US is worse off now than it was a year ago

The engineered virus was crashing last January. Had nothing to do with these new "vaccines". We didn't have massive inflation, shortages, high energy prices, etc last year. It's becoming worse each day.

The virus was not crashing last January. The failure to get vaccinated has dragged this out and prevented us from being able to move on. Also workers are being tired of being treated like slaves while the rich line their pockets. Pay workers and the ports will be unclogged. The reason we have is high energy prices is because American oil producers are conspiring with OPEC to keep prices high.
This sounds like you want everyone to give the idiot in charge a chance. Lol. The other side of that sword was libs screaming like banshees last year and blaming everything on orange man. Sorry, but that dog ain't hunting.

Donald Trump deserved everything he got. He was a fascist pig who ignored the Constitution. Trump is responsible for many of the problems we have despite the fact he is out of office.
hes not interested in facts.

just revisionist history.
It's all about changing the subject anyway.

Is the US worse off now then it was a year ago?

Fuck yeah! Look at who has been running things for that time.
President Joe Macgoo! And his cabinet of losers and morons.

56% of independents reporting that they believe the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll.

View attachment 556603

I am not sure how much worse it can get then again winter is coming and who knows what rising oil/gas prices will do and supply chain is still broken and there is a nasty caravan headed our way. The Potted Plant in Chief has NO PLAN!
Only 56% of them? The other 44% on welfare?
No surprise there. The voters put a corrupt life long politician with no management experience in the Oval Office. To top that off Joe Biden seems to be in the early stages of dementia and going downhill fast.

If you think things are bad now just wait …
Interesting point. Okay, I don't think he's as bad as ANYONE says ----------- this is just slime for the next election. The other side does the same against Trump. I pay no attention to any of the sliming.

But, you know, Biden is not really going to get better, after all. So who're they going to run? That awful Harris, ANYONE could run and win against her. IF Biden runs, and I do think he will, how's he going to be doing in his 80s?

Yeah, it's possible things could go downhill and get interesting fast.

I hope not. :sad: I mean, think about it, we're none of us getting any younger, better not wish him ill!!
Is the US worse off now then it was a year ago?

Fuck yeah! Look at who has been running things for that time.
President Joe Macgoo! And his cabinet of losers and morons.
A cabinet of blacks and trannies and god-only-knows-what-all-kind-of-freaks is not -------

it's just not good optics. It just isn't.

But wow, is it ever memorable.

THAT is their problem. How can we ever forget Wig Man, the trannie? Asst. Sec. of HEALTH? of HEALTH???????

2 years ago, gas was close to $3 a gallon, and we were self-sufficient.
Nowadays gas is close to $5/gallon and we're begging OPEC for oil

2 years ago, we were also "discussing" a labor shortage with high levels of job openings.
Nowadays Democrats have created a labor shortage by paying individuals to stay home after closing down businesses.

We were not self-sufficient. That is a lie. We still imported oil. The reason for the shortage is OPEC and AMERICAN frackers conspiring to keep prices high.

The reason we have labor shortages is because workers are tired of being treated like slaves by companies. Workers want a share of the wealth that is going to the rich and powerful.
Trump took no steps to prevent the spread. He attacked Democrat and the few Republican Governors who attempted to stop the spread. He kept insisting that the coronavirus was not serious.
Actually, if you remember correctly, in the early going TRUMP! wanted to stop travel from infected countries and the democrats squealed that it was racist to do anything like that. Wasn't it Pelosi that told everyone to go down to Chinatown to prove they weren't racists and they weren't afraid of people traveling from infected areas?

56% of independents reporting that they believe the country is worse off today than it was a year ago, according to the most recent Quinnipiac poll.

View attachment 556603

I am not sure how much worse it can get then again winter is coming and who knows what rising oil/gas prices will do and supply chain is still broken and there is a nasty caravan headed our way. The Potted Plant in Chief has NO PLAN!
I refuse to go through this whole thread, because I know that Leftists are going to try and lay blame on Trump, no matter how good it was before Biden took over and screwed the pooch.

Forget Trump and his foibles, real or imagined by the Left! All Americans know what was in 2019 and 2020 before covid, and what it is now under the Democrats.

Want to go back without Trump? Then change party's, because every current Democrat is going to give you this; exactly what you have now, because they are under pressure from the far left of the Democratic party, and must placate them.

Yes! Join the GOP, pick candidates who are centrist to far right; your choice, because if you follow what is going on, all Americans know the truth..........or at least MOST Americans.............the GOP can not/will not FIX all of your problems, but reality is, Democrats/far Leftists, are the cause of most all of them!

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