US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades

US high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades ? RT USA

yet , they ban kids from Christian prayer . tell them to a moment of silence instead..

Where's the part where the Christians have been denied the right to pray?
You know damn well that every day in America Christians are being denied to pray in school Teachers Told Not to Bow Heads, Pray in Public - FOX News Radio -

Arkansas School District Cancels Graduation Rather Than Allow Prayer

you dont understand the difference do you with the stories?
Hahaha tell that to the Christians in Egypt that are being killed right now and the ones in Syria
Christians Being Killed By Islamists In Egypt And NigeriaSome 100,000 Christians killed per year over faith, Vatican says | Fox News

First of all ,, you should treat other people based on your moral and what you've learned from your religion not based on how much you suffer from them or hear about them. Killing people or not respecting them is not a virtue in any religion.

Second, each side in Egypt has rights to live either if they are Muslims or Christians or something else . and the government is aware of that so, it gives Christians their right to live.
Please read news from a good source.

Thirdly, Christianity is not the issue in Syria for God sake. Both side are fighting the Devil Bashar Al Asad . It is not a religion war. where do get all these fake information !!!

I tried to post URLs, but I couldn't because I have to post at least 15 post
so I will write the name of the videos then I will post the URLs

Christians in Syria make up a battalion Name: Ansar Allah In collaboration with Muslims "Free Army"

Free Army protects the village liberated cannula population are Christians

and here it is a Christian man join the Free army with Muslims

Free Army with Christians celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Christ

the Videos are in Arabic ,, Yes, but at least they are from a reliable sources , unlike yours

Again, read the news from reliable sources
are you crazy? try to take a Bible into Saudi Arabia, or build a church or synagoge in that country.

Christian Saudis are beheaded for practicing Christianity in that country. Tolerance? there is no tolerance allowed in Islam. non-believers are to be killed.

First of all, there are no such thing said non-believers are to be killed,

in the Holy Qur'an , God "Allah" said in the Surat At-Tawbah, versus 6

((And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know))

No one will kill you,
Yes Saudi Arabia is more strict than other Muslim countries, but they don't kill non Muslim and plus, you have to know the difference between Muslims and Islam

SO, it is false information which lie upon the press to make other hate Islam
There are thousands of non-Muslims living among us
Most of my teachers "non Muslim" are in my country for more than twenty years, No one was killed, on the contrary, they like living here.
And also in Saudi Arabia, there are lots of non Muslim people, I know an American person he is from Las Vegas lived there, for about a year.

Non-Muslims have full rights in Islam

I can't post URLs so I will quote that:
Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him honored the Christians of Najran from Yemen who visited him in his own mosque in Madina. The Christians prayed according to Christian fashion inside the mosque, and the Prophet and his followers prayed in Muslim tradition.

The Prophet respected the autonomy of the Christian churches. The nomination and the appointment of bishops and priests was left to the Christian community itself.

Prophet Muhammad promoted cooperation between Muslims and Christians in the political arena as well. The prophet selected a non-Muslims and delegated him as his ambassador to Negus, the king of Ethiopia. The name of that ambassador was 'Amr-ibn-Umaiyah-ad-Damri.

I just have question, why you mentioned Saudi Arabia?
There are Churches in all Muslim countries, so, why do not you feel grateful for it?
The school is attempting to accommodate the requirements of their religious faith. Christians could do the same thing, you know. Jesus asks that you pray privately, behind closed doors. Ask for a prayer room to accommodate the tenants of your faith.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly. Matthew 6:6

My, a fundamentalist in the group. Mark Twain had great fun with the notion of going in a closet to pray.
Christian Prayer is not limited to once a Week. Where do you get ideas like that? Reports come out all the time about Christian Persecution in Sharia Lands.

This is your BIG problem
Christians just believe everything the press tell them
and don't even interested in how much credibility they have
I'm just telling you what Jesus said. Take it up with him. Proselytize in public, pray in private.

Praying in schools is allowed, proselytizing is not. If a school wanted to accommodate Christians by giving them a private place to pray, as is required by their religion, I'd have no problem with that. Would you?

Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

Yes. That would not be Constitutional.

What the school could do is have a comparative religion class that examines each of these religions individually and equally. A great curriculum would look at religions beyond those represented at the school.

Another thing they could do is have equal time allocated to each student to personally respect their religion as required by the tenets of their faith.

That's what they did in my elementary school and it worked out well. I remember the Jewish girl who lived down the street from me telling us about menorahs. No one worried much about equal time. Nobody got upset if you wished them a merry Christmas.

Then the shithead atheists reared their ugly noggins.
I want equal rights for all religions. Islam should not get special treatment. But I was responding to the idiot who claimed that Christians are free to worship in muslim countries.

If you don't know how many churches in my country, this is your problem not mine
and you have be a Gentle man and speak politely ,, I didn't insult you so you have to treat me the same.

I wonder why you are demanding justice and equality, even though you have not practiced them with me !!
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Tolerance? there is no tolerance allowed in islam. non-believers are to be killed.

I don't want to talk about Political issues but please don't talk about Tolerance ,, you know exactly the massacres that some Non Muslim governments have committed and still commit in some Muslims and non Muslim countries
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Go build a church in the ME and see what happens. Make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your family because you won't be coming back. Now, drive through Ohio and Michigan as I did last week and count the number of mosques and how no Muslims were killed when they erected these buildings.

what is ME ??
Conservative Christians should be happy about this. The courts will never allow this to only apply to Muslims, so if it stands up to a court challenge,

it will stand up for all religions.
private, silent prayer is OK for Christians, i.e. as long as no one knows you are doing it. But no open prayer to start the day, no pledge of allegiance, but a prayer room and time for muslims???????????????? have we totally lost our mind with this "don't offend any muslims" bullshit?

I'm just telling you what Jesus said. Take it up with him. Proselytize in public, pray in private.

Praying in schools is allowed, proselytizing is not. If a school wanted to accommodate Christians by giving them a private place to pray, as is required by their religion, I'd have no problem with that. Would you?

Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

And on the other two days the atheists get to barbecue puppies and kittens?

Go build a church in the ME and see what happens. Make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your family because you won't be coming back. Now, drive through Ohio and Michigan as I did last week and count the number of mosques and how no Muslims were killed when they erected these buildings.

what is ME ??

He means, 'Me want to change subject.'
I'm just telling you what Jesus said. Take it up with him. Proselytize in public, pray in private.

Praying in schools is allowed, proselytizing is not. If a school wanted to accommodate Christians by giving them a private place to pray, as is required by their religion, I'd have no problem with that. Would you?

Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

And on the other two days the atheists get to barbecue puppies and kittens?

No, no, no, since atheism is not recognized in a strict construction of the Constitution, they have no spiritual rights.
Ok, how about this. lets say that 60% of the kids in a school are Christians, 20% are jews, and 20% are muslims. Would you be OK with a Christian prayer to start the day on 3 days, a jewish prayer on 1 day and a muslim prayer on 1 day?

proportional equality-------any problem with that?

And on the other two days the atheists get to barbecue puppies and kittens?

No, no, no, since atheism is not recognized in a strict construction of the Constitution, they have no spiritual rights.

The school should just give the entire student body an 8 minute spiritual break, and that ends all argument against it. And the atheists can take a nap.
Go build a church in the ME and see what happens. Make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your family because you won't be coming back. Now, drive through Ohio and Michigan as I did last week and count the number of mosques and how no Muslims were killed when they erected these buildings.

what is ME ??

Middle East.
Go build a church in the ME and see what happens. Make sure you take out a good insurance policy for your family because you won't be coming back. Now, drive through Ohio and Michigan as I did last week and count the number of mosques and how no Muslims were killed when they erected these buildings.

what is ME ??

He means, 'Me want to change subject.'

No, it was in reference to his false post in which he claimed that muslims were tolerant of christians building churches in the ME. It was so blatantly false that I thought it may be sarcasm but he really means it.
Sorry bout that,

1. Your rights as a red blooded American are being thrown over board, the people of America need to open up their minds and look around themselves, won't be long till they start rounding you people up for the gas chambers.


Only on the days they serve Sloppy Joe's in the cafeteria.

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