US intelligence officials warn Nunes is risking lives with latest stunt

What crime, SPECIFICALLY are you investigating? More precisely the law requires a CRIME to seat a Special Counsel.. And again, what crime, specifically, was used to seat the Mueller witch-hunt...
Violation of the emoluments clause. Lobbyist not disclosing they work for a foreign government. Money laundering for Russian oligarchs.
Really, Billo? That is senior FBI and intelligence officials who colluded to smear Donald Trump protecting their asses now that Hillary lost the election! Their "political lives" are in danger...and well they should be!
That's understandable. Since Trump supports all over the country are threatening his critics with violence.
So they were defending the country and the US Constitution when they used a phony dossier on Trump to ask for wiretaps on people connected to the Trump campaign? Actually they were playing politics and thought they'd be protected if Hillary won. Now they're running scared because the whole sordid mess is beginning to unravel on them!
It wasn't a phony dossier and it was started by a Republican.
So they were defending the country and the US Constitution when they used a phony dossier on Trump to ask for wiretaps on people connected to the Trump campaign? Actually they were playing politics and thought they'd be protected if Hillary won. Now they're running scared because the whole sordid mess is beginning to unravel on them!
It wasn't a phony dossier and it was started by a Republican.

It was completely phony, and so was the Republican who started it.
So they were defending the country and the US Constitution when they used a phony dossier on Trump to ask for wiretaps on people connected to the Trump campaign? Actually they were playing politics and thought they'd be protected if Hillary won. Now they're running scared because the whole sordid mess is beginning to unravel on them!
It wasn't a phony dossier and it was started by a Republican.

Oh bullshit! It was a phony dossier! It may have been started by one of Trump's GOP opponents but when Trump won the nomination it was CONTINUED by Hillary Clinton's campaign! She paid large sums of money to foreign players to compile the dossier and then put it out all the while hiding her own involvement behind it all. Leadership at the FBI went along with this attempt to mislead the American people which is troubling in and of itself but what's REALLY disturbing is that they allowed the Obama Administration to spy on the Trump campaign through FISA court warrants citing what they knew was a dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton as "proof" that the Trump campaign was colluding with the Russian government!

People need to be held accountable for what was done. Those people are now hiding behind bogus claims of national security concerns! They don't want the American public to know what it is they've done because they know that once that curtain is pulled back and they're exposed...their careers are over!
Exactly that. But that's not what Mueller, Comey, et al have in mind. There just out to get Trump, and something tells me eventually this is all going to lead back to Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Time will tell.
Mueller is investigating the committing of crimes and misdemeanors. And that is good for the country.
I can't wait to watch you squeal like a stuck pig when a SC starts investigating Clinton-World........going ALL the way back to when the Clintons were smuggling tons of cocaine into Arkansa.
Will you then claim "it's good for the country"?
No, Mueller is investigating Trump and hoping to find crimes and misdemeanors in the process. Nobody is perfect, he'll find something if he looks hard enough.
In this country we investigate a crime and discover a perpetrator. We do not investigate a person to discover a crime.
Which is exactly what these witch hunters have been doing all along. And if they can't discover a crime (which they've already failed),they will extort somebody to produce false information to CREATE a crime.

That's where this rotten thing is going. To squeeze Manafort to get him to say something they can use against Trump.
Oh please. He's a Republican. It's been years since Republicans thought about anyone but billionaires and corporations. Even Republicans on the USMB will admit that self evident fact.
This post is as clear a display of liberal detachment as you can get.

EARTH TO DEANRD: Who is trying to PROTECT Americans from 9 million jobs being taken away from them by illegal aliens ? Republicans, that's who (while Democrats throw Americans under the bus, with sanctuary cities and amnesty votes)

And who is in favor of abolishing gun-free zones, which have gotten dozens of Americans killed ? Republicans, that's who (while Democrats support these abominations)

And who is for abolishing anti-white Affirmative Action programs, which take jobs, college, business loans, etc from poor & middle class whites (the overwhelming majority of Americans) Republicans, that's who. While Democrats hypocritically support these racist abominations. (still banned in only 8 states)

And who is for the death penalty, to PROTECT Americans from convicted killers ? Republicans, that's who. While we all sit around seeing hundreds of people slain by these already convicted killers, who didn't get the death penalty.

And who has brought the economy back to strength ? (3.2% GDP growth & 3.9% unemployment). Donald Trump, That's who.

When I was a naïve liberal Democrat, I used to say the same thing about billionaires and corporations. Now I look at liberals who say that, like I look at a 5 year old kid, who says that his healthiest foods are ice cream and hard candy.
Their motivation is to defend the country and the US Constitution. What's yours?
Exactly that. But that's not what Mueller, Comey, et al have in mind. There just out to get Trump, and something tells me eventually this is all going to lead back to Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Time will tell.


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