US hiring grinds to a near-halt; many stop looking for work

Wow! Then why hasn't Donald Trump brought his suit business back from Mexico and his shirt and tie business back from China? He said he would a year ago.

I'm sure you just made that up as you typed it.

Sorry bub, the announcement he made on June 15, 2015 is publicly available. Look it up and get educated.
How about revealing a list of the Trump owned offshore factories. I'm not familiar with those brands and won't buy them until he moves them back to USA.

As far as I know, Trump is primarily a real estate mogul. His foreign holdings are primarily in buildings and golf courses. Besides the clothing business, I'm not aware of any other factories owned by him.
What factories did the Donald move to another country?
oh don't you know? Trump is in the process of moving all of his golf courses, buildings and businesses to the very same countries where these fucking whiny libs invite people to come HERE.....The hypocrisy of the left knows no boundaries.
I'm sure you just made that up as you typed it.

Sorry bub, the announcement he made on June 15, 2015 is publicly available. Look it up and get educated.
How about revealing a list of the Trump owned offshore factories. I'm not familiar with those brands and won't buy them until he moves them back to USA.

As far as I know, Trump is primarily a real estate mogul. His foreign holdings are primarily in buildings and golf courses. Besides the clothing business, I'm not aware of any other factories owned by him.
What factories did the Donald move to another country?
oh don't you know? Trump is in the process of moving all of his golf courses, buildings and businesses to the very same countries where these fucking whiny libs invite people to come HERE.....The hypocrisy of the left knows no boundaries.
I invited no one to live here..
Wow! Then why hasn't Donald Trump brought his suit business back from Mexico and his shirt and tie business back from China? He said he would a year ago.
And all the clothing companies run by contributors to liberal causes and democrat candidates? Hmmm?......
Yeah. Ok your new moniker on here is "Mr Hypocrite".....Got that?

None of them is running for president and made promises to bring business back to America. I'll call you clueless and in denial.
14 million private sector jobs created in the past 7 years, is pretty remarkable considering where we were, but of course people like you prefer to focus on any negative you can find - party before country.
If you want to be successful in America, you have to get an education. That's more important than it's ever been.

4.7% unemployment is amazing when was the last time it was that low?
U-3 is for the idiots who don't pay attention.
U-6 is the most accurate of unemployment categories.
The most reliable is the labor participation rate. This number is at its lowest since the early 70's.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.....
Let me spell that out for your Obama ass suckers.....SIXTY -TWO POINT SIX PERCENT.....That is appalling...
Sorry bub, the announcement he made on June 15, 2015 is publicly available. Look it up and get educated.
How about revealing a list of the Trump owned offshore factories. I'm not familiar with those brands and won't buy them until he moves them back to USA.

As far as I know, Trump is primarily a real estate mogul. His foreign holdings are primarily in buildings and golf courses. Besides the clothing business, I'm not aware of any other factories owned by him.
What factories did the Donald move to another country?
oh don't you know? Trump is in the process of moving all of his golf courses, buildings and businesses to the very same countries where these fucking whiny libs invite people to come HERE.....The hypocrisy of the left knows no boundaries.
I invited no one to live here..
Your complicity is a defacto invitation. Agree with it. Own it.
How about revealing a list of the Trump owned offshore factories. I'm not familiar with those brands and won't buy them until he moves them back to USA.

As far as I know, Trump is primarily a real estate mogul. His foreign holdings are primarily in buildings and golf courses. Besides the clothing business, I'm not aware of any other factories owned by him.
What factories did the Donald move to another country?
oh don't you know? Trump is in the process of moving all of his golf courses, buildings and businesses to the very same countries where these fucking whiny libs invite people to come HERE.....The hypocrisy of the left knows no boundaries.
I invited no one to live here..
Your complicity is a defacto invitation. Agree with it. Own it.
I bet you say that to all the illegals you resettle..
14 million private sector jobs created in the past 7 years, is pretty remarkable considering where we were, but of course people like you prefer to focus on any negative you can find - party before country.
If you want to be successful in America, you have to get an education. That's more important than it's ever been.

4.7% unemployment is amazing when was the last time it was that low?
U-3 is for the idiots who don't pay attention.
U-6 is the most accurate of unemployment categories.
The most reliable is the labor participation rate. This number is at its lowest since the early 70's.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.....
Let me spell that out for your Obama ass suckers.....SIXTY -TWO POINT SIX PERCENT.....That is appalling...
So you are still looking for a job?
14 million private sector jobs created in the past 7 years, is pretty remarkable considering where we were, but of course people like you prefer to focus on any negative you can find - party before country.
If you want to be successful in America, you have to get an education. That's more important than it's ever been.

4.7% unemployment is amazing when was the last time it was that low?
U-3 is for the idiots who don't pay attention.
U-6 is the most accurate of unemployment categories.
The most reliable is the labor participation rate. This number is at its lowest since the early 70's.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.....
Let me spell that out for your Obama ass suckers.....SIXTY -TWO POINT SIX PERCENT.....That is appalling...

It would be a wonderful if certain people could bring their businesses back from Mexico and China and help with employment in America.
14 million private sector jobs created in the past 7 years, is pretty remarkable considering where we were, but of course people like you prefer to focus on any negative you can find - party before country.
If you want to be successful in America, you have to get an education. That's more important than it's ever been.

4.7% unemployment is amazing when was the last time it was that low?
U-3 is for the idiots who don't pay attention.
U-6 is the most accurate of unemployment categories.
The most reliable is the labor participation rate. This number is at its lowest since the early 70's.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.....
Let me spell that out for your Obama ass suckers.....SIXTY -TWO POINT SIX PERCENT.....That is appalling...

It would be a wonderful if certain people could bring their businesses back from Mexico and China and help with employment in America.
There is no such thing as friends and money..
. What part of the word "business", don't you understand ? Just because Trump is running to make things better, doesn't mean that he's somehow crazy about not maximizing his profits under the current conditions. When he changes things, then the ability for him to maximize his earnings will come home again.... What part of what Donald has been stressing about it all, does people not understand ? He wants to make America great again, and part of that is being able to make America a profit making place for businesses once again. It can be done, but first everyone has to believe in America again, and part of that is believing that Trump can get it done.
I do believe there is a level of hypocrisy in Trump's words. Let's not forget him lambasting other American companies for doing exactly what he is doing.

Fine, I have no argument there, America first! Donald Trump should be first moving his companies.
They are ALL equally to blame. Trump is no exception. Your inability to discuss political ideals without your bias is second to none.

I agree there is plenty of blame to go around. The exception to that rule is Donald Trump is running for president and made a specific promise on June 15, 2015 to bring back jobs to America. One, I think he is the perfect example to lead the way in that effort and two, by not performing as he promised is laying himself open to question. three, if he can't do this very simple task he should not be president.
Donald's promise was predicated on him being elected president & changing the business environment the US.

Just how stupid do you take the posters here? No one is buying the bullshit you're peddling son

Trump would be president with a Republican Congress, which is pro-free trade, pro free trade agreements, and against tariffs or anything of the sort that might bring jobs back.

They would own the puppet strings, not Trump.
US hiring grinds to a near-halt; many stop looking for work

I wonder if that has anything to do with shipping all our manufacturing overseas? I wonder if sending all the jobs we could have had, to another country, would leave us with less jobs for Americans to have here? Could there be a correlation? I know it's an outside theory but, anyone?
the decline in the jobless rate in May was almost entirely due to 458,000 people dropping out of the labor force, either because they don’t want to work or because they don’t think they could land a job.

The unemployment rate is calculated by comparing the number of people who are out of work and looking against the total number in the labor force. If you are out of the labor force, you aren’t counted.

In May, adults over 25 without a high-school diploma accounted for about two-thirds of the drop in the labor force, about 10 times the impact they should have had given their share of the population. More than half of those who dropped out were people over 55 years old. Most of them were white.


uneducated whites over 55 ... Trumps #1 demographic .. just sayin'
Libs say the reason there are so many out of the workforce is that they are ALL retired
living off their huge retirement savings accounts that are a result of Obama's policies.

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