US is worse off now than it was a year ago

Interesting point. Okay, I don't think he's as bad as ANYONE says ----------- this is just slime for the next election. The other side does the same against Trump. I pay no attention to any of the sliming.

But, you know, Biden is not really going to get better, after all. So who're they going to run? That awful Harris, ANYONE could run and win against her. IF Biden runs, and I do think he will, how's he going to be doing in his 80s?

Yeah, it's possible things could go downhill and get interesting fast.

I hope not. :sad: I mean, think about it, we're none of us getting any younger, better not wish him ill!!
Actually I feel sorry for Joe Biden. I am more upset with those who pushed him to run for President As they must have realized he was not up to taking on what might be the toughest job in the world.

I can’t think of one democrat who would be an obvious candidate for President. I can think of several republicans who might be a good candidate for that job.
That’s cute that you think that. I really don’t have that many questions for you. I almost always know the answers anyway.
Then we have no reason to converse, orderly. Adios. Glad you think I am cute. I accept your surrender
The virus was not crashing last January. The failure to get vaccinated has dragged this out and prevented us from being able to move on. Also workers are being tired of being treated like slaves while the rich line their pockets. Pay workers and the ports will be unclogged. The reason we have is high energy prices is because American oil producers are conspiring with OPEC to keep prices high.

It peaked on january 10 2021. Had nothing to do with the snake injection.

56% of independents reporting that they believe the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll.

View attachment 556603

I am not sure how much worse it can get then again winter is coming and who knows what rising oil/gas prices will do and supply chain is still broken and there is a nasty caravan headed our way. The Potted Plant in Chief has NO PLAN!
Just wait until 2022! You ain’t seen nothing yet!

56% of independents reporting that they believe the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll.

View attachment 556603

I am not sure how much worse it can get then again winter is coming and who knows what rising oil/gas prices will do and supply chain is still broken and there is a nasty caravan headed our way. The Potted Plant in Chief has NO PLAN!

The US
is worse-off than a year ago... economically...


The US is in vastly better shape than a year ago... with respect to American representative democracy, constitutionality, and the Rule of Law...

The former can be repaired easily over the course of a couple of years...

The latter was at-risk of vanishing forever as wannbe-autocrat Idi Amin Dada Rump was lining-up to become President-for-Life...

Rumpian bootlickers and buttsniffers need to reflect upon how much vast numbers of Americans despise your Orange Baboon-God...

Willing to vote for some other nondescript vision-blind pliable lifetime political hack rather than let your boy remain in (and steal) power...

And that's a damned shame, because much of the Trump AGENDA is actually a recipe for American recovery...

Trouble is, you're dealing with a case of Right Message... Wrong Messenger...

And you're in such thrall to the POS at the top of your manure-pile that you couldn't break free even if you wanted to...

The US
is worse-off than a year ago... economically...


The US is in vastly better shape than a year ago... with respect to American representative democracy, constitutionality, and the Rule of Law...

The former can be repaired easily over the course of a couple of years...

The latter was at-risk of vanishing forever as wannbe-autocrat Idi Amin Dada Rump was lining-up to become President-for-Life...

Rumpian bootlickers and buttsniffers need to reflect upon how much vast numbers of Americans despise your Orange Baboon-God...

Willing to vote for some other nondescript vision-blind pliable lifetime political hack rather than let your boy remain in (and steal) power...

And that's a damned shame, because much of the Trump AGENDA is actually a recipe for American recovery...

Trouble is, you're dealing with a case of Right Message... Wrong Messenger...

And you're in such thrall to the POS at the top of your manure-pile that you couldn't break free even if you wanted to...
56% of Independents disagree. Don’t kill the messenger.
And that's a damned shame, because much of the Trump AGENDA is actually a recipe for American recovery...

Trouble is, you're dealing with a case of Right Message... Wrong Messenger...
Wow, do you know how stupid you sound?

You’re admitting his polices were the best for America, yet you hate him because….the media and the radical left that hates this country cry about him.

He was the BEST messenger for the message. He didn’t hold back against the little shit weasels that make up the media. But you are more concerned with what the shit weasels say than actual policy to improve America. That’s how superficial and devoid of any principles you are.
I expect that with the COVID vaccine and PPP loans (thanks Trump), Biden would not fuck everything up as he did. Trump was sabotaged by COVID. Biden is an inept fool and his approval ratings reflect that.

Truth over Facts

Trump inherited a booming economy from the Obama/Biden administration.

Trump managed to fuck that up in just three years.

Trump is the most inept criminal to ever sit in the White House.

Trump left with the worst growth rate since the Hoover administration. And a 14.8% unemployment rate, and $8 trillion added to the national debt in just 3 years.

Biden hasn't been in office a year yet, and growth is sitting at 6.6%, and unemployment is 4.8%.

Numbers don't lie. What some fucking moron thinks in a poll doesn't interest me.

Let us know when they conduct a poll of actual intelligent people that understand numbers.
Gotcha. So if the poor people have money, it's bad. If the rich people have money, it's good.
Yes, it is a bad thing when the druggies and bums are giving working taxpayers money. It really is an awful thing that hurts the innocent in so many ways.
Trump inherited a booming economy from the Obama/Biden administration.

Trump managed to fuck that up in just three years.

Trump is the most inept criminal to ever sit in the White House.

Trump left with the worst growth rate since the Hoover administration. And a 14.8% unemployment rate, and $8 trillion added to the national debt in just 3 years.

Biden hasn't been in office a year yet, and growth is sitting at 6.6%, and unemployment is 4.8%.

Numbers don't lie. What some fucking moron thinks in a poll doesn't interest me.

Let us know when they conduct a poll of actual intelligent people that understand numbers.
So you consider Independents to be dumb? Good to know.

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