US invasion of Iraq ended our right to condemn Russia over Crimea.

Stupid pile of shit....

Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Who did Ukraine invade????
Ukraine invaded a democratically elected president, and world's establishment pinned a banker for their new leader.
And as far as Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, that's last century.

Worse, Republicans seemed to support cannibals in Syria and Neo Nazi's in the Ukraine. It's a knee jerk reaction to "I hate government". Sometimes both the government and the alternative are both crappy. Like when Republicans are in charge of government.

Sick video appears to show Syrian rebel eating dead soldier's heart | Fox News

Ukraine: the opposition aren't all angels. Some are neo-Nazis
Stupid fuck asswipe....what the fuck does Buuuuuuuush have to do with Putin violating international law with an invasion of Ukraine.

Your bullshit about WMDs shows you are fucking insane.

Putin didn't like his Ukrainian puppet being removed from office by the people of Ukraine so he made up lies that "ethnic Russians" in Urkaine are being killed by Ukrainians and others according to Russian controlled media.

Russia views Ukraine as their whore and uses their whore as they like. As soon as Ukraine tried to find a new man (the EU), Russia showed up with weapons to hold Ukraine hostage...yet again.

The US lied about WMD in Iraq. So far , the lack of bloodshed in Crimea makes Putin look better than the Bushtarded One.
Asswipe, he was going to sign an agreement with the EU until Putin stepped in with a bribe and most likely threats.
Yanukovych participated in the controversial Ukrainian presidential election as the Party of Regions candidate. Yanukovych's main base of support emerged from the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, which favor close ties with neighbouring Russia. Viktor Yanukovych - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So go back to kindergarten you dingbat
Oh, so a president promises to his people during campaign close ties to Russia which wins him election, then he is supposed to deceive the people by doing the opposite by signing it with the EU bankers instead. No wonder the bankers/US are pissed.
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Imagine if Canada was actually stronger than the US and used a Tea Party protest that got Obama (pro-Canadian) thrown out of office.....Canada trumped up charges that "French Canadians" were under threat from the Tea Party so Canada invaded New England....
Asswipe.....tell us how Ukraine's internal politics is under the rule of Russia????

So if Russia doesn't like who is in charge or the political fights in "Ukraine" that gives Russia the right to invade them. :cuckoo:

Yeah, you are that demented.

Asswipe, he was going to sign an agreement with the EU until Putin stepped in with a bribe and most likely threats.
Yanukovych participated in the controversial Ukrainian presidential election as the Party of Regions candidate. Yanukovych's main base of support emerged from the southern and eastern regions of Ukraine, which favor close ties with neighbouring Russia. Viktor Yanukovych - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So go back to kindergarten you dingbat
Oh, so a president promises to his people during campaign close ties to Russia which wins him election, then he is supposed to deceive the people by doing the opposite by signing it with the bankers.[/QUOTE]
Of course, a shitstain like you sides with Putin. :cuckoo:

Stupid pile of shit....

Iraq invaded Kuwait.

Who did Ukraine invade????
Ukraine invaded a democratically elected president, and world's establishment pinned a banker for their new leader.
And as far as Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, that's last century.

Worse, Republicans seemed to support cannibals in Syria and Neo Nazi's in the Ukraine. It's a knee jerk reaction to "I hate government". Sometimes both the government and the alternative are both crappy. Like when Republicans are in charge of government.

Sick video appears to show Syrian rebel eating dead soldier's heart | Fox News

Ukraine: the opposition aren't all angels. Some are neo-Nazis
Sooo.... Bush, again... really?

Why did Obama even run a second term if he couldn't possibly do anything due to the overlord Bush?

You're damn right I'm blaming Bush.

It's clear from conservatives like you that most conservatives fail to comprehend just how damaging Bush's failed Presidency was to conservationism and the GOP's brand. It was devastating. Conservatives just hoped that Bush would be forgotten and that all problems could be traced to 2009. You didn't get away with it. Nice try though.

His megaflop of a Presidency will be used against the GOP for years to come, and successfully too. Your job is to get over it.

Obama and Kerry think being pantywaists where the world is concerned until it's too late.

Hello. It's too late. And Crimea is on Obama's watch.
]Stupid fuck asswipe....what the fuck does Buuuuuuuush have to do with Putin violating international law with an invasion of Ukraine.

Because Bush violated international law with his mistaken invasion of Iraq. He set the precedent, and now Russia is following. Way to go, conservatives. Smooth move.
Bush had UN mandates backing up the invasion of Iraq shitstain. Saddam started his wars, Putin started this war.

He also had the CIA, Brits, even Democraps siding with him on the try, shitstain.

]Stupid fuck asswipe....what the fuck does Buuuuuuuush have to do with Putin violating international law with an invasion of Ukraine.

Because Bush violated international law with his mistaken invasion of Iraq. He set the precedent, and now Russia is following. Way to go, conservatives. Smooth move.
So what the insane goons here claim is that if a country doesn't like the internal politics of their neighbor especially when political change means less power for them over that country....well that means invasion is legal.
Only knuckle dragging scum would compare the US freeing Panama from their dictator, Iraq from their dictator and Grenada from communist thugs trying to kill innocent Putin going into Ukraine to enslave thousands to possibly millions like Hitler did in WW2.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about do you? Is that what Amerika does, free people from dictators? LOL.
Strange....Bush sent "Colon" Powell to UN in order lay out the reasons why military action was required by a "coalition" against Saddam violating numerous UN mandates regarding WMDs, No Fly Zone, Oil for Food program and human rights violations.

Strange I didn't see Russia's case made at the UN until today after they already invaded Ukraine
When you start editing your posts to make my quotes look like your quotes and your quotes look like mine, that is the end of conversation. Not to mention you being caught in a red faced lie in the previous page to begin with.
:cuckoo: Go find a bus to run you over.

Only knuckle dragging scum would compare the US freeing Panama from their dictator, Iraq from their dictator and Grenada from communist thugs trying to kill innocent Putin going into Ukraine to enslave thousands to possibly millions like Hitler did in WW2.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about do you? Is that what Amerika does, free people from dictators? LOL.
Yep.....typical smoke and mirrors distraction.

We understand that you support Putin enslaving innocent people and maybe killing them too in order to maintain his parasitic relationship with them. :eusa_whistle:


When you start editing your posts to make my quotes look like my quotes and your quotes look like mine, that is the end of conversation. Not to mention you being caught in a red faced lie in the previous page to begin with.
:cuckoo: Go find a bus to run you over.

Only knuckle dragging scum would compare the US freeing Panama from their dictator, Iraq from their dictator and Grenada from communist thugs trying to kill innocent Putin going into Ukraine to enslave thousands to possibly millions like Hitler did in WW2.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about do you? Is that what Amerika does, free people from dictators? LOL.

Can I borrow the short bus in your driveway?
]Stupid fuck asswipe....what the fuck does Buuuuuuuush have to do with Putin violating international law with an invasion of Ukraine.
Because Bush violated international law with his mistaken invasion of Iraq. He set the precedent, and now Russia is following. Way to go, conservatives. Smooth move.

No he didn't. He went into Iraq with a 41 country Coalition which grew to an 85-country Coalition before all was said and done. He was backed with dozens of UN resolutions and the tacit approbation of the UN and many countries, sickened by leaks from Iraqi rape rooms, human rights abuses, and Hussein's picking to go to war for 10 years over a 25-square-mile beachfront property owned by Iran, war with Kuwait, instigation of an assassination attempt on an American President, the many claims he made of his near-readiness to start a nuclear war, and full metal jacket assaults on his own people not to mention starving millions of Iraqi children while he built no less than 25 second-through-26th palaces for himself and his chosen bootlickers. Our troops found a lot of WOMDs their second year of uncovering hidden caches of the Hussein realm. The press decided to keep it quiet to benefit the Democrat Party's exaggerations and omissions.

The list is catalogued here along with criticism of the politicized press keeping it quiet: WMDs in Iraq Are Irrefutable
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Some of the inbreds here are like those back in the 1930s that said Hitler was justified invading his neighbors.
Fuck the red-cons in Russia.

Fuck our US neo-cons.

Same type of garbage.

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