US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades

Some of our fellow Christians are misquoting scripture and substituting their own religious beliefs for it, which is fine, because we all do it at one time or another

The fact is: anyone can pray any time in public school as long as the educational process is not disturbed and the other people are not bothered or coerced by it.

When I was school board president, I had a friend, a school teacher, come to me because a girl would go to her seat at the beginning of class, bow her head, apparently pray silently for a few seconds, then look up and be ready to join the class.

He did not like that. I told him it was her right to do so and not his right to prevent it. End of that story.

In America, we tolerate and try not to coerce others in matters religious in the public forum.
private, silent prayer is OK for Christians, i.e. as long as no one knows you are doing it. But no open prayer to start the day, no pledge of allegiance, but a prayer room and time for muslims???????????????? have we totally lost our mind with this "don't offend any muslims" bullshit?

I'm just telling you what Jesus said. Take it up with him. Proselytize in public, pray in private.

Praying in schools is allowed, proselytizing is not. If a school wanted to accommodate Christians by giving them a private place to pray, as is required by their religion, I'd have no problem with that. Would you?

Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

That would be government endorsing religion: so, no.
US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

In Texas any child can pray any time as long as (1) he does not disrupt his neighbor and (2) does not disrupt the educational process.

that is not consistent with the story in the OP.

The OP story is a nonissue, and so is the prayer setting in Texas public schools.

A small Christian minority simply gets irked others get to do what these Christians wish to make everyone else do.

Muslims need to pray 5 times a day regardless of their level of education
Christians , on the other hand need to pray just once a week in Sundays, in their weekend , not during school time

Plus, many Islamic countries respect Christianity by allowing them to build Churches so that they can pray as much as they can FREELY whatever their grades are !


Go build a church in the ME and see what happens. Make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your family because you won't be coming back. Now, drive through Ohio and Michigan as I did last week and count the number of mosques and how no Muslims were killed when they erected these buildings.
private, silent prayer is OK for Christians, i.e. as long as no one knows you are doing it. But no open prayer to start the day, no pledge of allegiance, but a prayer room and time for muslims???????????????? have we totally lost our mind with this "don't offend any muslims" bullshit?

I'm just telling you what Jesus said. Take it up with him. Proselytize in public, pray in private.

Praying in schools is allowed, proselytizing is not. If a school wanted to accommodate Christians by giving them a private place to pray, as is required by their religion, I'd have no problem with that. Would you?

Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

Yes. That would not be Constitutional.

What the school could do is have a comparative religion class that examines each of these religions individually and equally. A great curriculum would look at religions beyond those represented at the school.

Another thing they could do is have equal time allocated to each student to personally respect their religion as required by the tenets of their faith.
The school is attempting to accommodate the requirements of their religious faith. Christians could do the same thing, you know. Jesus asks that you pray privately, behind closed doors. Ask for a prayer room to accommodate the tenants of your faith.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6

The government DOES accommodate Christians. When was the last time a public school district had school in session on Sunday? Anyone?
I'm just telling you what Jesus said. Take it up with him. Proselytize in public, pray in private.

Praying in schools is allowed, proselytizing is not. If a school wanted to accommodate Christians by giving them a private place to pray, as is required by their religion, I'd have no problem with that. Would you?

Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

Yes. That would not be Constitutional.

What the school could do is have a comparative religion class that examines each of these religions individually and equally. A great curriculum would look at religions beyond those represented at the school.

Another thing they could do is have equal time allocated to each student to personally respect their religion as required by the tenets of their faith.

damn, we agree on something :clap2:
Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

Yes. That would not be Constitutional.

What the school could do is have a comparative religion class that examines each of these religions individually and equally. A great curriculum would look at religions beyond those represented at the school.

Another thing they could do is have equal time allocated to each student to personally respect their religion as required by the tenets of their faith.

damn, we agree on something :clap2:

A good school district already does allocation and respect for individuals'' religious beliefs.

If your local school board does not have such a policy, time to visit officially with them about it.
US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

If you are a Christian, isn't it against your faith to lie like that? :eusa_eh:

Do they let the Christian students leave class just to pray.. The ANSWER IS NO. But they do let the MUSLIMS ..

Wrong question above. Hint: Christians don't need prayer rugs and don't need to bow and kneel and disrupt the process.

Right question here: are the Christian children allowed to pray?
Praying and proselytizing are not the same thing...

proselytize "to encourage or induce people to join a religious movement, political party or other cause or organization; To convert (someone)

One is allowed in school, the other is not.

private, silent prayer is OK for Christians, i.e. as long as no one knows you are doing it. But no open prayer to start the day, no pledge of allegiance, but a prayer room and time for muslims???????????????? have we totally lost our mind with this "don't offend any muslims" bullshit?

This is a local school, locally governed, making a local decision. Do you want the big central government to come in and crush them?
US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

Where's the part where the Christians have been denied the right to pray?
You know damn well that every day in America Christians are being denied to pray in school Teachers Told Not to Bow Heads, Pray in Public - FOX News Radio -

Arkansas School District Cancels Graduation Rather Than Allow Prayer

No. I want you to prove that Christians at this school have been denied privileges comparable to those that the Muslims have been given.
US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

While schools may restrict how students exercise their religious rights, the First Amendment guarantees they can practice their faith on school property.

Guidance provided by the Department of Education stipulates that schools "have the discretion to dismiss students to off-premises religious instruction, provided that schools do not encourage or discourage participation in such instruction or penalize students for attending or not attending.

"Similarly, schools may excuse students from class to remove a significant burden on their religious exercise, where doing so would not impose material burdens on other students," the guidance reads.

Maryland school allows Muslim students to leave class to pray - U.S. News
So much for the conservative lie that students who pray in school are subject to some ‘punitive’ measures.

And thus the policy of this Maryland school is perfectly appropriate and Constitutional.

Consequently this is a non-issue, a failed attempt to contrive a controversy where none exists, and the OP has proven once again she is an ignorant partisan hack.
US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

Where's the part where the Christians have been denied the right to pray?
You know damn well that every day in America Christians are being denied to pray in school Teachers Told Not to Bow Heads, Pray in Public - FOX News Radio -

Arkansas School District Cancels Graduation Rather Than Allow Prayer

More ignorance from the OP.

Teachers, as agents of the state, are not allowed to promote prayer, not the students.

Graduation, as part of the school’s official function, is not allowed to promote religion (prayer), not the students.

The policy allowing students to leave class to pray applies to Christian students as well, that they haven’t requested use of the policy is not the school’s fault.
Praying and proselytizing are not the same thing...

proselytize "to encourage or induce people to join a religious movement, political party or other cause or organization; To convert (someone)

One is allowed in school, the other is not.

private, silent prayer is OK for Christians, i.e. as long as no one knows you are doing it. But no open prayer to start the day, no pledge of allegiance, but a prayer room and time for muslims???????????????? have we totally lost our mind with this "don't offend any muslims" bullshit?

Cite from the official dogma of any Christian denomination where the adherent is compelled to engage in public, vocalized prayer, and where failure to do so constitutes a violation by the adherent of the tenets of his faith.
Redfish does not speak for Christianity, its doctrines, or its practices.

He is a one fish swim show is all.

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