: The Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly was FORMED BY DEMOCRACY WITHOUT BORDERS ie. the crowd who are pushing Open Borders for Western Nations and UNLIMITED amounts of Third World Shit Holers to be IMPORTED into Western Nations as Muh Refugees:

"A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) is a proposed addition to the United Nations System that would allow for greater participation and voice for Members of Parliament. The idea was raised at the founding of the League of Nations in the 1920s and again following the end of World War II in 1945, but remained dormant throughout the Cold War. The Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (CEUNPA) was formed in 2007 by Democracy Without Borders[1] (formerly Committee for a Democratic U.N.) to coordinate pro-UNPA efforts, which as of June 2017 has received the support of nearly 1,500 Members of Parliament from over 100 countries worldwide.[2][3] The Commission on Global Security, Justice and Governance, chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and former Nigerian Foreign Minister Ibrahim Gambari, has called for the creation of a United Nations Parliamentary Network "to raise greater awareness and participation by strengthening the voices of legislators in global institutions."[4] The commission proposes that this Network "would be similar in initial composition to the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank and International Monetary Fund and the Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organization".[5]

Supporters have set forth possible UNPA implementations, including promulgation of a new treaty; creation of a UNPA as a subsidiary body of the UN General Assembly; and evolution of a UNPA from the Inter-Parliamentary Union or another non-governmental organization. Several proposals for apportionment of votes have been raised to address disparities in UN members' population and economic power. CEUNPA advocates initially giving the UNPA advisory powers and gradually increasing its authority over the UN system. In 2018, CEUNPA's co-founders Jo Leinen and Andreas Bummel published a 420-pages book on the history, current relevance and future implementation of the idea titled "A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century".["

United Nations Parliamentary Assembly - Wikipedia

The below IS The Enemy, the below ARE the Traitors to Western Civilisation who support the above. Again NOT a Conspiracy Theory they ACTUALLY have a website and this CROWD have to be STOPPED by ANY and ALL MEANS necessary:


The Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly is a global network of parliamentarians, non-governmental organizations, scholars, and dedicated citizens that advocates democratic representation of the world's citizens at the United Nations. A United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, UNPA, for the first time would give elected citizen representatives, not only states, a direct and influential role in global policy.

Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly
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UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

Trump doesn't give a toss either way, so he's giving rape victims' health care the over-the-shoulder toss in order to pander to the Evangelical crowd with an eye to 2020. Pence, you bet, is gloating.

The replies by the usual suspects on here will demonstrate it's yet another shot at women, and decency and compassion in general, that was exceedingly well aimed.
Notice how nothing the government did under Obama was his fault and everything the government does under Trump lands on his desk.
The really sad part is that Republicans don’t even care about the baby. It’s all about legislating women. Putting them in their place. Letting them know who they are.
If Republicans were really antiabortion, they would produce legislation that helps women and babies. But they don’t. They do tax cuts for needy billionaires.
The entire abortion thing is nothing more than a sham. A trick Republicans have discovered that they can use and pretend to be moral.

Remember this?
Well we’ll well, you have finally admitted it’s a baby that you are murdering. A rare streak of honesty?
hey no worries...…...the idiots in this country will provide free abortions to take care of that problem :banghead:
What does "reproductive health care" have to do with rape?

Zero because rape is rape and a man can STILL rape if he uses a condom, so Reproductive Health Care ie. access to contraception has ZERO to do with rape.
What rapist is going to use a condom when they rape?
Not that I’m an expert. But using a condom just doesn’t seem to make any sense.

Scuse me while I put this on?

Dean you being a low IQ Muppet it is of course logical you would NOT comprehend why a rapist MIGHT use a condom, so I will tell you why:


In the majority of rapes the perpetrator is caught via semen left at the scene either inside the victim OR on the victims clothing.
I guess those blue helmets need to keep it in their pants.


They've got M16's? That sucks...

I was hoping they would be bringing us some HK's and Warsaw Pact relics. I've already got some M16's. I guess I'll just have to take their trucks.

Is a baby any less human if conceived in a violent act?

God bless you always!!!


But the rapist should suffer a fate far worse than simple jail time, community service or a fine.
Part of the problem is an INJustice system full of bleeding heart liberal judges who go light on rapists.
The punishment for rape should be so extremely unbearable (up to death) that it would make even a sick mind think twice.

There is no shortage of sick individuals in society who feel that a decade or so in jail, and the benefits of incarceration, is well worth the act.

And apply that SAME punishment to anyone caught lying about being raped.
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UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

Trump doesn't give a toss either way, so he's giving rape victims' health care the over-the-shoulder toss in order to pander to the Evangelical crowd with an eye to 2020. Pence, you bet, is gloating.

The replies by the usual suspects on here will demonstrate it's yet another shot at women, and decency and compassion in general, that was exceedingly well aimed.

Says an utter hypocrite who supports ruthless Islamic misogyny at every turn.
Wickedness? The ultimate wickedness is from the Pro-Abortion on Demand crowd who DEMAND that it is a Human Right to MURDER the MOST innocent as they slumber in the womb because if some drunk slut were to have the baby it would interfere with her lifestyle.

And as others have stated in this thread at the top or near the very top of the list of Rape Gangs are the UN Blue Helmets and Tommy being so Pro-Third World EVERYTHING I thought your crowd would already have been more concerned about the UN Blue Helmets, but of course the Trump Derangement Syndrome thing gets in the way and so this is ANOTHER thing to Blame Trump about. On Planet Trump Derangement Syndrome it is Trump who is WICKED and NOT the UN that is WICKED.

This is just to note that in this posting on a thread devoted to the treatment of, and protection and care for, rape victims in war zones, the one who doesn't show up is the victim of rape. All that does show up is targets of the author's spraying of bile is the UN, advocates for a woman's right to choose, and "some drunk slut".

Hatred does make people even more stupid than they inevitably have to be. Not to mention, ugly.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

Trump doesn't give a toss either way, so he's giving rape victims' health care the over-the-shoulder toss in order to pander to the Evangelical crowd with an eye to 2020. Pence, you bet, is gloating.

The replies by the usual suspects on here will demonstrate it's yet another shot at women, and decency and compassion in general, that was exceedingly well aimed.
This is from a linked article.

“Until the Trump administration, we could always count on the Americans to help us defend it. Now the Americans have switched camp,” the diplomat said. “Now it’s an unholy alliance of the US, the Russians, the Holy See, the Saudis and the Bahrainis, chipping away at the progress that has been made.”

On the one hand you have civilisation and on the other you have backward shit holes who just want to punish "sluts". The dickheads on this thread are the braying jackasses who voted for trump and they see this as some kind of victory. Of course we should remember that US troops commit these crimes and they are above the law.
Here is Another reason I do not identify as a Republican. There is no power given in the constitution to the federal government regarding abortion. And for you Republicans who think there is, well the great legal mind Anthony Scalia agrees with me.

For those with short attention spans, fast forward to 2:30 mark on the video.

other than the protection of the right to life,,,,

So you disagree with Justice Scalia? You shouldn’t be expecting a nomination to SCOTUS anytime soon.

that same body once thought slavery was legal,,,

Actually the constitution left the issue of slavery up to the individual states until 1864. ROE v Wade has made it illegal for any state to outlaw abortion. I am in favor of throwing out RvW and letting states outlaw abortion if they choose.

only if you lift one leg and squint really hard,,,

the constitution makes all men equal and in no way allows slavery,,,

and based on science abortion is murder so it should be illegal nation wide

How come men’s bodies aren’t legislated?
If Republicans force women to have the babies of the rapist, will more Republican men rape because they want kids?
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

The evil, sordidness, and vulgarity of the trump government know no bounds. Further torturing poor victims of violent crime means absolutely nothing to them. The right to free speech means absolutely nothing to them. And yes, this has the stamp of pigpence all over it.

What is this thing about gagging discussion of matters of sexual and reproductive health? Deliberately keeping people ignorant about some of the most important aspects of their lives is pure evil.

The right-wing garbage in the U.S. complains about being denied the right to speak while simultaneously imposing gag rules on everyone else. Some of these monsters even pass laws mandating what physicians must say to their patients, giving them a script that deliberately contains misinformation, and then the right-wingers bitch when they learn that the doctors are informing their patients that it is the politicians who are requiring them to do this.

What is even worse about the movement to enslave pregnant women in the U.S. is that members of this movement have no plans as to how they are going to raise the infants that result from forced birth. Nobody knows what the results of forced birth would be in poor and embattled countries.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

The evil, sordidness, and vulgarity of the trump government know no bounds. Further torturing poor victims of violent crime means absolutely nothing to them. The right to free speech means absolutely nothing to them. And yes, this has the stamp of pigpence all over it.

What is this thing about gagging discussion of matters of sexual and reproductive health? Deliberately keeping people ignorant about some of the most important aspects of their lives is pure evil.

The right-wing garbage in the U.S. complains about being denied the right to speak while simultaneously imposing gag rules on everyone else. Some of these monsters even pass laws mandating what physicians must say to their patients, giving them a script that deliberately contains misinformation, and then the right-wingers bitch when they learn that the doctors are informing their patients that it is the politicians who are requiring them to do this.

What is even worse about the movement to enslave pregnant women in the U.S. is that members of this movement have no plans as to how they are going to raise the infants that result from forced birth. Nobody knows what the results of forced birth would be in poor and embattled countries.
These women will still get abortions from whatever source is offering the service. Who knows what horrors will unfold.

Abortion is legal in the US and yet fanatics like Pence will deny it to women raped by US troops amongst others. I think they are operating without a mandate in doing so.
UN waters down rape resolution to appease USs hardline abortion stance | Sexual violence | The Guardian

The wickedness of this government knows no bounds.
I doubt that trump gives a toss so is this pence at work ?

The evil, sordidness, and vulgarity of the trump government know no bounds. Further torturing poor victims of violent crime means absolutely nothing to them. The right to free speech means absolutely nothing to them. And yes, this has the stamp of pigpence all over it.

What is this thing about gagging discussion of matters of sexual and reproductive health? Deliberately keeping people ignorant about some of the most important aspects of their lives is pure evil.

The right-wing garbage in the U.S. complains about being denied the right to speak while simultaneously imposing gag rules on everyone else. Some of these monsters even pass laws mandating what physicians must say to their patients, giving them a script that deliberately contains misinformation, and then the right-wingers bitch when they learn that the doctors are informing their patients that it is the politicians who are requiring them to do this.

What is even worse about the movement to enslave pregnant women in the U.S. is that members of this movement have no plans as to how they are going to raise the infants that result from forced birth. Nobody knows what the results of forced birth would be in poor and embattled countries.
These women will still get abortions from whatever source is offering the service. Who knows what horrors will unfold.

Abortion is legal in the US and yet fanatics like Pence will deny it to women raped by US troops amongst others. I think they are operating without a mandate in doing so.

There is no mandate in the U.S. to outlaw abortion. None at all. We have had some religious cults take over that do not represent the views of any majority. Please don't allow this to happen in the U.K.

But there are many people in the U.S. who do not understand that the locus of decision-making on birth control, abortion, and so many other issues, sexual and non-sexual, must be the person most involved, not some government agency.

I spent decades of my life as a legal journalist specializing for the most part on labor and anti-discrimination law, and it is so difficult to explain to the un-initiated just in whom decision-making authority and responsibility must lie and just what the words "jurisdiction" and "agency" mean.

The anti-abortion, anti-birth control folks seek to remove decision-making authority from the person in whom it rightfully resides.

As an aside: I'm so sorry to hear that our industrial-sized slut is coming your way and Her Majesty will be forced to entertain him. I hope that she dumps her drink over his head and sends him packing. The UKers should give him the "welcome" he deserves. Please give his plane one-half the fuel necessary to bring him back to DC.

But I'm delighted to hear that we will be getting our wonderful Sean Slater back. Total heart-throb and excellent actor.

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