US IG Reports Comey Was In On FBI FISA Court Abuses


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:


I wonder what the CRC trumpanzees will do when this blows up in their faces......who am I kidding, they'll hold out hope forever and call it all a massive conspiracy. :auiqs.jpg: Everytime.....#Becauseitsacult.
"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:

View attachment 296911


"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:

View attachment 296911




...Not as funny as the fact that the US IG has delivered multiple reports citing Democrat criminal activity and recommending Indictment for several Democrats to the US AG while Pelosi can't deliver the House Impeachment a couple dozen yards down he hall to the Senate Majority Leader's office, though.

I wonder what the CRC trumpanzees will do when this blows up in their faces......who am I kidding, they'll hold out hope forever and call it all a massive conspiracy. :auiqs.jpg: Everytime.....#Becauseitsacult.
Mueller and the House Democrats can attest to your prognostications
"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:

View attachment 296911




...Not as funny as the fact that the US IG has delivered multiple reports citing Democrat criminal activity and recommending Indictment for several Democrats to the US AG while Pelosi can't deliver the House Impeachment a couple dozen yards down he hall to the Senate Majority Leader's office, though.


Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
I wonder what the CRC trumpanzees will do when this blows up in their faces......who am I kidding, they'll hold out hope forever and call it all a massive conspiracy. :auiqs.jpg: Everytime.....#Becauseitsacult.
......says the snowflake still trying to convince herself that Biden bragging about extorting the former Ukraine PM is NOT a videotaped confession of his crime.

Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
I won't have to let you know. When the investigation is complete and the Indictments start flowing you can watch it live on Fox News...since the liberal MSM will avoid real new like the plague. You be sure and let me know when Pelosi finally gets the courage up to deliver the House Impeachment to the Senate.

Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
I won't have to let you know. When the investigation is complete and the Indictments start flowing you can watch it live on Fox News...since the liberal MSM will avoid real new like the plague. You be sure and let me know when Pelosi finally gets the courage up to deliver the House Impeachment to the Senate.


Do this till that starts to happen

I wonder what the CRC trumpanzees will do when this blows up in their faces......who am I kidding, they'll hold out hope forever and call it all a massive conspiracy. :auiqs.jpg: Everytime.....#Becauseitsacult.
Hilarious post coming from a COLLUSION tin-foil hat wearer.:21:
"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:

View attachment 296911



Durham's only been on the job a few months. Mueller took 3 years to serve up your COLLUSION NOTHINGBURGER.
"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:

View attachment 296911




...Not as funny as the fact that the US IG has delivered multiple reports citing Democrat criminal activity and recommending Indictment for several Democrats to the US AG while Pelosi can't deliver the House Impeachment a couple dozen yards down he hall to the Senate Majority Leader's office, though.


Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
More Libtard irony.:21:
"The IG report concluded that several of Comey’s statements were inconsistent with statements from other federal officials, as well as evidence gathered as part of the FISA investigation."

TRANSLATION: Comey committed Felony Perjury

"According to the IG report, Baker said “he obtained more information regarding Ohr’s interactions with Steele during a Crossfire Hurricane leadership meeting with Comey and McCabe in spring 2017.” Baker further stated that “he learned that Ohr was providing to the FBI information that Ohr had received from Steele,” and, in Baker’s view, “this [was] not good.”

But Comey told the IG “he had no knowledge of Ohr’s communications with members of the Crossfire Hurricane investigative team and only discovered Ohr’s association with Steele and the Crossfire Hurricane investigation when the media reported on it.” Comey’s claims, though, conflicted with both Baker’s statements, and “notes taken by Strzok during a November 23, 2016 Crossfire Hurricane update meeting” that Comey attended."

* IG Report Hints James Comey Was In On FBI’s FISA Misconduct

Comey had better get used to THIS face because he is going to be seeing it A LOT...before he gets perp-walked:

View attachment 296911




...Not as funny as the fact that the US IG has delivered multiple reports citing Democrat criminal activity and recommending Indictment for several Democrats to the US AG while Pelosi can't deliver the House Impeachment a couple dozen yards down he hall to the Senate Majority Leader's office, though.


Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
More Libtard irony.:21:

how so
Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
I won't have to let you know. When the investigation is complete and the Indictments start flowing you can watch it live on Fox News...since the liberal MSM will avoid real new like the plague. You be sure and let me know when Pelosi finally gets the courage up to deliver the House Impeachment to the Senate.

I hate to agree with him but I see no way anyone in DC is held accountable.

For sure their were top officials involved in nefarious bullshit but they will skate like they always do. Some poor underlings will become the scape goats just like the Russian indictments by MULEr.

It's a big ole shit show ment to appease those in the know and keep the rest of the public ignorant.

I would wager a thousand dollars no one of importance will get what they deserve if I were a gambling man.
I wonder what the CRC trumpanzees will do when this blows up in their faces......who am I kidding, they'll hold out hope forever and call it all a massive conspiracy. :auiqs.jpg: Everytime.....#Becauseitsacult.
Because it is. Nothing happens, just more swamp
Let me know as soon as someone does that perp walk you have been talking about my entire time on this forum...yet has not even happened once.
I won't have to let you know. When the investigation is complete and the Indictments start flowing you can watch it live on Fox News...since the liberal MSM will avoid real new like the plague. You be sure and let me know when Pelosi finally gets the courage up to deliver the House Impeachment to the Senate.

I hate to agree with him but I see no way anyone in DC is held accountable.

For sure their were top officials involved in nefarious bullshit but they will skate like they always do. Some poor underlings will become the scape goats just like the Russian indictments by MULEr.

It's a big ole shit show ment to appease those in the know and keep the rest of the public ignorant.

I would wager a thousand dollars no one of importance will get what they deserve if I were a gambling man.
The swamp must remain the swamp, and fk the populous
There is no way I am going to believe that a FISA application to spy on Carter Page was not sent up the chain of command all the way to the top to be approved. Certainly to the FBI Director and the Atty General, we're talking about spying on the Trump campaign, somebody who was running for President for God's sake. No way was some schmuck 7 levels down going to make this call. Did they inform Obama, or his Chief of Staff? My guess is yes, but I doubt there will ever be any proof of that. But I keep thinking about an email from somebody at DOJ that said in effect that Obama wants to be kept aware of what's going on. Not likely Durham will be able to prove that though.

Does that mean that Comey and others will be indicted, convicted, and serve time? The burden of proof lies with the prosecution, and it's gotta be sufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt (TY CNM). My worry is that these a-holes will escape justice, and thereby make it look like future miscreants will not be deterred from doing the same thing to a future GOP president. Or any other American, particularly a journalist who is impartial and digging for the truth that is harmful to the Left. Read about Sharyl Attkisson and James Rosen.

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