US House Committee Moves Forward On Assault Weapons Ban with Zero Republican Votes, More Infringement on The Second Amendment

It's a partial success that should be celebrated by the pro-gunners and if they're all in 2022 then they've successfully reduced the number of mass shooting to date from perhaps 375 to 350 or so to date.

You can't begin to compute the number of lives that guns have saved.

Are you for the vigilantes and granting them their second amendment right to be proactive in preventing a mass shooter before he becomes a bad guy?

How does that work?
The SC Heller decision affirmed your right to have a gun and the people`s right to regulate them
So long as those regulations do not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

The Second Amendment extends, prima facie,to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.

This includes AR15s, et al.
Second Amendment

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

THIS is in the Constitution.
Gay marriage is NOT

However, the Constitution says that each state must give full faith and credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. So, a legal gay marriage in Hawaii would be legal in all States. I don't mind that since Constitutionally, it means my Conceal Carry license should allow me to carry in every state. We just need the right court case to get that judgement from the Supreme Court.
Yes, I can read. I'm a one man Macho militia like millions of other patriotic constitution loving Americans. I have nothing to worry about.
Wow, you are so obviously a troll, I'm going to throw you on the ignore pile without even reading your posts.
And they wonder why their laws do not prevent gun-related violence.

You can't begin to compute the number of lives that guns have saved.

How does that work?
Really ? You can’t compute because the number is so low. You’re 4-5 more likely to get shot just carrying a firearm.
More guns, more gun violence. It’s a fallacy to think otherwise.

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