US invasion of Iraq ended our right to condemn Russia over Crimea.

Of course, a shitstain like you sides with Putin. :cuckoo:

Ukraine invaded a democratically elected president, and world's establishment pinned a banker for their new leader.
And as far as Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, that's last century.

Worse, Republicans seemed to support cannibals in Syria and Neo Nazi's in the Ukraine. It's a knee jerk reaction to "I hate government". Sometimes both the government and the alternative are both crappy. Like when Republicans are in charge of government.

Sick video appears to show Syrian rebel eating dead soldier's heart | Fox News

Ukraine: the opposition aren't all angels. Some are neo-Nazis

Sometimes both the government and the alternative are both crappy.

In this situation, Putin IS the government. So how you got "Putin is good" from "crappy" somehow explains why your breath smells like "turds". So why does your breath smell like turds? I hear werewolves eat poop.
If there had been no Iraq invasion does anyone think Obama would be doing anything differently in regards to Ukraine if so what?

If there had been no Iraq, then Obama would not be President. It would either be McCain or H. Clinton.

Remember, Hillary Clinton's vote to authorize the stupid blood-soaked Iraq Waste cost her the nomination. Democrats went with Obama because he was publicly outspoken against the Iraq Debacle, and was totally vindicated by it's failure.

It's always amusing when liberals rewrite history... :lol:

The objective for the operations in Iraq were to remove Saddam Hussein from power and turn over the country to the Iraqi people with a republic in place. Not only were both of those objectives achieved but in the process, Saddam Hussein was also captured by the Delta Force and turned over to the Iraqi people where he was tried and executed.

Now, did the Bush Administration bumble the post-Saddam Iraq? Oh hell yes. But considering all primary and secondary objectives were met in Iraq, it was one of the most successful military operations in U.S. history.

You want a real failure velveeta boy? Look at Vietnam started by Dumbocrat JFK and continued by idiot Dumbocrat LBJ. Zero objectives met. 10x's as many American soldiers killed. But I guess we've all come to expect such extraordinary failure from the Dumbocrats that we'd rather nitpick at overwhelming successes by Republicans than discuss the endless catastrophic failures by liberals... :dunno:
:cuckoo: The mental ward needs to find you.

Of course, a shitstain like you sides with Putin. :cuckoo:

Worse, Republicans seemed to support cannibals in Syria and Neo Nazi's in the Ukraine. It's a knee jerk reaction to "I hate government". Sometimes both the government and the alternative are both crappy. Like when Republicans are in charge of government.

Sick video appears to show Syrian rebel eating dead soldier's heart | Fox News

Ukraine: the opposition aren't all angels. Some are neo-Nazis

Sometimes both the government and the alternative are both crappy.

In this situation, Putin IS the government. So how you got "Putin is good" from "crappy" somehow explains why your breath smells like "turds". So why does your breath smell like turds? I hear werewolves eat poop.
Sooo.... Bush, again... really?

Why did Obama even run a second term if he couldn't possibly do anything due to the overlord Bush?

You're damn right I'm blaming Bush.

It's clear from conservatives like you that most conservatives fail to comprehend just how damaging Bush's failed Presidency was to conservationism and the GOP's brand. It was devastating. Conservatives just hoped that Bush would be forgotten and that all problems could be traced to 2009. You didn't get away with it. Nice try though.

His megaflop of a Presidency will be used against the GOP for years to come, and successfully too. Your job is to get over it.

Will Obama ever be held accountable for what he does/doesn't do during his

Aiding France & the UK in getting rid of Kadhaffi was a mistake. The red line remark on Syria was mistake.
If there had been no Iraq invasion does anyone think Obama would be doing anything differently in regards to Ukraine if so what?

If there had been no Iraq, then Obama would not be President. It would either be McCain or H. Clinton.

Remember, Hillary Clinton's vote to authorize the stupid blood-soaked Iraq Waste cost her the nomination. Democrats went with Obama because he was publicly outspoken against the Iraq Debacle, and was totally vindicated by it's failure.

Very roundabout and creative way of avoiding saying that Obama would be doing nothing different.
Let's sum up Obama's messes...

Libya...bombed out a dictator that quit supporting terrorism only to be replaced by Islamic terrorists that ended up killing 4 Americans and are running amuck today. You mean the government of Libya had something to do with Benghazi? Did you tell the CIA. They don't seem to have that intel. How did you get a hold of it?

Egypt....kicked our long term ally out of power and helped the Islamic terrorists EMB take over, then turned his back on the military when they took back control of the country from "terrorists."

Syria...made a red line about Assad using WMDs on innocent people then ignored his own red line. Allowed Russia to step in and make a bogus deal for Assad to stay in power, keep killing people and keep some of his WMDs. So who should we support? Cannibals?

China...shows weakness to where China is now threatening their neighbors over the waters between them. Only a matter of time until China invades Taiwan and other islands in dispute with Japan and others. China invades Taiwan? Hilarious!

Venezuela....has the people rise up against the socialist goons but does and says nothing to support their overthrow for democracy. What do Republicans care about democracy? They practice voter suppression here?

Russia...presented Putin with a reset button blaming Bush for the bad things Putin did in the past, which gave Putin the sense of power to invade Ukraine and now possibly other FSIRs. Wow, you don't know anything about that part of the world. Also hilarious!

Islamic terrorists....declared their surrender after "he personally" killed UBL from his chair in DC. Ignoring their rise in Africa and the middle east, even inventing a movie riot lie over Libya to cover up his failures against Islamic terrorists. That doesn't even make sense. From his chair? Oh, I get it, Republicans let Bin Laden go and Obama found him and took him out. Republicans have been crying like little girls ever since.

I made a few much needed corrections. You'll thank me.
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It's hard to understand how anyone seriously justifies the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.

Exactly! Which makes people wonder why you Dumbocrats still support having Saddam Hussein (who killed hundreds of thousands of people from many nations) in power while demonizing a radical liberal like Bush simply because he campaigned with an "R" behind his name.

There would be more Iraqis alive today had the Iraq War Mistake not been made. And we demonized Bushtardo for his actions, not just having an R next to his name.

Ah, no there wouldn't. But don't let your lack of knowledge about Saddam Hussein and his actions get in the way of your false narrative!

Furthermore, like all Dumbocrats you can't see the forest for the trees. Not only was Saddam Hussein one of the worst dictators in world history, but his sons were even worse (especially Uday). Our operations prevented even worse tyrants from assuming power within the next 20 years. But don't worry - I would never expect a liberal to think beyond the end of their nose, much less past tomorrow.
Here's what's happening on the ground:

Russia’s effective seizure of Crimea has proceeded without a shot being fired, partly because Ukrainian forces in the region have offered no resistance.

Pro-Russian soldiers took control of a ferry port in Kerch Monday, at the eastern tip of the Crimean peninsula, in possible preparation for armour and troops to be shipped across the four miles of sea separating it from the Russian mainland. Mr Medvedev also announced plans to build a bridge at that point.
Pro-Russian protesters stormed the regional government offices in the eastern city of Donetsk, trapping councillors. The building has been flying the Russian flag for three days, with pro-Moscow demonstrators staging rallies outside.
Russia maintains its actions in Ukraine are to protect its citizens from “ultra-nationalists” and “fascists” who have allegedly seized power in Kiev. “This is a question of defending our citizens and compatriots, ensuring human rights, especially the right to life,” said Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister.

Kremlin issues ultimatums to Ukrainian forces - Telegraph
All the King's Horses, and all the King's Men
Cannot make Crimea independent again.
You're damn right I'm blaming Bush.

It's clear from conservatives like you that most conservatives fail to comprehend just how damaging Bush's failed Presidency was to conservationism and the GOP's brand. It was devastating. Conservatives just hoped that Bush would be forgotten and that all problems could be traced to 2009. You didn't get away with it. Nice try though.

His megaflop of a Presidency will be used against the GOP for years to come, and successfully too. Your job is to get over it.

Will Obama ever be held accountable for what he does/doesn't do during his

Aiding France & the UK in getting rid of Kadhaffi was a mistake. The red line remark on Syria was mistake.

Wow! A rare moment of honesty by a liberal. This is like seeing Halley's Comet... :lol:
The scum losertarians and liberals here defending Putin's actions pretty much sums up why we should lock their asses up for being insane, stupid and/or evil.

What's funny and I truly believe everyone on this thread will agree with me regardless of their political affiliation, that you are, without a doubt, one of the most stupid, insolent, uneducated, foul mouthed punks to ever come on this board. Please tell me that this is an act.
The objective for the operations in Iraq were to remove Saddam Hussein from power and turn over the country to the Iraqi people with a republic in place. Not only were both of those objectives achieved but in the process, Saddam Hussein was also captured by the Delta Force and turned over to the Iraqi people where he was tried and executed.

Now, did the Bush Administration bumble the post-Saddam Iraq? Oh hell yes. But considering all primary and secondary objectives were met in Iraq, it was one of the most successful military operations in U.S. history.

I notice the pile of steaming manure above didn't mention the hunt for all those WMD. Hey, I'd try and not mention that embarrassing fact too, if I were you.

Saddam was not given to the Iraqi people. He was handed over to the Shiite Iraqis, who held a kangaroo court and then executed him.

And the Bush WH bumbled the Iraq War before Saddam was caught too. The insurgency was under way within weeks, and it was downhill from there.

This is what was really accomplished: Trillions wasted, thousands of Americans' lives wrecked with deaths in vain and mangled bodies and minds. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis that would be alive were it not for the war. A shiite ruled Iraq who is now all best buds with Iran. An intelligence service with no credibility due to the total lack of Iraqi WMDs.
If there had been no Iraq invasion does anyone think Obama would be doing anything differently in regards to Ukraine if so what?

If there had been no Iraq, then Obama would not be President. It would either be McCain or H. Clinton.

Remember, Hillary Clinton's vote to authorize the stupid blood-soaked Iraq Waste cost her the nomination. Democrats went with Obama because he was publicly outspoken against the Iraq Debacle, and was totally vindicated by it's failure.

Very roundabout and creative way of avoiding saying that Obama would be doing nothing different.

No , it's not. The question should be what would McCain or H Clinton be doing differently in Ukraine.

My answer: I don't know.
Stupid fuck, we never left Iraq. We were enforcing the UN No Fly Zone/mandates long after Saddam was kicked out of Kuwait.

You are just too fucking stupid to know this fact.

Stupid pile of shit....

Iraq invaded Kuwait.

20 years prior. :rolleyes:

The war was unjustified plain and simple. I didn't realize there were still so many neo-cons like you out there defending your failed imperialist foreign policy.
Your mindless bot. Once again, what war did Obama start? Which wars has been influential in ending?

You neo-cons are worthless pencil necks.

Cock sucker...he helped Europe bomb Libya which ended up being the terrorist wild west and in turn got the Ambassador killed....again go kill yourself.


Which wars were started by Obama?

This ought to be good.
Ukraine: The Price of Internal Division |

So far as violating sovereignty is concerned, Russia would point out that the U.S. invaded Panama to arrest Noriega, invaded Grenada to prevent American citizens from being taken hostage (even though they had not been taken hostage), invaded Iraq on spurious grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, targets people in other countries with drones, etc., etc. In other words, for the U.S. to preach about respect for sovereignty and preservation of territorial integrity to a Russian president can seem a claim to special rights not allowed others.

Because of George Dumbya Bush's epic trillion dollar blood soaked mistake, we now cannot rightfully condem Russia's invasion of Crimea. Quoting Sec. Kerry, "You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests.". True. But now it's rather laughable, no thanks to the Neoconista Armchair Warriors who screwed up the Iraq war & occupation.

The horrible consequences of the eight year failed Presidency of George Dumbya will be long lasting.

Oh look, another brain-dead liberal grasping at a false equivalency. What a surprise.

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