US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades

Sorry bout that,

1. Your rights as a red blooded American are being thrown over board, the people of America need to open up their minds and look around themselves, won't be long till they start rounding you people up for the gas chambers.

This is ridiculous and should not be allowed if students of other faiths are not allowed to form prayer groups. I don't know what's required in Islam, but if Korans are allowed in the schools, then Bibles should be allowed.

If a group of students who, say, want to say a prayer before a football game, it does not constitute a school/state sponsorship of any religion. Period. If Muslims are allowed to pray (I don't care what kind of grades they have) then it seems that should be at the very least school/state condoning of a religion. I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court would not see it that way, but perhaps objections to this religious exception should be brought into any suits that might materialize from this. In my opinion it's a clear discrimination by the school to allow one religion over other religions.
First off, grades should have nothing to do with it. Religious freedom is religious freedom.

Secondly, I don’t see where the concession must be made in the first place nor how this is a good idea as they are going to have to make concessions to all religious if they are going to make concessions to this specific religion. This is a bad idea in general.

Why do they have to be excused, there are break times that they can fit their prayer into if they must pray one time at school.
US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

Where's the part where the Christians have been denied the right to pray?
You know damn well that every day in America Christians are being denied to pray in school Teachers Told Not to Bow Heads, Pray in Public - FOX News Radio -

Arkansas School District Cancels Graduation Rather Than Allow Prayer
You Christianists need to start blowing up stuff if you want your way.

That's the truth. If a Christian is told not to pray, they will gripe and file a complaint. If a muslim is told not to pray, they will issue a fatwa against the school and all the teachers that mark them for death.
What a stupid non issue.
Over here, all groups are allowed to pray as required and there are no issues.

It only becomes a problem if you make it into one.
Wait until the muslims start pushing their anti homo agenda. The liberals will really be confused then. They've been bent over kissing the muslims ass and coddling them for so long, they won't understand how they can then turn around and be so against one of their pet loves.
if Christians and other faiths can not pray in school.., then NO ONE should be allowed to pray !! :up:

Muslims are part of the CVG (Certified Victims Group). That means they get special privliages while the rest of us are told to buzz off.
Wait until the muslims start pushing their anti homo agenda. The liberals will really be confused then. They've been bent over kissing the muslims ass and coddling them for so long, they won't understand how they can then turn around and be so against one of their pet loves.

they will support it

What a stupid non issue.
Over here, all groups are allowed to pray as required and there are no issues.

It only becomes a problem if you make it into one.

why do you post on a american politics board find your own .
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Any public school must accommodate religious needs, just not endorse them.

There is no issue here.
The school is attempting to accommodate the requirements of their religious faith. Christians could do the same thing, you know. Jesus asks that you pray privately, behind closed doors. Ask for a prayer room to accommodate the tenants of your faith.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6
Almost a decade ago, New York City School System set a room aside specifically for Muslims to pray in.

It was the wash basin for them to wash their feet in and school supplied towels.

The Schools were required to set the student's class schedule around the prayer times.

At the same time they were forbidding Christian and Jewish teachers from wearing Crosses or Stars of David.
The school is attempting to accommodate the requirements of their religious faith. Christians could do the same thing, you know. Jesus asks that you pray privately, behind closed doors. Ask for a prayer room to accommodate the tenants of your faith.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6

Misquoting the Bible I see.

Typical liberal tactic.

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