US invasion of Iraq ended our right to condemn Russia over Crimea.

The scum losertarians and liberals here defending Putin's actions pretty much sums up why we should lock their asses up for being insane, stupid and/or evil.
Cock it sarcasm, making fun of Putin and are just too stupid to figure out. Probably brain damage from semen poisoning.

Iraq was better off with Saddam killing and torturing the masses?

Yes, you are that fucking demented.

Putin thanks you for your support, shitbag. He likes stupid fuck "Americans" like you giving him the right to invade INNOCENT countries when the US repelled Saddam in Kuwait then finally removed him from power for violating the UN mandates for years.

The Kuwait invasion was history. Iraq was toothless, and not a problem. Bush's invasion was the premier idiocy of his Presidency. It cost us and Iraq horribly in blood and treasure. And Iraq is far worse off today for that invasion.

And yes, that stupid invasion did establish a precident. A very bad one. One that Putin has taken advantage of in his seeking to re-establish the old Russian-Soviet Empire.

You still got a shirtless picture of Putin in your boi.

Get on your knees boy. Open up.

Putin's on his way! :D
Ukraine: The Price of Internal Division |

So far as violating sovereignty is concerned, Russia would point out that the U.S. invaded Panama to arrest Noriega, invaded Grenada to prevent American citizens from being taken hostage (even though they had not been taken hostage), invaded Iraq on spurious grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, targets people in other countries with drones, etc., etc. In other words, for the U.S. to preach about respect for sovereignty and preservation of territorial integrity to a Russian president can seem a claim to special rights not allowed others.

Because of George Dumbya Bush's epic trillion dollar blood soaked mistake, we now cannot rightfully condem Russia's invasion of Crimea. Quoting Sec. Kerry, "You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests.". True. But now it's rather laughable, no thanks to the Neoconista Armchair Warriors who screwed up the Iraq war & occupation.

The horrible consequences of the eight year failed Presidency of George Dumbya will be long lasting.

We were in a state of war with Iraq when W re invaded, you insufferable twit.

We didn't need to be. Anyway, Bushtardo got his butt handed to him by the Iraqi insurgents , then got it handed to him Democrats in the US in 2006. Mission Accomplished.
Really? So we now control Iraq?

Whoops. There goes your assertion.
Cock sucker...China and Russia didn't support removing "their thug" from power. Of course, you believe that means we are wrong and they are right because you are a demented pile of shit.

No he didn't. He went into Iraq with a 41 country Coalition which grew to an 85-country Coalition before all was said and done. He was backed with dozens of UN resolutions and the tacit approbation of the UN and many countries, sickened by leaks from Iraqi rape rooms, human rights abuses, and Hussein's picking to go to war for 10 years over a 25-square-mile beachfront property owned by Iran, war with Kuwait, instigation of an assassination attempt on an American President, the many claims he made of his near-readiness to start a nuclear war, and full metal jacket assaults on his own people not to mention starving millions of Iraqi children while he built no less than 25 second-through-26th palaces for himself and his chosen bootlickers. Our troops found a lot of WOMDs their second year of uncovering hidden caches of the Hussein realm. The press decided to keep it quiet to benefit the Democrat Party's exaggerations and omissions.

The list is catalogued here along with criticism of the politicized press keeping it quiet: WMDs in Iraq Are Irrefutable

Come on Ms. Beckie.

Powell went to the UN..and essentially was laughed out of there. Even he didn't believe what he was putting out there.

The UN would not sanction the invasion.

So the US bribed the world's backwaters and England into a fool's errand.
It was the right thing to do.
Cock it sarcasm, making fun of Putin and are just too stupid to figure out. Probably brain damage from semen poisoning.

Iraq was better off with Saddam killing and torturing the masses?

Yes, you are that fucking demented.

Putin thanks you for your support, shitbag. He likes stupid fuck "Americans" like you giving him the right to invade INNOCENT countries when the US repelled Saddam in Kuwait then finally removed him from power for violating the UN mandates for years.

You still got a shirtless picture of Putin in your boi.

Get on your knees boy. Open up.

Putin's on his way! :D

You like those manly Putin muscles, don't ya gay boi.

It's okay.

What you do with your boyfriends is between you and them.

And what you do to Putin..well..

Take a tissue to make sure you clean up well.

Ukraine: The Price of Internal Division |

So far as violating sovereignty is concerned, Russia would point out that the U.S. invaded Panama to arrest Noriega, invaded Grenada to prevent American citizens from being taken hostage (even though they had not been taken hostage), invaded Iraq on spurious grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, targets people in other countries with drones, etc., etc. In other words, for the U.S. to preach about respect for sovereignty and preservation of territorial integrity to a Russian president can seem a claim to special rights not allowed others.

Because of George Dumbya Bush's epic trillion dollar blood soaked mistake, we now cannot rightfully condem Russia's invasion of Crimea. Quoting Sec. Kerry, "You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests.". True. But now it's rather laughable, no thanks to the Neoconista Armchair Warriors who screwed up the Iraq war & occupation.

The horrible consequences of the eight year failed Presidency of George Dumbya will be long lasting.

Yes, our moral standing is pretty well shot, no time like the present to attempt to regain it if Obama can resist the pressure to repeat the same mistakes by acting in some unilateral fashion.
You stupid pile of shit....we were enforcing the No Fly Zone and overseeing the IAEA between BOMBING IRAQ for violations during Bill Clinton. We never left Iraq, shitstain.

Noriega was killing Americans, running drugs and stealing money from wonder you supported him.

Grenada...again, communist scum like you took over the island and tried to attack American college students. Scum like you opposed "Reagan" protecting Americans because you prefer evil people kill Americans, Syrians, Ukrainians, Iraqis, etc....

I noticed you can't answer that we never left Iraq, Panama had a dictator killing Americans and Grenada was invaded by communist goons.

Your inbred brain believes that is like Russia invading Ukraine. :cuckoo:

You're damn right I'm blaming Bush.

It's clear from conservatives like you that most conservatives fail to comprehend just how damaging Bush's failed Presidency was to conservationism and the GOP's brand. It was devastating. Conservatives just hoped that Bush would be forgotten and that all problems could be traced to 2009. You didn't get away with it. Nice try though.

His megaflop of a Presidency will be used against the GOP for years to come, and successfully too. Your job is to get over it.

We left Iraq after the Gulf War. Our troops were in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. They should have left those places too. Panama's Noriega was not killing Americans. We put him in power anyway. Grenada was not invaded by communist goons. They were homegrown. I'm not too outraged by our Greneda invasion actually. Not all rah-rah about it either.
Ukraine: The Price of Internal Division |

So far as violating sovereignty is concerned, Russia would point out that the U.S. invaded Panama to arrest Noriega, invaded Grenada to prevent American citizens from being taken hostage (even though they had not been taken hostage), invaded Iraq on spurious grounds that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, targets people in other countries with drones, etc., etc. In other words, for the U.S. to preach about respect for sovereignty and preservation of territorial integrity to a Russian president can seem a claim to special rights not allowed others.

Because of George Dumbya Bush's epic trillion dollar blood soaked mistake, we now cannot rightfully condem Russia's invasion of Crimea. Quoting Sec. Kerry, "You just don’t invade another country on phony pretext in order to assert your interests.". True. But now it's rather laughable, no thanks to the Neoconista Armchair Warriors who screwed up the Iraq war & occupation.

The horrible consequences of the eight year failed Presidency of George Dumbya will be long lasting.

Yes, our moral standing is pretty well shot, no time like the present to attempt to regain it if Obama can resist the pressure to repeat the same mistakes by acting in some unilateral fashion.

There's not really much he can do.

There is no way in heck the planet would survive a war with Russia.

Which wars were started by Obama?

This ought to be good.

In the conservative hive-mind, Obama is responsible for all the blood shed in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and now Crimea. But Bush, the ham-handed, ill-spoken war monkey, was an innocent snowflake in the blood-soaked Iraq War Disaster.

It's hard to understand how anyone seriously justifies the killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians.

Which wars were started by Obama?

This ought to be good.

In the conservative hive-mind, Obama is responsible for all the blood shed in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and now Crimea. But Bush, the ham-handed, ill-spoken war monkey, was an innocent snowflake in the blood-soaked Iraq War Disaster.

Unlike you and your disturbing worship of Obama, I have never absolved Bush of his poor decisions.

That being said, one of the decisions he did get right was ousting one of the most vicious dictators in world history. We did not "invade" Iraq. We removed Saddam Hussein from power and promptly turned the country over to the Iraqi people.
If there had been no Iraq invasion does anyone think Obama would be doing anything differently in regards to Ukraine if so what?

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